incentive spiro me try

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Incentive Spiro Me Try










    Incentive Spirometry

    University ofPittsburghMedical Center

    Informationfor Patients

    Your doctor has prescribed incentive spi-

    rometry. This is a breathing exercise de-

    signed to help you take long, deep breaths,

    such as when you yawn. The incentive

    spirometer shows you how well you are

    taking deep breaths and expanding your

    lungs. Because it makes you breathe deep-

    ly, it improves your ability to clear mucusfrom your lungs. It may also increase the

    amount of oxygen that gets deep into

    your lungs.

    Taking long deep breaths may help reverse

    or decrease the chance of developing

    breathing (pulmonary) problems following:

    surgery of the chest or abdomen surgery if you have a history of

    smoking or a lung problem a long period of time when you are

    unable to move or be active

    Before you begin

    1. Your nurse or respiratory therapist will

    set the plastic pointer to a desired goal.

    2. If possible, sit up straight or lean slightly

    forward. Try not to slouch.

    3. Hold the incentive spirometer in an

    upright position.

    Using the incentive spirometer

    1. Breathe out (exhale) normally.

    2. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth. Seal

    your lips around the mouthpiece.

    3. Breathe in (inhale) slowly and deeply with

    your lips sealed tightly on the mouthpiece.

    (See picture below.) Continue inhalinguntil your goal is reached. There is usually an

    indicator to show you how slowly you should inhale.

    4. After you inhale as deeply as you can, hold

    your breath for at least 3 seconds.

    5. Remove the mouthpiece from your mouth

    and breathe out normally.

    6. Repeat this technique as instructed, usually

    10 to 15 times. Take your time. Take a few

    normal breaths between deep breaths.

    7. When you are finished with the 10 to 15

    exercises, it is very important to take a deep

    breath and cough. You should cough 2 to

    3 times. If you have pain while coughing,

    you may hold a pillow or rolled-up blanket

    against your incision site, and apply pressure

    as you cough.

  • 7/30/2019 Incentive Spiro Me Try


    For help in finding a doctor or health service that suits your needs, call the UPMC Referral Serviceat 412-647-UPMC (8762) or 800-533-UPMC (8762).

    University ofPittsburghMedical Center

    Informationfor Patients

    Pittsburgh, PA,

    The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is an equal opportunity employer. Policy prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, na-tional origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. Further, UPMC will continue to support and promoteequal employment opportunity, human dignity, and racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity. This policy applies to admissions, employment, and access to and treatment inUPMC programs and activities. This commitment is made by UPMC in accordance with federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations.

    This information is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely entirely on this information foryour health care needs. Ask your own doctor or health care provider any specific medical questions that you have.

    University of Pittsburgh Medical

    Center 2004

    SYS232970 EJD/JL ORIG 04/04

    Form # 7648-82190-0404


    When to use your incentivespirometer

    You should use your incentive spirometerevery 2 hours while you are awake. Make

    sure that it is kept in a place where you

    can reach it. If you cant reach your goal at

    first, keep trying.

    When to call your doctor or nurse

    Breathing too quickly may cause dizziness.Take your time so you dont get dizzy orlight-headed. If you get dizzy or light-headed,

    stop and tell your nurse.

    If you are in pain, tell your nurse. It is harderto take a deep breath if you are having pain.

    Time 10 to 15 exercises performed Goal/Amount reached

    Incentive spirometry patient recording

    Now that you are able to do incentive spirometry on your own, it might help to keep

    track of your progress. You can use the following chart.

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