inont ,puf ill dion in work urt pictures l•· .runaround sue ·• on ttv pro- aramma from that...

Post on 26-Feb-2021






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No 187 Week ending October 21, 1961 EYery Thursday, price 6d.

Dion in work permit scare Visit was nearly 1n vain DION, the Amman sin~ " bo linl fouacl , ...... lador or lht

ll<lmonu, and 10~0 arrfrod in Brit.alA fo, T V • and p,nonal appearaactt oa l\1onU 1,~n ry nta.rly mado W. J1000 mUe trip 10 ao avaH.

1 A lut 0mjnutc o.ttcmpl waa made 10 ~nu.,dc I.he MlnU.1,y ~~;,our not to iuuc him wilh I wort permit on

'th,e- grounds, D ISC unde_q,tand&? that

I ~riti:b~~~kie ':!:7d1cd~ ho':~ · :vcr: :..nd a permit b~ been gran~.

Had Lhit prolat been upheld, Dion would have been unable to "1* any public performancn and - ·ould, con• icqucntJy. have been unable to plug hit lata-t release. " RunlTound S't)e," i ·bich ii hish in the American charts..

,lllld hU jusl bcc1t WuW here,

Mantov,ani strikes gold O N b1J arrival In fbc SU.IN )Alf

w~k. for .hit , i~th a.nnm.l concert tour M1.ntonni w;u prucntcd v.•ith tiYC Ooldcn Albums by London Rttord5..

The sc.llin1 albums v.·cr( "Strau" Wilt.zu." ··chris.t:rnas Mu~k." .. Sona Hiu From 1'he.,tfdand," •· Film Encortt Vol. I " and .. Gem$ fot'C"t•cr." and eac-h t>nc has sofd over a million dolbrs wonh of topic,.

G J:~•: \ ' l!'li(f.l'iT, Pthd11 Cliuk .-nd M11rt)' Wildt :art t,, 11ppe:u In fuhtrt fditinn~ of AHC T\'\ "l'h11nk \ 'our l.ut·L> St-'"'·" ~l:nty •ill ht lht

flr,.1 to :ap,t"ar , when ht 1:lfC''h on Octobtt 28. 1'hl, "ill hC' hi, lir,t T\' 'JH)I Mace •c upcntd in .. Byr B)f' Birdit., la,t April.

In lb-t "•mt proi:ram~ •ith Mart,· _.ill bt Cr .. 1,: l>ougl1t,. J.;rnnt R:111', J :.t.Umtn, Ciro f..11inf', Ooui Shcltlon, l 'l1C' Pull.a l>(1h :md :--.kl. \ ' ill;ud.

P,1 Cl,uk J1nd Gf'nf' \ ' lnc-ent .,ill both appur in lht Son-mbtr 11 C'di1iun. Pf'I a, In f'11rly in 1"oumb,r ro, lh(' i-ho•·. :.ind "'hilt' lltrf' ,he i, nprC'IC'd h , rt'('Otd sonw ~• 1illf"',, for P)'t'. Tht Crn, \ inont ,puf "" ill 111~rl. hi, rtlur n to lht pracnmn1, ,in('(' ht :.ppuud in thf' flr,c ,,,1,.. t:)rlftr chh Har.

In tht C'dilinn of Xo,·tn1bC'r .t lht £Uf,f , 1ur "ill be- ,\dam f-'aifh, ·.-.ill, P tlrr Kniahl Hd lhC' Brool. Rro1ht,.,.

l a thr ,how lo bf" "f'f'n thl~ S;11urd;1y lht ftf'n-lltt' p:.111tl li:1,t rnttd lht n,w f:hk Prhl(')' r tlta,f' .. HI, t,I Ft:11nf'," 1hr full 15 point-.. Olhu tC'nJrtl­to 1w pl:.,,d 111 thl, f"dillon • ·ill be Bunda l.c><', ... 1-'oul :'\umbtr Ont;• und .IJ.obb>' \ ' u•,. .. Ta b Good C:11r C' Of My Ibby."'

Af lllf' timr of 10Jn1 lo pre-,-... ad111n<'t ordrr-. for lht Prt"ll')' di,r had "pa,~,d Urt ?S0,000 rruuk." aC'rordlna 10 ;1 Ott('a ,poLC">nian,

This would h,we ld1 IM field "idc open to the 8riti5.b covu version by actor-singer Doug Sbcldon.

However, there is the ch.1nu Sheldon himself may run into trouble. He is a member or Equity, the acto~· trade union. anJ if the threatened 1lrite over llV fcu take,.\ place with df«t from November t, he will be unabl.C to exploit hit nni'on of •· .Runaround Sue ·• on tTV pro-­aramma from that dl1.e for the dura.• lion of the strike.

RECORD MEN DENY -SINATRA STORY Sheldon bu an artina role as a

youn~ too1h,..ln the ... Otadlinc Mid• ni&ht , ' prosr1:n,mc ' due •' for •trans­miu ion · on .Nowmber It. ~nia hat alreody been tc-lcfaJmed.

ltew 'School' for Bonds 'E'Ol.LOWINO up bit smub bit 1:1 American ,uoceff ... Sdloot IJ Out," Gary (U.S.) lloodo ha. now cul ' School IJ lo" ro, his bb<I. LesraD<I Re-cords.


K S1NA1'R."- :idmiu he h slipping." Tb.Is headline in last

v.«k'.s OlSC lOmc comment in 1hc indu«r)', :ind from Sinatra (ans.

The headline kd into • rt'Y"kw or lhc recent paporb1&ck .. Sin.altll

· And His Ral Pack.. .. by Ric.hard Gehman. in wbid Simtra wu aahl tO M\'c ~ttcd thanbc otkbratcd v~I ~horcls wett beginnh,s to a:ive out. and also ltalcJ thal C\'eft lb01C who h:a,c remainc-d m05t devoted have be,un 10 la)' that be: i., not sinJin& as well a., he once did.

Tbe British rccordina iDdU-Jtt)' dOff not aarc-c.

Arthur MuJtlow, EMl"s c-xploi1a1ion chief', 3t one time in c.barsc of the

C:.pitol label, denies the ":.ccu ~a­t.ion,"

.. Sinatra h:u ch:inge:d, :1nJ pcrh.:.1-"' he i, not io )'Ouna: .u he uicd to be. But for mf monC)'. • ·hen Sinatra '"i n.p. thats Sinatrll, and «rlillinly he s-.t•in1s on hJ11 b ttil Copltol :album • Sinatra·, Swinjins S..-ss1on.'

.. He', ao far th.ti he "-Ould have 10 slip an awful long ~ 'Di)' before it would, :.nd . even now. I don'1 think there (Ould or would be a11yon1: 10 Ukc O\'f"r from him.

u Even ~bit Monro. who i l the lffllett thina: nc.-11 to him, it noa rtady to rcpbcc him. :.nd it wi#I bt 3 tong, long time before be d\)C.1-i( al illl,"


louh fknj.imin. 8(:ncr~I nun:tE(r ()( Pre M«orth. . who MOOlc 1h.e Rc-rri~ labd in this c,'.lun1, y, coulJ 1101 be more e111hulia.HiC :.houl lhic latcs.t Sin.-tra Reprise LP .. I Remember Tomm) ·'- 1h:at h ;n be-en rdc.ukd in I.he State, this week . .

"I ~hint that thit i$ 1hc M:St thing lhat S.1nalta ha.$ ever d(lne," lknj:iniin said, .. The LP i• .i. scric~ o( numhc:n nude (:am(IUS when Sin:atr,1 wu 1inJin1 with Tomm)' Dnucfs bnnd, The o.rr:1nec-mcnu, by Sy Olivc-r. arc:111,

•• Sin:1tr1a could not si-.·e a bcucr pc-r­forma~. He it 1rca1cr thin C\'Cf. It would surpri~ me if this record i, not in tbc top ten in Amcric:a whhii, a "''eek or tYt·o." P. U.

PRESLEY under fire


birthday pictures



In America


Brook Bros Tommy Steele Marty Wilde Ray Charles Karl Denver

¥ l•LtfS

re,·ien-s oi ihe laiesi sin;,tles .. .,.

Elvis Presley, Bobby Vee, Johnny Mathis, Chris Barber, Ronnie Hitton, Bobby Bland, Doug Sheldon, Dave


: l

2 DISC, October 21, 1961



I N a few ft)·s liinr-. OA Odobt'r 2°" Pye rtkasc ■ new Btook Brothtn llndt, .. Married., and .. Too S<11ttd." Without tnn bal'iltl Hard

IC I'll prtdld : It will be bcUtr than either .. \\'arpalot '' or .. Ain't Gonna Wash.'' und If lhtrt's an,· ju."ict tor discs it ""UI jvmp rl,:hl Into the chart.-

HC1w can I be- surl''! ThC' Bmol: Rw1her~- Rid.)' and

(;coif arc the nh)St cC1nst:intly improvine :n1ists currently on disc. And havins recently to I.he bo)'S I Me no rcawn \4 by the)' ih.,,uJJ not keep getting bttlcr,

S...)·s. Gcc.,ff, who usuall)' ~,c1s M tipokcsman: ·• Our wmmtr sta')()n was a cr..-:.t htlf\. lt c:uc us time tn sit al'ld think just where we '4Cr<: coins. al'ld wh:it we w;initd itl Jo,

•• We k.:lmt in awful lot frClm 1bc 01hcr ardtts ln the show and we to think up a lot or nc11; idea~~

An,baJ)' *ht, b:n watthcd lhc boy,· recrntly. p.artlcularly 1hcir TV SPl)t\. ca.n k'e 1bc •• before artcr" trandormaija,n .

.. Th.1.t ftnt bh rtt0fd W:H a l~nitic booct," added lUck)'. ·• Wi1h • W~r· ~nt • behind us we h ~d more confklcncc-, I think we b(11b ~till fed II bit ritlr•consdou.t whtn we t:1l out on 1hc sta,c, but not so much as \li'C uwd to before 1h.a1 hit. Wt\•c nlso eo1 a kH motc" polish now."

Wi1h 1wo hit, b<hi:Kl lhc:m the bet

.. nh boJ'11 dil~rcot--flt•11 h'ni6c ! ..

th;at tbt)' tbcms.chcs /td bcucr, m:lkn them lrmk better to an auJicnc-:.

.. At one time," '-lid Geoff, •• illll we had Ill do W:I\ j uJt gc:t up tln the Sl.tS;C and &ini. We ~creo·t on lone cnoush Ill need a r,ropc-r 1a,1.

.. But nnw 1bing.\ uc different. We .ice usually out rront for :about 20 minute!. and that mc:,ns 1h~\I "'C mud h.a,·c ;a proper act:·

On< of lht lhini, thll Ibey arc sr.idu=illy in1r0 Jucing M their pop si.agc audieocc is come"~·. •· We 1hink it·s n«csS3.I')' and it seems to be 30i», down very \\·~It," explained Ricky. .. h fu~t U,n•1 pauiblc to 1-in& :all the time ...

Not ready yet Uke -•J' 41,a .. mu tllt boys art

be»di11a cowanh ru... ■•t , .. , -. Dtlt WcrtsCtd iD some 111110 tM111 ID a We ...,, J• ,·,L .. w,·re .oc tta41y ... th~)' ay.

.. We have :i.ttrccd to apriear in Co1utnbia'1 • 1r.•s ·read, Dad· bu1 only v.·he:n ._,,c lound tb31 ::,,11 •c h.::1..d to do WlU .ina;.

.. \\'c don'c w=int to &O inlO -' film .,.here ""..: • i ll have 10 ic,. Not )'Cl, We ate not read)'. We h:t"c alrcad)' turned down one film olfcr .•• 1hc p;arts ~re too big and important."

Thrir lak'St -disc, .. Too Scared." •·as wrlurn b)· the boys thcm.schte.s. It i'I In the \amc ,-cin as thei.r prcviou~ hitJ. .. Sotr,c p(Oplc say we arc lakint the m.idcy on aur d iSC"t but lhat is not lrue. you know. Tbcy arc just amusini."

The boys can·,. or coun.:, r«ord fa·crly 9:-othc:rs numbcn ... h's taken a Ions. time 10 C<'l flCtlpk tu &lop com• r;trini us. It used lo he a big pmb· tern:· lhq $.lid .


.. But now we 6nJ ,hat by l:cc:pins awa.)· horn their numbcts \l,'C ha,·c a.a c\·cn bigger selection than they thcm­!.tlvcs ha\tc. They arc rully the (lnCt who 3:e limited."

On NO\•cmbcr ◄ the bovs begin a series of p,r(lf.rammcs On Radio l.uscmboure C¥tl')' S:uurJ~y at 7.45, II -. .. ill mean mo~ upcri~ce, more c()nfidcnce-. more rc,lish. And as the bo)·s:. unli~c many di~ n~unn. at'i\~\'S lc~rn fron, cvcrylhing: thty do. ·;1 $.houJd mt':.n bi,:~r and bcUer bitt for them.

Tbe Brooks att on •k way up Jn,.1,•, bu• n r,·. ,·try wrc-1,-.

AS1110SV st:wr.u· ,o,sc Pkl

buy them on CLASSICAlS

/I \' (r&ithf-4D


BUDGET ACCOUNT Ont, U do«ft J.nd fNI csn uke y()l.)r pick of (1~ tron.b o( rttords ftom d,t 100,000 mono and $tt:to dl10. .il•~Yi i.n 3lc'ld at Sood $Uttt. P:1.yltlt off i s at the 1111.f of £1 a month. and c:rrdit i, ncen<bhlt -rOf iniJ,.ncc wtwn )·ou·,c p.kl oft U rout Cltdil Nin be ntmdcd to ill.ow !OU to t~ ino<hcr u "'°':b or teco,'dl.

