information technology sector baseline risk assessment · information technology sector baseline...

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Information Technology Sector Baseline Risk Assessment

June 2010

Jerry CochranPrincipal Security StrategistTrustworthy ComputingMicrosoft Corporation

Scott AlgeierExecutive DirectorInformation Technology - Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC)

IT Sector Baseline Risk Assessment (ITSRA v1.0)

Completed in Dec 2009, result of an 18-month effort First-ever national-level sector risk assessment Attack-tree focused, all hazards methodology Subject matter experts from each “critical function” Results now driving national-level risk management

policy development National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) IT Sector-Specific Plan (SSP)


Private SectorPublic Sector

Output: Prioritized IT Sector Risks

Sub-Function/Threat pairs

IT Sector Risk Priority Matrix

Threat Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

Consequence Assessment




dRisk for critical function/threat


NIPP Partnership Framework Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC)

Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council

IT Sector Coordinating


IT GCC (National Cyber Security Division, DHS)

GovernmentCross-Sector Council


Private SectorCross-Sector Council



The scope of the IT Sector’s approach analyzes risk to the critical IT Sector functions…

Provide Internet routing, access, and connection services

Provide identity management and associated trust support services

Produce and provide IT products and services

Provide Internet-based content, information, and communications services

Provide incident management capabilities

Provide domain name resolution services


Risk Assessment Methodology


The IT Sector Baseline Risk Assessment was developed in an evolutionary process and a collaborative manner among public and private sector partners

Sub-Function ID

Consequence Framework

Threat Framework

Vulnerability Framework

Vulnerability Framework

Pilot Assessment

Lessons Learned

Develop Attack Trees

Evaluate Sector Risk

Analyzing and Reporting

Function-Level Reports

Full IT Sector Report


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec




IT Sector-Specific Plan Published


Three key risks were identified as a result of the ITSRA

Supply chain risk to hardware, software and services is an integrity issue as well as an availability issue

• Global nature of supply chain means attacks can happen anywhere at any time

• Global nature also provides resiliency

• Corporate quality control processes and procedures also mitigate risks

Impacts to the Provide Internet-based Content, Information, and Communications Services function are usually symptomatic of threats (manmade or natural) to other parts of the IT Sector infrastructure

• Highly dependent on DNS and Internet Routing functions• Unintended Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) changes, or

improperly updated BGP tables can cause impacts to the availability of Internet content.

• People, process and technology mitigations such as training and terminating access controls for former employees typically minimize the vulnerabilities or limit the consequences associated with successful exploitation.

Produce and Provide IT Products and Services

Provide Internet-based Content, Information, and Communications Services




Three key risks were identified as a result of the ITSRA (continued)

Attacks against the Provide Incident Management Capabilities function could be force multipliers. This effect could increase the consequences of more traditional attacks against the IT Sector by inhibiting an effective response

• Threats typically occur in parallel to attacks on other elements of the IT infrastructure

• For example, attacks against the incident management function could be force multipliers, which could result in more sever impacts to the infrastructure than typical attacks

• Organization- and national-level incident response capabilities typically mitigate the risks associated with threats to this function

• Infrastructure and workforce location diversity results in more resilient incident response capabilities

• Enhanced information sharing processes and mechanisms has also resulted in improved response to incidents

Provide Incident Management Capabilities



In addition, IT sector partners identified function-specific risks to inform the Sector’s protective program and R&D efforts

Global nature of complete supply chain

Integrity and availability of products

Diversity of supply chain Quality control processes and procedures

Produce and Provide IT Products and Services

IT Sector Function Risks Mitigations

(Existing, Being Enhanced, or Potential Future)

Policy and governance failures that result in a decrease in interoperability

Cascading consequences due to failure of Internet Routing function

Provisioning of Anycast Incorporation of diverse infrastructures Enhanced quality assurance processes that mitigate

risks associates with human error

Provide Domain Name Resolution Services

Dependent on DNS and Internet Routing functions

Unintended Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) changes or improperly updated BGP tables can impacts the availability of Internet content

Disruptions in the DNS function can cascade to the Internet Routing and Internet Content functions

People, process and technology mitigations such as training and terminating access controls for former employees typically minimize the vulnerabilities or limit the consequences associated with successful exploitation.

