index to cartoon character co-ordinates 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6 ......2) road runner 3) wallace 4) peppe le...

Post on 24-Jul-2020






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Index to Cartoon Character Co-ordinates

1) Garfield

2) Road Runner

3) Wallace

4) Peppe Le Pew

5) Bugs Bunny

6) Jerry

7) Scooby Doo

8) Wylie coyote

9) Tom

10) Daffy Duck

11) Tweety Pie

12) Tazmanian Devil

13) Otto Mann

14) Puss-in-boots

15) Marg Simpson

16) Lisa Simpson

17) Homer Simpson

18) Principle Skinner

19) Millhouse

20) Shaun the sheep

21) Krusty the Clown

22) Mr Burns

23) Maggie Simpson

24) Ralph Wiggum

25) Groundskeeper Willie

Cartoon Co-ordinates

Cartoon Character 1

Draw an X and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

(A) (1,3) (1,5) (2,6) (2,9) (3,10) (4,10) (5,9) (5½,8)

(6,9) (7,10) (8,10) (9,9) (9,6) (10,5) (10,3) (9,2)

(7,1) (4,1) (2,2) (1,3)

(B) (2½,3½) (3,4) (3½,3) (4½,3) (5½,4) (6½,3) (7½,3)

(8,4) (8½,3½)

(C) (5,4) (6,4) (6,4½) (5,4½) (5,4) colour red

(D) (8½,3½) (9,3½) (9,4½) (2,4½) (2,3½) (2½,3½)

colour yellow

(E) (3,4½) (5,4½) (5,7) (3,7) (3,4½)

(F) (6,4½) (8,4½) (8,7) (6,7) (6,4½)

(G) (4,5) (4½,5) (4½,6) (4,6) (4,5) colour black

(H) (6½,5) (7,5) (7,6) (6½,6) ((6½,5) colour black

Cartoon Character 2

Draw an X 0 – 18 and y axis 0-23

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

(A) (4½,15½) (4½,16½) (5,16½) (5,15½)

(B) (6,15½) (5½,15½) (5½,16½) (6,16½)

(C) (4,15) (4,16½) (5,17½) (5,19) (3,17) (2,17) (2,18)

(4,20) (2,20) (2,20½) (4½,20½) (4,22) (4½,22)

(5½,20½) (5½,22) (6,22) (6,17½) (7,14½) (6,15½)

(5,15) (4,15) colour dark blue

(D) (4,13½) (3,13½) (2,14½) (4,15) (5,15) (5,14)


(E) (4,13½) (4½,12) (6,5) (5,14½)

(F) (5½,14) (6½,14) (7,14½) (6,15½) (5,15) colour


(G) (5½,14) (8,10) (7½,9) (8,8) (10,6) (10½,5) (11,5)

(10½,6) (10½,6½) (8½,9) (9,10) (6½,14) colour

light blue

(H) (9½,6½) (10,5) (10½,5) colour light blue

(I) (13,7) (10½,6½) (8½,9) (9,10) (9½,10) (13,8)

(13,7) colour dark blue

(J) (13,7) (14,7) (17,10) (17,11) (16½,11) (14½,9)

(16,12) (17½,13½) (17½,14) (17,14) (15½,12)

(17,14½) (17,15) (16½,15) (15½,14) (17,16½)

(17½,17) (17,17½) (15½,16) (17½,19) (17½,19½)

(17,20) (14½,17) (15,12) (13½,8) (13,8) (13,7)

colour light blue

Cartoon Character 3

Draw an X and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (5½,1) (5½, 3) (2,3) (2,6) (4,6) (4,11) (9,11) (9,6)

(11,6) (11,3) (7½,3) (7½,1) (5½,1)

B) (3,4) (3,5) (4½,5) (6,4½) (7, 4½) (8½,5) (10,5) (10,4)

(8½,4) (7,3½) (6, 3½) (4½, 4) (3,4)

C) (5½,5½) (5½,7½) (7½,7½) (7½,5½) (5½,5½)

D) (6½,8) (5,8) (5, 9½) (8, 9½) (8,8) (6½,8) (6½,9½)

E) (4,7) (2½,7) (2½,8½) (4, 8½)

F) (4, 7½) (3, 7½) (3,8) (4,8)

G) (9,7) (10½,7) (10½,8½) (9, 8½)

