inner circle promo - · inner circle may promotion strategy summary: 1...

Post on 03-Jun-2020






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Inner Circle May Promotion Strategy

Summary:1 Promotional Post on Personal Facebook 1 Promotional Post on Personal Instagram 2 Promotional Instagram Stories on Business Instagram 2 Promotional Instagram Stories on Personal Instagram

2 Promotional Posts on Facebook Page

1 Facebook Ad

3 Promotional Posts in Facebook Group

Shared Facebook Live on Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Personal Profile

2 Emails Sent to Get People Signed Up

1 Email Sent When Going Live

3 Follow Up Emails & OffersTotal Leads: 300

First Post:

Posted to: Personal Profile & Instagram Personal Profile

URL: -

PURPOSE: Starting to create awareness around upcoming training“No, this is not my passport photo... 😂 (although I was having a great hair day for that one)This is me shooting a BRAND NEW training going through an entire online marketing profitable system.Actually - showing you MY entire online marketing system. One that generated a cool 200k.Have you ever felt like the training out there doesn’t tell you everything you need to have a successful business? (Leave me a note and let me know!)It’s because they don’t!They only tell you one piece of the system - then send you off to figure everything out on your own.“All you need is email marketing!”“All you need is Facebook ads!”“All you need is to message 1,000 people, add people into your groups without their permission, and post every day.” #DontDoThis“All you need is Insta Stories...Facebook Live...A Podcast...”Psssshhhhhht. No. Just No.At the point of overwhelm and frustration - people ask me to help them put all the pieces together.And we do!And we make it easy for you.Because overcomplicated marketing and funnels are sooooooo 2017.So stick around if you want to see it broken down for you to duplicate in your biz. I’ll have a link soon”

Facebook Page Post: URL: you like to see our ENTIRE Online Marketing System?One that generated a cool 200k.You'll have to secure your seat:'ll see EVERYTHING. From Start to Finish.Training is LIVE, so you can get answers to YOUR questions.Friday, May 25th, 10am PST.Have you ever felt like the training out there doesn’t tell you everything you need to have a successful business?It’s because they don’t!They only tell you one piece of the system - then send you off to figure everything out on your own.“All you need is email marketing!”“All you need is advertising!”“All you need is to message 1,000 people, add people into your groups without their permission, and post every day.” #DontDoThis“All you need is Webinars...Insta Stories...Live Video...A Podcast...”Psssshhhhhht. No. Just No.At the point of overwhelm and frustration - people need help putting all the pieces together.

And solving marketing puzzles is our speciality. #MarketingSolved 😉 And we make it easy for you.Because overcomplicated marketing and funnels are sooooooo 2017.So if you want to see it broken down so you can DUPLICATE it in your biz:Click the link and enter your info: will be a replay for 24 hours only!

Facebook Page Post Promotion Going Live:

Facebook Ad: URL:

Targeted 4 Different Ad Sets: Female Entrepreneur Association: 5 Leads, CPL $6.43Email List: 17 Leads, CPL $1.88Page Likes: 2 Leads, CPL $11.97 (Yikes)Web Visitors: 7 Leads CPL $4.85Total Spend: $122.01Total Leads: 31Average CPL $2.54

Facebook Group Post Promotions:

Promotion # 1


Promotion #2


Promotion #3

Facebook Group Promo Thread (Yes, even I use it!)

Sent Traffic to LeadPage:

Fast Action Offer After Subscribe:

Facebook Live Shares

1) Hosted on Facebook Page 2) Shared to Personal Facebook Page 3) Shared to Marketing Solved Facebook Group 4) Hosted Giveaway - Entry was to Share (Had 39 Shares)

Email Offers

Email #1 to Get Opt Ins for Facebook Live:

Subject: Join Me For a Facebook Live & Steal Our Marketing System

STEAL Our ENTIRE Online Marketing Process!  

You are invited to a free training Friday, May 25th at 10 am PST - LIVE

Sign Up Here to Get Notifications & The Replay:

I'll be sharing...

Our ENTIRE Online Marketing Process -

Our exact marketing process that generated 200k.

