information guide - · burn fat (fat oxidation) green tea green tea has been a...

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GoGo Health Herbal (Pty) Ltd


About the Product

GoGo Fat™+ is a Green Tea based herbal diet capsule

Ingredients Green Tea, Chromium Picolinate, Cinnamon, Poris Cocos, Crataegus, Lotus Leaf, Chrysanthemum and now with L-Carnitine

Instructions Keep capsules in a cool dry place and keep away from direct sunlight. Once opened, do not store for longer than 6 months.

Dosage & Directions Take one capsule before breakfast.Once goal weight has been achieved, reduce to a maintenance dose of one capsule every second day before breakfast.It is ideal to drink at least 2 Litres of water whilst on GoGo Fat™+ as this �ushes the system and aids with weight loss.

ContraindicationsPeople who su�er with heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid), bleeding or blood clotting disorders & plant related allergies are advised to consult with their physician before use.

Women who breast feeding or pregnant are advised not to take any form of herbal medication except for the ones prescribed by her specialist.

Due to the ca�eine content in green tea, it is advised not to administer GoGo Fat™+ to children under 16 years of age.

GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

Known Side E�ects Dizziness, Nausea, Insomnia, headaches and heart palpitations.

These studies indicate that the Green Tea helpsshed unwanted kilos by helping to:

INCREASE OUR METABOLISM (burn more calories / kilojoules throughout the day) INCREASES OUR BODY’S ABILITY TO BURN FAT (Fat oxidation)

Green Tea Green Tea has been a part of the Chinese diet for over 3000 years.

GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

Recent research has proven that there are a signi�cant number of health bene�ts that come from drinking or including Green Tea extract in our diet.

Cancer Prevention / Inhibition

Anti-Oxidant applications

Weight Control

Anti-In�ammatory and Anti-Microbial properties have all been researched to some degree.

While some of Green Tea’s a�ect on our metabolism is known to come from the ca�eine it contains, Green Tea doesn’t have much ca�eine as co�ee but helps the body burn more energy than co�ee. So we know that the e�ect doesn’t just come down to its’s ca�eine levels.

Some reports show Green Tea may have the ability to help prevent certain cancers from developing. Green Tea contains chemicals known as polyphenols, which have anti-oxidant properties. An anti-oxidant is a compound that blocks the action of activated oxygen molecules, known as free radicals that can damage cells.

Studies have also shown Green Tea extracts are capable of reducing fat digestion by inhibiting digestive enzymes. Others have shown thermogenic properties of Green Tea (probably brought on by the interaction between it’s ca�eine content and catechin polyphenols.) Thermogenisis is the process of the body burning fuel (fat) without making chemical energy (the calories are released as heat).

In fact, many recommend drinking between 5 to 10 cups a day to experience bene�ts and the more you drink the more bene�ts you will receive. GoGo Fat™+ is a concentrate of Green Tea and is equivalent to drinking 100 cups per day giving your body all the bene�ts.

Is Green Tea Good for everyone?It is thought that not everyone should drink Green Tea or large quantities of Green Tea like those recommended by many researchers. Because Green Tea does not have relatively high amounts of ca�eine, it is recommended that anyone with the following conditions speak with their doctor before starting to consume Green Teas.

Heart problems or high blood pressure Plant related allergies Bleeding or blood clotting disorder Kidney disease Any condition requiring you to take blood thinning drugs If you are pregnant or could become pregnant Hyper-thyroidism (an Over-active thyroid) An anxiety or nervous disorder If you are breast feeding a baby

Known Side E�ects May Include:

Heart Palpitations Irritability Insomnia Dizziness

Green Tea Other Health Bene�ts ofGreen Tea

GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

As well as helping us to lose weight, Green Tea is believed to have many other health bene�ts. Amongst the most impressive of these, Green Tea is said to help:

Reduce our risk of developing many forms of cancerInhibit the growth of cancer cells Improve the ratio of good (HDL) Cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterolHelp reduce the risk of experiencing cardiovascular diseaseTreat impaired immune function Prevent food poisoningHelp prevent tooth decayLower total cholesterol levels

In order to enjoy these health bene�ts and others, researchers recommend drinking Green Tea on a regular basis.


