india’s premier coal industry event - rising demand, rising ... – 5 march 2008 taj palace hotel,...

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4 – 5 March 2008 Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi

India’s premier coal industry event - rising demand, risingsupply and rising opportunities in the energy sector

Early Bird Discount Save €100 book by 25 January 2008


Coaltrans India 2008 will examine:� Principal infrastructure challenges to meet growing demand for coal imports and movement� Competition for resources within an increasingly import-focused global coal market� Fuel supply for UMPPs and increased power production, plus efficiency and clean coal initiatives� Government perspective on the coal block allocation and management process� Dedicated panel discussion of the major Indonesian coal players

Plus: Pre-conference networking and social programmePlus: Gala Reception

New Feature: Tailor-make the programme to your own interests with dedicated streams on both conference days

Stream 1: Power Sector and or Stream 2: Metcoal Markets plus Finance, Thermal Coal Developments Investment and Coal Trading

Stream 3: Infrastructure, Freight and or Stream 4: Mining Operations and Logistics plus Clean Coal Economics for Coal Block Owners

New Feature: Optional post-conference field trip to Paradip Port Trust





Coaltrans India 2008 will address:

Thermal Coal and PowerGenerationPlanned power production of100,000MW by 2012 will require notonly increased domestic production,but also the need to secure supplyfrom strategic overseas investmentsand long term contracts with majorinternational coal producers.Coaltrans India provides anin depth analysis of key challengesfacing thermal powered energygeneration in India today.

MetcoalIndia is expected to be thesecond-largest steel makingcountry in the world by 2016,tripling steel production to120million mt. How will Indiasecure the metallurgical coalneeded to feed steel demandin an increasingly tightmarket for raw materials?

India is, and will remain, heavily dependent on coal to meet its energyrequirements in an economy that is growing at 8% per year. In aclimate characterised by ambitious government projects to encourageincreased coal production and efficiency of usage, there is also a needto overcome the infrastructure and logistics challenges that areconstraining development. Coal consumption is anticipated torise by nearly 40% over the next five years, with acorresponding rise in coal imports to 53 million tonnesby 2011/2012 from current levels of around 30million tonnes. This increase to satisfyprojected demand from coastal UMPPs andgrowing merchant power projects, istaking place in a global marketwhere good quality coal resourcesare being chased by an everincreasing pool of potentialcustomers.

Coaltrans returns to India to brief the domestic andinternational coal communities on the new andexpanding opportunities in this dynamic market


Infrastructure and LogisticsGovernment plans to invest US$2bn to expand port capacity, and liberalised regulations forprivate sector investment in infrastructure reflect the call for much needed updating of the strainedport and railroad systems currently in place. The conference will examine infrastructureinvestment opportunities and assess the degree of infrastructure and logistics developments thatare needed to ensure that coal imports are not constrained.

Coal Block Mining OpportunitiesThe Government’s initiative to allocate coal blocks to private developers has been actively seizedbut this leads to critical questions of how to mine the coal in the most efficient manner by those

inexperienced in the coal mining business. Our dedicated stream on Coal MiningOperations and Economics will provide the key to understanding resources, effective

mining and the role of contractors for all those seeking to understand coal mineoperations in more depth.

4 – 5 March 2008, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi


The Taj Palace Hotel, New DelhiLocated in the diplomatic area, the hotel is10 minutes from the airport and city centre.In a survey the hotel has been named "TheBest Business Hotel in India". The hotel is amember of The Leading Hotels of the Worldand maintains the highest standards ofquality and service.

About the Organisers:Coaltrans Conferences organises large-scaleinternational coal conferences, which attractdelegates from all over the world. It also runsfocused regional events, exhibitions, field tripsand training courses. It has a reputation foremploying the highest organisational standards.For 2008, Coaltrans Conferences is runningevents in Brazil, China, the Czech Republic,South Africa, the UK and the USA.



0930-1330HALF-DAY NETWORKINGTOUR OF NEW DELHITake the opportunity to meet with yourfellow conference attendees on ourhalf-day networking tour around thebeautiful and fascinating city of NewDelhi. The tour will include the chance

to see the victory pillar of Quitub Minar, Humayun Tomb, ParliamentHouse and the beautiful India Gate.