P°'t111e ~nd pac1i.nJ ur frtt Qn ~II ~den O\·r, t., and 1'.'t U G sod ttc:ords ~ny,..bcrc in th.t world ycu

wsnt to JO. So rou c-111 Ndcr by /'10'>1 or Ahop in pc-rw,n at iny o( 1hc Kci~b P10,·1ie br3nd)('i. r:~~>· '"''' i11 r .~ ,u ro II Kd.1h Pro,.~ Budin Account today. llappf bv)l,,i: me:ins J1:1p;>) li\lcnir.g.

F o, 81;, fta Aeevum ,te,.,;u s,nJ ,Jw rouf}()n b<luw ro A.·,1,1r f .roiot. ,u ~O. Nt• Bond Su"n. N'.I. Dm1J;f't A(l'(111/U.t (lftC,,td /<N U.K. ~11.JIOMtrJ ONly.

M, St• .... $fffff. t..,IN. W.I. Td..111\'U .... IM htll

... ,. (' .... .,, loll'fft. w. t. r----------,

O Pk:isc sc-rwt mi: dttails or t~ K.rith PrO\\·.o,c I Buditt AC't'ount I

I ff, tllcta "'-f, •---st••• ".L 4J, AN•»tll• W.t•.1, M. hlrall, ...... !L1U. 71, ........ LC.1. u. r-•- • ,.., .... 2.c,,. • 11.. n.,;-, CJ--. s. ~ •.1. A ... ••• •• .-,, ~-• a-4. \\·.L d--.17 M...W. Attlo M.... S••ui

ALFat:D nA.n LTP,. lff, S•• ._. St .. 111.1, 0ft, 1 H\-0 *ti ... T.t, t·••lolll• ( .C'.J.

O l'k3it pot my name ott rour aul.lina wt.

N.11MI! ····••••·••••• .. •··•"•••••• •••• .. •• ......

A.ODtO.~$ ·· • ·•••• .. • •••• • •·• ••• ••••••••••••• •• •

L - - - - - - - - - -o _J

Eacb ~~.rk aa LP is awardtd. ro lhe writer of ffle .Psbt Lelkf • • • and o,ntt a ,nootb tbfft. is a boaus prize or • Rouo,t litthttr/ashtn)' kl. 'fhc addrtts Is: .

Post Bag, OISC, 161, Floet Street, London, 1;;¢.4.

Miming to a blatant

discs i's insult


TIU: CDtrut mtdaoll of Pff$tnlinc: pop alnatB oa TV mimina lhtir

~n&J b Quaint: 11Vwioa indi&utioa amoac rtton1 ran.-... ric:lllly ,o.

·c~tt It • bt:auina lMult 10 lbe inltUICCDtt o( t~f ·p11bllc. Aa,•ottit ~td. wll• 1oa1•, rttOfd sc-ne nn lmmNIMtt, rtt~mtc tk eiv.,. a..-.y '"J,.1udio so1111C1, • •N lie aJ~ °°"' tbat • artisc· ranaor &ivt 11 polbbtd II pttfennanc., la oae tab oubWc a Jludio as llt cu do oa a rt<ONI.

Ln lbt arOse, PrtM'• tbtw trM" pttSOOaDtl~ Til»l 'Kill be talttr:.i• mtat alld no1 c•tatiac:--GRt:GORV THOMAS. .. Pn-y•prtb ... Btd"dlly Moad. Cd■ Hot nl, Blacl."ood• '.\l011nmu1h~hirt,

HE DARES J:\CK (,.j(Jt.)f} IS ••'Be \1( :lie \ ~i )

f.:w .:n1:~·., in th< Jl\ .. i" lidd 1400 h:., .3.. h t;;,ll)' pc(S,,)0<11 t.:utc. 11(1!

in,pu<d ti)' 1h.: i"Urr~nl iul p;u·ut.:. :&nd l.\h\) \1-11..' ., 10 w:uc his ..,,..o op1n1,,n,.

\'.,u ~~,111 .,,rec -O r d1..agr«· -.·:;h )tr. Ul•OJ. Out \ te a! l.\ ;1,-s. has .~1om.c1hmi:: , ., SJ). a:1d cJ,:,i;s.n't j u -.1 \\'WC ;o r'lli:.ise .:'o'<'f) C' llC. :,,r,,•11hc1 doc> h " ~onfu!,: :,,al.:, .'.lml \IU.,Jity li~c iO ru:in~ pe.>~!c in lbc t .,•1,:<)rd b 1n1Uc\i d", - · A. J~ tlf.(K\I.\S 11111 Vok.. Grtnd!liae ti. Atrdt'nho.t. tlo.llHd.


So .\tr. fxlfont \l iJ Mt sec th t<:i 1n,;:lu,i( ' I ~ n t ~c1'·1.:i 10 l'W\

ko)al Cl'~m1nand'C' h1:. Wh.11 qualilk:i:ions. I ..a,·c,nckr, Jo)N Mr. Oc!Jont r("Quir<' fot hi, scl:cuon,.'

T,:,ny has the I\I.V finest pcxtitlk First 16 )'c!lr!> in f1l·m~ • .ind "" st3S,C ;1" .:.,, ilCTOr .ind, mere rtccfllh•. a~ .t * 'tiHr i'lnlJ ~<i\liHIIY he is Brirhh,- · IM,...) F.ISIE n:u. ~'<, B,.dford Strut. S.h•tll. Nott<i,

SHOULD VOTE TUF. b.:$t w:n t,1 JC'.;:iJ¢ (m :he h~P

,idc oi a di~:: wciulJ be h) fo:m u. ,roup af :'O or JO rccn~1crs lo listtt\ to tlo1h stdes o f a new rclc-a~ in 1he :.1udi01: :inJ vote as h1 Ytbjch siJc they 1hinl boli the b:st p otcn1t:a1.

Surd)' i r i1 1h< :~~nai.:rs 'I.ho -.-.iJJ ullimatclv biay 1hc r«orJs.. :ind 1t is lhcv •·bo can ,~ally pie\. the belier side. Mt tbc comp:inks .,,.,t,o , ick ::,,00 ju,1 hop: lhc\ ·,·c t11.1cfc :~c :i);ht ,ho;«. - "fERE!\"CE KIRKWOOD, I 90. R,lmoat Ro-_.d. Bclta .. t • .a.

irri1atin,: fade•fluls .... ·hicb arc tor«J on ll§ b\ Radio Lulltntbourg. - DA. GR..\H,~M. IS. Rowan G•nl"" Brock•·orth. ntar Gloucester.


AS " regul:lr listtntr 10 Redi, Lull<mboura. l have jyq o""

coanplain1 about tbc record ~sni:u1· n1es- 1h: w:a.)' in which the J?1& tt1 to !iinc p3rt C1f 1hc: record a.s.-11 .crid~

Let's b:l\·c lcn or ,his. more ~ the cmp. p<>lishcd comprrin&,idCb ,.t 1s gi\'cn by Jimmy Sa•l~ •t-; manages to Sd an avffa&e' .ot I t«(lfds in bis all 100 few hilf bo~ rro,:rammt'!i, :.s apinst cifbt or.~ <>n 1h: 01hen. - CHRJST NE Lit.v Ill, M-•I• la8', S.._!t, Ltt ... 14. VO<!<<.



Tommy Steele

Not worried about bis

• misses HAS Tommr Slttlt •ont ro, aooll

...i..._rrom tli t cllarN? le To-y•, --. Nf,ltlarky Ofl tllit WHt ! AJltt

I I•• lo_.. Tlit Writioc 0a Tlit .... . _,, atirDt- .. ,o •• lowff •o.l ot r~ <Urt< llN " ntl>k Oll ~ .. look a din tfltr tli• faltvr " -.'n• ~bow from whN'h N caaw,

• Do t .. -k T ommy • orrtf'd ! I Loo~ Wo,rri,,d 't" To•m., - --

' ' jl_


YETI - '"------=

DISC, Oe1ol,e, 21. 1961 3

AMERICAN TOP DISCS TltCM Wttt 11tr IWt'IIJ aa.m• btn Lll.1t tor:PN llu- ulr, I• Amuin bi,1 wrd; f "«k

r odin1: o ,robtr u ,.

1.aattWt W-.k"'..t 4 I lfh n,, Rood, J■rk • • • R>) Chulcs J z er, In' ••••••••• • • R,>) Orbison I 3 Tah Coocl Care Of ) If

Bahr • , ••••• • • • n~bby \ 'co 4 R■urouncl SIMI • • • • • • Dion

10 s • ...,., s1-, • • ••.• • 0<,,.11, 8 , \ 'ou Mml Ha,t Btta A

Beautiful Baby • • • • • &~by D,nn

t...1na v.·.,11, ~·Nil

17 J3 Thi~ Ti~ • • • .• • • - • Th') ShocdtH IJ 1-' \~ \a••••.• ••••• I tc l)o,u,\· 18 IS Bleq \'ou • • • • • • • • , Ton)' Orh~do J6 16 11u, \\'ft)' \'ou Looi.

Toolc,hl • • • • • - • • • I cllrrmcn - J7 HI,: l:bd John • • • • • .. • Jinum - II Sad Mo, iK ........ .. ... \,1.;c Thomp«,n



2. 1 The MouniaJn•s lti1b • • .. Oi\.·~ :.nd D..~tc 5 8 1.1111• Slil•r • • • • • • • • IZJvi, Presley

- 19 Loo" l u :\1) E)tt • • • • . (h,tr1<"I~ 1:! 20 Whhuul \ 'uu • • • • .... J~>hnn)' T1llotson

IS t Lei'• Ce1 Toc<thtr • • • • tb) Icy Mills 7 I t Muko • • • • • • • • • • \loorc 6 U Mldla<l • • • •• • .• · • H1ih~• >mtn

- .U \ 'ou l .. on Her, \ "ov Lovt Me ••• • ...... • • Paris Sis1crs

, ·dktJ ,lo•• to -. fro.a 1k ~ or 1k \ kfHla raw, • Mu 1M l'f"a-i nllqN"a for hk pr•n ..... .itl ,how "The Cott11lr)' l irlhd:,ay Show•• ~llkh 0ptntd al lhe ll~ppodromt In tb:&I ,_.,, la,1 Tu.1od.1y.

Ilk cbHkJ fa« " h split la t• o b1 a ciln-tlt ,ffltJ,. ~ Toa•.) ka't WOITit-4 It 11U.

.. ,.,c to• ,1,n1r to do." ltt told mt ,_, we ~• In lh«' C'mplf ~all,. •• Tht tbtitln •I Conntr)' h ,1,tuiall) !iOl4 out. 1Nf0tt oi,,t■i._. for tht •hw 1itt"t9 •Hkt of liw ,)low."

Tomau--' • • •• 1-..a S..-.11. "'1ba't 111orriH tllhtt, We sat ud nlC'hed

! n.::,•;r.~,~7:1~,~·'i::~ ~~~ _j:ftlili-. • "• J,oklnr .all thtc 1ln1f'.

• 11, aa 414 • l1i.owt ftt'Ot'd llilJ 2' 10-.: ~ .., l tt~ hk Ultllr.• ~ Btn-.. • nat .milt I.. • ortb .1 milllu• ,c1o1111d'ii 10 hia1.

.. H•~ UJld nul at Cou,Hry: 11• t1 tilminc fo, Iii bi,e Amnk..n" ' N~h~l dt6nlrt. bul ii 111IIJ tomt. So "'"7 ,titould h♦ • Mtf?"

l.u Sc-u• C"OVld•'"t ban "'"'- m.on c-oe..,•t.

""Tbf' Pf'O.Plt I fHI ,orrr for,• ~aid Btn11., • we t'"-w poor pop boys • ·bo ,n.aktt h 1'11th Ilk- reeurdj aad ll»t't l!IOIWn1 • ·llh wliK'b to follow • ,. ll' i ~• '- nut .,.,, M> ~ •ut so.-4 ,rttt oe I rtNH'd bat k:1.-t- Mfhl• to uttd 1Nir nrttn "Uh. I fOltld uaw I fcaw, INt. of to41~. I •on•1.

IICLC\ SIIAPIRO ~,.., ,...,._&-' .. l.Jp~1;,d,, 01, l ~-

Co/Ju,;• °'""" n/ '"' '"'''"""" "": l1.-, fr ,,, r-m hlu '1/rl,h ,,,.,,11 rrob,·1bl1 br iuor,I 11,11 1prfn6, ll'lllt h,-r 111r MLJ M af## $'41111 and A u11,I R J.1- .\'orri, r • .,."""' IIJISC l"ktur,1.

htJU from bfina oploirtd on rttord<i: to 1ht ru11 z

Ht, •n didn'r l hlnk so. .. 'I l1f'r4.' rouldn'1 hntt bun nwrt nptolt:11• don for 'Th., Writinc On l 'h«­\hll • aad lltial "11:\ft'I nlC'lly 1 ,tr.1.rl •iaett. A•4 t.Jw..a 1tt.,., ;.. lbr h:w or · \\h.11 A Mouth."

.. nilt t1uM hom oul of 1h, bluf'. Wjl\h'l f'OQ on lht plue 1hr. Hut JI m:ad, iL No prnonal •ppu_, .. M~ lo bad~ It up. d1brr. Totnmr """"' "'"' In lht wu:a1r, 111Mn tllat Lllw lo,-.

All Brit ish ·• \'ou un Sll:f lhh, lha t Tomn,y h~,

,mid• ~""~\•' out or onf' bun,h-tcl f!!' «et Brlll,h .wog, . 'S.n1inx ~ ~ • "•' tlw- onl1 forrica hk I.Ml IN hlh h:ad, Bal "ho nn 1 .. 11 •II.It k 1!.M•a to be- 2 ••· c-our ~ o, orialn.11 u.mbtr ~

"':-,i'o ont. bu.t no oot, thouihl •Moulh' ~ould a;:ti ".1,rt II did. The Inn• artr l<i unprtdkt1blt. Tomr.)' m,, PCiC bf lb♦ numbtr oot bo) 1'11111 tkn1 al tlN' motDf'llt. bul •h k".ow, •IN• 1111< nut ilit flla.J' ,.._, •Iona~ It eould rtt-tp up btllld U\ altnlXI bf'for• "' '-no" 11.-


.. • - - - • .. .. • Chubb) Ch«lu • - .. ...... • 0.1\"C Urub«t

Co.,,I!tJ from d<.t!tra rtmnu ,-,om .:1 o,t, 8.rlt:nn

Week ending O ctober 14 , 1961

• 1Vo. l 11ga 1,11 101· S l111JJi1·0 • • •

- Bicl1a,·1I • at 7 .,, u .- ni.