Is a natural supplement that is available over the counter

GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

It helps the cells in the body process glucose more e�ciently. Glucose provides the main source of food for body’s cells. When we eat, the food is broken down into glucose, which is released into the bloodstream through the small intestine. Once the glucose enters the bloodstream, it is combined with insulin (produced by the pancreas) and distributed to the muscles and the brain.

Other reported bene�ts of Chromium Picolinate include:

Decreased AppetiteChromium Picolinate is used by people who want to suppress their appetite and control food cravings. Controlling your appetite may result in weight loss and many people use Chromium for this purpose. This supplement is used to give your metabolism a boost so that you can burn calories more e�ectively. Chromium may be used to give your weight-loss e�orts a head start or to start losing weight when you have reached a plateau.

Reduced Insulin ResistanceThe results of some studies indicate that taking Chromium Picolinate may help to lower blood sugar in the body. This dietary supplement may be used help control Type 2 diabetes.

It’s interesting to note that the supplement didn’t reduce blood sugar levels in individuals who were already at a normal level. The bene�t was seen in people with higher-than-normal blood sugar levels.

Researchers have found that individuals genetic makeup determines whether Chromium Picolinate will have an e�ect on their blood sugar levels, which means this treatment option will not be e�ective for everyone. Any bene�ts from taking this supplement will take several weeks to take e�ect.

Lowers High CholesterolChromium Picolinate may also be an e�ective treatment for high cholesterol. The results of a study involving humans indicated that taking the supplement actively lowered triglyceride levels in the body. Other types of cholesterol were not a�ective, however.

Other human studies involving participants with normal and high cholesterol levels have found that Chromium brought overall cholesterol levels down. Levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which is known as “bad” cholesterol went down. In addition, the “good cholesterol” in the blood increased. The increase in the bloodstream’s high-density lipoprotein (HDL) was found even in studies where the participants were men who were taking beta blockers (a medication used to treat high blood pressure).


Is a natural supplement that is available over the counter

GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

It helps the cells in the body process glucose more e�ciently. Glucose provides the main source of food for body’s cells.

When we eat, the food is broken down into glucose, which is released into the bloodstream through the small intestine. Once the glucose enters the bloodstream, it is combined with insulin (produced by the pancreas) and distributed to the muscles and the brain.

Other reported bene�ts of Chromium Picolinate include:Decreased AppetiteChromium Picolinate is used by people who want to suppress their appetite and control food cravings. Controlling your appetite may result in weight loss and many people use Chromium for this purpose. This supplement is used to give your metabolism a boost so that you can burn calories more e�ectively. Chromium may be used to give your weight-loss e�orts a head start or to start losing weight when you have reached a plateau.

Reduced Insulin ResistanceThe results of some studies indicate that taking Chromium Picolinate may help to lower blood sugar in the body. This dietary supplement may be used help control Type 2 diabetes.

It’s interesting to note that the supplement didn’t reduce blood sugar levels in individuals who were already at a normal level. The bene�t was seen in people with higher-than-normal blood sugar levels.

Researchers have found that individuals genetic makeup determines whether Chromium Picolinate will have an e�ect on their blood sugar levels, which means this treatment option will not be e�ective for everyone. Any bene�ts from taking this supplement will take several weeks to take e�ect.

Lowers High CholesterolChromium Picolinate may also be an e�ective treatment for high cholesterol. The results of a study involving humans indicated that taking the supplement actively lowered triglyceride levels in the body. Other types of cholesterol were not a�ective, however.

Other human studies involving participants with normal and high cholesterol levels have found that Chromium brought overall cholesterol levels down. Levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which is known as “bad” cholesterol went down. In addition, the “good cholesterol” in the blood increased. The increase in the bloodstream’s high-density lipoprotein (HDL) was found even in studies where the participants were men who were taking beta blockers (a medication used to treat high blood pressure).

Carnitine What is it?

GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

Carnitine, derived from an amino acid, is found in nearly all cells of the body.It’s name is derived from the Latin carnus or �esh, as the compound was isolated from meat. Carnitine is the generic term for a number of compounds that include L-Carnitine, acetyl-L-Carnitine and propionyl-L-Carnitine.

Carnitine plays a critical role in energy production. It transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria so they can be oxidized (”burned”) to produce energy. It also transports the toxic compounds generated out of this cellular organelle to prevent their accumulation. Given these key functions, carnitine is concentrated in tissues like skeletal and cardiac muscle that utilize fatty acids as a dietary fuel.

The body makes su�cient carnitine to meet the needs of most people. For genetic or medical reasons, some individuals (such as pre-term infants) cannot make enough, so for them carnitine is a conditionally essential nutrient.

Taking Carnitine with Green Tea extracts is one of the simplest things you can do to lose weight and raise your energy levels. The remarkable thing about carnitine is that by elevating the amount of carnitine is known to improve the following:

High-intensity work capacity Increase athletic performance Speed your recovery from intense exercise Make your brain work better Prevent oxidative stress that leads to longer term health problems, such as: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic in�ammation.

TAKE CARNITINE TO BURN FAT : The BasicsCarnitine is an amino acid composite that is made from lysine and methionine. There are a couple of di�erent forms of Carnitine, such as acetyl-L-Carnitine and L-Carnitine Tartrate, and we’ll look at which forms you should be taking and when. In this article, unless otherwise stated, “Carnitine” will be used to refer to L-Carnitine Tartrate.

Carnitine is a potent fat burner because it is responsible for the transport of fats into the cells to be used for energy in the body. By raising the level of muscle carnitine, you support the fat burning process and because your body becomes more e�ecient at processing fuel, it will increase your energy levels. Elevating carnitine will also improve physical performance by burning more fat, sparing glycogen, clearing muscle lactate and increasing anabolic hormoneresponse.


GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

PAIR CARNITINE AND OMEGA-3 FISH OILS for fat lossFor Carnitine to be e�ective, you need to ensure you have adequate levels of Omega-3 Fish Oils in the body. In order for your body to actually “load” carnitine that you take in supplement form into the muscles where you want it, it has to be accompanied by insulin.

Omega-3 fatty acids come into the equation because they will improve the health of every cell in your body if you get enough of them. The cells are made up of two layers of lipids or fats, which will be composed of good fats or bad fats - depending on the type you eat. If the cell lipid layers are made up of Omega-3’s, the cell will be generally healthier and it will also make them more sensitive to insulin. Having your cells more sensitive to insulin allows your body to get the most energy production out of supplemental carnitine.

I mention this relationship between Omega-3’s and carnitine because you won’t optimally bene�t from taking carnitine unless you have already attended to your Omega-3s. In working with obese clients, I’ve found that using high doses of �sh oil with carnitine tartrate will allow the fat to start to come o�.

Omega-3s increase metabolic rate by increasing cell activity and fat burning. carnitine is the delivery system for long chain fatty acids such that the less carnitine you have in the body, the fewer fatty acids that get into the cell, meaning you don’t burn them for energy. Instead, the fatty acids go into a depository and are stored as fat. By elevating carnitine, fat burning increases and you give the cell the right genetic machinery to raise metabolism. You’ll have more energy, feel more motivated and any excess fat begins to come o�.


GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

NO NEED FOR CARBS: CARNITINE WITH OMEGA-3s for Fat LossThe new study in The Journal of Physiology, showed that taking carnitine with carbs is e�ective for elevating muscle carnitine levels and improving athletic performance. But carbs aren’t necessary as long as you get adequate omega-3s.

A study in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism showed that combining carnitine, omega-3s, and polyphenols resulted in lower blood lipid levels and better cellular energy production, which has the implication of fat loss if the study had been of longer duration—it was only 12 weeks.