0700 Registration and CoffeeSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV

0800 Exhibition Opens

0900 WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKSAllison Lindsay, Director of Conferences, Coaltrans Conferences


Chair: Graham Chapman, Managing Director, Energy Edge

0915 COAL INDIA – INTO THE FUTURE� Development plans and increasing production� Supply and demand challenges� The challenge from imported coal� Creating innovation in the Indian coal industryMr P S Bhattacharyya, Chairman, Coal India Limited*

0935 INDONESIA - MAJOR SUPPLIER TO INDIA Dr. Simon F. Sembiring, Director General, Ministry ofEnergy and Mineral Resources*

0955 THE MINISTRY'S PLANS FOR THE FUTURE OFCOAL IN INDIAHarish Chandra Gupta, Secretary, Ministry of Coal and Mines, Government of India

1005 THE INDIAN COAL MARKETS - DRIVING THEINDUSTRY FORWARD� Role of the coal industry in ensuring energy security for India� Plans to take the Indian coal industry forward – the role for

private developers� Overcoming infrastructure challengesDr Dasari Narayana Rao, Minister of State for Coal,Ministry of Coal, Government of India

1025 ACHIEVING ENERGY SECURITY FOR INDIA� Role of the power sector in driving economic growth in India� Overcoming challenges in electricity distribution� Potential obstacles facing the efficient production and

distribution of power � Need for a fundamental improvement in off takers’ performanceAnil Razdan, Secretary, Ministry of Power*

1045 Questions and Answers

1105 Networking BreakSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV

STREAM 1For the remainder of the day, the conference will be divided into two streams.

Stream 1 will focus on the Power Sector and Thermal Coal Developments.Stream 2 will focus on the Steel Sector and Met Coal Developments and

Finance and Coal Trading. Please indicate your choice of stream on page 10.


Chair: Bhajan Pratap Singh, Executive Director (Coal Mining & Coal Washeries), NTPC Ltd

1130 SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR STEAM COAL ON ANINTERNATIONAL BASIS� Review of the key trends changing the international thermal

coal markets� Rising demand for imported coal in India, and price

considerations for the Indian market � Role of China as a net importer and as a challenge to India

securing sufficient coal supply to meet its needs going forwardRobin Griffin, Senior Analyst, Barlow Jonker Pty Ltd.

1150 DEVELOPING THE INDIAN POWER SECTOR� Achievement of the UMPP programme to date� Current status of bidding on projects � Ensuring projects are constructed to time and specification

1210 CASE STUDY: TATA POWER – DEVELOPMENT OFCOASTAL POWER PLANTS� Mundhra UMPP and coastal Maharashtra to date� Independent power plants - connectivity to the grid� Grid capacity - coping with new power supplyAmulya Charan, Managing Director, Tata Power Trading Co. Ltd.

1230 Questions and Answers

1245 LunchSponsored by United Shippersand CGU Logistic


1415 CLIMATE CHANGE CONSIDERATIONS IN THEINDIAN COAL AND POWER INDUSTRIES – USINGCARBON CREDITS� Coal and climate change� Carbon emissions and the Indian power sector� Carbon credits and emissions trading - opportunities for the

Indian power sector� Future prospects for Indian coal and climate changeDerek Taylor, Energy Advisor, European Commission

1435 THE CEMENT INDUSTRY AS A GROWING COALPURCHASER� The growing market for cement in India, and impact on raw

material supplies� Fuel supply options for the cement industry – coal, petcokeU. R. Raju, Vice President (Mineral Resources), Ambuja Cements Ltd

Quotes from previousCoaltrans Indiadelegates

"It was an interesting event and provided an excellent opportunity to network."4

"The large and record attendance at Coaltrans India is testament to theprofessionalism, and industry knowledge of the organisers."

1455 PANEL: COAL (FUEL) SOURCING FOR UMPPSAND NEW POWER CAPACITY� Anticipated coal demand going forward – domestic and imported� Meeting the needs of the Indian power sector and rapid

growth in energy demand, the challenge for the SEBs� Coal quality considerations� The role of the IPP in the Indian power sector� Pricing issues when competing for UMPPs and tariff based

power plant projects� The importance of linkages Moderator: Ahmed Buhari, President and CEO, Coal and Oil GroupSpeakers:� Ajoy Mehta, Managing Director, Maharashtra State

Power Generation Company Ltd. (MahaGenco)� Gurdeep Singh, Managing Director, GSECL (Gujarat

State Electricity Corporation Ltd). � L.V. Nagarajan, IAS, Managing Director,

Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd. � Karni Singh Bhada, Corporate Affairs, Essar Group� Rahul Bhandare, Managing Director,

Knowledge Infrastructure Systems Pvt Ltd.