You'll see everything (from start - to finish) Absolutely 100% for FREE on this training.

Sign Up Here to Get Notifications & The Replay:

This has been the MOST requested training and I've got some AMAZING techniques you can steal and implement right away.

Plus, I'll be answering your questions so you can DUPLICATE our system - in your business.

See you then!

You can head over to our Facebook Page, give us a like to stay connected and get notified when we go Live :)


Kat SullivanCEO / Founder

Email #2 to Get Opt Ins for Facebook Live:

Subject: How to Market Your Business On A Budget ANOTHER BRAND NEW training for you, !


There's a FREEEE training tomorrow giving you our entire marketing system that generated 200k.

Sign up here to STEAL OUR SYSTEM and get your replay.

Today, you have a brand new training to learn 8 strategies you can use (AND how to use them) to market your business online. 😸

• You can read the article• Or you can watch the video directly.

Hope you enjoy the training!

Kat Sullivan CEO / High Fiver in Chief at Marketing Solved

TLDR; New Training: Online Marketing on A Budget and 8 Strategies You Can Use to Market Your Biz #Boom 💥

I love Reading, take me to the article. Video is more my style. Take me to the video.

P.S. - The Replay will be up for 24 hours ONLY - after that, it comes down and goes in our members vault.

Email Going Live:

The training is starting in 10 minutes. Head on over to our Facebook page to STEAL the exact system we used to generate 200k with one product.

Where: 10am PST Why: Because you can plug and play this system into ANY business.

P.S. There will be prizes and a free gift for everyone who joins!

P.P.S The replay will ONLY be available for 24 hours.

Make sure you LIKE our page and set up the Following notifications so you don't miss out on the trainings!

See you on the Live!

Committed to your success,

Kat Sullivan

P.P.P.S.  - High Five for Friday!!

Post Facebook Live Emails

Email #1 with Replay & Offer

Sent 2 Hours After

Subject: Here’s Your Replay & Free Gift, %Firstname%!

I just finished the live webinar sharing our EXACT, click by click marketing process that generated 200k in less than 2 years.

It was more like a mini workshop. I don't hold anything back.

People loved it. Not even gonna lie. It was really good 😊

The replay is up for 24 hours only. No Exceptions. (I also gave the slides with our exact system mapped out as a gift for viewers so you can grab that)

Something that became crystal clear within a few minutes of this training

A LOT of people are STRUGGLING putting all the pieces of their marketing together.

I get it. I lived in that struggle city for a YEAR.

After dumping thousands of dollars in training - down the drain. Not good.

Looking back - I know exactly what was missing.

I went from $889.50 for a year - to over 200k on one product.

Do you think if you could take my shortcuts and systems - you could get the results you want quicker?

What if I actually played an active role in your results and helped you?

Would you be interested in that option?

Here's the deal, I made an offer on the webinar. (Shocker, I know...but what can I say - webinars work!)

People were securing their seat within MINUTES. (It was that good)

You can secure your seat inside the Inner Circle - our monthly mastermind, group coaching, and training community for business owners just like you.

Inside the program, there is:

• A video vault that's gold - there's access to trainings across every topic. • Monthly Trainings on new topics to give you a competitive advantage. • Personalized support - ask anything you need. ANYTHING. • Coaching Workshops to get answers to your business questions • Bonus Trainings, Facebook Group & Mastermind Community, Marketing Solved

opportunities, and a whole lot more • You Get Me. My brain. My team. My hands on your biz. My commitment to

helping YOU.'s the plan.

Inner Circle is on sale right now for $97 a month.

You'll have 48 hours to sign up and if you do - you'll lock in a good 4k in bonuses.

1 Inner Circle $2500 value 2 Bonus #1: Marketing System Formula (ALL the pieces, slides, ads, targeting,

emails, funnel, etc) $297 value 3 Bonus #2: Facebook Crash Course Bonus $1997 value 4 Bonus #3: Funnel Swipes: $197 value (See other funnels across all industries to

swipe for your biz) 5 Bonus #4: 20k in 20 Days: $97 value 6 Past Workshops & Trainings ((PRICELESS)) 7 Facebook Group: Priceless and SO valuable.