Researchers found that triglycerides were lowered by 24 percent and free fatty acids decreased by 29 percent compared to a placebo group that had no changes.These changes indicate healthier markers of cholesterol, better energy use and fat burning that will lead to fat loss. Additionally, genes that increase fat burning in the body were “activated”indicating a better metabolic pro�le. Take note that the polyphenols were included to raise antioxidant levels and �ght oxidative

stress that leads to chronic in�ammation and poor cardiovascular health, among other

things. They are not necessary for the carnitine to work its magic.

CARNITINE FIGHTS VISCERAL BELLY FATVisceral belly fat is one of the toughest fats to lose once you’ve got it and it causes numerous health problems. Once you begin to gain visceral fat around the belly, it will lead to fat gain within the organs such as the liver, the heart, or even in muscle. Fat gain in the liver leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, while epicardial fat is a type of visceral fat that is deposited around the heart and is considered a metabolically active organ, altering heart function.

Raising your carnitine levels will �ght this visceral fat gain because it increases fat burning, which has the e�ect of taking triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins out of the system so that they don’t build up causing high cholesterol and atherosclerosis. A new research study in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology illustrates this. Researchers gave a carnitine supplement to mice who were fed a high-fat diet in order to make them gain weight. In comparison to a group of mice fed a placebo, the carnitine group gained substantially less visceral and subcutaneous fat (fat that is right below the surface of the skin that you can pinch with your �ngers). The placebo group exhibited the beginning stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis, neither of which were evident in the carnitine group.



GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

TAKE CARNITINE TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCEThe study in The Journal of Physiology is the �rst to show that muscle carnitine content can be increased in humans through diet . Once carnitine is elevated, metabolism in the body is dependent on the intensity of exercise, allowing forbetter energy use and performance.

Cinnamon is a spice that has beengreatly overlooked

Cinnamon has magni�cent health bene�ts and many think it is just a normal spice with an incredible aroma. Surprisingly, in the �rst civilization of mankind, cinnamon was used as an antiseptic and it was precious as gold itself.Now modern science revelas that cinnamon has plenty more bene�ts.


BOOSTS METABOLIC RATE Many researches in the scienti�c community have found that cinnamon makes the metabolism rate jump up and help burn calories quickly. As soon as the body consumes the spice the metabolism rate increased dramatically. This helps 1000’s of people around the world lose weight faster than would normally do.

LOWERS BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS The cinnamon weight loss bene�ts are well-known in the diabetes world for helping to shrink blood sugar levels. This bene�t helps not only diabetes but can help to decrease the sugar amount in non-diabetic people. Cinnamon helps us to metabolize sugar in a better way. This prevents the body from storing extra fat and helps us lose weight quicker.

STOPS FOOD CRAVING Another important cinnamon bene�t is that it stops most food cravings and binge eating.

Poris Cocos


Lotus Leaf

Commonly called “Hawthorn”

Known as the “organ healer”


GoGo Fat™+ Information Guide October 2013

It is a well-known herb in traditional Chinese medicine. Hawthorn is used to help many di�erent sicknesses mainly: Heart Disease and Heart Problems

Many doctors use Hawthorn as a medicine as well as a digestive aid.Hawthorn has it’s many bene�ts and if taken regularly, it will not cause any harm to one’s body. However, if taken in large doses - it can cause palpitations.

Has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for many centuries. Poris Cocos grow on the roots of old, dead pine trees. It has been traditionally used as a tonic to bene�t internal organs. As a result, internal organs can funtion better as well as stay healthy.

The Lotus Leaf originated from India. It has many bene�ts - some are: WEIGHT LOSS HELPS LOWER CHOLESTEROL AIDS IN LOWERING OF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE As well as, it STOPS ANY INTERNAL BLEEDING.

There are many di�erent types of Lotus Leaf tea, which also helps against insomnia and stress.

Chrysanthemum is a beautiful and sweet smelling �ower, whose extract aids in prevention of in�uenza as well as helping one to �ght it. It can be boiled and the water can be consumed for those su�ering with severe �ush. It is safe for children to drink this liquid as well.

Healthy heart. Reduces anxiety andstress

Helps relieve symptoms of colds & �u

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