H) (9, 7½) (10, 7½) (10,8) (9,8)

I) (5½,8½) (6, 8½) (6,9) (5½,9) (5½,8½) colour black

J) (7, 8½) (7½,8½) (7½,9) (7,9) (7, 8½) colour black

Cartoon Character 4

Draw an X and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (8½,4) (8,4) (8,3) (7,2) (6,2) (4½,3) (4½,3½) (3, 3½)

(6,1) (7,1) (8,3)

B) (7,1) (9,3) (9,4) (8,5) (8,7) (7,8) (6,8) (5½,7) (5,8)

(4,8) (3,7) (3,5) (2,4) (2,3) (6,1)

C) (6½,3) (7, 3½) (7,4) (5½,4) (5½,3½) (6½,3)

D) (7,5) (7,7) (6,7) (6,5) (7,5)

E) (6½,5) (6½,5½) (6, 5½) colour black

F) (5,5) (5,7) (4,7) (4,5) (5,5)

G) (4½,5) (4½,5½) (5, 5½) colour black

H) (8½,4½) (8,7)

I) (2½,4½) (3,7)

J) (4,8) (1½,8) (1½,7) (2, 6½) (3, 6½)

K) (7½,7½) (9½,9) (9½,7) (9, 6½) (8, 6½)

L) (3,8) (3,9) (3½,9½) (3½,9) (10,12) (8,10) (8,8)

Cartoon Character 5

Draw an X 0-10 and y axis 0-26

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (4,1) (1,4) (1,7) (2,7) (3,12) (4,13) (4½,13½) (4½,13)

(5,14) (5,13) (5½,13½) (5½,13) (6,13) (7,12) (8,7)

(9,7) (9,4) (6,1) (4,1)

B) (5,2) (3,3) (2,6) (4,6) (4,5) (6,5) (6,6) (8,6) (7,3) (5,2)

C) (5,3) (4,3) (4,5) (6,5) (6,3) (5,3) (5,5)

D) (3,3) (4,4)

E) (6,4) (7,3)

F) (4½,6) (4½,6½) (5½,6½) (5½,6) (4½,6) colour pink

G) (3,7) (3,10) (4½,10) (4½,7) (3,7)

H) (5½,7) (5½,10) (7,10) (7,7) (5½,7)

I) (3½,7) (3½,8½) (4, 8½) (4,7) colour black

J) (6,7) (6, 8½) (6½,8½) (6½,7) colour black

K) (3,12) (2,17) (2,21) (3,25) (3½,25) (5,20) (4,13)

L) (3,14) (2½,17) (2½,21) (3,23) (4,20) (3½,14) (3,14)

colour pink

M) (6,13) (5½,20) (7,25) (7½,25) (8½,21) (8½,17) (7,12)

N) (6½,14) (6½,20) (7½,23) (8,21) (8,17) (7,14) (6½,14)

colour pink

Cartoon Character 6

Draw an X 0-17 and y axis 0-22

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (11,7) (9,6) (8,6) (7½,6½) (8,12) (9,12) (9½,11½) (10,12)

(10½,12) ((11,11) (11,17) colour beige

B) (9,13) (8½,13) (7½,14) (8,14) (9, 13½) (9,13) colour red

C) (8½,13) (7½,13) (6½,14½) (7,14½) (8½,13) colour beige

D) (9,13) (9½,14½) (9, 14½) (9,13) colour beige

E) (9,15) (9,15½) (8½,15½) (8½,15) (9,15) colour black

F) (9½,14½) (9½,15½) (8,15½) (8,15) (7,15½) (7,15) (8, 14½)

(9½,14½) colour beige

G) (9,16) (9, 16½) (8½,16½) (8½,16) (9,16) colour black

H) (9,16½) (9,16½) (8½,17½) (8½,16½)

I) (8,16) (8, 16½) (7½,16½) (7½,16) (8,16) colour black

J) (8,16½) (8,17½) (7½,17½) (7½,16½)

K) (9,13) (6,13) (5,13½) (3½,16½) (3½,17) (4,17) (4,18) (2,19)

(5,18½) (6,9) (6½,20) (6½,19) (8,19½) (7,19) (7½,19) (9,18)

