indonesia netizen facts (october - december 2015)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Disinformasi di Internet

Indonesia Strengthens Internet Governancefor Sustainable Development

Multistakeholder approach has become a

standout subject in the internet policy discussion

by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

(ASEAN). At least in the World Summit on

Information Society (WSIS) 2005 in Tunisia,

ASEAN Telecommunication and IT Minister

(TELMIN) stated that “any approach to Internet

Gove rnance must be conduc ted in a

multistakeholder environment with the full,

inclusive and appropriate participation of all

stakeholders: government, private sector, and

civil society”. ASEAN TELMIN also reminded

that WSIS was not only about internet

governance, but also the use of information and

communication technology to achieve the global

development target at that time, which was

Millenium Development Goals (MDGs).

Indonesia bene�ted from a valuable opportunity

of being the host of the 8th Global Internet

Governance Forum (IGF) in Bali in October

2015. As stated in the Best Practice Forum:

Indonesia in IGF 2013 and The Way Forward

document, Indonesia attempts to balance three

important pillars in the multistakeholder context:

quality of stakeholder's participation, legitimacy

of decision making process, and immediate need

for a suf�cient regulation.

Indonesia needs to keep strengthening the

multistakeholder functions and roles, particularly in

internet governance context. As stated in the Road

to WSIS+10: Key Country Perspectives in the Ten

Year Review of the WSIS published by Global

Partners Digital, in WSIS+10 High Level Forum in

Geneva in June 2014, Indonesia reaf�rmed the

importance of multistakeholder forum as a part of

the ICT development ecosystem.

So was in the Global Conference on Cyberspace

(GCCS) in The Hague, April 2015, where Indonesia

stated that “an inclusive, effective, and clear

objective global architecture forum participated by

governments, private sectors, and civil society in

the framework of the United Nations World Summit

of Information Society (WSIS) is essential.”

Indonesia's ICT ecosystem that encourages

multistakeholder approach in WSIS framework is

expected to contribute to the achievement of post-

2015 global development targets speci�ed in the

Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs. Let's work!


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Volume 3, October - December 2015

Raspberry Pi PerintisGained some Attention

Blocking Radicalismon the Internet

ICT Watch IndonesiaJl. Tebet Barat Dalam 6H No. 16AJakarta Selatan |

Indonesia Netizen Facts

published by:

Raspberry PI for Indonesia (Perintis) Community's creative modi�cation of

Raspberry that brought substantial bene�t to the people gained wide

popularity. This is at least shown from the massive amount of people visiting

Perintis's desk on the National Community Day on 28 September 2015 in

Kota Kasablanka Mall and in Compfest-7 on 3-4 October 2015 at Balairung

UI (University of Indonesia Assembly Hall), Depok. On the left photo, Andri

Johandri from Perintis is explaining about Raspberry Pi to one of the visitors.

Indonesian Center for Deradicalization and Wisdom (ICDW)

held a discussion on 7 August 2015 on anticipating the

growing number of disinformation, discrimination and

radicalism on the internet, participated by pluralism and

internet activists. (Top Photo). On 28 August 2015, Matahari

Timoer from ICDW presented the discussion outcome to the

Panel Team on Terrorism, Ethno-Race-Religion-Group

(SARA), and Hate Speech at the Ministry of Communication

and Information of�ce. (Bottom Photo).

Internet governance transparency and accountability in Indonesia is a must. The point was stated in the discussion

moderated and held by CNN Indonesia on 1 October 2015. Present in the discussion were the Minister of Information

and Communication, Rudiantara, Heru Sutadi (Indonesia ICT Institute), and Donny B.U. (ICT Watch). During the

discussion, ICT Watch also stressed the importance of fact and need-based governance (evidence based policy) and

inclusive engagement of multistakeholders.