1545 Networking BreakSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV


Chair: Jeffrey Mulyono, Chairman, Indonesian Coal Mining Association

Review of key suppliers to the Indian thermal coal markets

1615 AUSTRALIA � Freight and logistics considerations � Assessment of current and future coal supply from Australia

1635 SOUTH AFRICA� New coal resources coming on stream in South Africa� Freight and logistics issues from RBCT� Future prospects for SA coal in the Indian marketsDiego de Bourgues, Chief Executive Officer, Total Coal International

1655 Questions and Answers

1705 INDONESIAN PANEL – IMPORT POTENTIAL ANDCHALLENGES FOR INDONESIAN THERMAL COALSUPPLY TO INDIA� Review of loading arrangements in Indonesian ports� Logistics in the Indonesian context – key factors for Indian imports� Assessment of coal supply from Indonesia – India’s place in a

global market for Indonesian coal� Peter Ball, Vice President Marketing, PT Bumi Resources � Giordano Scotto d’Aniello, Business Development

Manager, Coeclerici Logistics� Eko Budi, General Manager - Marketing, PT Berau Coal� Terry Ng, Marketing Manager, PT Indonesia Bulk Terminal� Mirza Ong, General Manager - Operations,

PT Mitra Bahtera Segarasejati

1800 Chairman’s closing remarks and close of conference

1900 NETWORKING EVENING RECEPTIONSponsored by Coal and Oil Group

Coal and Oil Group will host an evening reception for all delegates.Great ethnic dining coupled with an Indian cultural programme toentertain guests will make this a most memorable event.

STREAM 2For the remainder of the day, the conference will be divided into two streams.

Stream 1 will focus on the Power Sector and Thermal Coal Developments.Stream 2 will focus on the Steel Sector and Met Coal Developments and

Finance and Coal Trading.. Please indicate your choice of stream on page 10.


Chair: Malay Sengupta, Chairman-cum-Managing Director,MSTC Limited

1130 SAIL - MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF A GROWINGDEMAND FOR STEEL� Strategy to further develop SAIL's prominence in the Indian

steel markets� Anticipated growth, challenges for future development� Fuel supply considerations - generating bids from a global

marketplace� Technological innovations - implications for metcoal supplyS.K. Jain, Executive Director (Operations), Steel Authority of India Ltd.

1150 GROWING DEMAND – THE FUTURE FOR INDIA’SSTEEL AND MET COAL INDUSTRIES� Growth prospects for the Indian steel industry � Meeting coking coal requirements for India going forward� Indian met coal resources - potential Vineet J Mehra, General Manager (Ferrous - RawMaterial), Stemcor


1250 Questions and Answers

1300 LunchSponsored by United Shippers


1415 SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR MET COAL ON ANINTERNATIONAL BASIS� Review of the key trends changing the international met

coal markets� Role of China as a net importer and as a challenge to India

securing sufficient coal supply to meet its needs going forwardDr. Peter Richardson, Macro/Commodity Strategist,Craton Capital

Review of key suppliers to the Indian met coal markets

1435 AUSTRALIA � Production and import prospects for Australian coals to IndiaGraham Wailes, Principal Steel & Raw Materials Analyst,AME Mineral Economics

1515 CANADA� India’s requirement for met coal - feeding demand� Freight and logistics considerations � Future prospects for coal production in Canada and likely

scenarios in relation to increasing met coal import demand in India and China

David Slater, President & Chief Executive Officer,Hillsborough Resources Limited

1535 Questions and Answers

1545 Networking BreakSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV

"Through Coaltrans India, we know the present situation and condition of the coal industry and business in India." 5


Chair: Philip Jeffery John Michell, Director & Head ofCommodity Trade Finance India, ANZ