(9½,16) (10,16) (10,15½) (9,13) colour brown

L) (4,15½) (3,15) (2,15) (1,16) (1,18) (2,19) colour pink

M) (7½,19) (7½,21) (7,21) (6,20) (6,19) colour pink

N) (9,13) (14½,17½) (14,18) (14½,18½) (15,18) (15½,18½)

(16,18½) (16½,18) (16½,17½) (16,17) (15,16½) (10½,12)

O) (6,13) (5,12½) (2½,9) (2,9) (2,8) (3,8) (3, 8½) (6,11) (6½,10)

(5½,2) (4½,1½) (4½,1) (5,½) (5½,½) (7½,5) (8½,5½) (8½,2½)

(9½,2) (10½,2½) (9½,3) (9½,4) (11,7) colour brown

P) (6½,17½) (6½,18) (7,18)

Q) (9,15) (12,16)

R) (9, 15½) (12,17)

S) (8,15) (4,14)

T) (8, 8½) (5,16)

Cartoon Character 7

Draw an X 0-10 and y axis 0-14

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (5,9) (5½,9) (5½,9½) (5,9½) (5,9) colour black

B) (4½,9) (4½,9½) (4,9½) (4,9) (4½,9) colour black

C) (4,9) (2,9) (1½,7½)

D) (1,7) (2,8) (3,8) (3,7) (2,6) (1,7) colour black

E) (1½,6½) (1½,5) (2,5½) (2,6)

F) (2,5½) (3,5) (4½,5) (5,6) (5,7½) (6,7½) (6,8½)

G) (5½,8½) (6½,8½)

H) (5,6) (5,4½) (3½,4½) (3½,3) (3,3) (3,5) colour black

I) (3½,3) (4,3) (5,4) (5,4½) colour red

J) (3,4) (2½,3½) (2½,2) (5,2) (7,4) (7,7½)

K) (7,6) (7½,7½)

L) (3½,2) (3½,1) (9,1) (9,10) (7,12) (4,12) (3,11½) (3,9)

M) (3,11½) (2,11½) (3,12) (3,13) (2½,13) (1,12½) (1,

13½) (3,13½) (4,12)

N) (2,11½) (2½,13) (3,13) (3,12) (2,11½) colour pink

O) (8,13½) (9,12) (8½,11½) (8,13½) colour pink

P) (7½,11½) (7½,13) (8,14) (8½,14) (9½,13½) (9,13)

(9½,12½) (9½,11½) (8½,10)

Q) (9,13) (8½,13½)

Cartoon Character 8

Draw an X 0-10 and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (4½,5) (3½,5) (3½,6) (4,6½) (4½,5) (5,6½) (5½,6)

(5½,5) (4½,5) colour yellow

B) (4,5)

C) (5,5)

D) (4½,5) (4,6½) (3½,6) (3,6) (4,7) (4½,6) (5,7) (6,6)

(5½,6) (5,6½) (4½,5) colour beige

E) (3½,5) (2½,5½) (2½,6) (3½,7) (5½,7) (6½,6)

(6½,5½) colour dark brown

F) (3½,7) (3,9) (4,12) (3½,9) (4,7) colour dark brown

G) (4,7) (4,8½) (4½,9½) (4,9) (4½,10½) (4,10) (4,12)

colour beige

H) (5,7) (5,9) (7,11) (5½,9) (5½,7) colour dark brown

I) (5½,7) (6½,8) (6,8) (6½,9) (6,9) (7,11) colour beige

J) (3½,5) (1,6) (½,5½) (½,4½) (1,4) (3½,4) (4,3½)

(3½,3) (4,2½) (3½,2) (4,1½) (5,1½) (5½,2) (5,2½)

(5½,3) (5,3½) (5½,4) (8,4) (8½,4½) (8½,5½) (8,6)

(5½,5) colour beige

K) (1,5) (3½,4½)

L) (3½,4) (4,4½)

M) (5,4½) (5½,4)

N) (5½,4½) (8,5)

O) (4,1½) (4,1) (5,1) (5,1½) colour black

Cartoon Character 9

Draw an X and y axis 0-14

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (12,5) (13,6) (13,7½) (10½,7½) (10½,6½) (12,7)

(12,5) colour dark grey

B) (9½,5) (10,5½) (10,6) (9,6) (9,5½) (9½,5) colour


C) (12,5) (12,7) (9,6) (8,6½) (7,6) (6,6½) (7,5) (12,5)

