increased adenosine triphosphatase leukocytes of asthmatic...

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Increased Adenosine Triphosphatase in

Leukocytes of Asthmatic Children


From the National Asthma Center, Denver, Colorado 80204, and MemorialSloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NewYork 10021

A B S T R A C T Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) ac-tivities were compared in leukocytes of asthmatic andnonasthmatic children. Both Mg'+- and Ca2"-dependentATPase activities were significantly elevated in twomembrane fractions (59 to 66%) and in a supernatantfraction (68 to 72%) prepared from sonicated leuko-cytes of asthmatic subjects. Intact cell surface or ectoATPase was also elevated (67 to 76%) in asthmaticleukocytes. Alternate day glucocorticosteroid therapywas associated with leukocyte ATPase activities inter-mediate between those for asthmatics not receivingsteroids and for nonasthmatic control subjects. Incu-bation of normal leukocytes with 106 M hydrocorti-sone or leukocyte membranes with 10V-10' M hydro-cortisone in vitro also resulted in decreased ATPaseactivities. The elevated leukocyte ATPase activitiesappear to relate to the adrenergic imbalance in asthmapreviously characterized by reduced beta adrenergicresponsiveness of adenylate cyclase and suggest thepossibility of more than one enzymatic abnormalityintrinsic to the asthmatic condition.

INTRODUCTIONIn experiments to further clarify the biochemical altera-tion present in patients with asthma, we and others(1-5) have found that the leukocytes of these patientsprovide a useful source of biological material to studyand have provided data supporting the beta adrenergicblockade hypothesis of asthma elucidated by Szentivanyi(6) and reviewed recently by Middleton (7). Consistentwith this hypothesis, the leukocytes of asthmatic chil-

A portion of this work was presented in abstract formin: Coffey, R. G., P. J. Logsdon, and E. Middleton, Jr.1973. Leukocyte adenyl cyclase and ATPase in asthma:effect of corticosteroid therapy. Chest. 63: 2S.

Address reprint requests to Dr. Coffey at the MemorialSloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York 10021.

Received for publication 29 October 1973 and in revisedform 18 March 1974.

dren (1, 2) and adults (3-5) showed a diminishedresponse of adenylate cyclase to catecholamine stimu-lation. Catecholamine stimulation of a number of tissuesincluding leukocytes is associated with the potential fortwo pharmacologically distinct responses, the alpha andbeta adrenergic. The beta adrenergic response has beenlinked to adenylate cyclase and the production of cyclicAMP. The alpha adrenergic response is often competi-tive, and it has been suggested that this results from alowering of cyclic AMP (8). Recent studies of leuko-cytes of asthmatic subjects (2, 4) show that alphaadrenergic blockade with phentolamine restores normalbeta adrenergic responsiveness of adenylate cyclase tocatecholamine stimulation. In addition glucocorticoste-roid treatment is associated with a partial restorationof normal beta adrenergic responsiveness in leukocytesof asthmatics (1, 9). Similarly glucocorticosteroidsrestore normal beta adrenergic responsiveness in humantracheal smooth muscle pharmacologically manipulatedto simulate the asthmatic condition (10). These ob-servations suggest that a competitive mechanism re-lating to enhanced alpha adrenergic sensitivity might beoperant to produce apparent beta adrenergic blockade.

Belleau (11) proposed on theoretical ground thatmembrane adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) wouldrepresent an ideal enzyme for alpha adrenergic modu-lation. We have offered support for this thesis byshowing that in several cells divalent cation-dependentATPase activities are stimulated by alpha adrenergicagonists and blocked by an alpha adrenergic blocker(12, 13). In applying this concept to asthma, a com-parative study of two pairs of twins one of each pairwith asthma and the other normal, showed that in addi-tion to apparent beta adrenergic blockade the leuko-cytes of the asthmatic twins showed increased ATPaseactivity (14).

In the present study calcium- and magnesium-de-pendent ATPase activities were studied in the leuko-cytes of asthmatic children with and without steroid

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 54 July 1974 138-146138

treatment and nonasthmatic controls in an effort toprovide evidence for intrinsic alteration reflecting invivo adrenergic imbalance.

