indonesia sumatra northern report

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  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    pec a ar qua e epor ugus

    Learning from Earthquakes

    The Northern Sumatra Earthquake of March 28, 2005

    tor s ote: eg nn ng w e

    March issue and in each one sub-sequently, we presented six reports

    y e many eams a o serve

    the effects of the December 26,

    2004, earthquake and tsunami in

    coun r es aroun e n an cean.

    This report adds information on

    structural damage, largely from

    shaking, on two islands west of

    Sumatra in a subsequent large

    earthquake in roughly the same

    epicentral area as the December

    qua e. u ca on o s repor s

    supported by funds from the Na-tional Science Foundation through

    s earn ng rom ar qua es

    Program under grant # CMS-


    Within a few days of this earth-

    quake, a team set out from Jakarta

    o s u y e ear qua e amage on

    the islands of Nias and Simeulue.

    The team leader and author of this

    report was Teddy Boen, consulting

    eng neer n a ar aan sen or a v -sor, WSSI. Survey team members

    on Nias were Teddy Boen, G. Hen-

    ra, . rus, . o n, ames ong,

    M. Agus, and B. Bernard. Survey

    team members on Simeulue were

    e y oen, . en ra, an .


    n ro uc on

    On Monday night March 28, 2005

    at 11:09 pm local time, the Nias and

    meu ue s an s were s a en y a

    M8.7 earthquake with a depth of

    30 km. The epicenter of the earth-

    qua e was on t e reat umatran

    fault, between the two islands at

    2.074N, 97.013E (see Figure 1).

    s s m rom unung to ,

    the district capital of Nias, and 84 km

    from Sinabang on Simeulue. In

    unung to an e u a am,

    many ouse s ops co apse an

    e aroun , peop e w e t ey

    were either sleeping or trying to runfrom the second and third oors. In

    meu ue, some ouse s ops co -

    apse , an a out peop e were

    killed. There was a rush to exit

    ouses an run to g er p aces e-

    cause the people feared a tsunami

    similar to that of December 26, 2004.

    There was a local tsunami, but not

    of the size or ferocity of the previous


    as s an s part o ort umatra

    Province and Simeulue Island is partof Aceh Province. The population of

    as s , an t at o meu ue

    is 80,000. Most of the people on Nias

    and Simeulue were already asleep,

    or a out to e, w en t e eart qua e

    occurre . g t a ter t e eart -

    quake, electric power was cut offand telecommunication disrupted.

    n unung to an e u a am,

    as, t e amage was concentrate

    in certain areas close to the beach.

    n meu ue t e amage was a so

    concentrate n areas c ose to t e

    beach. Strong aftershocks (32 km

    from Gunung Sitoli [M 6.0] and 41

    km from Sinabang (M 5.5]) did not

    cause any further damage to either

    damaged or undamaged buildings.

    Tectonic Effects

    ur ng t e survey n meu ue as

    well as in Nias Island, we observed

    some subsidence in certain very

    m te areas. ere were a so pop-

    Figure 1.

    Main shock and

    a ers oc s

    of the Nias/


    ear qua e,

    March 28, 2005


  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    peca ar qua e epor ugus

    up beaches in Nias and Simeulue,

    caused by uplift (see Figure 2). Staffmembers of NGOs who worked in

    several places across Simeulue re-

    porte t at t ey a so o serve s m -

    lar pop-up beaches all over the is-


    After the earthquake, a local tsunami

    hit limited areas. In Nias, along the

    roa enter ng ora e an n ora e

    itself, the tsunami height was ap-

    proximately 1.80 m, as can be seen

    on t e wa o ouse n amaetan -

    ha, approximately 1 km from Sorake

    (see Figure 3). In Sorake, several

    building foundations were scoured

    by the tsunami, and some buildings

    collapsed. The local tsunami wentn an up to m n amaetan -

    a. rom t e amage, t appeare

    that the ow force was not too

    strong. n mue ue, traces o oca

    tsunam cou e seen n a uan

    Bajau primary school # 2 (see Fig-

    ure 4). The tsunami height was ap-

    prox mate y . m an no ev ence

    of ow force could be seen.

    Damage to Buildings

    wo types o u ngs were a ect-ed: engineered and nonengineered.