1615 FINANCING FOR COAL AND INFRASTRUCTUREDEVELOPMENTS IN INDIA� Role of PPP in achieving successfully financed infrastructure

projects in IndiaArun Kumar, Senior Vice President, PTC India Ltd

1635 PRICE RISK MANAGEMENT � India moving to being price receptive in a global sellers market

for coal� Swaps and derivatives – future opportunities in the Indian

coal markets� Role of modelling in predicting coal price movements and

assisting in fuel management strategies for end users

1655 OVERSEAS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES FORINDIAN COAL PURCHASERS� Ensuring security of supply through strategic investment in the

coal value chain� Competing in the international markets for suitable coal investmentsHiranyava Bhadra, Associate Director, KPMG

1735 Questions and Answers

1750 Chairman’s closing remarks and close of conference

1900 NETWORKING EVENING RECEPTIONSponsored by Coal and Oil GroupCoal and Oil Group will host an evening reception for all delegates.Great ethnic dining coupled with an Indian cultural programme toentertain guests will make this a most memorable event.


0745 NETWORKING BREAKFAST Delegates will have the opportunity to introduce themselves totheir fellow conference attendees using a roving microphone,enabling them to make additional business contacts.

0745 Exhibition Opens

0900 WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKSAllison Lindsay, Director of Conferences, Coaltrans Conferences

STREAM 3The entire second day of the conference will be divided into two streams.

Stream 3 will focus on Logistics, Freight and Infrastructure Challenges, plusClean Coal. Stream 4 (Mining Operations) will focus on the critical operationaland economic questions facing those who have received a coal block allocation

for captive mining. Please indicate your choice of stream on page 10.



demands of increasing coal imports� Current and planned improvements to state coal ports� Improving rail-road connectivity of major ports� Overcoming draft restrictions and infrastructure constraints for

efficient logistics� The role of PPPs and international investors in financing

necessary developments in Indian dry bulk terminals

0920 REVIEW OF THE CONSTRAINTS SURROUNDINGINDIAN PORTS� Meeting infrastructure demands in India through the use of

private finance� Measures to attract private finance into Indian port, rail and

logistics infrastructure projects� Role for shipping companies to invest in efficient terminalsShyam Sundar SG, Principal, IDFC Private Equity

0940 Questions and Answers

0945 PANEL DISCUSSION: PORTS AND PORT USERSREVIEW THE PRINCIPAL CHALLENGES FACINGINDIA'S DRY BULK PORTS� Port congestion challenges� Constraints on port handling facilities in India � Will the ports really be ready to handle the proposed increase

in imported coal going forward� New facilities to ease congestion – offshore cranes, rail merry -

go-rounds, small jetties, barging� Role of the private sector in overcoming port restrictions for

coal imports � K Raghuramaiah, Chairman, Paradip Port Trust� Pranav Choudhary, Chief Financial Officer,

Gangavaram Port Limited

1030 INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRAINTS – RAILWAYS� Indian Rail and prospects for private development of rail

facilities in India for the moving of coal� Potential for dedicated coal lines in the railway systemCharles J Magolske, Vice President - BusinessDevelopment and Strategy, FreightCar America

1050 MAXIMISING THE VALUE CHAIN FOR LOGISTICSAND INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE INDIAN COAL,POWER AND STEEL CONTEXT� Logistics challenges in the Indian coal markets� Opportunities for innovative solutions to logistics challenges in the

Indian markets – slurry pipes, dedicated coal rail lines, conveyors� Creating efficient handling and evacuation of coal from terminals� Constructing a total value chain from mine to end userPoul V. Jensen, Managing Director, TransCare Logistics India Pvt. Ltd.