\\fl(\: \l,n:k Title ArU1t Label

J l 8 :ad.: To llap1,lntts ........ Hckn Shariro Columbia

~ 2 \ l'ild Wind John Leyton Top Rank .. . . 3 ~ll('ha<'I • • • • • · Thdiigh\\l)mrn HMV

4 4 \ oull Ao.s,nr To Me .. .. ...... . Cito l oine Font:in:i

8 5 Su<'u Sucu ••••• Lourie J ohnson Pye s 6 Jtalousy • • • • • • Uilly Fury Dccc•

7 Tht Girl In Your - Arms ... . .. - Cliff RichJrJ Columbia - 6 8 Kon-'llld • • • • • • The Shodov. s Co lumbia -: 19 9 Illus You • • • •• Tony Orlando Font:in:. - 18 10 Boonltraug Ch" rl ie Dral c Parlorhonc --- 10 II Togtlhtr • • • • • • Connie Fr:rncis ~IGM : 9 12 Wild In Th• Countr, Ehis Pr« lty RCA - 11 I J llals 011 To l.arrx , Del Sh•nnon Londoo -- II H C,1 Losl • • • • • • Eden Kane IA-C\'O. - 7 IS Johnny lttmtmbfr Mt .... . .. . . John Lc)ton Top Ronk

16 Mol...,li Ro« .•. Karl Dcn\·U DtC'<'.I 17 \ ·ou ~l u~l lbne Bffn

A lluutiful Hab) Bobby OJrin London I ~ 18 Cran1d1 ......... . Frank Sinauo. Rcr,r1,..:

19 1111 TI,e Road, Jark Ruy Charles 11,\1 \I 15 20 Sta or 11.artbrr1k • Don G ibson RCA

ONE TO WATCII Tribule To Uuddy Holly • • • •• •• i\lilc Bert)

--: ----: -

------. : ----


J)o Tommy•, ~lllf N mmit114.'nl~ a lf'td bh rHod ,.~ ? Ou tht1 ptnHI P elPI ' 11,,,,,,,,..,,., 11 II II IIII II II II 11111111111111IIII1111111111111111



•J: UN 1N 11-

4 DISC, 0<1ober 21, 1961



" O NLY l•ldJ• lut, Bd1i/JI pop .... approiw-bC'd the lalatnce

ic Pd · batk In ~t ... ,_,■tit• and thirties." 'rbe ! 1 - How-lot Rkhmollld or llolli:1 aad Ludlow Mu~r. He a tile Amtrina ••• of ....,_.1 ~1•1ik. ont: or •~r lh·tlin.1 aod . m-1 Htte-!lllfal Hlfits in Tio ha Allty.

Rklllmead •• lltrt lut wuk to SN tbt A■tllo•n Nhtkcy ..t.ow ... Stop ·nu: World-I W1a1 'f4 Cet o• ... lltt ra•k of 'ft'll.ktt bt'II b« !:and.Jina in lbt St11lts fthtn It Opt:M lhnt not ).f'ar.

• Riithl now tbe Brith:h ntatbt is Ytt}' <~t 10 tht Amukan ont as ri.r as IHtt and lrtod~ Ill(' ~nett Md ... •e tltfnf Oft, •

.. Your arlis1R 11re uf ia trrnl lo U..', too. Don«,• • is rt•IIJ• hot •1-1• bal'k homt. and PfOple lilt MaH Monro and Shirlt)' 0.lity arc alw•,·1 wdtomt .~

RlthmtJ■d rttko111 our pop d-1u1lu m.arktt ilfi ntlllcr mo« maturt: 1hu ha: tquiHlf:nt In 1a.t: SC.a'"-

• 0..- a.lqlt'!I ratff ror 1ht: l0-11 aa, braditt. I liprt YOW!t •re 11li nltd to the 16-19 1:rwp. r m •ure rod: lt •tre' to _..,. in ""1M fonn or •'"Jofher. allhouch I ,c:noa•lly do.'t 11~ it or publklli it."

Of the Nc-wlt r sho.- Rkhmond ~w. .. h'1 1t•ll.r frbb and oriliuJ. Nt•fry ha11 a nry trtathe tnhact. If lllit show' ceu on Rrolld•'ay with• 001 bdna · nfl'Clundtd ,.-Uh too muc-11 b111h)·NO. r. 1are U.e p•bUt wlU like Ir I lot."

lie I, ,-ltlhhfq · ~ K'Ql'e of Uo•tl Ban•, .. CHinr ! .. •• · wtU la t .. St•llh whe• that 1how o,-o• lffle an1 ■otamL Sbow •• k • at• · · •rlurt for •• """· Hd OM wbkt. he btlints "'Ill yield .._.. qutlJt, mltffb.1 or lutina: ..aloe.



Dk~D Sun3b

i~ffl arid

John W ells talks to MA TT MONRO in New York

\ ~merica is ~~rprised -:to, · find -he's· ·Br1t1sh

CAIIAR£r bookinp in La, Vrps and Chk:11&0, •■ocher, e,·en more insi~1rnt~ rtqueit for him to male a film lfll from Holly•rood 11.nd lhe

batk•ha.;.dcd tompUmenl, ... " 'e're rurc ,;:urpristd: to 6nd you're British."' lbtsc a r~ just some o f the tttuhS: ----

of Malt Monr()s crsba i"c. t ri1,1mph :'t 200 rustome r1 ilnd Mi u h:., ;m lh.! lui h Round T:ibh: m~ht dub m ll•piecc orchn.1ra 10 b:.ick him. Muth New Yotl:. . ur hi, ~uc::t'ss. ~tau v.·:u quick 10 point

Mall is the ~('(Ind Bril i\h ~rti~1- out. la) In the orchtsirat a rr:i.n~• Sturk)' lb..!>li-CY h, 1hc othcr- t·1.u-rc n1I)· menu. y-·ooing the ~ inc an~ \'.line customcr1 The \' were d o~ for Mau b )' the m N ew York s tQp night spots. man ·who loot s a flcr hi\ ret'ord

•• The Americans &.ecm qui ic i Ur· backing, . Johnnie Spence, ·• ·n,e pri$W 10 ,Hsc<>.,·e r tha t a British a n it.t ha,;e rea l!)• kl'IOChd 'cm c;,.n cn1c r1ain 1htm." a.aid Ma u when out.: · said Mau . ·· L o nl)' " ish Johnnie I h im 111 hi~ J'lkw Y(lrk' hotel. cuu1'1 ha\'C come 0 1o~t he re with me:

" At fl1$1 they ~me'1 to think the)' ► I() t..hare lOme of the i u«ttS. I hope Yi-e re. ju r.1 soi ng 10 §CC· sc;,meonc doini:: he • 'i ll be u.bk 10 m~lt:c it nc-x1 1imc ... an impenonation or Sin.1trn. But rrom

~h~~1~ha~ hJ~;'~!;it ~:S~~:~":o ;,;: Noisier by m y " ire M lcl: ic-, they Jidn' t lhinlt: tha t al'tcr the)' had heard me.

·• fvc: h :lJ a mueh bcH..-r rt'ctplion 1ha n I 4:vtr ho ped for."

8ut C:\'C'n J,46S mi le"II " "'':I)'. t,,•fil.11 W'.a.5 rt' lut:1.&nl to t:aU. about h is ~uc«ss. I had to prcn lh.c: point. •• Wdl, lo be honc~t ifs been teall)' fantns1it. E,·crr hod)• bu bctn .,rcat.

, .. Yn." he a dmint d . •· some o f 1hc remarh 1h:u have ht"cn p;iskd on t1> In( ha \'c been Hut In some W.S)'!. lhc)• prefer me to Sinalt:t.

.. But 11tey•rc not compariaa aw to ... UJ' mutt, wh kh k the creal l bin~ ..

Tbe Round T able M:ats just ovu

~bit ' 1h:it the onl )' d ifferc:ncc he found wi1h Amtrkan a udiences w;l~ that 1hc y wen: no isjer. '' But c\-cn wbfn they·u ca1int or ordc-ring thc:y pay c l0$C au cmlon 10 the Qttist. And 1hc)•'ll take iU.,mucb j3l~ as I like 10 gi~,e them. I c:1n really go w.iy uu1:·

Ma u ha\ been noockd ..,.-ith requt5ts: 10 do more: work In the States. He told me: it was een:ain 1h;i1 he would pla)' t us Vq::is some 1ime next )'ear amd 1ha1 he hoped to ,·i~it Chicugo.

·· But I don·1 want 10 be Jiw.-y (rom h ome 100 Jong," he 1o ld me. •• So ( ,' t be doing too much.'"

Helped by bj\ personal apptarancc

in ~ew Yotk,.. ~1au ·~ firs1 LP •· LO\'e Is lllc · &,me .-...0}' ...., bc rc. •· ls k llint fa bulo~)' wel t ·· Ifs now staoding at No. 9(, in 1hc LP hm, " hich i.s :i Junlp o{ 46 on l:>\ t Y.C'C'k.'' \.aid M:m. 0

• 1f5 ,·e r) encoura gin~" H is lates1 singlt rek~st. " 'Wb·y Not

~ owr i\ doinJf i qUall)' well, He ha\ had rn:1ny otrcn:' to a ppn r

o n TV. ·• but Urtforiun:uely I c3n'1 !ICCt_pl lhtm 3\ rm signC'd to Ed Sulh,·:an. :ind I can·1 a ppear in any o lhcr rc-Jular u-riu .''

~fau. of co urst. has b«n in Ne~· Yurk before. And I remember him 1d lini me tha t he d idn·t think it was 1/rnt wonderful..

"WtJI. ibis. t ime ... ~ i.d M~ll, .. I can afforJ lb be htrt , v.·hith is more tha n I cou ld d o b,cforc.

.. o r CQUf\t. 1herc- ;art' things v.hich I dislike . , . the food for u a mplt. They d rus il up far 100 much fo r me. t:d gh ~ a n5,h1n, for ll. cut of bttf ,11 the moment."

Mau·s ',l,·ife . Mickie, wen, out 10 New York wi,h M:ln, "I didn' t intend slaying htrc very Ions.: • sht 1ofd me. ·· Fini of a]I l thought I ....,ou1d ~lay for lbC< opming night.

~· ~ C..~ lo1~ 0~f h~r~st~ld,! ~~y" ~e~f

it wa.s a,b,soluttly woncktful. They have 5aid 1hc mosl fabulout t.hings a bouc him. And 50mthow I just llttm 10 ha ,;e sta yed bet'e. lt"t M)' first trip and I rea lly :;m thrilled.,"

MATT MONRO •• , the lidclkd and i-toppc'd tomJIM'IDa blm

to S-.tra. ,,c BC TV Pho1<.•trilplt

---Cable l,·o-.n ----------~-----­·AMERICA Edited


Columbia seller ever

- c OI.UMIIIA RECORDS have tlteir first hit dn&lt ror a

Iona time. I t's• .-.:lh by J lmmy O..a of "Bia Bad John.• This rttonl h•s told <nn 400,800 ln hrn wttks and ltt 1tllln1 about 40,000 topiq a d.D)·, lhe quldca:t ,ale Cohuablo have tnr kno•ll.

Libcrtv Record£ l}:tve produc: d a film or l olln.ny Buml'Ht sins;in1 hi, la1est d is<. ·· God. Country And ~t y Ibby, ... :ind il rc offering it frcc to TV stations 10 help ptomote what 1hey think will be Johl'ln) ·s bi,:acst hit t\'c r .

Otlc•Limc hit parade $inaer. Mary Sn:11IL ha1 jtnl fo rmtd a comp~ny o lltd • GitJ Sini;t r't ln('Orporatcd ·• to conctntrate- on tht coachini. s1ae,in1:. :.Ind pe:rso m11na gement of nc~ (tm::1.k: , oc-:a­l itt5 in Ne• • York.

Really bnt.astic b:ive bc~n. and

get fastest with ' John ' ind«d , till a re. the u J« or the •· South Patific •~ album. This is i1.s: 334th v.u l:·in 1he cha.rti. ,. Mv Fair L::id)' " is coming up to i!s ~89th ·"''<Ck. Both are on the Columbi:t libel.

A Lo., Angeles co u r r has a.flP CO\'cd !h t" co ntract ._,tfered Sua fl)na bv Hi Fi Records. Scan, good JOOkini $On or lht l:&IC £rrol 1-lJ-■• is to cut his fin t s•cks for tt'IUsc la1c-r 1hil month.

D•n- Bnthtdt is busy ...,.·otking on the musical he a11(1 hi, "i re, wriucn ca11ed ., World Tiakt A Holid:1)'.'• Allhoui h Dave is hoping thi.1 wilt la ter be u~ a, a TV ,pct1a,ulu, i1 is fi ttt bein~ ustd a,: u Jped al 1,1' wh ich wilt (nture C•rmea McRat ~nd l ,ouis Amwlron•.

AH.y Wllllam:c is \·er'f· hllPP)' with h ts, j,:ngJe fot Colurnbi.a Recordt. 11·, a lovcl)' ballad called

· Maurice Clark

" Fl)' Ry Ni,gbt •·- a new vc-rsion of the. wclJ.lovtd "Oa.nny R1'ty, .. Andy•~ now bu,y 1,ortin& out 1illct fo r hii n.-w :.1b11m whk-h • ·ill ;n• tludc a t least si:it brand new song.1.