D) (6,6½) (5,7) (5,4) (8,4) (8½,2) (9½,2½) (10,4) (11,5)

colour black

E) (11½,5) (10½,4) (10,2½) (8½,1½) (8,1½) (5,3) (4,

3½) (4½,7) (5,7) (5,3)

F) (5,4) (8,4) (8½,2) (8,2) (5,3) (5,4) colour red

G) (6½,4) (6½,3)

H) (10½,4) (12,5) (11½,5) (10½,4) colour dark grey

I) (9½,6½) (10,6½) (10,7) (9½,7) (9½,6½) colour


J) (8,6½) (8,7) (7½,7) (7½,6½) (8,6½) colour green

K) (10½,6½) (10½,9) (9½,9) (9½,6) colour yellow

L) (8,6½) (8,9) (7,9) (7,6) colour yellow

M) (8,8½) (8½,8½) (8½,9) (9,9) (9,8½) (9½,8½) colour

light grey

N) (4,3½) (2,6) (3,6) (1,6½) (1,7½) (2½,8) (3,8) (2½,

8½) (3½,8) (3½, 8½) (4,8) (4½, 9½) (4,11) (3,13)

(5,10) (5½,11) (7,11) (9,11½) (7½,11) (8,11) (9½,

11½) (8½,11) (10½, 11) (11½, 9) (11½, 7½) colour


O) (11½, 9) (11,13) (10,11) colour grey

P) (5,10) (5,9½)

Q) (2,7) (2,9½) (3,12) (3,13) colour pink

Cartoon Character 10

Draw an X and y axis 0-14

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (4½,1½) (1,2) (1½,5) (3,5) (5,4) (6,5) (9,5) (13,4)

(12,2) (7,1) (5,1) (2½,3½) colour orange

B) (2,3) (3,4)

C) (7,6) (9,6) (8½,5)

D) (7½,5) (8,5½)

E) (4,4½) (4,7) (5½,7½) (5½,4½)

F) (5,4) (5,5) (6,5) colour black

G) (6,5) (6,7½) (7½,5½) (7,5)

H) (6½,5) (6½,5½) (6,5½) colour black

I) (2,5) (3,10) (4,12) (3½,10) (6,12) (4,10) (6,11) (5,10)

(7,9) (7,6)

Cartoon Character 11

Draw an X and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (6,1) (6,2) (2,2) (2,3) (3,4) (1,7) (1,8) (2,10) (5,11)

(8,11) (10,10) (11,8) (10,5½) (8,4) (9,3½) (9,3) (7,2)

(7,1) (6,1)

B) (4½,3) (5,2½) (6,2½) (6,3) (4,3) (4½,3½) (6,3½)

(6,3) colour orange

C) (3½,4½) (3½,4) (4½,4) (4½,4½) (4,5) (3½,4½)

colour black

D) (6,4½) (6,4) (7,4) (7,4½) (6½,5) (6,4½) colour black

E) (3½,4½) (3½,5½) (4,6) (4½,5½) (4½,4½) colour


F) (6,4½) (6,5½) (6½,6) (7,5½) (7,4½) colour blue

G) (3½,5½) (3½,7½) (4,8) (4½,7½) (4½,5½)

H) (6,5½) (6,7½) (6½,8) (7,7½) (7,5½)

Cartoon Character 12

Draw an X 0-10 and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (4½,8) (4½,7½) (5½,7½) (5½,8) (4½,8) colour


B) (4,8) (3½,7½) (4,7) (4½,7) (5,7½) (5½,7) (6,7)

(6½,7½) (7,8)

C) (3,8½) (2,8) (1½,6½) (2,7) (1½,5½) (2,6) (1½,4½)

(2,5) (5,1) (8,5) (8½,4½) (8,6) (8½,5½) (8,7)

(8½,6½) (8,8) (7,8½) (3,8½) colour beige

D) (5,8½) (5,9½) (4,9½) (4,8½) (6,8½) (6,9½) (5,9½)

E) (5,8½) (5,9) (4½,9) (4½,8½) colour black

F) (5½,8½) (5½,9) (6,9) (6,8½) colour black

G) (3½,8½) (3½,9½) (3,10) (2½,9½) (2½,9) (3,8½)

