initial ideas and research for music mag

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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Print –THE COURSEWORK TASK (ALSO CALLED THE BRIEF) Main task: students to produce the front page, contents page and double page spread of a new music magazine. (photoshop will be used for image manipulation and indesign will be used for page layout and design features on contents page and article) all images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of four images per candidate.

I like the front covers I’ve chosen as the emphasis is on the main images and is very stylish. They don’t use many contrasting covers so they look professional and not at all tacky. The target audience looks like it would be my age, heading towards late teens. I also am interested in them as they are my kind of music.

Music Magazine

Front Covers

Music MagazineContents Page

These contents pages are from the same magazines as my front covers so they also look professional and aimed at a target audience around my age. They both use interesting images whereas one has 4 little ones and the other a main image both work well.

Music MagazineDouble Page Spread

Here are a few double page spreads that all have a similar look to them which I like, they all look very simple but effective by keeping it to only a few colours it makes a statement and makes your eyes focus on the main image used.

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