in your own words, what do you think the african proverb speak softly and walk with a big stick...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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In your own words, What do you think the African Proverb

“ Speak Softly and Walk with a Big Stick” means….

America as a World Power

The Panama Canal, and the Mexican Revolution added to America’s military

and economic power


• What role did President Roosevelt play in ending the Russo-Japanese War?

• What events led to the building of the Panama Canal?

• What did the Roosevelt Corollary state?

• As part of the increased American role in world affairs, President Theodore Roosevelt acted as peacemaker to end a war between Japan and Russia.

• He also sent a fleet of navy ships to sail around the world, showing American power.

• What was the fleet of ships called?

The Teddy Bear

Panama Canal• Roosevelt’s major action was to

ensure the building of the Panama Canal.

• The canal was wanted to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, cutting travel time for merchant ships-and for the U.S. navy ships.

• Panama then was province of Colombia, but won its independence in a U.S. supported revolt.

• The new nation gave the U. S. land to build a canal

It took 10 years to build the 50 mile long canal.

The Monroe Doctrine

• Roosevelt reminded European powers of the Monroe Doctrine, which had been issued in 1823 by President James Monroe.

• The Monroe Doctrine demanded that European countries stay out of the affairs of Latin American nations.

The Big Stick

• Roosevelt based his Latin American policy on a West African proverb that said, “Speak softy and carry a big stick”

• Meaning:International negotiations backed by the threat of force

Roosevelt Corollary

• In December 1904 Roosevelt added the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

• He warned that disorder in Latin America might “force the United States…to the exercise of an international police power.”

• In effect, the corollary said that the United States would now use force to protect its economic interest in Latin America

Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy

• President Wilson took a moral tone in Latin American policy.

• He said the U.S. had a moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government it viewed as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interest. Prior to this the U.S. recognized any government that controlled a nation, regardless of that nation’s policies or how it had come to power.

• Wilson’s policy pressured nations in the Western Hemisphere to establish democratic governments

Mexico• A revolution in Mexico quickly

tested this policy• President Carranza of Mexico did

not have support of all Mexicans.• Rebels under the leadership of

Francisco Pancho Villa opposed the Carranza government.

• When the United States recognized the Carranza government Villa threatened reprisals against the United States.

Poncho Villa• Villa was a fierce nationalist and had

courted the support and aid of the United States.

• President Carranza invited American engineers to operate mines in northern Mexico

• Before they reached the mines, however, Villa’s men took the Americans off a train and shot them

• Two months later, some of Villa’s followers raided Columbus, New Mexico, and killed 17 Americans

• Americans held Villa responsible

Hostilities Intensify• Woodrow Wilson Sent General John J

Pershing to capture Villa in Mexico.• Mexicans grew angrier over the U.S.

invasion of their land.• President Carranza requested the

withdrawal of American troops.• In June 1916 U.S. troops clashed with

Carranza’s army, resulting in deaths on both sides.

• In February 1917, Wilson ordered Pershing to return home


• The United States needed to concentrate on a major war in Europe. ( WORLD WAR 1)

• The incident reveled Americans’ willingness to assert their power in the western hemisphere


Answer right and win a prize

In which nation did the Boxer Rebellion take place?

A. Puerto Rico

B. Cuba

C. China



Which nation was the focus of John Hay’s “Open Door

Notes”-A. Cuba

B. The Philippines

C. China



Which Nation did the Platt Amendment make a U.S.


A. Cuba

B. China

C. Puerto Rico



The Spanish American War took place in what year?

A. 1812

B. 1861-1865

C. 1898

D. 1900



Which nation was not affected by the Spanish American War?

A. Cuba

B. Puerto Rico

C. China

D. The Philippines



Which Treaty ended the Spanish American War-

A. Treaty of Ghent

B. Treaty of Versailles

C. Treaty of Paris

D. Treaty of Hildalgo



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