METHODSSubjects. Asthmatic children of both sexes were selected

from the patient population at the National Asthma Centerfor these studies. They were subdivided into two groupsdepending on whether they were receiving steroids. Steroidtherapy ranged from 5 to 50 mg prednisone orally everyother day with a mean dosage of 20 mg. Blood was drawnfrom these subjects 48 h after the last steroid administra-tion. Most of these subjects as well as subjects not onsteroid therapy also received combination drug therapyconsisting of ephedrine, theophylline, and phenobarbital. Allsubjects were relatively free of symptoms on the morningof the study. The patients under study with very few ex-ceptions showed airway hyperirritability (positive metha-choline inhalation challenge), obstruction to air flow, andincreased mid-expiratory time and hyperinflation. IgElevels ranged from a trace to 8,250 ng/ml and peripheralblood eosinophil counts ranged from 1 to 14%. Approxi-mately half of the patients showed positive skin test reac-tions to common allergens. Nonasthmatic boys and girlsvolunteered as control subj ects. The numbers and ages ofeach group of subjects are provided in Table I.

Preparation of cells and membranes. 10 ml of heparin-ized venous blood was obtained between 8 and 9 a.m. Leuko-cytes were prepared after sedimentation of red cells withdextran, as described previously (1). Pellets of leukocyteswere washed with saline buffered with 1 mMTrist HC1at pH 7.0, centrifuged at room temperature, and resuspendedin 4 ml saline. These suspensions typically contained fewerthan 1 platelet or red blood cell per leukocyte (1). Leuko-cyte distributions ranged from 20 to 40% lymphocytes and50 to 70% neutrophils, with no significant differences be-tween asthmatics and nonasthmatics. There were no signifi-cant differences in lymphocyte counts between the asthmaticsubgroups, possibly because the lymphocyte counts returnto normal 48 h after steroid administration (15). Eosino-phil counts were routinely higher in asthmatics than non-asthmatics: the mean percent eosinophils was 6.1 for asth-matics not receiving steroids, 5.3 for asthmatics receivingsteroids, and 2.9 for nonasthmatics.

A portion of each cell suspension was saved for measure-ment of intact cell surface or ecto ATPase activity. Theremaining cells were sonicated at 00C for 20 s with a Bio-sonic Sonifer (Bronwill Scientific, Rochester, N. Y.) at apower setting of 30. Nuclei and large cell fragments (P1)were sedimented at 150 g for 10 min at 0WC. A smallermembrane fraction (P2) consisting of mitochondria, gran-ules, endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membrane wascollected by centrifugation of the P1 supernatant at 44,000gfor 30 min at 00C. Centrifugation of the resulting super-natant at 140,000 g for 60 min yielded no visible precipitateand was, therefore, not performed routinely.

ATPase. Membrane fractions P1 or P2 were suspendedin 3 ml of 50 mMTris HCl, pH 7.5, by using a Douncehomogenizer; 0.4 ml of suspensions of membranes, intactcells, or supernatant was mixed with 0.05 ml of 50 mMMgCI2 or CaCI2 (dissolved in 50 mMTris, pH 7.5) andincubated at 370C. The reaction was initiated by adding 0.05ml of 20 mMATP (sodium salt, Sigma Chemical Co., St.Louis, Mo., dissolved in 50 mMTris and adjusted to pH7.5) and continued with gentle shaking for 30 min. The

TABLE ISubjects used in A TPase studies


Range Mean

Asthmatics not receiving steroidsNumber of males: 18Number of females: 6Total: 24

Steroid-treated asthmaticsNumber of males: 13Number of females: 4Total:

NonasthmaticsNumber of males:Number of females:Total:











reaction was terminated with 0.05 ml of 4 N HClO andprotein was removed by centrifugation. The supernatant wasneutralized with 0.05 ml of 4 N KOH, and the KClO4precipitate was removed by centrifugation. Adenosine di-phosphate (ADP) or inorganic phosphate was determinedin the supernatant by methods described (16), and proteinwas assayed according to the method of Lowry, Rose-brough, Farr, and Randall (17).


