initial counseling example.. not on 4856

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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Name: _________________________________Rank: __________________________________SSN: __________________________________Duty Position: ___________________________

Purpose: The purpose of this counseling is to inform you of your duties and responsibilities while serving under my supervision in 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon, 977th Military Police Company, Fort Riley, Kansas.

You are being counseling on what is expected of you as a soldier and a Military Policeman while under my supervision. These guidelines, if followed accordingly, will lead you to successful service in the United States Army. The duties and responsibilities below are the foundation for developing discipline, standards, and overall self-confidence during your military career.

Appearance: You will maintain a sharp appearance at all times. Your BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) at first work call is expected to be highly pressed. All though it is authorized to highly brush shine your boots, it is strongly encouraged that you polish (“spit shine”) them instead. Starching your uniform is not mandatory, but is also strongly encouraged so that you maintain a sharp appearance at all times. Your uniform and boots will be clean, in good condition, and will not have faded material patterns (“cook white” BDUs are considered unserviceable). You are expected to maintain a proper haircut IAW AR 670-1. Your appearance is also based on how you carry yourself while wearing the uniform. Be sure to always act in a professional manner while wearing whatever U. S. Army uniform that is required.

Accountability: You are expected to be on time to any formations or work calls. Any earlier is recommended and strongly encouraged. Tardiness is not excepted in any way. If you are late because of an emergency situation or circumstances beyond your control you must notify me so you are accounted for.

MOS and Individual Training: Show me that you want to learn. We periodically have MOS training and standard army training (common skill tasks). I expect you to learn all you can and do your best in everything that you are challenged with. In time you will be above standard in your duties. Remember everything you learn and you will be an outstanding soldier.

Education: Military and civilian education is very important in today's Army. I strongly urge you to enroll in military correspondence courses and attempt to complete any college courses throughout your tour at Fort Riley (do not forget about online courses). College opportunity during duty hours will be granted on a “case by case” basis. I will assist your education 100%.

Physical Fitness: Physical Training and fitness is a key element in our lives as well as our job. I expect you to enhance your fitness on a daily basis. Unit P. T. sessions should only be maintenance and not a work out. My point is to take the initiative by doing P. T.


on days off and do your best when training up before record P. T. tests. P. T. is an individual responsibility. Good job on the last APFT.

Time Off: Your time off is yours. I will not depend on you during your time off but if an emergency situation occurs I expect you to be accountable for within 24 hours. Always be safe and aware of your surroundings at all times. Use your judgment and do what’s right. Use your time off wisely and always be ready for work on the first work day of the week. Block leave periods are scheduled into our training and missions. As for passes and other leaves you must give me notice in advance (more than two weeks prior) in order to make arrangements. Passes and other than block leaves also follow under the “case by case” basis.

Barracks: Keep the barracks clean. I am sure you would not appreciate cleaning my house so do your best to keep the company out of yours. Follow all barracks rules, SOP’s, and the respect for other soldiers around your living area. Ensure your barracks room is to standard at all times. ARMY VALUES: As a U. S. Soldier, these values must be a way of life.

Loyalty: You have to faithful and devoted to your job and your fellow soldiers. As the leaders before me I expect you to be loyal to your seniors, peers, and subordinates alike. Ensure your loyalty to this unit is not compromised at any time. I will defend you and your actions as long as you perform to the best of your ability. I will not tolerate poor or below standard behavior.

Duty: The definition of duty, according to FM 22-100, is acting in the absence of orders or direction from others based on an inner sense of what is morally and professionally right. It means to do what you are supposed to do, without having to be told to do it. Always do the right thing at all times and you cannot go wrong.

Respect: This is a value I strongly believe in. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Always render proper military courtesies to all Noncommissioned, Commissioned, and Warrant Officers with the intent of respect.

Selfless Service: You must put the needs of this nation, the Army, and the unit ahead of your personal needs and interests. This doesn’t mean you have to give your life away. It means that the mission, big or small, comes first at all times. Work before you play.

Honor: Be proud of what you do as a soldier. You have earned the right to be a member of the greatest world power of this earth. Understand your duty as a soldier and hold yourself highly.

Integrity: Be open, honest, and sincere, with your subordinates, seniors, and peers. If you screw up be honest with me. Leaders may get mad if you mess up, but keeping issues secret will cause a great amount of trouble and lowers trust.


Personal Courage: This is the ability to face fear of physical, mental, or emotional harm in order to do your duty or do what ought to be done in any situation. Courage is an everyday part of our lives as well as our jobs. Remember that it is human to be afraid. It is how you face your fears that makes you rise above and beyond the call of duty.

Last of all; expect nothing less than 100% supervision and guidance from me. My door will always be open. Sure there are such things as dumb questions but remember that asking dumb questions makes communication stronger and shows that you care about what you do. Be a smart soldier and do not be afraid to ask when you are unsure. Force of choice!

_________________________ ______________________ Signature of Counseled Signature of Counselor

_________________________ ______________________ Printed Name Printed Name

_________________________ ______________________ Rank Date Rank Date

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