Discussion in CNN Indonesia:Internet Governance Needs to Be Transparent and Accountable

The above point is one of the

many stated in the Pattaya

Key Messages on the

WSIS+10 Review: Voices

f r om the As i a -Pac i � c

Reg ion . Persona l da ta

protection (privacy) is now a

growing issue in Indonesia,

one of the causes of which

was to the violation of privacy

c o m m i t t e d b y s o m e

application-based motorbike

taxi drivers (digital moto-taxi)

who sent inappropriate text

messages to the i r ex -

passengers, as well as

terror/threat to passengers

who gave the drivers “bad


In digital moto-taxi context,

there are three parties related

to privacy: service user

(passenger), service provider

(digital application manager),

and service partner (third

party, in this case, the

motorbike owner or driver).

The service provider shall

protect the owner of personal

data (prospective service

user), so that the latter can

t r u l y u n d e r s t a n d t h e

consequence of transferring

their personal data to the third

party prior to deciding to use

the service.

In accordance with the point

from Pattaya Key Message in

the above, Indonesia needs to

immediately have a Personal

We and Child's Safety on the Internet

We Immediately Need a Regulationon Personal Data Protection (Privacy)!

Data Protection Law. The

Draft Law is scheduled to be

brought into the National

L e g i s l a t i o n P r o g r a m

( P r o l e g n a s ) 2 0 1 6 .

Meanwhile, the Ministry of

C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d

Informatics has recently just

conducted a public testing to

t h e D r a f t M i n i s t e r i a l

Regulation on Personal Data

Protect ion in Electronic


Collaborating with a network,

ICT Watch has been involved

in discussions on privacy

issue. In September 2015, for

i n s t a n c e , I C T W a t c h

participated in the Asian

Regional consultation on the

WSIS+10 Review which was

supported by Global Partners

Digital in Thailand, which

resulted in the Pattaya Key

Message. Subsequently in the

same month, ICT Watch also

actively participated in the

Privacy and Surveillance

Workshop in Jordan which

was organized by Citizen Lab,

University of Toronto, as well

as supported the Southeast

Asia Freedom of Expression

Network (SAFEnet), which,

together with EngageMedia,

conducted a workshop on

Netizen Privacy Security in

Jakarta, both of which were

held in September 2015.

The rapid and dynamic development in

information technology has made more than

80% of internet users in Indonesia today a

digital native (those who were born after

1980). Internet has become an inseparable

part of children and teenagers' daily life. It is

therefore important to realize that children's

safety and convenience when they browse the

internet is guaranteed. For that reason, a

number of organizations initiated the

Indones ia Chi ld Onl ine Protect ion

( providing a help desk,

Thursday during business hours in Indonesia

Child Protection Commission (KPAI) of�ce in

Menteng, Jakarta. ID-COP was founded by

KPAI, Nawala Indonesia, Sejiwa, ECPAT

Indonesia, Relawan TIK Indonesia (Indonesia

ICT Volunteers), and ICT Watch.

Child protection on the internet has become a

global concern. Therefore, in the 10th Global

Internet Governance Forum in Joao Pessoa,

Brazil, on 10-13 November 2015, one of the

attached workshops held was entitled “Child

Online Protection through Multistakeholder

Engagement”, which ICT Watch initiated. The

Indonesian hosts of the workshop were Mariam F.

Barata (from the Ministry of Communication and

Information), M. Yamien (Nawala Foundation),

and Shita Laksmi (HIVOS) as facilitator and

Sherly Haristya (ID-Con�g) as the rapporteur.

photo: elementary school students in Tangerang follow socialization Internet Sehat by ICT Watch, August 2015

“Governments must ensure the right to privacy and data

protection. They should also protect people from the

violation of these rights by companies, including where

necessary through the formulation of regulation. The

right to control and manage one's identity online,

including the right to anonymity, must be recognized.”

photo: Asian Regional Consultation on the WSIS+10 Review, 3-5 September 2015

Internet has become an inseparable part of children

and teenagers' daily life. It is therefore important to

realize that children's safety and convenience when

they browse the internet is guaranteed.

“photo: some ID-COP initiator

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