Optimum reaction conditions. Optimum conditionsfor measuring leukocyte ATPase were established withnormal adult cells. The conversion of ATP to ADPand phosphate by sonicated leukocytes in the presenceof Mg2e was found to be linear with time up to 30 min(Fig. 1). Between 30 and 60 min the reaction ratesdecreased slightly. The net formation of phosphate was95% of the formation of ADP at 30 min. The dis-crepancy may be due to minimal utilization of ATP byother phosphorylation reactions occurring in the wholesonicates. The close agreement between net formationof ADP and phosphate indicates that assay of eitherproduct would represent a fairly accurate measurementof ATPase activity in this system.

The conversion of ATP to ADP by Mg'+- and Ca'+-dependent enzymes associated with membranes wasproportional to the amount of enzyme added as seen inFig. 2. Broad pH optima were found between 7.2 and8.0 for both Mg'- and Ca2+-dependent ATPase in bothP1 and P2 fractions of leukocytes (Fig. 3). In additiona small peak of Ca'+-dependent ATPase at pH 5.2 wasobserved for leukocyte Pi and P2 fractions representing50 and 24%, respectively, of the activities measured atpH 7.5. No additional peaks of Mg+-dependent activitywere noted, suggesting that there were no significant

Increased Leukocyte ATPase in Asthma 139



30 60Minutes

FIGURE 1 Leukocyte Mg-ATPase as a function of time.Sonicated, unfractionated, nonasthmatic leukocytes were in-cubated with 2 mMATP and 5 mMMgCl2 for varyingtimes as described in Methods. ADP (O-O) and phos-phate (El El) were measured after incubation. Eachpoint represents the mean of three determinations.

contributions to breakdown of ATP by nonspecificphosphatases in these membrane preparations.

Optimum levels of Mg' and Ca2+ were found to be5 mMfor ATPase in both membrane fractions of leu-kocytes (data not shown) when 2 mMATP was used.The following reaction conditions, similar to those




Q2.( 25C


/ 'k

) a ' , , ' ;,/ 'k \)

I ~~~~~~~I V

4 5 6 pH 7 8 9

FIGURE 3 Leukocyte membrane ATPase as a function ofpH. The experiment was conducted as described for Fig. 2with 50 mMTris HCl buffered at various pH values. ThepH was measured in duplicate tubes at 370C after the30-min incubation. Each point represents the mean of threedeterminations.

used previously for lymphocyte ATPase (16) and forleukocyte ATPase (18), were, therefore, routinely used:5 mMdivalent cation, 2 mMATP, 50 mMTris at pH7.5, and 20-100 Ag leukocyte protein in a final volumeof 0.5 ml, incubated at 37°C for 30 min. ADP wasroutinely measured and specific activity expressed asnmol ADPformed in 30 min per milligram protein.

Comparison of ATPase activity in leukocytes ofasthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects. Specific activi-ties of Mge+- and Ca'-dependent ATPase in fractionsP1 and P9 of leukocytes from asthmatic children not onsteroid therapy, asthmatics receiving steroid therapy,and nonasthmatic children are compared in Fig. 4. For




/ f


L /

0.1 0.2ml enzyme






FIGURE 2 Leukocyte membrane ATPase as a function ofenzyme. Membrane fractions prepared from nonasthmaticleukocytes were incubated with 2 mMATP and 5 mMdivalent cation for 30 min and the product ADP deter-mined as described in Methods. Activities are plotted forvarying amounts of Mg'+-ATPase in fraction P1(O-O),Ca2+-ATPase in fraction P1 (E El), Mg'+-ATPase infraction P. (0 - -- *), and Ca'+-ATPase in fraction P2(U - - - *) in a total volume of 0.5 ml. Each point repre-sents the mean of three determinations.



Fraction RCation Mg2+



Mg'2+ M+

FIGURE 4 Membrane ATPase activities. The mean ATPasespecific activities (nmol ADP/30 min/mg protein) areplotted for membrane fractions P1 and P2 of leukocytesfrom 24 asthmatic children not receiving steroids (clearbars), 17 asthmatic children receiving steroid therapy -(hatched bars), and 20 nonasthmatic children (dotted bars).Error bars indicate SEM.