    In Nias and Simeulue, there are few

    engineered buildings except for

    district head ofces, hospitals, andsome other government buildings.

    Engineered buildings consist mostly

    o re n orce concrete com ne

    with masonry walls. Almost 95% of

    the buildings are nonengineered,

    ma e o con ne masonry a -

    burnt brick, concrete block, and


    ng neere u ngs: Some en-

    gineered buildings in Nias and Sim-

    eu ue were amage ur ng t e

    eart qua e, an some co apse .

    There are two main reasons for this.

    The reinforced concrete buildings

    Figure 2.Pop up beach at Matanurung, East Simeulue.gure . oca sunam e g approx ma e y . m.

    gure . amage y oca sunam n a uan a au

    school, Simeulue. gure .District head ofce in Simeulue.

  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    pec a ar qua e epor ugus

    were not designed for the seismicity

    of the islands. We also found thatpoor qua ty o concrete an eta -

    ng contr ute to t e co apses.

    Even though Indonesia has a seis-

    m c co e, t was not en orce n

    e t er s an . t ona y, t e u -

    ing permit system was not yet in


    For example, both district heads

    ofces were damaged (see Figure

    . e surmse t at n eac case,

    the structure was analyzed as 2-D,

    with the torsional effect overlooked.rom t e amage, t was ev ent

    that the concrete quality was low

    and the detailing was not in accor-

    dance with requirements for earth-

    quake-resistant construction (seegures an .

    Nonengineered Buildings: Most of

    t e u ngs were noneng neere

    that collapsed in Gunung Sitoli in

    Nias, Sinabang City in Simeulue,

    and villages along the road from

    na ang to a uan a au an rom

    Gunung Sitoli to Teluk Dalam in Nias.

    There are three main categories of

    noneng neere u ngs: one or

    two-story houses of burnt brick or

    concrete block masonry with sand/cement mortar; two to our-story

    shop houses of burnt brick or con-

    crete block masonry with sand/

    cement mortar; and 3) timber build-

    ngs. n some areas, sea san sused for concrete mix and, of

    course, results in poor quality


    The one or two-story buildings were

    most y ouses, sc oo s, an com-

    munity health centers. The roofs of

    the houses mostly consist of gal-

    van ze ron s eets or t atc ma e

    of coconut tree leaves; other build-

    ings use galvanized iron sheets.

    ese masonry u ngs surv ve

    t e s a ng w t out co apse,

    though some had cracks in the

    walls (see Figure 8).

    Figure 7.Damage to district head ofce in Simeulue.Figure 6.Damage to district head ofce in Nias.

    gures a an . oneng neere masonry ouses amage an co apse n as.

  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    peca ar qua e epor ugus

    e two to our-story s op ouse

    buildings also use burnt bricks or

    concrete block masonry with sand

    an ort an cement mortar. e

    roofs of these shop houses are

    usually RC slabs. All the buildings

    use pract ca co umns anbeams as connement. The term

    practical is used because the

    specs are not ase on any ca cu-

    at ons an are a opte as a stan-

    dard practice. The shop houses are

    built according to prevailing practice

    by contractors and foremen, without

    structural analysis or drawings. In

    neither Nias or Simeulue was the

    u ng perm t system en orce ;

    gure . m er ouses co apse n as ue o ac o

    ma n enance.

    gure . ra ona n genous ouse n as, no

    amage .

    Figures 11a and b.Traditional indigenous houses damaged due to lack of maintenance in Bawogosali Village, Teluk

    Dalam, Nias.

    Figure 12.

    n genous ousebuilt during Dutch

    occupation, slight-

    y amage ue o

    lack of mainten-

    ance in Nias.

  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    pec a ar qua e epor ugus

    t ere ore no structura c ec wasperformed to catch poor-quality

    materials or poor workmanship.