(3½,8½) colour pink

H) (6½,8½) (6½,9½) (7,10) (7½,9½) (7½,9) (7,8½)

colour pink

I) (2½,9½) (2½,10) (3,10½) (3½,10) (3½,11) (4,10)

(4½,11) (4½,10) (6,11) (5,10) (6,10½) (6,10)

(6½,11) (6½,10) (7,10½) (7½,10) (7½,9½) colour


Cartoon Character 13

Draw an X and y axis 0-16

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A.) (7,16) (7,8) (8,8) (8,9) (7,9) colour red

B.) (9,11) (8,12) (14,14) (15,13) colour red

C.) (14,14) (14,16) (6,16) (6,12) (8,12) colour red

D.) (7,9) (8,10) (8,12) (6,12) (4,11) (4,9) (3,8) (3,7) (2,6)

(2,2) (4,2) (5,5) (7,5) (8,6) (8,8) colour black

E.) (11,11) (13,9) (12,8) (11,9)

F.) (11,11) (11,10) (10,9) (9,10) (11,11)

G.) (10,10)

H.) (12,10) (13,10) (14,11) (12,11) (12,10)

I.) (13,10)

J.) (14,12½) (14,9) (16,7) (16,6) (15,6) (12,7) (9,7)

(10,6) (10,7)

K.) (10,6) (11,6) (11,7)

L.) (11,6) (12,6) (12,7) (13,6) (12,5) (9,6) (9,7)

M.) (12,5) (11,5) (11,3) (10,3) (7,5)

Cartoon Character 14

Draw an X axis 0-13 and y axis 0-11

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (4½,3) (4,3½) (4½,4) (4½,3½) (5½,3½) (6,4)

(6½, 3½) (8,3½)(8½,4)

B) (8,3½) (7,3) (5,3) (5,3½)

C) (5½,3) (6,3½) (6½,3½) colour pink

D) (4½,2½) (6,1) (6½,1) (8½,3½)

E) (5,4) (2½,3) (2,3) (2,3½) (2½,3½)

F) (8,4) (7,4) (10,3) (10½,3½) (10,4) (9½,3½)

G) (6½,4) (4½,4) (5½,4½) (6½,4½) colour red

H) (7,4½) (8,4½) (8½,5) (7½,5) (7,4½)colour green

I) (5,4½) (4½,4½) (4,5) (4½,5) (5,4½) colour green

J) (5,5) (4,5½)

K) (6,5) (5½,6)

L) (6,5½) (6,6)

M) (6½,5½) (7,6)

N) (6½,5) (7½,6) (8½,6) (9,5½)

O) (9,1½) (11,2½) (11,4) (10,6) (9,7) (3½,5½) (3½,4½)

(3,4) (3,3½) (5,1) (4,1) (1,3) (1,5) (2,6) (7,8) (8,10)

(9,10½) (10,10½) (11,10) (12,8) (12,6) (11,4)

P) (4½,7) (5,9) (7½,9)

Cartoon Character 15

Draw an X axis 0-26 and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (24,6) (25,6) (25,7) (24,7) (24,5) (25,5) (25,6)

B) (25,6) (25,1) (23,1) (23,2) (24,2) (24,1)

C) (24,2) (25,2)

D) (24,3) (25,3)

E) (24,4) (25,4)

F) (24,2) (24,6) (22,7) (22,8) (21,8) (21,10) (20,10)

(19,9) (19,10) (18,10) (18,9) (17,10) (16,9) (16,8)

(17,7) (16,6) (16,5) (17,4) (18,4) (19,5) (19,6) (18,7)


G) (23,2) (20,2) (20,1) (19,1) (19,2) (17,2) (16,3) (16,4)

(15,4) (15,6) (16,7) (15,8) (17,10) (15,10) (14,9)

(13,10) (12,10) (11,9) (10,10) (9,10) (8,9) (7,10)

(6,10) (5,9) (4,10) (2,10) (2,8) (3,7) (2,6) (2,5) (3,4)

(2,3) (2,2) (3,1) (4,1) (5,2) (6,1) (7,1) (8,2) (9,1)

(10,1) (11,2) (12,1) (13,1) (14,2) (15,1) (16,1) (17,2)

H) (17,6)

I) (17,9)