140 R. G. Coffey, J. W. Hadden, and E. Middleton, Jr.


each group of subjects the mean of the Mg'-ATPasewas greater than the Ca'+-ATPase, and the specificactivities in fraction P2 were greater than those in P1.Specific activities of the ecto ATPase and supernatantfraction ATPase are compared for the three groups inFig. 5. The specific activity of the Mg'-dependentcomponent of ecto ATPase was greater than the Ca2+-dependent component while the reverse was true forthe supernatant activities.

For each enzyme measured, the activity was greatestfor asthmatics not receiving steroid therapy, inter-mediate for asthmatics receiving steroids, and lowestfor the nonasthmatic subjects. Considerable variation inall activities was observed within any group of sub-jects, while variations less than 20% were recorded inrepeated experiments with the same individual. Datafor all cell fractions is summarized in Table II as ratiosof specific activity for the three groups of subjects. Theratio of activities for asthmatics to nonasthmatics rangedfrom 1.59 to 1.76, and the ratio for asthmatics tosteroid-treated asthmatics ranged from 1.30 to 1.49.Differences between the steroid-treated group and thenonasthmatics were smaller and were not significantfor ecto and supernatant ATPase activities.

To test the effects of drugs commonly used for thetreatment of asthma on ATPase activities, three non-asthmatic adult males volunteered to take tablets con-taining ephedrine, theophylline, and phenobarbital forseveral days. No significant changes in any of theATPase activities were noted after this regimen, whichranged from 5 days for two subjects to 8 days for thethird subject (Table III).

In further attempts to explain the different ATPaseactivities among the three -groups of subjects we com-pared the distribution of protein and total enzymeactivity among the cell fractions (Table IV). A range






Fraction E2+ES2+ S

cation Mg ca mg Ca2

FIGURE 5 Supernatant and ecto ATPase activities. Themean ATPase specific activities (nmol ADP/30 min/mgprotein) are plotted for ecto (E) and supernatant (S)fractions of leukocytes from 24 asthmatic children not re-ceiving steroids (clear bars), 17 asthmatic children receivingsteroid therapy (hatched bars), and 20 nonasthmatic chil-dren (dotted bars). Error bars indicate SEM.

of 30-38% of total leukocyte protein was found in theP1 fraction, 21-25% in the P2 fraction, and 40-45%in the supernatant. These values were variable, possiblydue to minor differences in the extent of cell disruption,but no significant differences were found among themeans for the groups of subjects. Also, no significantdifferences were noted between males and femaleswithin any group of subjects when comparing proteindistribution or ATPase activities.

Effects of hydrocortisone in vitro. Two types of ex-

periments were performed in an effort to duplicate invitro the effect of corticosteroid therapy on leukocyteATPase activity. First (Table V), hydrocortisone was

added directly to membranes of leukocytes and incu-bated for 10 min at 370C before addition of ATP. The

TABLE IIRatios of A TPase Specific Activity

Cellfraction Cation A/N P A/A + S P A + S/N P

P1 Mg 1.62 <0.01 1.37 <0.01 1.18 NSPi Ca 1.66 <0.01 1.31 <0.01 1.27 <0.02P2 Mg 1.62 <0.01 1.32 <0.01 1.23 <0.02P2 Ca 1.59 <0.01 1.30 <0.01 1.22 <0.02E Mg 1.67 <0.01 1.35 <0.01 1.24 NSE Ca 1.76 <0.01 1.31 <0.05 1.35 NSS Mg 1.68 <0.01 1.34 <0.05 1.26 NSS Ca 1.72 <0.01 1.49 <0.01 1.23 NS

Ratios of ATPase specific activity (nmol ADPper mg protein per 30 min) are indicatedfor the groups of subjects: A, asthmatics not receiving steroids (n = 24); A + S,asthmatics receiving steroid therapy (n = 17); and N, normal children (n = 20).P values were calculated from the individual specific activity data by Student's t test;NS indicates no significant difference (P not less than 0.05).