1110 Questions and Answers

1120 Networking BreakSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV


Chair: Robin Thomas, Business Development Manager, Simpson Spence & Young Ltd

1150 INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT MARKETS AND THEIRIMPACT ON INDIAN COAL IMPORTS� The trend in the importance of freight in overall coal price� Innovative solutions for a volatile market� Review of prices and where they are likely to move going forward� Role for an Indian-Indonesian freight index� Utilising the FFA market, potential for the Indian coal and

freight marketsRobin Thomas, Business Development Manager, Simpson Spence & Young

1210 MATCHING INTERNATIONAL LOADING PORTS TOINDIAN DISCHARGE PORTS� Review of major ports supplying to India, and Indian discharge ports� Planned port developments� Assessment of global infrastructure constraints and bottlenecks

and likely impact on the coal imports to IndiaKostas Kakaris, Dry Bulk Development Manager, GAC Group

"An excellent forum for both international and domestic players of the coal industry, you could feel the buzz of activity during the conference"

To register - Telephone: +44 20 7779 8623 • Fax: +44 20 7779 89466

Comments fromCoaltrans India 2007participants

1230 Questions and Answers

1240 LunchSponsored by Bhatia International Limited


1400 COAL GASIFICATION - EARLY STEPS TOWARDSCLEAN COAL IN INDIA� The big picture on coal, drivers for clean coal� Gasification - an introduction, environmental benefits� Gasification - its applications and particular relevance for India� Range of feedstock for gasification - low rank coal to petcoke� Shell experience - process, feed flexibility, plant

availability, applications� Shell offer: scope of interests and services in gasificationBiswajit Kar, Head, Clean Coal Energy, India, Shell India

1420 ROLE OF NEW POWER PLANT TECHNOLOGIES IN INDIA � IGCC – sensitivity to coal type and quality� Parameters to use domestic and imported coals in IGCC

power plants� Opportunities for using super critical fluidised bed technologies

in the Indian context� Plant retrofitting to increase efficiency� Technology competitiveness - Environmental and thermal performance

1440 POWER PLANT PERFORMANCE OPTIMISATION ANDENERGY EFFICIENCY IN COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS� Making energy efficiency a key parameter in monitoring power

plant production� Implementing new power production technologies� Reducing carbon dioxide emissions through more effective

power plant usage� Implementing effective house keeping measures, effective

instrumentation, need for technical and manpower training� Effective overhaul and maintenance proceduresDK Agrawal, General Manager (CenPEEP), NTPC Ltd.

1500 Questions and Answers

1515 Refreshment BreakSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV

1545 UCG AS A POTENTIAL INDUSTRY CHANGER IN INDIA� Learning from overseas ventures as to best strategies for UCG

to be applied in the Indian context� Case studies of UCG projectsRohan Courtney, Founding Director, UCG Partnership

1625 GENERATING EFFICIENCY THROUGH THE USE OFCOAL ADDITIVES� Need for improvement to combustion rates and reduction of

coal consumption� Removal of clinkers and slag� Thermact: a multifunctional additive for coal� Reduction of emissions of SO2 and SPM� Potential for carbon credit eligibilitySwatantra Kumar, Director, Abhitech Energycon Limited

1645 Questions and Answers

1700 Chairman’s closing remarks and close of conference


0745 NETWORKING BREAKFAST Delegates will have the opportunity to introduce themselves totheir fellow conference attendees using a roving microphone,enabling them to make additional business contacts.

0745 Exhibition Opens

0900 WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKSAllison Lindsay, Director of Conferences, Coaltrans Conferences

STREAM 4The entire second day of the conference will be divided into two streams.

Stream 3 will focus on Logistics, Freight and Infrastructure Challenges, plusClean Coal. Stream 4 (Mining Operations) will focus on the critical operationaland economic questions facing those who have received a coal block allocation

for captive mining. Please indicate your choice of stream on page 10.


Chair: Steve Frankland, Director, Dargo Associates Ltd.

0905 REGULATORY CHALLENGES AND COMPLIANCE INSETTING UP AN EFFICIENT MINING OPERATION� The coal block allotment process, legal framework� Coal mining developments in the captive environment – key

considerations when bidding for a coal block allocation� Challenges in moving from a public sector coal mining regime

to a private sector coal mining operationKS Kropha, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Govt of India

0925 PANEL OF THOSE ALLOCATED MINING BLOCKS� Opportunities in the Indian captive mine market� Key criteria to enable mine block owners to develop their

resources effectively� Principal challenges and considerations in taking the

development forward� Arun Kumar Singh, Managing Director, Jharkhand

State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd� Sandeep Jajodia, Executive Vice Chairman &

Managing Director, Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd.� Abhishek Jayaswal, Director, Abhijeet Group � R K Kasliwal, Advisor, Hindalco Industries Ltd

1000 EXPLORATION AND RESOURCE EVALUATION OFCOAL BLOCK ALLOCATIONS� Resource exploration and evaluation methodologies� Coal quality, sampling and analysis for coal assets� Geological evaluation of the mine siteWarwick Smyth, Director, GeoConsult Pty Ltd.