Cartoon Character 16

Draw an X and y axis 0-11

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (3½,1) (3½,2) (3,2) (3,1) (6½,1) (6½,2) (6,2) (6,1)

B) (6½,1½) (3,1½)

C) (4,1) (4,1½)

D) (4½,1) (4½,1½)

E) (5,1) (5,1½)

F) (5½,1) (5½,1½)

G) (6,2) (6,3) (7,3½) (7,4)

H) (3½,2) (3½,4)

I) (5,4) (8,4) (9,4½) (8,5) (7,4½)

J) (8,5) (8,5½) (6,5½)

K) (3½,5½) (3,5½) (2½,5) (2½,4½) (3,4) (3½,4) (4,4½)

L) (3,5) (3½,5) (3,4½)

M) (6,5½) (5,6) (5,6½) (5½,7) (6½,7) (7,6½) (7,5½)

N) (7,6½) (7½,7) (8,7) (8½,6½) (8½,6) (8,5½)

O) (8,6)

P) (6,6)

Q) (8½,6½) (10,7½) (8,8) (9,9) (7½,9) (7,10) (6,9)

(5½,10) (5,9) (4,10) (3½,8) (2,9) (2½,7) (1,7) (2,5½)

(½,5) (2,4) (1,3) (2½,3) (2,2) (3½,3) (3½,2)

Cartoon Character 17

Draw an X axis 0-22 and y axis 0-14

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (2,9) (3,8) (4,9) (5,9)

B) (4,9) (2,9) (1,8) (2,7) (3,8) (4,4) (2,4) (2,7)

C) (10,2) (11,3) (10,4) (11,5) (10,6)

D) (4,4) (9,4) (9,3) (10,3) (10,4) (18,4) (20,5) (20,9)

(18,10) (14,10) (13,11) (12,11)

E) (6,10) (6,12) (5,11) (5,9) (6,7) (8,7) (9,8) (9,11)

(8,12) (6,12)

F) (9,9) (10,10) (10,11) (9,11)

G) (9,11) (10,12) (12,12) (12,10) (10,10)

H) (11,11)

I) (12,10) (12,8) (9,8)

J) (11,9)

K) (20,8) (21,7) (20,7)

L) (20,6(21,7) (20,4)

Cartoon Character 18

Draw an X axis 0-13 and y axis 0-10

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (6,3½) (6½,4) (6½,4½) (5½,4) (5,3½) (4,3½) (3½,4)

(2½,3) (2½,4) (3,6) (3,7½) (2,9½) (2,10) (1,8) (1,5)

(1½,3) (1,3) (1½,2½) (1,2) (1½,2) (1½,1½) (2,2)

(3½,1) (4½,1) (6,3) (6,3½) colour brown

B) (6,3) (6½,2½) (7,2½) (8,3) (8½,3) (8½,3½)

C) (12,3) (11,4) (10½,6) (11½,5) (12,5) (10,3) (8½,3)

(9,2) (11,3) (12,3) (13,4) (12,5) colour blue

D) (10,4½) (10,5) (9,6) (8½,7)

E) (10,7½) (10½,8) (10,8½)(10,7½)

F) (7½,7½) (8,7½) (8,9)

G) (10½,6) (10½,7) (11,8) (10,9) (9½,10) (9,10) (8½,9)

(8,9) (8,9½) (7,9) (6,8) (5,8½) (5,9) (4½,9½) (4,9)


H) (5,9) (6,9½) (6½,9) (6½,8½)

I) (6½,9) (7,9)

J) (5,6) (5½,5½) (6,5½) (6½,6) (6½,6½) (6,7) (5½,7)

(5,6½) (5,6)

K) (6,6)

L) (6,9)

M) (7,6) (7,6½) (6½,7)

N) (5,5) (4½,6)

O) (6½,3) (6½,3½) (7½,3½)

P) (7,3½) (7,3) (7½,3)

Cartoon Character 19

Draw an X axis 0-20 and y axis 0-18

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (13,14) (17,14) (17,10) (13,10)

B) (14,9) (13,10) (13,16) (11,16) (11,15) (12,15)

(12,10) (14,9)

C) (12,13) (11,14) (10,14) (9,13) (9,12) (10,11)

D) (11,13) (11,12) (10,13)

E) (9,12) (7,12) (4,13) (2,8) (4,7) (4,4) (5,4) (6,5) (7,5)