Art1b1 •·ranklia has t"nlt'red the ~:llcn •·ith ·• k ockab}'c Your tt:iby " lO 1pitc- or 1hc fac1 J■dy Cart.and 3bo hn$ :a 1ing.l-c of the number otH . Still. Jud\' lm't teAJly ,.., ort icd, Htr .ilbum from whk h i1 i.s ta ken i\ toppine; 1hc. t.P ~-llart$, and is \ IHI itllins bJ:e ~r.,u:y.

The Hia'-...ay~tn.. ,rnce 1heir big hit rc~md ot •· M id,:ad." ha \·c recd,;cd o,·er :!00 folk songs from f !ln\ :ind buddil'lt , ong,,.;zilen :iiU m•er the Sta teJ.

One- m.:in a t;~d 101 h.:t'.. sent them a n unbea td •o f folk ba llad 1h;;t "'at sun; during: ihe ci, •i l "-'3 r. The !,on ;;re U)ing 1hc Jo: al 1hc:,i .1re

~ '~feri~, "~ino~,u~hc! ~ w me hit Whc-n To•,· Orhinclo makes his

LP. 10 be c.allrd nftcr h is hit ,ingk, .. Rid s You," he.- i1 thinking of ind udini the otiginal hi1 ot 1he tame name. made popular a numbtt of ) e3t\ :tJ () b)1 the' Ink Spot,.

bnr ~•oraan. bmous fo; het hats, is gre:tU)' looking forw:ird 10 her nn.t a ppearance in Europe. "'htte sbc !l)'S 1h<)' mike tbt best h•ts in tht ll'0 11d. At 11,C' momcm. a milliner', in P-.1tii h:is :a block of J .anc:•s p,cuy hc;ad .ind j1HI sends ~er ll.n )1hing the)' lhi:ik i bc will like.

Pru, I.At hu ~ en d oini: 2 t re:tt unpaid prnmo1ion job for Ra11s RO)'C'( since. ~be took one from London nftcr her rrecn? t rip. Alre:id)' fi ve of her friends ha, ·c: ordtrt d simH:i.r car.i.

Jerry Ktll,r tu.i bttn doing a ipoL of :.iJ in1,1 ,art' d ri \'1n1t since his 13tc:s t disc release. ·· Be C udul How You D rh e . Youns Jl)-ty."' 1be Ttxa.c·o C . .s Comp.tin)' h.!l.\ 'C ,cc up a dc:t.1 with 1be m11jor Dh.

~'"~~_ ............................. ...

Ll\ ltncrs arc in\•iled to write in af ltr heuini: the di.SC 10 $~)' •• why Jot)' ~ha uld be Cafd ul." The win• ning lcUtr in each S!Atc reiccivea a C.pi:ot s1erC'og1am phis 2.00 pl• Ions M ( rtt ga$.

Although tht m1Uic1J "Wildcat•• that started Ludll~ ·1tat1 didn "t have ;ill 1he ~U('c,C;ts that WI S ho~, 1hc di«: is cctl.alnl)' dt'lin a: well. T he a lbum has hccn in the ch.ltll fo r 38 weC'ks and look.s like re• ma irting for some time to come.


CLIFF BENNITT and the REBEL ROUSERS LIMITED ta;,t ofa::~.;ru;~d\~,~•u~" ~~~r.

L:uw rtt0td •• THAT'S WIIAT I SAID"

(Parlopbonc R4il6)

All Co111111c. IOI ALEXANDER­RICll) IOSD Jl7J - oc ........ ._ .. ......


······gj··-···· ..:: --~ .

CLIFF RICHARD W_hen the girl in your arms. is the . I , h rt Columblo 4!>-D8'716 gir ,n your ea '"'"'""'Th,l' .. r, O,,.'

Columbia ~.5-D84720

Top Rank 1AR586

Capitol 45-CLI.5222

and hi • Orcheotra

Hit the road Jack focal; R.a,7 Char le•


I love you For sentimental reasons


Runaround Sue

The bridge of love

THE LETTERMEN The way you look tonight

PRESLEY * DONNER II!! L'I I : 1111 I 11 !, 111 ;


* 1'1.YI'- l'kl ,1.1 Y - ,, r11111t·rlal ~ il',w.111i.,un1

Onlj·" the names are different!

thu U ,,··J m,,, I i11q,,,n,. n1. 1h: rn.,k1 1Jl

II II~ .!.:.::~.1-.: ,r J'i.·,I.:\ ', ,ilc<.· 111111 1, r ~-.:. JU1,,· 1 .. , 1t-.· lu,t .,,:,. :.a.:1ut, 11• .. -?1 11 r 1u,t .. .:- J u.: 1,, II,; rh:.J. 1\1.n,.ta.,1

11' i, mJ cuelrnll,m ch:1 1 t:hi\ l'ri.-,lty 1, nd lb1 U,mner l .. "lht c;ir) or Mr Rt-"1 • ·rvn,t• m'4 ... \'nu Uno·, Know \\'h;lf \ 'ou'u• (;01 "t arc

,nraOy icft"n1ir:1t. I trl,oul•1ft h(' ~1rprl.,c:d if tht nnl~ IH O 1u.·01>lt" ,,ho '-""" hll l11t•m up:n1 J,;1 :and rt,11- •rnd flu•11 onh ju<d,

Thi, r .. r:1..1,11.: JdK•' •Hl'K"flcn 1.t i'-C• \,C'\'(1.i l 1m;,w, .. ,., ri \11H• I Jht. i , i1

' If•,· m.1k:i.1l R.,I l),111th' r i, t.::, ,r,!• i••R , . lh,: n,.,1 .. ·11,11 I h ~ l11c,l:r .,h,•11k l h r r,' , 1>t'\lt1l,.t h .u 1-n' c,

JI •. "~" I l),•l'! ' I K l\, lW \\'h,, 1 ) ."11J\. ,• t 11,1 " h,,.J h:,·n I 1\1; , t., 1,•,t 1:h:.,, ... 11 \\o> Uld l:.1H' 1,\ .. ·n h i. h1rr-·..i h): ,1111..: " Jf. i\\ ,w ()~ :,.- ,,,:r."

mur.all) , ~hi thJI .ti'► 1'1,(-,;t,..,•om~r "1.-11M r11tJo,~;: r«c,,rJ, . .. , .,.•,tu I;;) 1',,, ,-c­"' oin ,·u:.t-h.Jk-d \l.u :&\ °''"""' lt,h 11, Bu, l 'r~,k, •

Qn iii: ,•l~r h:,.,J, t: .. ,\ ,IJ In l ht> C 1'fi.:11n .. h:,J ~-..:11 k .1I I >,•nr. .. r·, &..:'°'' ; ,.-1.......... 11 ~ ,,uLJ n,,,·'-·r h.ah· m.11ck C-\('n the t•' r h.mJu·,t

Oono.:r~ rn,,um.:u:: .. .: hn't h il.c- · Ehi,' \Jmpl; b; .. t ,.in~< .. . h,: h.a -. (' )('.1rl) ~ ... •nc 1.-. t :anta, (11,: kn~1h!I 1,, a,,i,n1b(1,.• ewr)' 1t11.:k of intn11:11io11, «:"Ver) ,•u.,•:11 t!lll1mi,: 1i P1edc\ b in \"\tr dcHlop.:tl. And :., 11 t."i cm,,hd.,;"'7 1hc JMin1 1,, h,t, u"'d

~t~~~;~Jl~cl:J.lh c•~ ~:t!~":I 1~!~, lc/~ inJtt,llngui,h,tolc f h'\ffl l hi:- l)'()hJI Prc-,J..-f ford.a:1:a11~, • I) ~ :.en.ant,.,·· tlh'llC.

·1 lie crnl) Jill.:r.:l'IC\" ~·Lwcctt :a lb.I I >,rnncr rc1,,·Nd ;inll 1111 l.h 1,; l'rc,lc~ UIIC Ii;:~ in the rrnu ''" l h.: fabd.

Ou,tt' :,p::ut fwn, th,· n,,,.al 1ighl, :rnJ wrnng-. uf 1he C:S"C, 1here h lh( fa . ....:in.:,hng C1ppor1un11r or dis..--of'c,int, t i:1 0,J,nnier ·s Slll.'CC\ \. "'~' ii lhc n-.. ~t« i-.n Eh;, h,o inc lu-J. So)l'l'llc: ot lht '-'kc po•<"r he- IU-d. .. Yo1u Oon•t K n,,•· \\'tt:i.1 Ynu·, -c- (;,,, ·• did b.!ucr in lhc St:a1c, 1h:m ii< Prc\l()' con • 1\·nlp,,rar~· •• \\.'1IJ In i he Counlr)·," . .. . As I ~c II, lhi~ , .. lt JHO\'~$ , .... o

lh1n1n­f/J r rr.Jry•• din,r ltf ,;o/,, b. ,lOI

cf1u.•: 1;. a tr4'nl' /,t ptV'UJt»I poplf· l,r,fly. /Ir cCH1f,J,.·, '"'"""'r ,~ lru l"''JK'lar tlm" Rn! lJ,,,mr, ,, lw h r,mrf'Ollllfr,•ly ""'"dh,t,. l'C'I Vvnn,~, ctm 11n1cJ't n Ms lltr s.n,re ;,, tin: c/1,irtJ 1/11111 l 'r t',IC'y,

OJ 11,c r.uNk I, ,wt tiud oJ f'rhlry'l· ,·.:,Irr. n11d J,i.,· 1mcl1origi,ri: prr,rnlotl.ut iiu(~ D om1r1 JJO.I bu11 rrt0rr ~11C«uf11I .. ;,J; ,1 thtt1t PreJ,l,y /titfUrl/. l lf /il(.t. 1l1r rt, tru u,.1 l,t lrrU.

R~f D1J1mo0

J .1>l)'h· nf Jing;n,r and Ji;s ammgrmr,in tur, ;{ ,,,,,.,J,i,rg. ,,,,,,.: Ul.:C' p1t'·1Jrt11y 11·,u«ge l1teJ,..)'

tlum 111.- ct1rrr1fl Pu.,tr)·. omwrr ~ing.1 tt.•,'th '"'' a bi1 mmr

1,/u a,i.l rd!;(' 11,nn f.h is doc.1 no i.·. ,:i.;,·.J u1<al A-J) l r l,n, J,«om,



\\'1,rmc·r. lml "'"" 111•ool{1r,-, lJ,·.ur,,<r ii Iii .. • 1/1(' l'rrit,,• tht ~~ '' All Sl,,r-i-,J. Up'' ro,i.rr ,,,.,. .. n·,r., I n 1 ~ Cu«nltJ' ... VM01'1 tit;, Sfl.t:t'J"•I th.,;t ,,,. .. pt,Mic 11,mt ,,, ltr.1• ''"' ,,/,/.,1,t" L'I,,:, iJt"i"" 11lcrc ~re ju\l thtc~ r:.c,nn to ton•

lil,lcr rn the s.alc: of a , c:c.orJ. Fir.~ thr r,crlctrm;,nce .and JlfC'"'<"nl:1tilrn. ic-cond. 1hc pi.1pulari1)' ,,, thi:;.i;

E11hcr I ,l\'i,. tll hh ,1J, 1~r , , \C,:ru t,, 11:n•~ h•,1 lh!,,'it f ,11 hU ,, IHI ¥.'~:} , 1h .. · r d t\h1·1 1' \'1,.•1: i d .:., ,,. " \\'ui•,\·11 I k ,,11 .. :., .1 ,iut!I.: in :Ii: ~t,,~I.'. • lkv11l ...,,.., 1!-.. 11 11 "1,1,.1 , m 1.k .1•.:: 1•1~ h11 b ·, :.n•.•thei .lllht ...,t,.,, d1J ,,.·.;

lh~ ~-:~::i• ••,1,,.~~tl ::,"'•t•,.~1-.' n .;~,;

tu,·..: bl:cr: rd,: .. ~~ :., .1 P1t-.l.-\ ,., .. ~k­hcr.:. lt,.J ,r 11,,1 11.,•.:n I ,•r t li.: p:r • ,;pk,,c-,tr ... ,r "·..-r1.,h 01111,1• o.-.. .:., ~,..:.:uli\C\

I J,,n' t l.11,)v. \dh, the tin.,! d .. ·1.·i, i1•n th i~• th,,u~h lh:;1\I (II .~lo Mr. lke.:hn SI(''<'"" mu~I h;1\ .. ' ' '"" \4CII in tt.i: r i~•1111..: ~I-IJI ( d ~ rcffl(m~r ~t ( lmNII. t"f ll.:.:..:l, r,klmc ch.: lr;;1d ,. 1\UC ,., II-.;- •· G.l, Hlu~, •· l .P b..•h-fe tt ...,.,, rd,.:.1 .... -J .. .n,.I :. .. \. mg 1'1',:, 1! t •!<1fn ' 1 o1v:i:c ch:,t " \\' ,k•<.kn th-:1rl ·• u,,ulJ m .. l....: :, cro1 , ia):l..:,

M:t)' h,;; 1:.1d.; nc,·d, 11.11 C;.m,Ih,:11 "ilh in c:it,hN.

You should know, Larry I UAO 3. kua I mm l,.,r,)' r :un,,., 1.:1,c ...,.,.,..1, :, h,,ut r, li.1 ... 1...:,. k<"n ,,:11,::-...-r

I ,,.ro&c . ~,, Mltc- h it ,1,,m1g\K1i11:r t•I th.: lld..:n ~h:1rir., ~, .. , •c11"'("\- \h:il,• in, lo,r l..1ny lt I.he '-• i 1chtto.ud.

l .urr ldl, me mt Morr t"i ina«1ullt ;ind 1h:t1 ii m:i~c, him 1, ...... 1,, :-1 "c-o,mpl,cce idi<'I." 1n ( 11('1 M i'l.e H .'.l"''\:c:r, f e\ 1.~•rty\ lr.:no..,,ledi,:1,•, nn·rr Uf"·Pte'd 1hc , ..,,·ilchbosrd . AnJ L.lrr)' 1,-a, 11w.:arc oi H.l..,'s "-""G..,ri1tt1r .1.c-tl\i:icc. fie donn't ur v.M1hn he- u~ Jn)· of M1L;:' i "4\llJ;, .