Increased Leukocyte ATPase in Asthma 141

TABLE IIIEffect of Bronchodilator Drugs on Leukocyte A TPase

Mg2+-ATPase Ca2+-ATPase

Subject (days) Fraction Before After Before After

K. M. (5) P1 328±11 333415 219±14 234±7P2 529±23 553±31 381428 421±19E 246410 255413 159±12 172±5S 10344 107+7 123±11 133±9

R. G. (6) P1 55048 503411 350±9 342±5P2 889416 727±23 6654±7 636±9E 389± 15 343± 12 254±6 2464 12S 170±13 148±6 210±11 215±4

D. C. (8) P1 417418 395±19 275414 286±5P2 680±31 649±25 473±38 50143E 320415 302416 191±12 200±9S 129±7 125±9 149±48 143±6

Leukocyte ATPase activities were determined by ADP assay in triplicate as described inMethods for three nonasthmatic adult males before and after taking bronchodilator medica-tion (Verequad, Knoll Pharmaceutical Company, Orange, N. J., consisting of ephedrine,theophylline, and phenobarbital) four times a day for the indicated number of days. Specificactivities (nmol ADPper 30 min per mg protein) ASDare given for leukocyte enzyme prepa-rations Pi, P2, E (ecto), and S (supernatant) before and after taking medication. No significantdifferences occurred in any of the activities due to the drugs.

Mg"-ATPase activity was reduced in a dose-dependentmanner in three experiments by hydrocortisone rangingfrom 10' to 10' M. To achieve the highest hydro-cortisone concentrations, hydrocortisone sodium suc-cinate was used because of its greater water solubility.

TABLE IVTotal Protein and A TPase Units in Leukocytes

Fraction: Pi P2 S

Protein: percent found insubcellular fractions

Asthmatics not on steroids 38 22 40Asthmatics receiving steroids 35 21 44Nonasthmatics 30 25 45

ATPase: total units per 100 mgleukocyte protein*

Mg2+-ATPaseAsthmatics not on steroids 2,700 2,500 920Asthmatics receiving steroids 1,800 1,810 750Nonasthmatics 1,310 1,750 612

Ca2+-ATPaseAsthmatics not on steroids 1,910 1,840 1,160Asthmatics receiving steroids 1,340 1,350 915Nonasthmatics 910 1,320 760

* Approximately 70 ,sg protein per million leukocytes were

measured in HC10O, precipitates by the technique of Lowryet al. (17).

In controls with 5 X 10' M sodium succinate, theATPase activity was not affected, indicating that in-hibition by hydrocortisone sodium succinate was due tothe steroid.

Second (Table VI), intact leukocytes were preincu-bated with 10 M hydrocortisone at 37°C for varyingtimes before the preparation of membranes. In the firstexperiment progressive inhibition was observed forpreincubation times ranging from 5 to 120 min. In thesecond experiment puromycin was added to the cells inone set of tubes during a 60-min preincubation with10' M hydrocortisone. The puromycin caused a 16%decrease in Mg"-ATPase specific activity measuredsubsequently in the membranes, but did not alter thepercent decrease due to hydrocortisone. This suggeststhat inhibition by hydrocortisone is not mediated byeffects on protein synthesis.

DISCUSSIONThe beta adrenergic blockade hypothesis of asthma ad-vanced by Szentivanyi (6) has prompted a search forabnormalities of function and sensitivity in the adenylatecyclase-cyclic AMPsystem of various cells and tissuesof patients with asthma. A number of studies withisolated leukocytes by ourselves (1, 2, 14), Parker andcoworkers (3, 9, 19), Alston, Patel, and Kerr (4) andGillespie, Valentine, and Lichtenstein (5) have pro-vided evidence indicating that in asthma this system

142 R. G. Coffey, J. W. Hadden, and E. Middleton, Jr.

manifests a reduced sensitivity to beta adrenergic stim-ulation:

(a) Basal activity of adenylate cyclase is depressed(2, 3, 5, 9, 19).

(b) Beta adrenergic stimulation of adenylate cyclaseis depressed (1-5); however, prostaglandin ELstimulation is normal (19).