(7,6) (6,6) (5,5) (5,9) (7,9) (8,8) (7,6)

F) (7,5) (7,2) (8,3) (8,4) (9,6)

G) (8,3) (8,2) (10,2) (11,3) (12,2) (13,2) (14,3) (14,4)

(12,4) (11,3)

H) (12,4) (13,5) (14,4)

I) (13,5) (13,7)

J) (14,9) (14,8) (13,7) (12,7) (11,8) (12,10) (11,9)


K) (18,5) (16,3) (14,3) (15,4) (16,4) (16,3)

L) (14,9) (15,9) (16,8) (15,8) (14,9)

M) (17,14) (18,13) (20,6) (18,2) (18,10) (17,11)

Cartoon Character 20

Draw an X axis 0-11 and y axis 0-13

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (2,1) (2,2½) (4,3)

B) (9,1) (9,2½) (7,3)

C) (4,3) (7,3) (8,4) (8,5) (7,8) (7,10) (6½,10½)

(4½,10½) (4,10) (4,8) (3,5) (3,4) (4,3)

D) (4,4) (4½,3½) (5,4)

E) (6,4) (6½,3½) (7,4)

F) (7,10) (8½,10) (10,9) (10½,8) (10,7½) (8½,9) (7,9½)

G) (4,10) (2½,10) (1,9) (½,8) (1,7½) (2½,9) (4,9½)

H) (6½,10½) (7,11) (7,11½) (6½,12) (4½,12) (4,11½)

(4,11) (4½,10)

I) (5½,9½) (5½,8½) (6½,8½)(6½,9½) (4½,9½)

(4½,8½) (5½,8½)

J) (5,9)

K) (6,9)

Cartoon Character 21

Draw an X axis 0-13 and y axis 0-12

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (8,10) (7,11½) (6,10) (8,10) colour green

B) (8½,4) (10½,4) (12½,6½) (13,10) (10½,7) (9,6) colour


C) (5½,4) (3½,4) (1½,6½) (1,10) (3½,7) (5,6) colour green

D) (5,5½) (5½,5½) (6½,6) (7½,6) (8½,5½) (9,5½) (9½,5)

(9½,4½) (8½,4) (5½,4) (4½,4½) (4½,5) (5,5½)

E) (5,5) (5½,4½) (8½,4½) (9,5)

F) (5½,4) (5½,4½)

G) (6,4) (6,4½)

H) (6½,4) (6½,4½)

I) (7,4) (7,4½)

J) (7½,4) (7½,4½)

K) (8,4) (8,4½)

L) (8½,4) (8½,4½)

M) (6½,2½) (7½,2½) (7½,3) (6½,3) (6½,2½)

N) (6½,2½) (6,4) (5½,4) (6½,2) (7½,2) (8½,4) (8,4)


O) (6½,1½) (6½,2) (5½,2) (5½,1) (6½,1½) (7½,1½) (8½,1)

(8½,2) (7½,2) (7½,1½)

P) (6,2) (6,3)

Q) (8,2) (8,3)

R) (6½,6) (6½,6½) (7½,6½) (7½,6)

S) (5,6½) (5½,6) (6,6) (6½,6½) (6½,7½) (6,7½) (5,7)

T) (5½,6½)

U) (9,6½) (8½,6) (8,6) (7½,6½) (7½,7½) (8,7½) (9,7)

V) (8½,6½)

W) (9,5½) (9,9½) (8,10)

X) (6,10) (5,9½) (5,5½)

Cartoon Character 22

Draw an X and y axis 0-18

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (11,12) (11,13) (13,13) (13,11) (12,11) (12,12)

B) (11,12) (12,12) (11,10) (9,10) (11,14) (12,14)


C) (12,14) (13,14) (13,10) (14,9) (14,14) (13,14)

D) (14,14) (15,14) (15,9) (14,9) colour b,c,d and e

E) (15,14) (16,13) (16,9) (15,9) grey

F) (15,9) (16,2)

G) (15,14) (14,16) (12,17) (9,17) (6,14) (6,13) (1,11)

(5,11) (2,9) (8,8) 910,7) (9,6) (7,6) (9,5) (10,5)


H) (3,9) (3,8) (8,8)

I) (8,6) (10,7) colour red

J) (5,11) (7,11) (7,12)

