indie cine sponsorship

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Sponsorship of new Public TV show about independent film.


Sponsorship 2010

Contact: Wynne Media Company, Inc.Phone: 212.869.1410

What if you could… Be the premiere sponsor of a top nationally broadcast TV show with 100%

original content and dominant “share of voice”?

Cut through the marketplace’s competitive clutter for 52 consecutive weeks?

Drive your brand awareness and engagement online through a robust 12-month Web campaign?

Benefit from a mobile platform that puts your brand and call-to-action in the hands of your potential customers 24/7/365?

Meet your potential customers at 30+ nationwide events where your brand is top dog?

Do all of the above at highly cost-effective rates?


“Innovation Marketing” that drives your brand’s DNA 

indie CINÉ + Independent Film

Where the best stories are told.Where the passion lives.

Unique. The only weekly TV series nationally broadcast and syndicated about Independent Film.

In Demand. Picked up by program directors in 80 of Top 100 U.S. TV markets

Credible. Airs only on American Public Television -- audience approval rate 2x higher than viewers of network or cable (Source: Roper)

Integrated. Weekly show with continuously updated Web site, podcasts, mobile marketing and live events

Uncluttered. A break-through “innovation marketing” solution in today’s over-saturated media environment.


Each week, host Tim Cogshell takes you behind the scenes through interviews with independent film makers and actors to discover how and why each film was created. We look at the craft of story telling at its highest level.

Viewers meet truly passionate actors and directors.

We learn why so many established stars choose to work on and in independent movies.

We’ll visit the sets. Explore the hidden stories behind the business side of independent film-making and film festivals. 

We’ll review new independent films and tell viewers where they can be seen.

Watch indie CINÉ demo

Mainstream Success

Indie films increasingly box office leaders: Slumdog Millionaire (winner of 8 Oscars) ; Juno (4 Oscar nominations).

“Cocooning” In today’s economy, consumers are spending more time engaged with in-home entertainment.

Technology – 3 Screens

Delivery of cinematic content is now better and more convenient than ever. (HDTV/Home theater, Computer/High Speed Internet, Mobile etc.)

Engagement Even in today’s cluttered media environment, movie viewing in all environments remains a top grossing consumer entertainment choice.

Growth Independent cinema. Fastest growing category of film production



Positioning By associating with indie CINE your brand is positioned as innovator and thought influencer regarding important national cultural trends.

Influential Audience

Public TV audience demographically and psychographically to viewers of network and cable TV.

Integrated Platform

Seamless weaving of your brand message between TV show and related Web site, podcasts, mobile marketing and live events.

Flexibility Ability to change your message continuously as your marketing and branding needs change. Perfect for today’s “time shifting” viewers.

Clutter-Free Only 3-minutes of commercial time per half hour episode (70% less than network or cable). Maximize your “share of voice.”

Sustainability Reach your targeted consumer through full year (52 week) multiple national touch point campaign. Compare to traditional 13-week network buy.

Public TV is Uncluttered. Compelling. Engaging. -- 10% commercial time per hour vs. 36% for network TV and 47% cable (Source: TNS Media Intelligence, 2009)

Public Television Viewers are: Educated. Early adopters. Influencers.

Public TV has twice the viewer approval rating as network or cable. (Source: Roper)

Higher Discretionary Income than commercial TV viewers.

76 million weekly viewers combined (42% of all U.S. TV households).

Public TV’s prime time average rating of 1.5 surpassed all cable networks except USA (1.8), Disney (1.7), Nickelodeon (1.7) and TNT (1.6).

Public TV

Cable TV

Network TV

Educational 83% 44% 24%

Informative 68 34 27

Stimulating 44 23 14

Important 38 20 23


36 16 9

Source: Roper, 2005-2006

Sources: * Council for Research Excellence, 2009;**the Kelsey Group

TV remains the dominant medium for media consumption” despite unprecedented competition for on-screen eyeballs.*

Computer: The computer has supplanted radio as the second most common media activity. (Print ranks 4th)”*

Mobile: 2010 Projected 73 million mobile web users, up from 54 million in 2008 **

52 fresh weekly episodes per year. A rarely available brand continuity opportunity

Broadcast nationally in high-integrity public television environment.

Digital & HD TV is now the broadcast standard.

HD Screen purchase and penetration of the consumer marketplace has exploded.[SEE DEMO]

Smart Phones and PDAS Exponential growth in small (3rd) screen adoption led

by the Apple iPhone has catapulted the viewing of video and movies on the small screen.

2010 Projected 73 million mobile web users, up from 54 million in 2008 *

Sponsored short form videos served to mobile technology.

Ideal for viralization and engagement to drive sponsorships plust leading to increasing viewership of TV show, site visits, and attendance at indie CINÉ events. *Kelsey Group 2009


Live film-showings in partnership with participating public TV stations and film festivals.

Film director and actors will appear in a panel discussion and Q&A moderated by indie CINÉ host Tim Cogshell.

Sponsors meet their targeted consumers in a face-to-face environment conducive to product demonstrations, databasing, call to action and brand reinforcement.

Brand Builder. Sponsorship drives and reinforces your company’s brand DNA-- a deeper expression of your mission -- greater connection with your target consumer. -- A “do good” opportunity with huge branding and ROI potential

Continuity. 52-week, continuous messaging across all screens and platforms (TV, computer, mobile, events).

Flexibility. Ability to change your message continuously as your marketing and branding needs change. Ideal for “time shifting viewership.

Credibility. Public TV has twice the viewer approval rating as network or cable. (Source: Roper)

ROI. Brings together branding and campaign measurability.

Contact Eric L. Wynne or Hank Berkowitz to explore the range of sponsorship opportunities

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