End Users/customers can also help mitigate

Provide Internet-based Content, Information, and Communications Services


In addition, IT sector partners identified function-specific risks to inform the Sector’s protective program and R&D efforts (Continued)

IT Sector Function Risks Mitigations

(Existing, Being Enhanced, or Potential Future)

The concentration of physical assets supports a narrow range of physical threats to the function

Threats to BGP and other interdomain router operating systems, and intra-domain protocols are the primary vulnerabilities

Enhanced technologies and processes Information sharing and communities of practice

Provide Internet Routing, Access and Connection Services

Threats are varied and typically occur in parallel to attacks on other elements or functions of the IT infrastructure

Depending upon their severity, attacks on IT Sector critical functions have the potential to deny or degrade the Sector’s ability to detect, respond to, or recover from an incident

Infrastructure and workforce location diversity results in more resilient incident response capabilities

Integrating lessons learned into future incident response procedures, policies, and prevention activities facilitates continuous improvement and fosters improved prevention and protection practices

Provide Incident Management Capabilities


Interdependencies across the critical IT Sector functions illustrate the level at which they are integrated

Highlighted InterdependenciesCross-Functional Impact


t Ord

er -



d Fu



X High High High HighHigh

X High HighHigh

X High

High HighX

X Medium→



Products &



Identity Mgmt

Internet Routing

Internet Content

Incident Mgmt

Products &

ServicesDNS Identity

MgmtInternet Routing

Internet Content

Incident Mgmt



Low LowLow














Medium High High





Internet Routing is the most basic function of the internet, thus DNS is highly reliant on it

Internet Routing is the most basic function of the internet, thus DNS is highly reliant on it

All functions depend on Products and Services All functions depend on Products and Services

DNS makes Internet Contentaccessible to the average userDNS makes Internet Contentaccessible to the average user

Incident Management relies on Internet Content to provide critical communication and collaboration services

Incident Management relies on Internet Content to provide critical communication and collaboration services

All functions rely on Incident Management for passive and active risk mitigation

All functions rely on Incident Management for passive and active risk mitigation

Identity Management provides security for Internet ContentIdentity Management provides security for Internet Content

High, Medium, and Low are used to indicate the relative level of dependency across the critical IT Sector functions.

Highlighted InterdependenciesCross-Functional Impact


t Ord

er -



d Fu



X High High High HighHigh

X High HighHigh

X High

High HighX

X Medium→



Products &



Identity Mgmt

Internet Routing

Internet Content

Incident Mgmt

Products &

ServicesDNS Identity

MgmtInternet Routing

Internet Content

Incident Mgmt



Low LowLow














Medium High High





Internet Routing is the most basic function of the internet, thus DNS is highly reliant on it

Internet Routing is the most basic function of the internet, thus DNS is highly reliant on it

All functions depend on Products and Services All functions depend on Products and Services

DNS makes Internet Contentaccessible to the average userDNS makes Internet Contentaccessible to the average user

Incident Management relies on Internet Content to provide critical communication and collaboration services

Incident Management relies on Internet Content to provide critical communication and collaboration services

All functions rely on Incident Management for passive and active risk mitigation

All functions rely on Incident Management for passive and active risk mitigation

Identity Management provides security for Internet ContentIdentity Management provides security for Internet Content

High, Medium, and Low are used to indicate the relative level of dependency across the critical IT Sector functions.


ITSRA will inform the Sector’s R&D, protective programs, and metrics activities

• ITSRA identifies key risks that require national-level mitigation

• IT public and private sector partners have established a process for informing risk mitigation activities

• IT Sector will prioritize and refine the risks and mitigations identified in the ITSRA

• Organizations not involved in the ITSRA are welcome to join the risk management process and provide additional expertise

The result of the IT Sector's mitigation efforts will include identification of gaps in R&D and protective programs that are needed to reduce risks identified in the IT Sector Baseline Risk Assessment


Value to industry and government: baseline to determine the security and resiliency of the critical functions

National Level Corporate Level

• Prioritizes national level risks to:— Inform R&D resource allocation — Identify, develop, and deploy innovative and

flexible protective measures to enhance the security of the critical functions

— Creation of outcome based metrics to measure effectiveness of existing and future mitigations

• Provides a new way of thinking about threat actors, vulnerabilities, and risks

• Provides a baseline for how secure the environment, allowing companies to refine security policies, practices, business continuity, and preparedness planning

• Identifies challenges that private sector participants could help mitigate through development of products and services

• Anchors security measures to a concrete data set that will better support their business operations and be the basis of meaningful infrastructure protection metrics


IT Sector Risk Assessment Version 2.0

• Use existing, proven methodology to build off of the foundations of the Baseline ITSRA

• Leverage the expertise of function specific subject matter experts

• Main areas of focus— Identity Management— Dependency Analysis (Communications and Electricity)


IT public and private sector partners identified dependency and interdependency analysis as an area for further study (1 of 2)