(c) Corticosteroid treatment of patients in vivo andof cells in vitro restores basal levels of adenylatecyclase (9), and restores normal beta adrenergicsensitivity (1, 9).

(d) Alpha adrenergic blockade in vitro restores nor-mal beta adrenergic sensitivity of adenylate cy-clase (2, 4).

The accumulated evidence, while not explaining whiy,indicates that this system is suppressed and most spe-cifically to beta adrenergic stimulation. The restorationof normal responsiveness with steroids and with alphaadrenergic blockade indicates that the reduced respon-siveness might result from enhanced alpha adrenergicsensitivity or reduced steroid sensitivity.

These possibilities provided the rationale for examin-ing other enzyme systems for abnormality of functionand sensitivity. In many cells there appears to be areciprocal relationship between alpha and beta adren-ergic responses (7, 20, 21) and between ATPase andadenylate cyclase activities (22, 23). This may be duein part to competition by the two enzymes for substrate(8, 16) and in part to direct inhibition of ATPase bycyclic AMP (23, 24). Our experiments indicated thatmembrane ATPase activity of leukocytes and otherhematopoietic cells can be stimulated by catecholaminesthrough an alpha adrenergic mechanism (12, 13).Others have reported stimulation by catecholamines ofMg2+-ATPase in brain (25) and erythrocytes (26), andof Na+, K+, Mg'+-ATPase of brain (27) and liver (24).

TABLE VHydrocortisone Inhibition of Mg2+-A TPase

Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone Na succinate

10-6 M 10-4 M 10-3 M

Exp. 1 98 93 81*Exp. 2 85* 74* 50*Exp. 3 94 80* 68*

Data is given as percent of control Mg2+-ATPase activitymeasured in nonasthmatic leukocyte membranes (P1 + P2)in replicates of six as described in Methods. Standard devia-tions (not shown) were less than 5% in all cases. Hydro-cortisone or hydrocortisone sodium succinate (Sigma ChemicalCo., St. Louis, Mo.) was added in 0.1 ml aliquots of Trisbuffer, pH 7.5, at 5 times the indicated final concentration andincubated with membranes at 370C for 10 min before addingATP.* Significant inhibition occurred.

TABLE VIPreincubation of Leukocytes with Hydrocortisone

Preincubation Control Percent ofminutes activity control

Exp. 1 5 552 801 45 552 651 120 552 51

Exp. 2 60 423 872* 60 397 85

Leukocytes from nonasthmatic subjects were preincubated at370C in Hank's balanced salt solution for the indicated timewith or without 10-6 Mhydrocortisone (Sigma Chemical Co.,St. Louis, Mo.) in replicates of six. Cells were then washedtwice with saline and sonicated. Mg2+-ATPase of membranes(PI + P2) was determined in triplicate for each preincubationtube. Control activity is expressed as nmol ADPper mg pro-tein per 30 min. Inhibition by preincubation with hydro-cortisone was significant (P < 0.01) in every case.* Puromycin was present at 100 ,.g/ml in the preincubationmixture.

These observations supporting the theory (11) ofalpha adrenergic modulation of ATPase prompted us toexamine the leukocytes of asthmatics and controls foraltered basal levels of ATPase activity which mightreflect in vivo adrenergic imbalance. Intact cells wereexamined for ecto ATPase activity. The membraneATPase activities of disrupted cells were separated byrate-zonal centrifugation to yield crude fractions repre-senting nuclei and large fragments of plasma membrane(Pi) and smaller fragments of membranes correspond-ing to plasma, mitochondrial, and ribosomal constituents(P2). These fractions represent the major subcellularcomponents containing ATPase activities (over 80%of the total) and were assayed in the presence of mag-nesium or calcium ions to optimize those conditionsunder which alpha adrenergic stimulation had beenpreviously observed (12, 13). These fractions whileadmittedly crude correspond to the magnesium- andcalcium-dependent ATPase activities associated byothers with cellular functions of magnesium (28) andcalcium (29, 30) transport, passive permeability (31),nutrient transport (16, 32, 33), and locomotive (34) andsecretory functions (35).