Sony Larry - it r ou ur my coluM1 "'on1:a1nC'J u"Dt·rnr3cwi. I &nl .. ur..- it did. Afltr a.U. MhO ihould l 'ftOI&" b(u .. 1 a l!lo111 1ht1..: Ihm,, th)n ),IC.I~

But k1 me ft'Uwrc yoc, on t..,o .,0.111 \.. Fu,t. nul'l,hl) ('\C'C t,.:la,:o\t, ..,,h.,t ii w-riuc:n in 111)' column. Retncmb-:r )'ullr i11i1i .. l n:;l..:li tin t,, m) r:,, i; l'H' r C litf'! YllU wc rc:n·1 :r.tM>e. N .. ,t,o\l)' hc:lic,·\~\I 11w \'-h~·n I , ;l 1,t, " chii, hl•:,' i> ,uu,. tcnilk" (Dl.'!.C, Auriust •l. 11,1s10.

Scc.:otldl)', .. ra,,, Spil e MiUitp1l0

~ J,,huiPII\ ll(' ) lmcfll 4,f 1hc '""'' •• , m 111 .. 1'hc, Joe: Bnw.11 .~f)' " i.l h a t,;1 for u, ,._, '-' l'H) ~l,~,u.t t.,.,,l.i1lg * comp1c:1t' idaot, .·

Mommy out de light


ttoa tll■ •arol.ktaat a.t T ,ttu1•• •

My Sincerest Thanks for all the Good Wis hes and Birthday Greetings from friends and fans












My grateful thanks to everyone

for three wonderful years











,Tia~ McGuire Sisters

They plan a Talk of· the Town album TJ-lf: Mc-Guire Sisters, " 'bO IIW)' cut ·an on--thNpot LP ror Coral during

lhC"ir Talk Ot The: To"'-n an.800 which t>t:an on Monday, ~ew inlo London last wtt.k ruu of tnlhuslum for anothtr LP tiny b11,·t jus1 madt, lt roMist1: of mn:s rrom 1b_e a~· Broad,,·ay musical. ~ubwa,•5 Arc For Slee-ping." ,,_·hi~h " 'ill st:u· Syd.nty Chapli..n and Otrol La" r<'D«',

The p:irt•lti:di. pan•Scoa :tod p:art• Cba-okc-: lnd.;11.n ~icOu.:te;s M.v.:-n,:adc rcoo:1\Jin1t bi~U>I'\' with lb:s a-lbum.

•· A s )''OU k.n,,w, t.bow aon.;, :u-e uwa:tly v.itbhclJ undl the premie;rc.," &.:1.iJ Ph)'llis. m:i:n .s.1,o.k~v.~ ror­lhe lrio . complc1cd by her relll sistt"rs 01~ine t1nd Ooto:hy, .. But in thK ca,e Jule S1)'ftC, the: compo5C'T. nl3de. 110 c.teeption (Cir i.ts and we d:id ·t1ti$ LP. 'oli'hict\ ¥rt•:.l) be rclcuscd 1Cl Ame~ in a.bout two wn::k.l" dme,

•· The song.1 art. re:aUy beautiful, :i.nd "~ r<'¢kort r,·, me best album wc've­don~. Ano::hc-r :ulvanti1ge " Iha.I 1{ an)' ru t~ songs btoome hits-a.nd •-e.'re iurc so01< wiH~or;1,I c:in nrsh OUC i:.Ot:loS from oor :1lbum itt a burry.

" IC Ad.a Colon be3Ls us -to it io this rountry llpin. "'-e'II just dj~ J ..

Ptryt}ls ll)(',an,c Alma Co-..n. :and W'.l! rcl'c.mfl:g to the. ra'Zh« ul\ lutt the $Est~ <N,-t h:ad wi1h thete' Coral .sin&IC$ h, Britain.

A lm~ Cotr,!n beat them to the ch.-arn ~ h •• $ilt-3rt~•· .. •and Joitn Regan dkl the S.1.ffle- May You j\t,.,Jop . ' ' Thi;, 9 riti.m Mtkclt d:di,•t stop 1he McGu!fC:$ sc-1.Ung to the tune ..,f ll•'1d Jjsc.1 elSC\liherc, ~'tvcr.

(N~ Yori: undcs'aµound) adYertise• menl ..

l then ,. v.·a, dcdded th-at chis dfcct v..,:,.sn•c. ttti.list:c c,,ougb, a'OIJ the 1tirts

=;,: .. c~:i°:t~«art!.tu~= in~ to be pencilled in ju~c a~ )·Ou ICC diau ;a(lcr O':ln~llcr1 "'ilo an~ lCJC:1'(,tJy f rustru~od :i rc~s ~ vc been

~~"fr:i't 18, ~~~?n,c~~e is the MeGu i-r(')' tlr,.t ~pl)C'araoce in llrf~ in. bot h isn·, 1.hc first t11c> h:l\ c h:td the chaDC< oC a L.on(lon K;a$0CI, ·Abool c-bn:c )'etlr& aa:o. the)· were booked i.n.t.o d,c Lon:lon on a flcadcd b)' Mu 8 ygrt1\·ct.

.. B\Jl We gol cokf feet 111nd b;ld.00

~:~. ~ ... ~~. ~~7~:'t ~:::~ be to loivr :1 couiurv we were lo.own and litC'd to v:Sh a countr)' Where -.·c \lYrc unknown a•>d roulJ cuity flop ....

Folts out of 1own c::1.n szimplc rbc:K cl0$C hannoov S~J;.•:04 by n,g:n-. o( cbcft' CUrta'-1 C<>r.'lt MnP,: C'OUpli1111 ~~:J Do. I Do" v.i th, •· JU'II

1, 'igel ll11nl#•r

DISC, Octob,r 21. 1961 7

TIU: -'1'-CUIRR S ISTEH.S-lt·ft lo rl~ht-Chri~llneo, PhJ' lli~ a11d Oorolhy, pi1:hm•d on tl1 t ir 11nl,al :.i i l.ondon Airpo rt b~1 " 'C'ek.

• Marty Wilde IS m1ss1ng kicks and the kids l\ '[ ARTY WILD E sat al his tablt.• in lhc n:u J"' drcs.,;in2 room ll'. al I-IH Mujtsly's T hc-alrc and nrtfully applied llu: l1 t nv,• mak~up

ntc~ry to h is lt:ad rolt in -Hye-. Bye-, llirdic! •• ... I mb"S lb<' kid.,;;, there's no douhr i1bou1 tlHH, ... he said.

·· I'm pl::iyin~ mosll)' 10 adull 1udience..s no~•," he w~1 on 111 :in c~•ebrow ~ndl \\.c.nt 10 work. 'The kids do come. 1beir Mom1 :1nd O::ads lrt"lll tMm. I 5UpJ)O\e, but lhc: seals :arc: exr,\l'c ror :1 tccn­llger's pod:et."

He- said 11 with 1111 the: sirl<'crit)' lhat m:i.k.n M arty Ont of tbe ml))t like• obit ~r,I<" ;., th e bucin.:tJ. TI1at is why he. can i.t>f>C'.i.l to bo th t he ,·ounc 11.ct :and the :tdul ts.

•• I don't think tkU I have c\l'cr rc!!.lly

:iipp_cakd t~ the true lccnag<'r:· ltc sa id. ·• Not 1he yuungcr onci. th:i t ,,. J app,c.i.l 10 the age grour bctw""" 1¥ 3nd N.

·· Now. J o ing this WeM lind ~ho~ I mis.s 1he onc·niJb1 11<1nds. the kids. Che kict;s. We u '4-d 10 h:1,·c :a rave. Rnt not :inym,:,rC"."

I-le saiJ il s.:idl)'. A l iulc too sadly for ,omcone "ho i, su1rtin3 io I.he W..:~t l:.nd in n good \h{'lw,


~ thtt-e girls enthused v.'hol~• hafttdl)' o.bout .. SubW3)'S Art Foc­Sh.-ep:ng ... The, have eveo p::fmilltd _.. n'.k'r$C unusual s1C'C\'e rover photo of rt'lcmsefrcs for ,heir album. Al fir51 it cook the foun of the M c:Gl.J;;fc..~ s,n;fo_,, OUI of the normal .subway

J" """'" "" "" """ """ EDEN KANE GETS BACK

""hu<,..: \.-.,n:er il m,1rc :O)\ur('J 1he t(X"I.: or l'<'P ~rll "il , Oul I l:new ,v,h:11 he rfl<'~1n L It muq t-o.: like ..., o rkini owr:ime v.hcn .,It your friend\ 1ir..: h:.Yin~ a J)~rty.

•· Hu t I'm h:ippf, really. lhll I m.,d.: the dHIIIICC." He cumed nv..iy lh,m the rnirror. ·· rm l>uilding a n1:w c:ir,cr :ind one- tha1 shou!J l.,~1 lonicr than 1h.: one I slutl~J \i, i1h. ··

Pick of the Prog~ammes Week beginning October 22


E DEN 9'ANF. <'2101t cn1~ or ~pltal I.It'll Mttk, t i&h.t • a(ttr bt

trfDt in, at tirsl ,dtroudtd ln 11tcr'tC:)' 11nd .. no t:1)nnnent .. , tale­'"'--'~ fro"' l1k "ti"'•·

.\lier• few days ... rt..1tw& •~ nu,e• a 'i I <11a," J:d.• l.- in the swln1,

The ru~n fw tht ~udden opttatioa, 1ola01 trouhlea.

"'It wa1 beeontln-.c nry ~,--t,.·ard h l brt11lhc ... upl1th1td t:dtn, •· It \t'IIS partkularlr a.iftkult "htn I was on

"' Jt•,!i M>mtll1lna 111111 11,~ W\U'lltd llloin,: Cor som~ t inlt and Mhtn lbt OP,Of• l'ualt,• Offl~t. I Yt'trU &.l ntichl i11lo lht nun.Ina home."

U ,.-a\n't ~crious . .. m.lddUna 11trlou.t," w111.1i how F..dt• d«cribt.d k, aad ntn thooah it Wit!> JI fad11I ope-ra, lion, ao ~rs wlll ihow.

"'t:i~ !,!t~! ~~1111!~ .. 11,~:i~!a ':~ilt~! ,uak. "' I oaly ttmt out of liOj• =~r• ,c;s•;:~:r~:i!~ s::d•,r..~ii~ •: qoilt s-urt th:t.l th, operaUon hn't 1!0in:e: lo 11ller lht 1ont or hl!rl ,·okt.

" l'be Cans '"·ere ,-.·ondtrCut." said Ecltn. ; .. . had doun or rarch "i~b-· h:11 lhf "'II 11,nd I l'IIU~I ,.., thtr wt-re • 1r,a1 htlp ....

No da te ~ .. ,., , bttn R.ud ro, £den lo c■t l1k tollow•up dbC' l o "' Gd

::,~•; .. or •~~11:1k"~~;~ b~8J i;f:£d!~ " All I do know ii that It ...-Ut bt

tomplt-te-ly dllC'tta i r,om 8DJ'lhln1 I h1n•e don, btrort.09

1'1ds chance Is nothing lo do • ·hh tht tlut Edu'i 5-0und Is btin1 awd, Uta by Mr1k l~ In l he H mt romp.1n,. 2" hlm5tl(.

" In • Way ii', 11.itttrlft.1 to bt t'Op,itd,• said Edtn, ' ' I don'I mlad a bit. I oppou nt-r,·one • ·ho 1th inlo tbt rbarts ).tltndi tbt H nlt rhk."

I,\\' ,

lMI rc-mo.ik doc~n•1 lliiinif~ lh,.11 Marl)' h:.d Given up lhc l)•lJ' , ,r 1,,~·~ r1.-cord marlct

.. I \ h:ill J(\► un ~inghg on di-.ts. I

~~ic:! ~~!' rrd~ c:~gio o~J~~~·~:; the same 11m<'.

" Take ~l11r,!,,n Rl"Jl'ld1> for :in c x:aniplc, "fhc k id'i l ite him .:md )-.:I h~ makes adult pi.;turcs. Tl,..: f)JChllC 1h31 I h.avi:: jUSI «unpkti:J. ' Thi:: Hcllions "- ift due 0UI 11C\I month - in thtlt I pfay :1 $l1aiy:h1 role a nd onl)' S-in; c,,·c-r lh t- crcJiu.

•. It 's an ;:aduh 11k1ure but I think th:il the kills will like Ul: nunlb(n tint I sioJt from the film. One: c r,n·c t,c h ire or lhaL. or course. The lid~ pick wh:i. t 1hey w:111. You ,;::u,·t d ictalc I() them."

Whal will M!irly do ~xt ·.,

Plenty of scope .. Whv kno"~· I "-Ilftl llm ~how 10

Is~! for a 10111 tjmc, I "ould lil.c to do anl)lht r nflC'r 1h:i1. I ,,,1oulJ hkc 10 malr.c more rri.-i.>rd.1. M:1}'b1: another fil m. 1'1mc·s rlcnl)' .,, sco~:•

Tht[!~y P~~,ill ~-o~~· m!·~· 1~~~ difficult jump into 1hc mcm: Sl"'\·ur..: life of. :adult ct11~ruinmcn1. I le nu1.)' rmu a li.>t of thinss. like the ndorMion or lhe. l (ans. hul it's a ucrif-'ict th:11 ever)' p,:,p s tar h :u 10 make from cim.c to l mk' 1f he iJ lo l:1-s.t mo re t h:sn thrc~ yea!'$ in t he buJir.c~•.

