included in this pdf is an errata for chapter 9 option c … 9: option c 9-59 trans. no. dec. 14 29...

Post on 15-Jun-2018






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Included in this PDF is an errata for Chapter 9 Option C users, and the E-material for the download and installation of the data sets and software.

Chapter 9 Option C Errata Please note that there is an error on page 9-59 of your Instructions book. This error affects only Option C users.

The overtime hours for Jim Adams should be 7.3, NOT 8.73

Please either manually make this change on page 9-59 of your Instructions book or print out the replacement page that follows.

Chapter 9: Option C 9-59

Trans. No. Dec.

14 29 Pay employees: Finished the payroll for the semi-monthly pay period December 16 – 31, 2017, and issued Check Nos. 1154 through 1156. Regular and overtime hours for hourly employees were as follows:

You do not need to enter anything for Ray Kramer’s hours because he is a salaried employee.

If you receive a message about payroll liabilities, click OK.

Employee Regular Hours Overtime Hours

Jim Adams 80 7.3

Nancy Ford 80 4.7

Ray Kramer N / A N / A

15 29 Receive goods on a purchase order: Received but did not pay for ten 11-inch tablets from Chicago Office Supply (Vendor 253) ordered on Waren’s Purchase Order No. 325, which is shown as an open purchase order in QuickBooks. Also received vendor’s Invoice No. 2423 from Chicago Office Supply, totaling $3,699.40 including sales tax of $209.40. The tablets were received in new and undamaged condition in the warehouse. After they were unpacked and tested, they were taken directly to the office.

You must enter A/C #10800 (Fixed Assets) in the Account column when entering sales tax in the Expenses tab because the default will be office supplies expense and the purchase should be debited to fixed assets.




Register on the Armond Dalton Resources Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E - 2Download the Five Initial Company Backup Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E - 5 Load Waren Sports Supply, Jackson Supply Company, and Super OfficeFurniturePlusDatasetsintoQuickBooksPro2015 . . . . . . . E - 6 MakePeriodicBackupsofCompanies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E - 9Restore Company Backup Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-12

Lab Users: You Use a Computer in a Laboratory Where the QuickBooks Software is Already Installed on Individual Machines or on a Network.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data DownloadE-2


To register on the Armond Dalton Resources website, complete the following steps:

Click the drop-down next to Sign in and click Register.

Register using your school email address. Type the name of the university/college you attend, or use the drop-down to locate it. Choose your professor's name from the drop-down list. Note: If your school/professor is not listed, you will not be able to complete your registration until it/they are added. Click “University Not Listed” or “Professor Not Listed” and you will be prompted to fill out a form that will be emailed to to add your school and professor.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data Download E-3

After your registration is complete, the Student Information window will appear.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data DownloadE-4

Locate the QuickBooks Pro 2015 title; check the box next to the code entry box.

Type the One-Time Use Code from the front of your Instructions book into the code entry box. The license code will not be visible until you scratch off the silver coating in the middle of the sticker. Note: Simply use a coin and gently scratch off the silver coating to reveal the code; DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE THE STICKER.

Click Verify.

After entering a valid code, you will receive a message that your verification was successful. If the data sets and software link does not appear, refresh your browser (F5 or Ctrl+R) and they should appear.

Note: Your professor may choose to have you complete your homework on this website. If so, you will receive a Section Code from your professor to enter. This code can be entered at a later time if you have registered before your professor has provided you with a code.

Enter the Section code you received from your professor.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data Download E-5

Step 2 - Download the Five Initial Company Backup Files

Because you are completing the project on a laboratory computer where other students will be working on the same project, you need to make sure that you start with fresh company datasets the first time you begin working on the project. In most computer labs, only the QuickBooks program will be loaded on the individual machines in the lab, not all of the company datasets. Even if the initial company datasets are loaded on each machine in the lab, we recommend that you restore the initial company datasets again to ensure that you are starting with fresh data.

Your instructor will provide instructions to you about how to extract the Initial Company Backup Files to an individual machine in the lab or to your designated space on the network. CONSULT YOUR INSTRUCTOR ABOUT HOW TO PROCEED. In some cases for network users, the computer lab administrator will have already copied the initial company datasets to your designated space on the network. AGAIN, CONSULT YOUR INSTRUCTOR.

The publishers have provided initial backup files for the two Intuit sample companies, plus three other companies. The other three companies are: Jackson Supply Company (Jackson), Waren Sports Supply (Waren), and Super Office Furniture Plus (Super). You will want to download these files to a USB flash drive so you have clean copies of all companies, should you find it necessary to start over with a specific chapter’s requirements.

Create a folder on your USB flash drive called QB Backup Files. Click on the Initial Company Backup Files to download the provided data sets

to the folder you just created. Extract the Initial Company Backup Files to the QB Backup Files folder.

When properly extracted, the following files should appear in the QB Backup Files folder:

RockStart.qbb LarryStart.qbb JacksonStart.qbb WarenStart.qbb SuperStart.qbb

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data DownloadE-6


As mentioned in step 2, the publisher has provided additional data that you will need to load in QuickBooks Pro 2015 to complete this project. The backup files for Larry’s Landscaping and Rock Castle Construction are provided for your convenience so that you have a clean backup file for each company. Because Waren Sports Supply, Jackson Supply Company, and Super Office Furniture Plus are the publisher’s companies and not a sample companies from Intuit, you will need to load them into QuickBooks Pro 2015.

