industrial revolution quiz 1. where did the industrial revolution begin?( what country) 2. what two...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Industrial Revolution Quiz• 1. Where did the Industrial Revolution

begin?( what country)

• 2. What two natural resources did this country have in abundance?

• 3. Define the term enclosure movement -

• 4. Name two inventions of the Agricultural revolution -

• 5. Name the two men associated with the creation of the steam engine -

• 6. In what year did Marx and publish the Communist Manifesto?

The Industrial Revolution -Great Britain• The Agricultural Revolution

paves the way for the Industrial Revolution.

• The enclosure movement begins in England.

• New innovations in Agriculture - seed drill, crop rotation, mechanical reaper.

• By the 1850’s many farm workers moved to the city.

The Factors of Production• Great Britain had abundant

land, capital, and labor.

• Great Britain had abundant supplies of Coal, Iron and Natural waterways.

• Managing a business was looked on as a good job or profession.

• The British colonies were a huge market and the British navy could deliver the goods.

The Textile Industry• Textile industry was the first

industry to use mechanization.

• The factory system replaced the domestic system in producing textiles.

• New inventions like the flying shuttle, and the spinning mule increase production.

• Cotton becomes “King”, in the South to supply England.

Steam Engines• Water Power drove the early

machines of the Industrial Revolution.

• Thomas Newcomen produced the first steam engine for draining mines.

• In 1760, James Watt produced the modern steam engine.

• Bessemer process developed to make steel used in steam engines.

Industrialization takes off • Coke gas used in iron production used in

gas lights. Darby - coal to coke

• Samuel Slater smuggles textile secrets to the U.S.

• Andrew Carnegie brings the steel making Bessemer process to the U.S.

• Samuel Morse invents the telegraph and Morse Code.

• The Free market is allowed to determine who will be successful and who will be poor. The gap between rich and poor increases.

Railroads and Steamboats • 1814 George Stephenson

perfected a locomotive, (The Rocket)- 29 mph.

• Robert Fulton perfected the steamboat ( The Clermont).

• The Cunard line built. Steam ships of iron and steel.

• The Communications Revolution Volta - the Battery, Marconi - radio, Morse - telegraph.


The Spread of Industry • The European continent was

slow to industrialize.

• Belgium, France, and Germany developed much later than Great Britain.

• By 1870 the U.S. was second only to Great Britain as manufacturing nation.

• Eli Whitney - the cotton gin and Cyrus McCormick - the mechanical reaper.

Cyrus McCormick

The Effects of Machines on Work • Machines allowed unskilled

workers to become productive.

• Women and children worked for lower wages. ( Older skilled workers became unemployed).

• Wages were paid for hours or goods produced. Wages were determined by supply and demand.

• The owner of the factory owned the means of production.

Child Labor

Factory Rules and Regulations • Working in early factories was

dangerous, hard work.

• Normal work day was 14 hours, 6 days a week.

• Early factories were noisy, unsanitary, and unsafe.

• 5 year olds were employed in the coal mines and textile mills.

• Living conditions in homes were cramped and unhealthy.Power


Development of the Middle Class • Bankers, merchants, doctors,

lawyers, became middle class.

• The middle class became wealthy during the industrial revolution.

• Women’s role in the economy changed to one of lesser status.

• Domestic service was a common job for working women.

• Middle class women became nurses, teachers, social workers.

Working Women

The New Industrial Economy • Capitalism - When the

individual controls the factors of production.

• Commercial capitalism - trading goods and services.

• Industrial capitalism - production and manufacturing of goods.

• Division of Labor - breaking work up into steps.

• Whitney- interchangeable parts. Eli Whitney

The Rise of the Corporation • Mass Production - manufacturing

a large number of identical items.

• Henry Ford’s assembly line - manufactured the Model T Ford. Cheap, reliable transportation.

• Sole proprietorship - business owned and run by one person. partnership is owned by two or more people.

• corporation - owners buy stock, Board of directors, shares.

Model T Ford

Business Cycles • J.P. Morgan - U.S. financier who

helped create Standard Oil and U.S. Steel.

• monopolies - control of the total production of a good or service by a single firm.

• cartel - a combination of corporations set up to control a good or service.

• Business cycle - alternating periods of prosperity and decline.

J.P. Morgan

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