I'm closing the bonuses on the Inner Circle in just 48 hours.

And we all know - the price can't stay this low, forever.

So if you want to lock it down and get a program where the leader IS INVOLVED and doesn't ghost you once you join...

You can join in right here -->


Kat Sullivan CEO / Founder of Marketing Solved

Email #3: Sent Next Day

Subject: We haven't done this in a while…

Hey %Firstname% !

We've got a HUGE offer for you happening right now...

Our monthly mastermind is currently discounted at $97 - but here's the cool part...

Besides what you get inside the program:

• A video vault that's gold - there's access to trainings across every topic.• Monthly Trainings on new topics to give you a competitive advantage.• Personalized support - ask anything you need. ANYTHING.• Coaching Workshops to get answers to your business questions• Bonus Trainings, Facebook Group & Mastermind Community, Marketing

Solved opportunities, and a whole lot more• You Get Me. My brain. My team. My hands on your biz. My

commitment to helping YOU.

Your bundle includes:

1. Inner Circle $2500 value2. Bonus #1: Marketing System Formula (ALL the pieces, slides, ads,

targeting, emails, funnel, etc) $297 value3. Bonus #2: Facebook Crash Course Bonus $1997 value4. Bonus #3: Funnel Swipes: $197 value (See other funnels across all

industries to swipe for your biz)5. Bonus #4: 20k in 20 Days: $97 value6. Past Workshops & Trainings ((PRICELESS))7. Facebook Group: Priceless and SO valuable.

I'm closing the bonuses on the Inner Circle in just 48 hours.

Total value of this bundle is $5,088! And yours today for only $97.

Here's what people are saying about the Inner Circle

• Tina Delgano "One i must say awesome so far and i have spent alot of money on social media programs and yours is the best for explaining how to !!! ❤ 100% !!!"

• Sylvia Nwaozuzu "I have paid thousands for social media courses. This one is the best so far! The interaction between you and your members is what differentiates you. It feels so personalized and I have learned so much from you"

• Cher Ewing "Kat is beyond amazing!! When she says she wants to help business owners, trust me that is not fluff she really knows her stuff and freely shares her knowledge with her Inner Circle.

I’ve been in the inner circle for less than a month and the information I’ve learned is priceless!!

Click the link and let's start working together! We'll finish 2018 off STRONG together.

Have a GREAT weekend!


Kat Sullivan

Email #4 Last DaySubject: Extending this ONE last day for ya, !Hey !

I sent this out last week with a hard close for Sunday...turns out A LOT of people were away for the weekend.

They asked, pleaded, and begged for an extension - and I'm not one to pass up an opportunity to save you a ton of money and give you a lot of value...

So, this offer and THESE bonuses are expiring tonight at midnight.

Our monthly mastermind is currently discounted at $97 - but here's the cool part...

Besides what you get inside the program:

• A video vault that's gold - there's access to trainings across every topic.• Monthly Trainings on new topics to give you a competitive advantage.• Personalized support - ask anything you need. ANYTHING.• Coaching Workshops to get answers to your business questions• Bonus Trainings, Facebook Group & Mastermind Community, Marketing Solved

opportunities, and a whole lot more• You Get Me. My brain. My team. My hands on your biz. My commitment to

helping YOU.

Your bundle includes:

1 Inner Circle $2500 value2 Bonus #1: Marketing System Formula (ALL the pieces, slides, ads, targeting,

emails, funnel, etc) $297 value3 Bonus #2: Facebook Crash Course Bonus $1997 value4 Bonus #3: Funnel Swipes: $197 value (See other funnels across all industries to

swipe for your biz)5 Bonus #4: 20k in 20 Days: $97 value6 Past Workshops & Trainings ((PRICELESS))7 Facebook Group: Priceless and SO valuable.

I'm closing the bonuses on the Inner Circle tonight.

Total value of this bundle is $5,088! And yours today for only $97.

Click the link and let's start working together! We'll finish 2018 off STRONG together.

Have a GREAT weekend!


Kat Sullivan

P.S. - You can watch the webinar replay until midnight tonight and it comes down forever!

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