In each of the experimental conditions the leuko-cytes of asthmatic patients showed greater ATPaseactivity than those of age-sex matched subjects withoutasthma. In addition, asthmatic patients treated withcorticosteroids showed an intermediate ATPase activityconsistent with their clinical improvement on the steroidtherapy. This increased ATPase activity manifest inthe leukocytes of asthmatics could not be attributed totreatment with other bronchodilator therapy since these

Increased Leukocyte ATPase in Asthma 143

medications showed no effect on the leukocyte ATPaseactivity of normal subjects so treated. Similarly, no realdifferences in component cell populations studied existedto explain the differences in ATPase activity observed.The increased leukocyte ATPase activity would appearthen to be intrinsic to the asthmatic state.

Corticosteroid treatment of both the patient and theisolated leukocytes was associated with a reduction ofthe increase in basal ATPase activity of the cells. Theeffect of hydrocortisone at physiologic concentrations toreduce ATPase activity in a puromycin-resistant man-ner, in conjunction with its direct effect at somewhathigher concentrations to reduce ATPase activity inisolated membrane fractions, offers evidence for a directmembrane action of hydrocortisone independent of themore generally accepted action to modify nuclear metab-olism and protein synthesis (36). This effect of cor-ticosteroids to decrease ATPase activity has been ob-served with in vivo treatment followed by isolation ofvarious tissues (37-39) and with in vitro treatment of acultured cell line (40). The biochemical basis of thisaction remains to be clarified.

The interpretation of the present findings in relationto previous conceptions concerning beta adrenergicblockade, although tentative at this time, raises im-portant questions concerning the relationship of theadenylate cyclase-cyclic AMPsystem to other hormoneresponsive enzyme systems involved in cellular regula-tory function. Based upon experiments indicating thatbeta adrenergic stimulation is associated with depressedallergic mediator release from mast cells and leuko-cytes (41, 42) and with bronchodilitation (6), it maybe concluded that the asthmatic patient being defectivein response to this stimulation is prone to enhanced im-munologically induced mediator release and subsequentbronchoconstriction. Both alpha adrenergic and cho-linergic mechanisms have recently been implicated inboth enhanced allergic mediator release (43) and inbronchoconstrictive mechanisms (7, 44). Insofar asthese mechanisms appear to be enhanced in theiractivity in asthma, it seems reasonable to speculatethat the enzyme systems mediating these influences willbe found to be increased in their activity. The alphaadrenergic-ATPase relationship is suggested by thepresent studies. Similarly, cholinergic-cyclic GMP re-lationships have been observed in a number of tissues(45) including lymphocytes (45-47) and lung (45),and the cyclic GMPsecond messenger system has beenproposed as an opposing influence to the cyclic AMPsystem (45, 48). The suggestion that cyclic GMPmaybe increased in the tissues of asthmatics, thus facilitat-ing bronchoconstriction and mediator release, was madeby Polson, Krzanowski, and Szentivanyi (49), whohave shown that manipulations producing an asthma-

like condition in rodents are associated with an in-crease in the levels of cyclic GMPin their lungs. Wepredict, then, that the beta adrenergic defect observedin the cells of asthmatics may well result from moreprimary imbalances in the membrane ATPase andguanylate cyclase-cyclic GMPsystems.

The therapeutic approach to patients with asthma hasbeen to stimulate their adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMPsystem through the combined use of beta adrenergicagonists (isoproterenol and epinephrine), cyclic AMPphosphodiesterase inhibitors (theophylline and caffeine),and glucocorticosteroids. This approach is pharmaco-logically sound and is usually associated with sympto-matic improvement. The present findings concerningATPase suggest that the adrenergic imbalance presentin asthma is associated with increased activity of otherenzyme systems and raises the possibility that werethese systems to be better understood, a more primarydefect might emerge, which would allow the develop-ment of a more effective patient therapy.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe technical assistance of Patricia J. Logsdon in per-forming some ATPase determinations is gratefully acknowl-edged. The cooperation of all children who participated inthe experiments in greatly appreciated.

This work was supported by U. S. Public Health ServiceGrants AI 09619 and AI 10400 (Allergic Diseases CenterGrant).

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