inclusion sue caudell

Post on 09-Feb-2015






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Special Education students in the general education classroom. Inclusive Instruction will help your students to be successful.


Inclusive InstructionSue Caudell

IDEA 1997IDEA 1997 Education in the general education

classroom is far superior to any special education classroom instruction.

All students have the right to a Least Restrictive environment for learning.

Teachers will learn to adapt and accommodate for all learners in the classroom.

So I have this special So I have this special education student in my education student in my

classroom, help?classroom, help?

Collaborate with a special education teacher

Consulting a mentor teacher

Utilizing teacher teams


Strategies to Help Strategies to Help Struggling/Sp. Ed Struggling/Sp. Ed


Inquiry Based Learning

Activity-based Learning


Partner Learning

Peer Tutoring

Cooperative Learning


Give the students an outline of what they are going to learn and discuss any new information. Keep to the topics in the outline and make sure that the students understand how the topics fit together

SCREAM contSCREAM cont C larity Do not waiver from the outline.

Make certain that your examples are clear, you can accomplish this by speaking in clear terms and avoiding vague statements like “sort of like that”.

Cont’Cont’ R edundancy Repeating new information

allows students to better understand concepts or language that is unfamiliar to them. Repetition in the classroom allows students to practice new information and allows teachers to test how well students have grasped the concepts being taught to them.

Cont’Cont’ E nthusiasm When teachers are enthusiastic

about the material they are teaching, students also become enthusiastic. As with many behaviors, students will model their teachers' attitudes towards their subjects.

Cont’Cont’ A ppropriate Pace Assess your students'

understanding of the material you are teaching and assess your teaching pace appropriately. Moving too slowly or too quickly can result in loosing the attention of your students.

Cont’Cont’ M aximize Engagement

Students learn more when they are actively engaged with the curriculum. Make sure that you ask questions throughout your lesson, which test the students' knowledge and ask them to think more deeply about the information being presented. Positively reinforce correct answers and give corrective feedback for any questions answered incorrectly. Return to any incorrect questions later in the lesson.

Three Important Parts Three Important Parts of the IEPof the IEP

Current level of performance (PLEP)

Instructional goals

Short term objectives

Students Crave a Well Students Crave a Well Run ClassroomRun Classroom

Physical Dimension

Procedural Dimension

Progress and Behavior Dimension

Instructional Dimension

Communication Dimension

SummarySummary IDEA requires that all students be educated

in the LRE.

Classroom teachers need help outside of their own bag of tricks. ASK, ASK, ASK

Students need many types of instructional strategies to help them succeed.

IEP are vital to help in understanding the student’ learning

Classroom management is needed to help all students.

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