• Share many collocated facilities for switching and routing functions• Dependence on carrier cable networks and satellite communications

for delivery and distribution of critical IT functions


• Require constant electrical power for sustained operation of data centers, production facilities, carrier hotels, and other physical assets

• Sustained interruption of electrical power would inevitably cause a denial-of-service

Banking and Finance

• Safe and stable capital and financial markets allow the IT sector to acquire raw materials, maintain workforces, and purchase

• Conduct financial transactions and safe capital is required for many of the supply chain dependent processes of IT Sector entities to continue

Sector Example (The ITSRA provides additional details)


• Provides an array of raw and synthetic materials for use in manufacturing of IT products

• Degradation of these materials can a denial-of-service, damage to equipment, or injury to personnel


IT public and private sector partners identified dependency and interdependency analysis as an area for further study (2 of 2)

Healthcare and Public Health

• Supports a productive, innovative, and highly-skilled workforce• Protects the workforce from disease and pandemics promoting a

healthy lifestyle so workers have limited time out of workforce due to illnesses, especially those that are preventable

Transportation Systems• Physically transports IT materials and products associated with the

supply chain• Supply chain interruptions could result in unreliable or untrustworthy

delivery and impacts to the just-in-time-delivery practices


• Provides potable water to operate HVAC systems that keep computer systems cool

• Production plants require purified potable water for cogeneration of electricity and steam-driven processes

• Sustained loss of water cause equipment shutdown or failure, resulting in a denial-of-service

Sector Example (The ITSRA provides additional details)

Federal Government

• Supports the critical IT Sector functions in providing and operating specific root, top level, and lower level domain name servers

Identity Management Analysis Work PlanJan Feb Aug Sep Oct NovMar Apr May Jun Jul Dec Jan Feb

Scope: Shaped primarily by the sub-functions Goal: Identify threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences to the function and/or its sub-

functionsRecruiting: Subject matter experts knowledgeable in operations, policies (to include

national level issues), procedures, standards or risks associated with the function and many of its sub-functions

Value Proposition: Inform the Nation’s strategy and planning efforts on identity management

‘ITSRA v.2.0’ Identity Management Analysis

Research and analyze existing open source Identity Management risk reports

Conduct outreach for Identity Management subject matter expertise

Deliver Final ITSRA Identity Management Report to IT Sector Leadership

Conduct facilitated attack tree development sessions for Identity Management function

Draft ITSRA Identity Management Analysis and Report

Conduct facilitated sessions to evaluate attack trees for Identity Management function

2010 2011





Dependency Analysis Work Plan

Scope: Identify how critical IT Sector functions are impacted by disruptions in Communications and Energy Goal: Determine the impact of disruptions on critical IT Sector functionsRecruiting: Subject matter experts knowledgeable in either: The operations, policies (to include national level issues), or risks associated with the critical IT Sector functions and

many of its sub-functions; or

Plausible disruptions in Communications or Energy

‘ITSRA v.2.0’ Dependency Analysis

Evaluate ‘millisecond’ sectors’ assessments to determine potential dependency and impact to critical IT Sector functions

Conduct outreach for subject matter expertise to conduct dependency analysis

Socialize report findings with respective ‘millisecond’ sectors and revise (if nec.)

Conduct facilitated sessions to develop ‘millisecond’ sector dependency scenarios

Draft ITSRA ‘Millisecond’ Sector Dependency Report

Conduct facilitated sessions to evaluate ‘millisecond’ sector dependency scenarios

Draft ITSRA ‘Millisecond’ Sector Dependency Report

Gather risk assessments and analyses for ‘millisecond’ sectors

Jan Feb Aug Sep Oct NovMar Apr May Jun Jul Dec Jan Feb

2010 2011





Three Ways to ParticipateEstimated Time Commitment

No longer than 3 hours per sessionNo more than 2 hours to review pre-

meeting materials

No more than 3 to 5 cycles of reviewReport length 20-40 pagesReview times will depend on report


No more than 8 hours


In person or remote attendanceTwo sessions per activity identified in

the assessment work plan (or more as required)

Synopses of each assessmentLength and content determined by

participantsFacilitators and support team will

draft reports in collaboration with participants

Voluntary assistance in presenting resultsGoal: Public documentsOutreach/communications materials

no longer than 10 pages; include guidance for speakers


Facilitated Sessions

Review Report Drafts

Outreach and



Contact Information

Jerry CochranPrincipal Security StrategistTrustworthy ComputingMicrosoft

Scott AlgeierExecutive DirectorInformation Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC)

Timothy CaseySenior Information Risk Management AnalystEnterprise Information SecurityIntel

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