The bac,);,.ua;..-e in1crc(:m bun:cd :.nJ informed M a rty 1h11t thl.'r,: \i.;1, a qu:u1cr hour lO i:o bcfo,c ht' " :u due o n tlai;.e. And :i different kinJ of :i.udicncc 1h:in 1hc one th:11 i;.i\•e M nrty hi, si:m \I.':.\ c-:il!ing him io perform h, 1hcm. R111 M any h:1"in'1 forcottcn the J.idJ '" lw g.i, ·c him that ilarL H e w:ss rig?1t h) mi)~ thf:n, . AJ Ions: 3S lhC)' mi.).~ h in, then he "ill surcl)' rind t ime '" pt-rform to ,h,...,n IOQ.

1•,.,,.,. ll,1nu,1n11,I

8 DISC, October 21, 1961

YOUR CHANCE TO T omniy Steele to star in West Furyk1


TIUS ls ,·c1t1r blc . clu1ntt fo~ slardom. Audb.lans for thr IJ'f:•f n,,.,,. tlllut cocubt ,•bkh DISC h orpal,lna In coa.tttkln wilh

th" Cenltt of St,11nd In London han darted. Alttady llll' litOf'tll_ O( lll1'Plil:11lium, ,c-nhird lla~c- p,~_d .. cir-J • • ·ahln&: lhc, - i.r yv-. ""'llinl to h&kf fUt..rr--lau.rr) t Audition-. 11rt btlaa littld t...,try S111lurda}' 11nd •ll you tu.-t to do k t.omph:lt' .a' Form-a,,11Hablt from Ctnlr't of S011nt1. Atthrr Strul, l,undon. W.t.

End musical '"I'()t..1"MY i.e. to- ~h .I. h i1 long•aW11it«t dd,ut , iri a

Weil End musical nCxl i\llUfW'I. He wtu play the rdle in •• Kipps," a musical vc-n.ion o! 1he famous 51ory by H . G. Wells. v.bich- w.1.$ filmed whh Mi(ha.d Rcd, in the n:unc p3.r1.

BILL V FURV who op< ... 111 I • Soar S,.aclNI Nlchll, ....

o•·tn,h<lmtd t,yacondac<Dl,t,I,

Tbt: NJnlt...-1 k oprn to m l.Ir • .11d ftl' vot1Ul:sh, vocal gro11pi. 111..-trumut:al 1,ro11~ aftd Pu 2roups. EatnaU • ·ho rndl lht rt'Quirtd 11ta11dard 111tu atJcJJtkuK 'llliJl be IHifrd to 11p~ar in • suits •' huU, ('ulminalinc in a 1r11nd li11al In tht Nr·w "'ear, out. •

1'ht whaiHr will rtcdvr a 105 fWora VERITO!'r-"E l:a,t rtt"Orcltt, a ntordlna test • ·llh a ~)<w rompa11y, and • ••" roaa•rfflf-at for • week 111 ••e Ctnert of SoHd. Run11c-r-up "111 rttt:ln a !ffUZ.ZI bPt rttorcleor, Thlr~ priu ;.. a wU,-e1loa o( Lh of tli« "'·l11nu'!li cheict "Oflll f:lt.

Steele's. man11cr, John. Ktn· ntdy, iaid 1b~l 1tstraJ offers from Arntrica h~d bun turntd dOYin Ml that Tommy could the part.

Bill)' wu filmfos: his P M ~ t for the Amc:M n TV d,ow, ~ t .. Dive: Brinkley Journal.. 1ll

London. • •hc:o his act waJ tnwr· ruptcd b )' ( IM who dragcd ti'"' off the sta~ He was ulX'OO' sciot.1.s for ten m.inu10 a.l'ld thC'O ru led tor a (urthu '20, btfo~ r«umini fiJmioa. ,.

BBC , celebrates 25 years with special shows

BBC 1V is « lcbr.uini 1he twc-nty,fitth ,cmi,·<1'$:lry oC

TV ltaMmiuioni i-n Britain dutlft1 t ~ wtd Octobe-r 28-NOVc:mbcr ) . No,•cmb« 2 is lht :u:1.u,i,J day when the fitst,• mission todc ;pl:ice 15 scars ago.

On,; of ,tie -tpcUal fflO\'I'• marldna 1.-M ooc-a&1011 win be a

:iu~~~a19:~~~~Jl i~~b(~ ~~~ ~:tr~"! ~t,~ ~:\v~ ~ry da)' to w111:b rchcarm!s fot .. Hnn1cl 11nd Ore1t1" and co aUcnd the t.ransmluion o( the dtildttn'• ~ow •·0ractc:-rjac:lt'"' • ineb • i ll r~1.urc H2irry S<oomb<.

Af1er the , how viC'wcrt wlU 5Ce Sccombt :rnd the rcu or 1ht. ca!,: beinx pcNt:nled 10 the Qutto.

Aoothcr show 10 be S<'cn durinv the Annivt.1tsarf wed:, a!thoui h o()t 0:'111 (1( the SPc:'Ciat pr()i-namm~i. i1 '"JuSl G1"4d t ." ,iarrins Ortcie Fields. on O\,"IQbCt l8 •

Date for Seven T HE Tc-mptt2net ~\·en wUI

1,h1c • «inctn in ald of 1be l:Hnn,,ngha:n Old Follt"s Fund a1 Uirmina,hn-n 'ro\li.n Hall on Sunda)', (ktobcr 29.

11\e ~ will ;tbo, Ce.tture ~ Corru:·s Concord Jn.umcn :11.nd the Second City Jazzmen..

Fbllowing their Ro)'lll Vllricty Show llp pc:lr3RC'e • t 1he Prince (If on Nonmbtr 6. The Tcmpcran« Sn·t:n v.'ill play :.. one-ntghl xlatt at the St. Georsc·s HaU, Hr:.dford, on Novcmbtr II .

Cleo Laine in

Congratulations to

HElEN SHAPIRO on reaching

No.1 in the Hit Paraae with


- --~ IO HAPPINESS 45-0IM71&



~•.1.· lllfCOl!OI LTO,, Uf,f WOU$1, ft li...,111c:'1'1'•~ ~ .UC, loNOOI( W,1

At prm timt no 1heatrc Q.r wpponlnt. t:ail had been bc]ok«I.

Brenda Lee to make night club debut in Boston

•• The One 8.rinklt'y J ourna~I t will be trievikd bdor,c. nat . -', wide U.S. tudiitnocs latc.r 1 11, !'tar. Star o f the fohow~ Ii ""I rtpon «I prtviou.\l.)' io DISC. ts k Elvii Prcsk)', j fo

BR.Er-.'DA LE~ wbo wUI t>. 17 OJl Dtttmbn 11, makts htr d.:bal ni&h1 d ub appuraat't" wbta sh,: lttadlla,:s tht ahow

at ISliutrvb's ln Botton on Nowtmbc-r JO. 1Mt •HI be followc-d h)' a ,.·ttk at lhe Sahara, l,Q , ,~., tom.m,:ndq


McGuires on TV' j T flE McGuire. Si.stets. ,;_,Jfl.i

American sinairt.c tr«' wh'l)(~ opened a ca~nt sea~n :u t~ 'CJ ... , .. of the TO'oliO.. Lor,don. cill

Monday. will a in ·• ~ncb~ C Ni.&ht at the London Pallld1u.ttl . ihi~ "oming \O...._ko-c:.n.d. follo.a; rf ( by a guest spo1 in 1hc "~•c,~ c.ambe and Wi~ Show (o November 1 . . Both ~rc,,f~r A 1'Vj t\

Dtttmbu 20. Brenda hat, l'low c-ompllcc-d

sh001ing on .. Two Lillk Bears." a new mm " ·hicb ls dt.1t to be s.b own in tht States in Dtccmbcr. "rhi~ ""ill marl,; hc.r -.r~~n dcb\1t, :alLhoush 1M mcn-ic the made Yi ilh Bobby Vee. •• Uami.n• AbOUI I..OYC', .. from v.bk:h h is laltSl rt lt:uc. ,; Take Good Cart: or My Bab)' ·· comu. was made before this.

Her new disc. •· Anybody 8 01 Mc: • will be rck-as,td htrc 1omo"ow (Frida)•).

Top stars for Anny charity show

T HE GrCUI ROOn'I Raes Soc:ktY hls up a &br­

,i;t:uddcd ca,,t Cot lhtir C'Mri1y ~ , aL the Vittoria Pa13cc. on N'u,·ember 19 in aid ol 1hc ."'1n)• lknt,·olcnt Fund.

To tie in Wlth tbttr VlSI~. cor, it, Ruords h.:1"" rt-lca.scd tht1r ,!nt6' 111 , i.o&)c. " I Oo, I Do. t Do. Ai .. Hayes to get ATV spot ~

Anists a,,pe:arini arc: Shi:rley Abi.cair. Edd:c Calvtrt. P«ct On.tic FitJd:S, Bucf Aana~o. Jeremy Hawt .. ~ rtbur­H.ayncs'. Bc-nnv H i-11, Au.drq • Variety Club guests J , • .., Bry•n John,1on. P..,kia Lamb<rt. V<t'l Lynn, G~ STAR jazz ins:iruow--c:il~

Tubbv Ha)ei w1U: ~ ATV's "All K/4:nds Of M~ .. ~ ' Octobc-r l 4. 3.,PJ>C-' ring • if ,, ru ~dent artists £dn1uod tfod;r ~ rid~ and Adele Lds.h and ~ •

BILLY FURY, Eden Kane Mt laehnno. Jc:1n .Metc:alft., Ken and Hdco Shapiro will be MCM'Tis and Joan s~wngc, Nig,el

amons tbt. ~ve:r.11 stilr iucsts :u P::urid:. 0ri.ln ,Rttee. Hu ry the Varictf Club's presentation, Co.nsta~ Sh.act..Joct. ol Uill)' .$ma.n 's Circ-us in Clifford Stantoa, Erie S)'lCS. the. Lo1Jdon on Oc1obt:r 30. Ti 11 c r Gifl.6 ••nd Fnini:fc

Among 1he. ocht.r gucsU; who "IV19~n

gues;rs Carole .Carr and bi Mudl(lfk.s, . \8

rSJfEr~~:11::l;!~t!~ DougS; eldon ~~;~;tl; Lux-embourg launch ij Joe Hcndtrs.on. Ya na, D~..,id lo 'Huj;he$. Jc:.t,t; Conrad, N,orr.C o ouG Sf-lELOON, who bu t d . . Pa~mo~, C'rn,ig Oousbi, , the 1~.Bri!ish ,·cn_iono! Dion' s new ra series ) ' Mudl:t1rks.. Ro-cc:mar )' Squ!ttS. Amt:m~al\ hn .. Rubround Sue," ~ John 811-n)'. Dorothy Sqmres. will appear on Westward TV nu, RADIO L , • · ...a- .. Jot 1

Vtra L\'nn. C\lriJ Ornadc:1 Tony Wcdnt:sday Ck-tobc:r 25 . uxembw r1 IS 10 ban a ntw tnad Jall Stt~ . Osborne. Thr Tt.mpc:r:.ncc.·Stvc.n. Other '1itu for Sh;ldon. on Rhythm Club/' Tbt lno•'. which wut t11.n (ot lO mld:tt Bert Weed.>"' Mike Pi:t.$ton and which he wiU sin1: bis J&t«t tVU')' SundA)' , is Upt<:tt-d to C"ommtnce 111ithla tlltt DUI rt.,.., L)'n CorndL f('kas,e. inc.ludc "Tha.nk Your wuks.. aJthoogh • tltfinlte starting dale has not btt■ •'·

More jazz singles N EW juz 6i"n1ks on th.c

Columbia labtl ln Ncn·c:m• lx-r ..,,fJI include. .. You' ll Cry Some- Oa)' ... .t nl•h\be-r wrincn by Alex Wthh and r«ordtd by btpl· .wlf 3lkl his band. a nd "Sobbin' And Cryin'," n s'idnt.y 8«-htl ctwnpostlion rtrordtd by Momy Sun"'inc and his Band.


nre sponsor ina: .1 n,i,1ioNI rttord token Jt.hcmc. y,1,ich wHI be re1dy to o,ua1c U'I 1jmc for the- 0,rtstm~~ 1r.idc.

·n-.e scheme wili be con11ollcd by JI ~~ tally roomd 1'00-profit• matina•. Rtt0rd Tok<'-ns L1d •• -and the:. 1oi:n1.s will be lix-cd to n sdcelion of &ix spcc.;;:ll C~rlJn&i anh.

They -ill be txch10,cabtt. ro, ar,y make of f<'CIOf<l.

Colyer Band for Sweden T HE Ken C'ol)tr Band will

"isit Swcdt-n for tv.·o y,cC'ks from J:t.nuar')' -'· O.a.1e1 h~vc fl.till to be confirmed bm thtk art.

~J'::.kd ;: lO:it~, S~i:i$ ~ S1ompcr$,. a aroup from Stoct, holm, will tour B'ribio.

Ken Colvt r'S" Jaz411cn • ill be ftatuff:d otl .. Suoday Btca k .. on ()c1obu 29.