1020 PLANNING AN EFFICIENT MINE� Maximising efficiency through joint projects� Understanding the mine block resource� Fundamentals of mine planning – key considerations for safety,

efficiency and optimisation of the mining processJeff Cochrane, Head of Business Development - Asia Pacific, Anglo Coal

1040 ASSESSING THE FUNDAMENTALS - COST ANDECONOMICS OF RUNNING A COAL MINE� Achieving operational efficiency at best cost� Cost management considerationsIan Alexander, Managing Director - Australia, John T Boyd Company

1100 Questions and Answers

"It was an excellent venue for networking with ship owners, charterers and suppliers."

"This was a very well organised and well manned event. It was a platform to understand & know the entire coal industry (buyer & seller)." 7

"Coaltrans India was very well conceived, was planned and organised very efficiently and provided an excellent overview on the coal industries both in India and overseas."

"As always, this was a very comprehensive and well organised event."8

1120 Refreshment BreakSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV

1150 CONTRACT MINING – THE ROLE OF THEINTERNATIONAL MINE CONTRACTOR IN THEINDIAN MARKETPLACE� Role of foreign companies in developing captive mining blocks in

India – taking advantage of international expertise� Coal handling and infrastructure within the mine operation� Case studiesGreg Pauline, Chief Executive Officer, Thiess Leighton India Pvt. Ltd.

1210 ROLE FOR DOMESTIC CONTRACTORS� Cost-benefit analysis of contract mining vs owner-operator� Managing the specific challenges of mining on a small scale� Creating efficiencies when mining 1-2mt per year� Role of domestic mining contractors – cost comparativity� Ensuring the most effective mining methods for small scale miningAnil Mehta, Joint President, Essel Mining & Industries Ltd

1230 Questions and Answers

1240 LunchSponsored by Bhatia International Limited

COAL HANDLINGSession Sponsor: Caterpillar Global Mining

1400 MOVING COAL OVERLAND - LONG DISTANCES THEVALUE PROPOSITION, THE LOGISTICS & THECHALLENGES� Alternative solutions - slurry pipes, conveyors, rail merry-go-rounds

– assessing the options and pros and cons of each choice

1420 EQUIPMENT CONSIDERATIONS WHEN MINING ACAPTIVE COAL BLOCK� Options for equipment types and suppliers� Options for purchasing or leasing suitable equipment for the

coal blockJohn T Bergin, Product Support Manager,

Caterpillar Global Mining

1440 Questions and Answers

1500 Refreshment BreakSponsored by Oxbow Coal BV

1530 UPGRADING COAL – REALISING THE TRUE VALUEOF INDIAN COALS� Upgrading coal – ash management challenges� Options for dealing with Indian high ash coal � Blending with low ash imported coal� Blending with petcoke� Washing the coal� Potential for sourcing underground coal with inherently low ash contentSenior Representative, GAIL India Ltd.


C166 Development Company, LLC� GC Mrig, Managing Director, Aryan Global Coal &

Beneficiations Pvt Ltd. � Ross Brims, Manager - Business Development,

Sedgman Limited� David Morris, Vice President of International Marketing,

Taggart Global, LLC

1610 Questions and Answers

1630 Chairman’s closing remarks and close of conference


Comments fromCoaltrans India 2007participants

see page 10 for

booking details

© Coaltrans Conferences 2007. Coaltrans Conferences reserve the right toalter the content of the programme without prior notice

Separately bookable optionalpost-conference field trip

Paradip Port Trust5th - 7th March 2008

Provisional Schedule:Wednesday 5th March 20081800 Depart Delhi Airport for Bhubaneswar2000 Arrive Bhubaneswar and transfer to hotel by coach