Open QuickBooks. Click File.

Click Open or Restore Company. The following window opens.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data Download E-7

Click the Restore a backup copy radio button, then click Next. The following window opens.

Select the Local Backup button if it is not already selected and click Next. The following window opens, but the contents of the Look in box may vary depending on what you selected during the most recent backup process. The location will most likely be the QB Backup Files folder you created earlier in the chapter.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data DownloadE-8

Locate and select the WarenStart backup file. Note that if you are restoring from a USB flash drive, you will need to change the contents of the Look in box accordingly. The following window opens.

Click Next. The following window opens. Make sure the location is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Sample Company Files\QuickBooks 2015. Don’t be concerned if the contents of your window differ slightly.

Click Save. Repeat this procedure for both Jackson Supply Company and Super Office

Furniture Plus.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data Download E-9


If you are working on a computer lab machine where the QuickBooks software is installed on the hard drive, you need to back up all company data files to a USB flash drive at the end of each work session. If you are working on a computer lab machine where the QuickBooks software is installed on the network, consult your instructor. Because each network installation is different, your instructor will have to tell you whether you need to back up to a USB flash drive or your designated space on the network.

Note: The remainder of this section assumes that you will be making periodic backups of all company data to your USB flash drive. Consult your instructor if you will be using the hard drive of the lab machine or a designated space on your network for backing up and restoring instead of a USB flash drive.

It is not mandatory that you back up your data files because posted transactions are automatically saved on your hard drive. However, it is recommended that you back up the data files each time you complete a work session or chapter. You will need to use these backup files only if you wish to redo part of the project but not other parts.

QuickBooks has a built-in backup feature in the software. It is recommended that you back up the data files each time you complete a work session or chapter. You will need to use these backup files only if you wish to redo part of the project but not other parts. It is recommended that you back up your files after each graded chapter and name the backup files accordingly so that you know which backup to use if you have to start a chapter over again.

When making a backup of a company, be sure to give the backup file a descriptive name, such as “Waren Ch 9 After Transaction 10,” so that you can easily locate the proper backup if you need to at a later time.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data DownloadE-10

To back up a file, open the QuickBooks program and open the company for which you want to prepare a backup file.

Click File Backup Company Create Local Backup to open the following window.

Click the Options button to get the following Backup Options window.

If necessary, remove the check mark in the box next to “Limit the number of backup copies in this folder to,” so that the box is unchecked before continuing. Then use the Browse button to select the QB Backup Files folder on your hard drive that you created earlier.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data Download E-11

Select the Save it now radio button if it is not already selected and click Next. The following window opens.

The most likely location is the QB Backup Files folder you created on your USB flash drive earlier in the chapter. If you want to change the location of where the backup file is stored, do that now so that the proper location is showing in the Save in box.

Give the backup file a descriptive name in the File name box, such as “Jackson after Ch 07.” Click Save.

Click the OK button, which will return you to the Create Backup window. Make sure the Local backup button is selected and click Next, which opens the following window.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data DownloadE-12

The program will take a few seconds to perform the backup procedure. When complete, you will receive a message telling you that the backup file was created and where it was stored.

Click OK. Repeat the backup procedures for each company you wish to back up.

Step 5 . Restore Company Backup Files

If you decide to redo a portion of the project, you can restore your data files using either the initial backup files from the Initial Company Backup Files you downloaded earlier or any of the periodic backup files you made throughout the project.

Procedures To Restore a BackupIn addition to a built-in backup procedure, QuickBooks has a restore feature built into the program. This is a helpful feature if you do not have an assigned computer in the lab and will be using a different computer each time you work in the project. If you’ve backed up your files frequently and labeled them specifically enough, you should be able to restore any and all companies at any point on any computer where the project is loaded.

Open QuickBooks and the company you want to restore. Click File, then Open or Restore Company. The following window opens.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data Download E-13

Click the Restore a backup copy radio button, then click Next. The following window opens.

Select the Local Backup button if it is not already selected and click Next. The following window opens, but the contents of the Look in box may vary depending on what you selected during the most recent backup process. The location will most likely be the QB Backup Files folder you created earlier in the chapter.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data DownloadE-14

Locate and select the backup file you want to use to restore the company’s dataset and click Open. Select the backup file carefully. For example, if you’re starting from scratch, select the initial company backup file (RockStart, LarryStart, etc.). Note that if you are restoring from a different folder on your USB flash drive, you will need to change the contents of the Look in box accordingly. The following window opens.

Click Next. The following window opens. Make sure the location is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Sample Company Files\QuickBooks 2015. Don’t be concerned if the contents of your window differ slightly.

Click Save.

Chapter 1E: Lab Users – Registration and Data Download E-15

You will receive a warning message telling you that the company already exists and asking if you want to replace it.

Click Yes and then type “yes” when asked again and then click OK. Click OK when you are told that the file restored successfully. Repeat the restore procedures for each company you wish to restore. Note

that in order to restore a specific company that already exists in QuickBooks, that company has to be the one opened in QuickBooks during the restore process.

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