Paul Raven in trad film YOUNG h riop~ .sinset

Paul R~xtn. who hu jml

~~c:~~~~~~: '4. i:s., 1hc la.t~t 1lcning 10 tht Milton Subotskv bumper musical film, •• tt~, Trad Dad,'"

l.uck:y S,.. on <k-robtr 28. He A 1,1~n.1rc tuM- for· .. 208 w:11 abo , 0.,.., ;n , maiAhl Rhythm Club " wm x 12oed by M dy g t bi" U S na.A _ , ;"• role- in ATV,;. - O,eadli~ 1he Al('1t \\lc:1j h D• nil. 04,fit\ wifl 00 e $ g, • • ..,..1, .Midnuthl ·• on No,,cmbcr It!:. a lso rria£c thr~ guu:, :t.ppc:ar• j\;fUSlCAL tomtdu imr Ra1l.

anct.$ 1n the ~ri;tS, 1- " • -i /1"1'" Othc-r name, Unc:d Up for- lh.e . .J,,·1oodY;-~ p~ycd.fa, 11!_111,, • • •p d , pros,unme lr:idudc l\d:cr Bilk". L!onc.l a-iru _Oliwr - 1

" , , Karl Denver ID ara 8 Humphrey L)'lldlon, Moo1y Sun• ... ,p,«l '"' l« d ' " • .. ., I\">' \ I

KARL DENVER. now i.n the sh_iat. The Vintage l;\t:l. 8uwi. way musical . .. i'll Amt.ncal';d char~ :it oumbcr 16 wilb h~ M icky Alh~sn 1'nd Ken G,oly<r. Wb1ch wiU be wonb £90,000

!,coond Oett:t rC::ensc~ .. Mcxic:lli Compt.~ will be George Melly, hfm." wtll JtUtst- on .. Parade. of JU!b coac.-. tutlb ia hl, show lbc sho'f'' OJ)i'AS next Febni~',f 1 the Pops., on Oc1obcr lS. This for BBC TV thll 5'c•"511y wUI be a nd he bu .$Jpcd a C(Mltr,ct f"t, t will ~ follc,,,,.>ed by •• S:uwd:ly Atma Copn, Tommy Cooper .ind :a. )"tar, with I.he option of ,. • Club" oft Nnycml)er 4, John U')'too, f unher ytar. _.,......

NEW RELEASES ,-c...._vovr111t ooodbr«·H111t on

... 11(: .... tnfJICA

...OoolltFfflll • •11C.A-1JN IIICA.

...,. '" Tu.a ciood care or ffl)' baby ....... 1 .......

fMt ......... Tb•71.u'61J ..-u ... , ......

--"" lltfft fl.Im« Utdt •l•ttt ~ .... ffllllCA

.... la A~'~' kt IM:; Fool No. 1 ---- ...... ,.,. ... Earl e ur,ll ♦wtt,w-•-

............ ,.._,do,l do ..onw1c .. .i

IIWINI&-.. Wlnnk'• i,iano P11't1 .., 11 .. 0-.•




swms FOR MY swftl .,...,_til'.l.-,,,,cAru,:r"


locked out by -t TV filffling

1111 dtt I.any Pam" JPttucular, • £Aire Xa11it on Tundn ·. " ._. ti ,_ loa SwHI•> aod knod.t4

Cliff in plane scare C LIFF RICII/\ RD, "ho ltfl

f• h~o~~~,:;~'~!:/:~~~~ lrtc 1-oau btt on \londn .i!kr ft\ual ""an'.iOOI motntnts"" dur• '11hc ftish1. r1n1 1hc- plane. •n ~lnitian j :L, wa~ held up " ilh ra,nc 1rouhk air Calrutta, then ,: prevented a ,are lundina. al \:11i;i.pore un1II 1he 1hird am·mr.t.

"I •;h scaml .i1ff ... Jaid Chit.

Kings top new radio series

TH £ Kin1 Rrochtrs aD<I Roy Ols1.k • iU hndlfne a pilot

,iww. for 11>< BBC Lipi Pro­rn,n,mc- on O:l'obc-r :,_ Calkd .. Thrtt ~ And A Quc:k.- it • ,u fast ror t.hrN"Qv•ttN"S of an

oo;:am~ b«n11: nr,i,011'1l.ted for fururc C1L1'Klns or lhc 6trie:s iflClude Hu rr s«ombe. Ade-le l.tfsh 11oct ntW aintr"t" )ll1.o R~-ii". • +.o ttttntl) kb I.he Chappdlf u,ploitahOft su.ff" to c,on:rntraLt on a n"' o.ttn.

Tbt ~- M:Hon at the r.1t~d um u,d, on Dt«-mb<'f 9, Nt-eo1l;itK)('ls 11re proc.'C'«iint for u Aw-.iri -liao tour for 1hc'm out )Uf. -- -----' Poser leaves Mills AFTER ~'"" )tarj as pro­

fessional Mlin.&rtr with Mi:Us Mu~ic. Frrddk Powr h w leave 1hc orpnha1ion tomorrow 10 "JX" hi~ o~n music

r«!l!' ;, ~~~• :~:t ,uch h.i.u H -~ ~Jc.­.. Rouku e - ~nd ••t\tn l J ohM~• Worth numM'r~ mdudin1 -What l)o You W:an1,"

lie " ill Optn (ltllc-ts In the f.lond Strct.1 arta of Lond,ru,,

VAUGHAN HEADS BOYS CLUB SHOW TO m:ark tht OfN'nlni:; of lh t nallorutl WfC'k ut lltc hell,.• ('lu lls

ort,ani..salicm In ,..hkh ht' Is h11ncstf'd. F' \'pugban ~UI Mar in a C'CJn«n a l lhf'" No,111 ,. .. f'\lh1ll 111111 not Molld:a, (OC'toht'-r 13J. •

Eatid NI ,. Cube Ar-e T run1pc. .. lht bill ,.ill aho fr.uurl' Ve-na L,·nn. Ar1hur Wordt,•. HUI) Ttnwnf~ or-f'hntna and 11matt-ur acts h)' bo)I f rom t'lubt all oHr tht ('oun1,,. ~ ho wiJI bt' t'Ompt>-tint for lht a nnu"-I 1:n Vauchn n troPlt). Com­p,trt ,,Ill bt Hrllin MaHhC"w,

Sheldon's cover of ' Runaround' gives Dion a surprise



DI OS. f0!'1!kr fntlcr o f 1.IM lkhnonts .-oni.l lt"a• •H

no•· • -.olo • r1M la lliffi o•• rt&:~. an h c-d S• Sr"•• on ~tond~y "' iH1 1111th hope-s for h i, la lv;t A nu•rk•• hit , .. R u"°' aro•nd Stt f'" "'- 11tld was ,-ur. priud to lo rn thal it had alrndy hen couf'f'CI In tbh Ht1ab:)' by lkMlc Slwkloa.

"" '..!!:"~~':. ;:,.o: : : ~·: I ban n"t 11Hr4 thi, n "'ion f fl.

.. I ,note lht' namlN-r myN l f.'" ht w,.r oa., .. aad tlH• runny t Is 1Ut I .wd lo 10 "'ith a 1irt nlk4 SM. N t Jw•a.'lla .......................... ._,.,.



nd Sue 45-F 11398 Decca

R REED '- Alll.

MEXICO BOB MOOIE 11111 hllllf'CllutN

f• fact .Jw "'11\ t uf}' r~dehful aitl, ~ "' IN.• l.lii♦ m.oo-d l e " b"" Mt' I~ ,tthr or •aria otllf't,"

At a tvff'f,111 IOp Am• rk lln sia&­lna a llrM-ilon Ulon 4rttll na mtt Ofon Oi\ht«h bt ttan hi• C".ttttl' H a n t1Htrb1iftf'f :&I l be ••• o r II • llh ....... l\hil C'• ni••• ba.tt4. Ill-. 'lltftuf• I \ocal Vo•P. 1 lilt lkl•o.u.. •«ff•~• or t«-Ufff'\ • Ito ,i:nw •P "'"" 0 10ft In Nt" Yori.·,.. Brnnr 11tt11.

.. ·~tf'O~! «!~:t •:: :::1~!~~ • e h,ul III an•• clu.l or f•a. I ldt IMM NC"l.w • t rttt • • ......, .e s- -- ••• ,.-.,-.

IFh'S/4 IFJ.hi"

Hd ahbouc h I • .i ..... llw-m a,·, •nrt.«I out "tlL ,-,,.,-N ., • P.-~ -"AN" l"n · btt• "•""-In,; solo and Mt'rt alJ l \ UJ' Rood fr-lt'nd" ..

lf11 fool;.tlll :.t n,e , ol1or-rlr and t'Otil!nuNI : ,. You l.11 @'111' , I t'Oft• ,&dtr m,.wl ( w,ry hwl:r In btl#t llbJt lo do • j4.b I t■!Of 111HI l■ bthla; •bk 10 ,.Bit plWtt lb 1::•sJ.tN. llcttwse mo"-4 of 1bt Lld t I l.k b d arn.i■d w hh la eht Bron:c "e►.i ld ntnr b11,,e dtt'liuned 111.11 • ny or u• Mould "bJ.t l' 1ta l:at1d. I 1uu 111 l h :t\ f' a k.« ht be t.b:antf•I for,-

\ " • c,uwp llkMI 11■4 dw BcJ­IIIOatt ..... tlw-lt- Ji.:wf' ., llub la Antcrita "''hlli •--IN-rr lib ,.TttU CM' I■ lAnt."" .. I Wffltdtr l\'llr,- ~ Whttf' Or \\'hut .. and .. No Ont Kno.-·s" bdcin Dion btHt'htd out a, • ~olo artb;t..

One re9ret Okttl. • t. lins • kll li1t pU'Hb

• 114 l•o yoM■etr , l~tN I• Nt• \'o,I._ tranll • 1ttat •••

:::::: a1:: /:ri~a 1t 1, •~~et •.u pk lttd up • hi&la rt-Pnl ffw Britidi arthll.

• \\ fllu I • ·n • klli fOM J-.U u. . .. uttll HIit , OHi WU or .. F,Mn '1 dM- 11:MI • pile of rN'flnlc br En.11l!tlt •nkh aftd •f' H NI to play lht ,_ a l.t."

Altho• ah b.'1t1 fowtd a 101 -■d •·ort♦d 11·1111 MJIN lo J wtJM.1, Oi•■ UJ OM l"f'lrtl t "" r .-e MHt ,..,. tntf or • « h4 wlltt f h k. altlMlctl a.t•• • llff"N I

a4akt ~,[j~i, CIISON

Rose Brennan to Fontana ROSI! BRENNAN, Ion& srn,

In& liD11t-r •ilh lhc Joe L0&S Ofthn:cra. mJ joiord 1be Fo~una Label a.nd bsi C\ll IM-r ftr,t wnpc: .. fill Out Slnns:t-r .. f M rdt"Ue on o.,,obtt i1. Sht. proioltil)' rttordtd for HMV.

DISC, 0<1ob., 21, 1961 •)

IN Keith Kelly breaks leg in car crash

SING[ f{ Kt llh K d ly, 'lllht) h~J 111 tii ,: hit \li i lh ~ rr.H1R'," 1~

•f'l ~r-•~I • 1th • ttr, kE­uuv-d lo) a "1r cr-a•h h1" "'ttl.· f'nd "'h1fr he ._,., 1~,clhnc N't"'rtn Lt1~cnrr and w .. r..., id •.

Kt llh. :.n,I h1, J:.ri'lur . l he ·rtrn•Htn1( . ...,ere ,·n wu1C' h) n ,,,i,c-n11ht ,1:ind 11tihtn 1hc1r mini• l'llh ~ollidtd • 1th a , .. n In th< (,1r AU •err l.61.C'n IV ho,.p.1.1I. bJI: 1h, od :cr" •n, "nhu,1.

Bobby Angelo for 'Club' BOUUY A NCi(LO and 1hc:

Tu ,cJos. 1111.c lor "' how no.I . due- oot .a t eht- tnd of 11k m.•nth. tu,r "'II to tor ,dttttd. •,ull JUC'--4. m •· ~lutJ.l) Cluh"' '-'" :,,.,n'C'mbcr "'·

On O..tohcr ZJ. O,., bh~ and hi-. J:r'-"ur ,,ull. com1nttl('C 1hrir llr~l rM\'1ncul ,our, nJ)('nini;: "'i1h :. ~·onctrt .i1 \\1lm~Jo111,. W n~._u, hit· dale, art A\hbovrnc. Knutt~ W ti_hchu:rd1. K i,JWYf', Coctt.ktoll 2nd U.wckly G r«n.

RI .. "i CO~WA 'I' M11:hH ,lnic• -di-.. but nut o• 11 ,l1t1:I'° ! Tui:cthn .. 11111 am, cuuon 11all AIMIi Cop•

11M' ~ 111:r"CI ...... tll , ..... •wnlwn hw ,~ .. ain, cv1,_ Lt.a4 ...._ .. 1_r •t.W"III ~ CUI a l I· 'II"• •tit4..,_ l•,t • fft., rmt1trht 1111.- lc- '" l t1 , n ,,1,,,>, \\ .111.t, ~htJ l'I ." ,ni,c f'ic-•

McGuire s' act has polish

'} 'Ill'. Ml"C;uirt ~i-.1,r, oputd lh..,ir flnt FMtop,C',.• nh1u-t

..,..111,,111 a t 1hr Tall.. of thC' To•n In I tmdon on Mond:1.) :111td 1ru1,ct 2 t'apa,•ily J1111llC"nc-f' lo ;i , Urk. friC'ndly 1uul poli,ti, d .. 0,ntfoutf IU' L

l ht) di\pbyt-d 1 ,e,11 u"'.11tili1y ••cf • ai<f' ,te~ of C'ONtd,• ia 11 uritcl prus:r•mm• nf'O:tnc frnm J;an 10 pop ud from bill.Id 10 poinl nun1brr.

,\II l nl!I. lhi-. 'lllll\ ll " r l rcm1, 11d dl1lon 10 llir , ot11I ' ""'"· l 'ht troup (.illy ll u-d up to lbt-lr rt,·o rd ,-01111d. b1tl from rh• pohtt or , kw or prnut...• tk•• oor o•n Be" :1■d h'. ll)f'" b,, ■ot~ 10 N'


and the Knightriders



Theme music from the TV Series 'THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS'

~~@ Published by



10 DISC, October n 1961

Tipped f9r~ .. the ·charts: Dion, Sheldon, Bland, Presley, Vee

Sheldon and Dion join battle on big U.S. hit

•••••-E1tdlmt. •••• - Vtl)' ,oo<I. ••• -Good. •• "-"-Oriliau)'. .• _, ....

A■d die· rully bll n<Olds lloM look lib ,plaubig lo &lit lop - marbcl by D.N.T, .(Doe NltboU Tip).