Thursday 6th March 20080900 Depart from Bhubaneswar to Paradip by coach1300 Arrive in Paradip and lunch1400 Tour of the general port facilities at Paradip Port followed

by dinner 1700 Transfer to hotel in Paradip

Friday 7th March 20080900 Depart Hotel and return to Paradip Port for tour of the

mechanised iron ore and coal handling plant1200 Depart Paradip and return to Bhubaneswar Airport for

transfer to New Delhi

Paradip Port TrustParadip Port is the only major seaport in the State of Orissa andwas opened to traffic in 1966. It has 14 berths with draughtranging from 11m – 13m to accommodate 70,000 DWT withmodern facilities to handle both liquid and dry cargoes. ParadipPort’s role as a coal handling facility is growing, with a recordquantity of 10.08 million tonnes of thermal coal handled by thestate-of-the-art mechanised coal handling plant between 2006and 2007. In keeping with the expected increases in imports ofiron ore and coal, the port is undergoing development projectsto enhance its capacity. This includes plans to deepen theapproach channels and increase the available draught to 14m,as well as to construct a deep draught iron ore/coal berth.

Please note, the field trip is subject to minimum numbers

Cancellations - Field trip: All cancellations must be received in writing by the 1stFebruary 2008 for a full refund, less a 10% administration charge. We cannotaccept verbal cancellations. Cancellations received after 1st February 2008 areliable for the full field trip fee. However, substitutions can be sent to attend in yourplace at no extra charge. Registrations received after1st February 2008 are stillliable for the full field trip fee in case of cancellation. If owing to a force majeur,Coaltrans will not be liable for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred bydelegates or their organisations. 9



Sponsorship and exhibition stand opportunities

Put your company at the forefront of the Indian market ~ it makes business sense


Sponsorship opportunities at Coaltrans India 2008 offeryour company prestigious and long term benefits. As theIndian market strengthens, this is the opportune time toenhance your company profile and bring it to the forefrontof the industry.

By sponsoring your logo will be on the main conferencewebsite in the run up to the event and on the main stageduring the event, maximising your brand. Opportunities are

also created for potential clients to contact you byshowcasing your details in the delegate documentation.

Sponsorship opportunities available include: WelcomeReception, Conference Auditorium, ConferenceDocumentation, Delegate Badge, plus Gold and SilverSponsorship options. There are also a variety of furtheroptions to suit your particular budget, objectives andaspirations.

The Coaltrans India exhibition packages will placeyou at the heart of networking activity, ensuringinteraction with large coal investors, key consumersand international suppliers.

Pre-built stands are available to allow you to exhibitwith the minimum of effort and are designed ineither 6sqm, 12sqm, 18 sqm layouts.

For any larger stand sizes please contact us.

For further information please contact Hannah Lockwood, Exhibition Manager or 0044 (0)20 7779 8185

Exhibition Floorplan






Post: Coaltrans Conferences Ltd

Nestor House, Playhouse Yard London EC4V 5EX, UK

Four other waysto register


+44 20 7779 8113

Telephone: +44 20 7779 8489

(quoting brochure ref:)

The easiest way to register is online at

EARLY BIRD FEE €1099 (by 25 January 2008) - STANDARD FEE €1199 (after 25 January 2008)

Fee includes: 1. Attendance at all conference sessions 2. Full conferencedocumentation, which includes copies of all available speakers’ papers 3. Complimentary tours, refreshments, lunches and evening receptions

Delegates By 25 January After 25 January Discount

�� 1st €1099 €1199�� 2nd €1099 €1199�� 3rd €549.50 €595.50 50%




I will be bringing my spouse: Name

VISA INVITATION LETTERSVisa applications are the responsibility of each delegate. If you require a visaletter of invitation, please contact You will needto advise your name as it appears on your passport, job title, organisation,date of birth, passport number, date of expiry, nationality and fax number towhich the document can be sent. We do not send direct to any Embassy.Please allow sufficient time for this process.