K) (6,13) (7,13) (8,14)

L) (9,14) (6,14)

M) (6,13)

Cartoon Character 23

Draw an X axis 0-18 and y axis 0-16

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (11,2) 13,3) (11,3)

B) (12,2) (12,4) (10,4) (10,2) (12,2) colour a and b red

C) (10,2) (6,2) (6,4) (5,3) (5,4) (2,5) (4,6) (3,8) (4,10)

(3,11) (5,12) (5,14) (8,13) (10,15) (12,13) (15,14)

(14,12) (15,11) (14,9) (16,8) (14,6) (14,5) (12,3)

D) (11,13) (9,13) (9,12) (8,12) (8,13) (9,13)

E) (9,12) (11,12) (11,13) (12,13) (12,12) (11,12) colour

d and e pink

F) (6,9) (6,8) (8,8) (8,9)

G) (6,8) (7,7)

H) (7,8) (8,7)

I) (8,8) (9,7)

J) (10,9) (10,8) (12,8) (12,9)

K) (10,8) (11,7)

L) (11,8) (12,7)

M) (12,8) (13,7)

N) (9,7) (10,7) (10,6) (9,6)

O) (6,6) (5,6) (5,5) (6,5)

Cartoon Character 24

Draw an X axis 0-20 and y axis 0-18

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (18,8) (19,8) (19,5) (16,2) (14,1) (8,1) (8,2) (7,3)

(8,5) (12,5) (12,3) (8,3) (9,5)

B) (8,5) (4,5) (2,6) (4,8) (4,14) (6,16) (16,16) (19,12)


C) (18,9) (20,9) (20,7) (18,7)

D) (14,9) (12,9) (12,11) (14,11) (14,9)

E) (13,10)

F) (10,8) (8,8) (8,10) (10,10)

G) (8,10) (6,10) (6,12) (8,12) (8,10)

H) (7,11)

I) (2,14) (6,16) (6,14)

J) (7,14) (7,16)

K) (8,14) (8,16)

L) (9,14) (9,16)

M) (10,14) (10,16)

N) (11,14) (11,16)

O) (12,14) (12,16)

P) (13,14) (13,16)

Q) (14,14) (14,16)

R) (15,14) (15,16)

S) (16,14) (16,16) (18,15)

Cartoon Character 25

Draw an X and y axis 0-11

Draw each set of co-ordinates separately do not join

(A) co-ordinates to (B) co-ordinates etc.

A) (4,7) (2,7½) (2,8) (3,8) (2,8½) (2½,9) (3,8½) (3,9)

(3½,9) (3½,8) (4,9) (4½,9) (4½,8½) (5,9) (5½,9)

(5½,8½) (6,9) (6,8½) (6½,9) (6½,8½) (7,9) (7,8½)

(6,7½) (4,7) colour red

B) (2,7½) (2,6½) (3½,6) (3½,5½) (2,5½) (2,6½)

C) (2½,6)

D) (2½,5½) (1½,4½) (1½,3½)

E) (3½,4½) (3,3½) (½,3½) (1½,3) (½,3) (1½,2½) (3,3)

(2½,2½) (3½,3) (5½,3½) (7,3½) (7,2½) (5,2½) (4,2)

(5,2) (4½,1½) (5½,2) (6,2) (5½,1½) (6½,2)

(6½,1½) (7½,2½) (8,2) (7½,3½) (8,3) (7½,4)

(8,4½) (6,4) (5½,4) (6,5) (5½,4½) (3,3½) colour


F) (1½,2½) (1,2½) (1,2) (3,2) (5,3) (6,3½)

G) (5,3) (6,3) (6,3½)

H) (6,2½) (7,3)

I) (8,4½) (8,5½) (7½,5½)(7½,4½)

J) (7,4½) (7,5) (9,9) (9½,9½) (10,9) (9½,8½) (10,8)

(9,7½) (9½,6½) (8½,6½) (9,6) (8½,6) (9,5) (8½,5½)

(8,5) colour red

K) (3,9) (4,10) (5,10½) (7,10½) (8,10) (9,9)

L) (6,7) (5½,5½) (4,5½) (4,6) (6,7)

M) (5,6)

N) (4,5) (5,5)

O) (5½,2) (5½,1)

P) (7½,2½) (7½,1)

top related