    Timber houses consist of a timber

    frame and timber plank walls, and

    ga van ze ron s eet or t atc

    roofs. In spite of the closeness to

    the epicenter of the earthquake, the

    amage was not s gn cant n rea-

    sona y u t t m er structures. ery

    few one-story timber houses col-

    lapsed during the earthquakes. The

    damage that occurred resulted fromdeterioration of the poorly main-

    tained columns (see Figure 9). In

    a t on, some t m er co umns

    were not anchored to the founda-

    tion. There were no tie beams to

    t e t e co umns toget er, so t e

    columns moved in different direc-

    tions during the earthquake. Some

    t m er ouses were ean ng a ter

    t e eart qua e ecause t e con-

    nections were not appropriately


    Two types of indigenous nonengi-

    neere u ngs st ex st on as.

    rst, t e tra t ona ouses u t

    some 200 years ago are earth-

    quake-resistant and withstood the

    s a ng see gure . en

    these traditional buildings were

    damaged, the main cause was

    eterorat on ue to ac o ma n-

    tenance (Figure 11). These types ofu ngs are not u t anymore e-

    cause of the lack of expertise in this

    generation, and because they are too

    cost y to u . e ot er u ngs,

    u t y t e utc some years

    ago (Figure 12), are also earthquake-

    resistant when properly maintained.

    Causes of collapse: he main

    causes of collapse in the two to four-

    story s op ouses were poor mate-

    rials and poor workmanship, exacer-

    bated by the prevailing procedureso u ng n stages, epen ng on

    the availability of funds. The long

    intervals between the construction

    o var ous e ements resu t n wea

    o nts.

    rst t e oun at on s u t w t t e

    column-reinforcing bars already in

    place. If additional funds are avail-

    able, the columns are poured. The

    size of the columns average 30 x 30

    (40) cm with eight reinforcing bars

    of diameter 12 mm and stirrups

    usua y not proper y ent o mm

    at an average distance of 20 cm.

    Subsequently, the walls are built.

    onstruct on o some u ngs stops

    after the walls are completed. The

    next stage is constructing the beams

    an oor s a s or t e next story w t

    splices for the upper-story columns.

    Most buildings are in use as soon as

    the rst story is completed. Only af-ter severa mont s or years, w en

    more funds are available, do the

    second-story columns and walls get

    u t; t e process o construct ng t e

    rst story is essentially repeated.

    Some people continue the process

    for the third and fourth stories. Col-

    umn re n orcements an st rrups are

    not sufcient if the structure works

    as an open frame, particularly in the

    ong tu na rect on.

    In the damaged structures weoo e at, t e engt o t e co umn

    splices for the upper oors con-

    struction was generally insufcient,

    an t e concret ng at t e sp ces

    was very poor. s resu te n t e

    shear failure of the columns, partic-

    u ar y at t e o nts; t s was t e

    main reason for the pancake or

    soft-story collapse of shop houses,

    particularly in Nias (Gunung Sitoli

    and Teluk Dalam), that resulted in

    most of the deaths (see Figures 13,

    14 and 15).

    For one-story conned masonry

    houses, the construction is also

    one n stages. rst t e oun at on

    is built with column reinforcement

    embedded. The column size is 12 x

    cm w t our re n orc ng ars o

    diameter 8 mm and stirrups of dia-

    meter 6 mm at an average distance

    Figure 13.Pancake type of collapse of shop houses

    that killed many people in Teluk Dalam, Nias.gure . no er panca e co apse n unung

    Sitoli, Nias.

  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    peca ar qua e epor ugus

    of 20 cm. If enough funds

    are ava a e, t e co umns

    are poured. At a later date,

    he walls and the ring

    eams are u t an , na y,

    he roof is constructed.

    e o serve severa s opouse u ngs t at were

    built and supervised by the

    owners, and did not suffer

    amage. e earne t at

    hey had been built contin-

    uously, not in stages with

    ong nterva s cause y

    shortages of funds. The

    workmanship and mate-

    r a s use were aso o

    better quality.

    rospects for Change

    n all areas in Indonesia, a good

    eart qua e-res stant es gn eature

    is available, namely reinforced con-

    crete framing consisting of practical

    columns and beams. However, in

    many places in both Nias and Sim-

    eulue, the columns and beams

    were not constructed in accordance

    w t preva ng pract ce on ava. n

    spite of that, most did not collapse

    in the M8.7 earthquake shaking.

    uc masonry structures ave e-

    come a new culture in Indonesia,

    and from past earthquakes it has

    ecome ev ent t at t ey are ap-

    propriately resistant to the earth-

    quake forces identied in the Indo-

    nesian seismic hazard map. This new

    cu ture s assoc ate w t soc a sta-

    tus: as t e r econom c con t on m-

    proves, people tend to build masonry

    houses at least partly because they

    are a sign of status.