DOCUMENTATION�� I cannot attend but I would like to purchase the documentation for€450 �� Soft copy (electronic) or �� Hard copy (binder)

IT IS IMPORTANT TO FILL OUT ALL THE INFORMATION BELOWPlease photocopy this form for multiple bookings

1st Delegate detailsPlease tick as appropriate: �� Stream 1 or �� Stream 2 �� Stream 3 or �� Stream 4

�� Field Trip €999

Mr/Mrs/Ms ______ First name ____________________________________________________________

Surname _________________________________________________________________________________

Job title___________________________________________________________________________________

Tel ________________________________________ Fax ___________________________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________________

2nd Delegate detailsPlease tick as appropriate: �� Stream 1 or �� Stream 2 �� Stream 3 or �� Stream 4

�� Field Trip €999

Mr/Mrs/Ms ______ First name ____________________________________________________________

Surname _________________________________________________________________________________

Job title___________________________________________________________________________________

Tel ________________________________________ Fax ___________________________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________________

Organisation details

Company Name___________________________________________________________________________

Please supply your company description for the delegate list

Company Activity (15-20 words)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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PAYMENTPayment may be made in one of three ways - please tick appropriate box ��� 1. Please debit my CREDIT CARD No.

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Expiry date �� �� / �� ��Credit card payments will be processed in Sterling so exact fee may varyaccording to exchange rates Signed......................................................................................................

�� 2. Payment by BANK TRANSFER should be made through Lloyds Bank plc, PO Box 72, Bailey Drive, Gillingham Business Park, Kent ME8 0LS, account number 11127713, sort code: 30-12-18, Swift Code: LOYDGB2LCTYIBAN No: GB42LOYD30121886139233 (all charges to be paid by sender)

�� 3. CHEQUES should be drawn on a UK Bank and made payable toCoaltrans Conferences Ltd. A receipted invoice will be sent to all delegates.

Please complete and return this form together with a copy of your credit cardnumber, bank transfer or cheque, payable in US$ to Coaltrans Conferences Ltd,and send by post or fax to: Coaltrans Conferences Ltd Nestor House, Playhouse Yard, London EC4V 5EX, UK Tel: +44 20 7779 8196, Fax: +44 20 7779

HOTELAccommodation is available at the conference hotel: The Taj Palace Hotel,New Delhi at the following special rates:Single rooms�� Deluxe room at INR 15500�� Taj Club room at INR 16600�� Taj Club Premium at INR 18200All rates include breakfast at the coffee shop but exclude taxes.All Taj Club room rates include a one way airport pick-up and breakfast atthe Taj Club Lounge but exclude taxes.

To reserve a room please call 91 11 2611 0202 Or or visit and quote the referenceCoaltrans India. Note that these rates are only available for registered delegates toCoaltrans India 08. Please ensure you provide your dates of arrival, departure andcredit card details for guarantee. There are a limited number of rooms so pleaseensure you place your reservation by February 4 to avoid disappointment. Pleasetake note of the cancellation terms upon receipt of your confirmation from the hotel.

Delegates resident in India may contact awconfer@vsnl.comTel: 00 91 11 2691 9377, Fax: 00 91 11 2684 8343

Email: Josef Lanjri at brochure ref:)

(EXAMPLE: Power GenCo operates three 200MW power plants in the UKand consumes 4MT of coal.)

CANCELLATIONSHotel guarantee: In the event of cancellations/reductions of length of stay at the conference hotels without 7 days notification prior to arrival you will be chargedfor all nights reserved unless the hotel/Coaltrans are able to re-sell your room. Conference fee: All cancellations must be received in writing by February 1 2008 for a full refund, less a 10% administration charge. We cannot accept verbalcancellations. Cancellations received after February 1 2008 are liable for the full conference fee. However, substitutions can be sent to attend in your place at noextra charge. Registrations received after February 1 2008 are still liable for the full conference fee in case of cancellation. If owing to a force majeure, Coaltranswill not be liable for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by delegates or their organisations.Data protection: The information that you provide will be safeguarded by Coaltrans Conferences Ltd, a division of Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC group, whose subsidiaries may use it tokeep you informed of relevant products and services. We occasionally allow reputable companies outside the Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC group to contact you with details of products thatmay be of interest to you. As an international group, we may transfer your data on a global basis for the purposes indicated above. If you object to contact by telephone �� fax �� or email �� pleasetick the relevant box. If you do not want us to share your information with other reputable companies, please tick this box ��

All bookings made on-site (3-5 March 2008) will be subject to a €75administration charge.

For all information on group booking discounts for 4 or more delegates, pleasecontact Romain Ollichon on +44 20 7779 8731;

Ref:please quotethis reference

Double rooms�� Deluxe room at INR 16500�� Taj Club room at INR 18100�� Taj Club Premium at INR 19700

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