innovation as a means to grow

Post on 03-Oct-2015






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Perpetual innovation is in our nature as a species, and particularly true in the world of information technology. Never has this been more prevalent, or occurring at such an accelerated rate, as it is right now.



    Perpetual innovation is in our nature as a species, and particularly true in the world of information technology. Never has this been more prevalent, or occurring at such an accelerated rate, as it is right now.

    Conversely, where enterprises are failing to deliver innovative concepts and resolution to complicated challenges, pockets of dedicated and driven individuals are striving to fill the void, offering solutions to address the gaps. Through this, a multitude of start ups, development houses, and Kickstarter' projects have materialised within the IT industry, upsetting the status quo of the old guard.

    Capturing this innovative drive is no easy task for the CIO, who has for some time now been focussed on maintaining stable operations, and balancing budget to satisfy the demands of the business.

    Nevertheless, it is crucial for the survival and prosperity of not only the organisation or the IT department, but also the CIO, to cultivate and nurture innovation that will propel the company forwards, and reaffirm the CIOs value within the organisation.

    The CIO who does not appreciate the need to innovate to gain competitive advantage, whether internally or through partners, is a time-limited individual, and will become so in the eyes of the executive when compared and contrasted to the business savvy CDO, the newest executive function to start appearing within organisations.

    HOW CAN THE CIO INSPIRE A CULTURE OF INNOVATION? Within every organisation there are individuals who have a natural affinity for innovation and a passion to make things better. The CIO who can tap into this, and draw upon the strength within the organisation to empower these individuals, will be opening the door to a multitude of future opportunities.

    The CIO should look to inspire such a culture through the nurturing and development of employee driven innovation, coupled with communication of new

    ideas, to capitalise on the creativity held within their own company. Often there is a great deal of creativity within a company, just waiting for the opportunity to be brought to the surface through an inspiring leader.

    There are several ways in which the CIO can encourage this innovation within their business, but support from the executive function in this endeavour is key to the success the initiative will bring. Some of the methods that can be employed by CIOs are explained within this article over the following pages.

    A practiced and successful way to engage business departments in a quest to discover and harness innovative solutions is to establish an innovation forum. The forum should be a place to regularly bring together key department stakeholders, and expose them to both internally developed ideas, and partner innovation. The forum, if conducted as an open conversation, can lead to further investment in concepts, and a way of stimulating new ideas across a diverse group of leaders for mutual company benefit.

    It is amazing the creativity that can be gleaned from inspired discussion between impassioned individuals all focussed on pushing the boundaries of normal operating practices.

    For the employees, this opportunity for exposure to the executive, and encouragement of innovative

    Innovation As a Means to Grow


    thought, is often the stimulant these creative individuals need to inspire them to deliver game changing ideas.

    A natural resultant extension of the forum is a publication, which can be used to bring the whole organisation along on the journey. This is an invaluable platform and method for the CIO and their team to disseminate the inspiring content generated within the forum, allowing the employees to see that their company is forging ahead.

    Where investment is possible to cultivate and inspire innovative thought and practices, a place of focus for these developments to occur within can bring further credence to the organisations commitment to innovation. These solutions can be showcased in an innovation suite, or venue, breeding pride within the employees, and inspiring further innovation.

    WHAT ABOUT HARNESSING EXTERNAL COUNCIL? Whilst a common practice in Europe and the USA, a vastly untapped resource for IT innovation within the UK is Universities, and academia in general. Keen to make their mark on the world, and shrouded from negativity, the undergraduate community is a breeding ground for the art of the possible.

    Mutual benefit can be attained through partnering with these academic establishments to explore possibilities and solve problems through fresh ideas and concentrated efforts.

    Partnering with forward thinking systems integrators is also a great way to tap into hubs of creativity, especially where the integrator has dedicated budget and facilities, to bring financial, operational, and cultural benefits to their clients.

    Some CIOs are already realising the benefits that can be harvested from embracing and encouraging innovation within their own company, and tapping

    into innovation development with partners, academia, and system integrators.

    THE TECHNOLOGY DISRUPTERS In the CIOs quest to advance the technology discussion, and drive innovative practices within their organisation, the wildcards are the disruptive influencers.

    In the era dubbed as the age of the DIY innovator, it is no longer the large enterprises with unlimited budgets that necessarily lead the way in the quest for technological advancement.

    Pockets of individuals across the globe, working from their own homes, or as small start-ups, are creating the next generation of user interface, interactive mediums for presentation of data, wearable technology, and more, often designed and targeted at the end user and consumer market.

    Capturing this creativity and passion is difficult, but also presents a fresh and exciting way for the CIO to leverage the technological evolution of ICT inception. Working with companies who specialise in technology scouting allows exposure to raw innovation within the more familiar enterprise world.

    INNOVATION VERSUS EVOLUTION One trap to avoid falling into is thinking that a new iteration of an existing concept or solution is in fact innovation. Where the concept or idea is not actually a new direction or approach to a problem or challenge, this is most often evolution.

    We often-here vendors announce the arrival of their new innovative hardware. If we are truly honest about the item in question, usually the changes are a natural evolution of a proven concept or design.

    Within their own organisation, the CIO must be careful that evolution is not mistaken for innovation, and should strive to encourage new direction when it comes to creation of solutions and services.

    TAKING THAT FIRST STEP IS THE KEY The CIO must decide which approach to fostering innovation is the most appropriate for their business. The methods described such as open forums, collaboration with academia, and internal inspiration of employees, are all ways in which smart CIOs are beginning to tap into this area, and in doing so are re-affirming their position in the eyes of the business as a leader with their sights firmly set on the future.

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