    The reconstruction period is a good

    opportun ty to ntro uce t e u ng

    permit system and to start enforcing

    the seismic code. Ofcials must start

    ma ng qua ty contro part o t e cu -ture in order to improve the perfor-

    mance of buildings in earthquakes.

    gure .

    Cracks onroad in Lasara,

    Gunung Sitoli,

    as, cause

    by lateral


    Infrastructure Damage

    ost o t e amage to n rastruc-

    ture occurred to bridges, and there

    were ssures along the roads pro-

    uce y su s ence an atera

    sprea ng. any r ges n ot

    Simeulue and Nias were displaced

    rom t e r supports rom cm

    to cm. any r ge a utments

    settled during the earthquake,

    thereby damaging bridge ap-

    proaches. The differential settle-

    ment was jointly caused by lurch-ing, liquefaction, and uneven com-

    pact on, part cu ar y c ose to t e

    abutments (see Figures 16 and 17).

    e ma n e ectr c power generat ng

    plant in Gunung Sitoli in Nias was

    damaged by the shaking (Figure 18).

    rans ormers were s g t y over-

    turned (Figure 19) and some gen-

    erator foundations settled. But the

    ca e networ n t e c ty as we as

    along the road from Gunung Sitoli

    to Teluk Dalam was not affected,

    an a ter t e power p ant was re-

    pa re , e ectrc power resume . n

    Teluk Dalam, the cable network

    was practically intact. The power-

    generat ng p ant n meu ue was

    not damaged, but some cable

    network to Lasikin was damaged

    an too a ew ays to restore.

    gures a an . oneng neere masonry

    shop houses damaged and collapsed due to

    ea co umns n agun r , unung o , as.

  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    pec a ar qua e epor ugus

    Figure 17a.Movement of end support, bridge in Kelapa

    Street, Gunung Sitoli, Nias.

    Figure 17b.Settlement of bridge approach in Teupah

    Barat, Simeulue.

    Figures 19a and b. Transformers overturned at power generating plant in Gunung Sitoli, Nias.

    gures a an . Power generating plant in Gunung Sitoli, Nias.

  • 8/13/2019 Indonesia Sumatra Northern Report



    peca ar qua e epor ugus

    Figure 21a.

    e orme e y

    ue o s ear

    failure of columnjoints, Simeulue.

    gure .

    Shear failure of

    the column joint,

    meu ue.

    e water pur cat on p ant n u-

    nung Sitoli, Nias, was not dam-

    aged, but the piping network was

    srupte y t e tsunam see

    Figure 20). Distribution was done

    by water tank trucks. In Sinabang,

    Figure 20.

    Damage to drink-

    ng wa er p pes

    y oca sunam

    in Lagundri,



    Simeulue, the water puri-

    cat on p ant was not act -

    vated prior to the earth-

    quake because of a change

    n t e p p ng system ue to

    the widening of the main

    road. After the earthquake, water

    purication was provided by a

    erman , an water was

    e vere y tan truc s.

    One part of the newly constructed

    jetty at Gunung Sitoli, Nias, sank

    into the sea, most probably be-cause the piles were not driven

    own to t e ar ayer. part rom

    that portion, the remaining jetty was

    still intact, which was fortunate in it-

    se ecause o ow p es a een

    used. These should not, in fact, be

    used for undersea structures be-

    cause t e t c ness o t e concrete

    cover is not sufcient to protect the

    reinforcing bars from corrosion. In

    meu ue, many o t e same type

    of piles supporting the jetty were

    sheared at the connection betweent e p e ea an t e p es, ecause

    the upper parts of the columns were

    already deteriorated and weakened

    (see Figure 21).

    Airport runways at Gunung Sitoli

    in Nias and Lasikin in Sinabang

    were not amage ; a rp anes were

    able to land and take off right after

    the earthquake. At Lasikin Airport,

    some u ngs co apse , name y

    the terminal building (Figure 22), a

    storage building, and some airportsta res ent a ouses.

    Figure 22. Collapsed Lasikin Airport Terminal

    u ng, meu ue.

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