The Shadows, ·by themselves .... Their own story, illustrated ::r with personal photographs, on sale at your newsagent or (D bookseller. Consul Books 3/6

tn :c l> C 0 ~ tn

no u c s1tr.u>0N-TOfilP ('Ofll,.._kion ror llin1 oa .. Jh,a "'"" ....


Found fame through a Freshmen number The LETTERMEN

THE LE'ITERME:'li - Rt1b('tt EqtmaM. 'l'ooy Butalo tnd

R•bef'l Pik~t-rir formed dllriq dtie •~r of 19'6 afMI thty &n.t attr»ctc-d atC~tiou laltt 1h11 ,·c-ar w-itll • brilliant arn~tntnl of the •·our t'ff'Jln~ eumbtl-. MThl'ir Knru W«ir l•uu Of Spri~ ...

F...,,.,._n. •h~ nal)· 11111.iurif'd mffllbtt of ••e erk.. ••1 bec-n IQ Mktliaan an• le an irWtt in tfM Monnon churdt, Ht Ctsmed •P "itb Jim Pllcit ••bi11t tla-t- p:air • ·1ttt 111 Bri&Um \'ounc: Unl.-f'ntt,·,

Whtn tbtr It-fl uninr~,y tile~· aPUt u,. aod Rokrt ,.-t1t.r11td appca,iq 'With Uwrirntt Wrik. ,.bik Jim JOI a spot wlth lht­lAOti Prima aod Kfftt· S1nifft Sh- h• Hob,--.ood.

TM ,-Jr came toa:rillc-r aa;aia. mc-t Toti)· 8s1alo II ytar a&tt ia I.a. Aeat~ a,.. formtd TIie LtHtnuea. But11fo. al timt llad altitadJ' found c-olblduablf gcc-N. with •w o•a croup, Tht l•"oon11Mt, td1H:b llC OM limit I•• clodNI Coaait SChCft'I.

The DOY.ELLS 'Bristol Stomp'

"BRISTO(. ~-YO'.\tP"' h)' 11.,. Do•e:11, i-.; rilhla bialil ia cbc

A•H""NI■ hil P•r114.-, and c-o•ld .Jo tbc aan•t bttt , ti thrir Cohunbi•

· ~i9,';.. Dontt.-1,t-a 8urr Otld .,..ff). A.-- S.tia (b1rJcoa~). J"1}' Sustmfh (fi~ knod, )Ukc Dennis (,ecoad tceorl, and D11Qmy ..... \, (HM)-1.... ..... • .inr1 .. loatllM-r fow ,·n,, a1o-a■d they 11ft dill It acbool in f'hil11dtlphia. d11dr hurac- to•o ?

Tbb is -..ltf'rc thf'f mt1 aad ~c bo,lldkf\. and ic i• from MN tbat tMr will iOOn 1ndoat~ aacl Ut,ota■lh dtvotc au IIMlr dnt• en ,ho•.,...._._

Altn a uin '" for a d.SC' coo. tnc-1 ■oo■ ■hn tho fom1M. "1'11c l>oYclla s,ili{ q. ..IY• lo t0m•

toe:....., " '"• •• Dtttmbff •h~n tlan· • ..,;f1on,d jOt'C'CPfotly for Pan..-■,- Rttord.~ for tl'iltom chc,­

. .... l'l'CONI,

JOE DOWELL 'The Bridge of Love'

THE .\.mft-ku !IUIPr ••o madt £1,.if Pralc,.•s " \\'~a

lkart •• popolar all o,c, aitilin •i~ln ■ ,·tar of ''- orlttm,I t11Ktt9S. ls lt-7nr--0W Joe Dowt,U.

SHEP A.'llriiO 'fHi'. 1.u.11:un:~ Rf-41 F.., Your Lo,·t t \'ou'll llit ~

ll'yt' l ntert1ai iu1ul X ?~I 11>• • ♦ SHEP A1'0 TIIE LIMELITES . , ... .,, "-· • ,,.k)w. r'l;'knt:~ s. t.,•,11 «ltlllr.s,r lb1oup Rcsd.r t·or \ '~"" Lo\f. lrt..iJi<!tX mal-:-..ral wtl.h ,ood •:udio.1 nv1 . ..: Oil it. Gc"'Xl t:n(lt.•»h 10 rise i!Y.<.~ biJ; ..:iks it it ~•ti

UI<: ~~. ~tJhl lift in tt'O:p,.l for lht r(','(:rSC

wkh lbc C..-.IM )\'.1h•\t~hinJ c:b:ly fflrc,ue:h \"o■·u B~ !ooorry·. lu:idul ('DOUJb • .1;~in. to M»rc,

~11K1 "-"-D cau-,., T~ Walla: Mlri.-1 He~

(Py,= N UJ~t.)♦•♦

lf1~~D w.fuRli~t,hc rfa\;;~ .JC~!1~

mcaul manner which h.:i:s ...-on thl:m 11

~ ~~J:~,11~~::.~· ~r:1t,:~·~~•11:: ~•i.h a ~u.i.:l T(ln)· lt .1.1ch a~np,1nim~' 1\t.

d~~~~ 't.~ ~ 1~11c.ft~t'. "~\I~

-'Ul'IJ tu countr)' b..,..-ki;f,ound ,

,,; . -t.

uc-n ~l~,,, . .n· rc-co,d:tie :MU, ""h..e • fil"t Rril.Mh. reltasc ltlJi • •fd. h . ., .,.1'11-t lrid2, 01 l..o,·e "-:\lcKWY h:IVC' ... pl,:rw aJ pr~tnl lo reltt• .. Wootlm lie-art." 4. 1

WbH loc cnlcrtd h~~ !iiChool ff' . .': llloeN1ufl#ion. JtlinoR. ht .. ..,.,, alrudy an uccompliJte·d ~ltlt.J/,k tu.i,_iM. a11d "SS ddttmintd •ts . bobbf .-ouhl bcrome hi._ tarfff • .,

He tr1.mllc-J Ill Jllinais Unh·c-;::· si.ty. ••ere he- did ... <'II i11 5P()C1S- • until b ,;t Munmc-r he tn..~ clt'liiC s•irnmiac in~dion •~ 1hf·· ordl':r lo urn moncr-bu1 ' li1'._1

~'-"'<'~ in ~ow busint'SS lla<i cOfdi':; so qokkly char ht has no"'· lmcf•,fb~ eht up bt.1 ,ponin,: adhid~. ~~,il ,

WhM .. Wnmkn Ht:11rt •• bb tlle•'i a couple- ol nM>■t.ll., b1ct/ J oltr.t; r-arnc pourinJ in for OM;. : Nallff'n Hd 1·\•, an• aow •bit• '"' Bricl&!t- Of I.on .. IIC' u , C'OnJOll• · d:i:IC'd •;.; SUCt'~ In tht States.

SIX }Ou6J,: and mud .. du,,, m:akC' up Carl ad rllle

C°()nuu)n-ckrs. • not"' Amttk-aa trM, Mho comr vp 'ftbh tbelr Int C.tumb.i.) tlllis •fft hi .. • ·•mitt J oh11" .1nd "'Ck1uaia" u ....

AH ut from tht Phil•drlpMa· art1. Thh· art C:.ul Holm~ · (nihtr._ Joba Holm~ (dnuns). 1 'ommf tlow*rcl (piaao). Catbln lro,-, (ba~s). S,or1 LcMk (Cteor).' and ~lartn Khta (l'MAll

C11rt aad tht' Cooun.andch an­alrrady ui->,l11a httt11" lo tbf . U.S. ,.;,i. tbdr indiridu11 tb1e of playini. wit.kb eakts ebem tllroaaft · • l'arittt· f>f numbers lrom rlt>·tllnt · 'n' •~ 10 fa,.,_ nelr dll6t. u.., • C'O'Dtrac't with Ca:mto. Is alto ... , "" the'r tittt r,rlt-tit io A.Jurrka, ,

Tbt' bO)', •ttt '"*'" .... . ' ~nitd up •n,· l'fftatly by IWO ' talcafed ""'"''- Jokuf Madtqi' an4 D•n \\laitr. ;\ rttonlul1 coa,. •

• n11re. f.tlowc4... Cuneo •rt ··•"· 1 ' Qe11r roariaced •bt tll•r •••·• • ... lutnre •ot proptrh oa tlldr, .. ncb. ,•

Th~r 11•ritr ,.U('b Al 1IIIC'V ewn::. n1:1Ctrial, lKludil11 - Ctnaio" Up.; J,


'Start Walking Bovft A 17-l'EAR,OLD .._... boy,

who.,. r.thtr •• 5a di• JIIU 1

••\'. b-..•nc. and •ho Jaad J.aPIII·· le.,.. froa, a■ n-optt■ tear .... ooc ti Foat.a■•~ bria:lttae dllc ' h~. •

Hr lil, Gar)' lane, an4, ■llltoaalll') 11111' lvth,-, wuttd Wm to J.c • • stnrilfl1 1la,t.r. C::an· d«Wff tht lie 11·0..W n'11:tr .. folio• 01c bf.C. .. S. bt ta11glll.1 hlmwlf ttN pitar _. ftloo. •N b,aan to •"" •"1111· klt•I cro■it,i; around Bmnoed•r.

sp~::: ::1R'::t.a~,R~~•!::·, later l«umc ltk m•••lff• Aller a j

NUol, 91' moe'lk ht wac •-_ up b>· JIIC"I. B11•f'ntMI. or Fonraaa.--­aml alao for • acrin of .,.... .. • ■acu cbroaabo•t t'-r co..,,.. \·

Disc Date

Contd. from pago 10

~~ t:!~"'~!:i~to ':\.di"i:U~ kllO'lffl 10 n,._~ Jiuk C<lfYl.ltl(PI. hcfc: attpt 10 ncxe that G~SCM").t ~ ot• ffilntt- is 6nit-du,.

CARV LANE Start Wal~i•1 Boy: How Wrona Cu

Yo• Be (fonuoo II JJS)•••

GARY LANE a,owlj ouc • Jrm O:1.k

ar,d :"~C::::;• ~••: ~~~!c:'-:J;::<~1 e. N:;b«r::.r,!i!n:r= dll !:'t~~ Jotmay K e.11ing accompa_l\1fl.1ttlt.

R0y List« and Jnry Otoe pcontd "°" Wrona: c.. \ 'oa a .. ror: the other Slide. This oni:'s a 1uocru1 tiller ,.;m less bke CtiwC'l'llionally) • . • I lite: d )CI lliOftll utd • ·auld h:lvc: tik<'(f the ptt(o,r. ma.noe btit« if K hadn'I h~ so murh of Mr . Faith in lt ..

JIMMY llf:AN lit a.d Jolla : I Won't Co llutJ•• Wl~

Yow J11kc: (PhiliPs PB t181) •••

M ~· n~~r ~ Wl~i:i~":~o~~= CDUld OOllioct OJMOmetl from 1he. councry bdc, Sknr,Cc, aOd q uite- ~iftcdvc: a, he taiu the. MOl')',

Scuan Jl iamblt,n's ~ucem knn M 1hr other -'ldt is ch:uwtd rot all tu cornfkld bumou,- U won.b by Oeru'I,

J£RR1i" F OU..J'.Jt ~ Lon Nc:,-er J>iH; CWUy Ot Lo,,,-,

( ~ ti lL°N 94l9>•• \ M~ u~_E,rat::ty~~ m~in ~1: •kh Lhls f<"kue. F1nt Lou Nc:nr OMS is • dull OOllad wicb sOft'I( Latin in : ic. ~ dri(u lhtoucb k wkhouc i.Aspire.4

His own ~k>c Cultv Of Lod•c Y• uses an ot,d dd MICI& lda. and the Pn"f'ormantt 1$ n('W'I' aboff' lff,a;re.

GISELE "ACr,;t:.,"aJE ....._., New At Th loot My IJttle

,_, 'r~1~c:-'i:1,i::. Na."

G15,!~1 ~~A~l!~1!t ~b:A~t:. She irrh~ aow on OriOk wlch 411 cbltpj

DISC, Oc!ob., 21, 1961 11


I WlaU1kMtrt. u,l1i.t allJrc w!C.b lloCll41borlbboll MWiNW••·• 1 t1PtN1\ro•• t1t1t1tr, ..

I alwt a.M wli;ltt brleccl.11 c,Mdi; l•kalbtttUf .. ., \ lll"CIIU

2 IUl!Qett-J H bbb'1lld


RONNI£ HILTON llt)", J.ook .\tt, Ou1· _; h Can•1 Rt Wrona

HIM V POP 9l(IJ• • ··•

'J."1!~~1t!°a"n':t ;;,~!!•o~!. ~:-~ !!;:',:

lio ld , 1111d Alm® irrt,l,tlble 1t llb ill matchlQ& ltwpo. 'lllt 1'1tl1C k 1101111 Co b<' tou1II o,cr htrr ll!I I hin.Ce-d 1~,1 "tr-Ii:. bul Ro11n.Jt HUfun stand~ 11 a:tHI chance ()f t'orulnt lhrou&b to bi&h s,iJq.

Hi.6 unlo• has JI dc-»ntr i.:ludio .IOUDd lhlln Otr ll(ld..rid1, 11ruducllon. Hd ruu nuar"-, m w,t 1:n 10 f'nnli Cordtll for ~ dirtC'tku, of IJIC' ottllt!4nt ••d thoni-v.

Tht d ,i11&trd "IC C•••1 I"' \\' m1tt'·• lll •• h n Jo"'·I,· and rom11ntk-ally lot the odwr Utt.

IUlSNU: IIU~TON - l '(luld bdf the HotL:ridae ,·t i'\";..,,. ui .. Hey, Look Mt Ou r ...

C P1Jt rtllew D llw,rt • .itt"4 I loll 111.:.-Crtta • r .. l.f.l 1trtt11 lamb .. aluatu.oc 1blrt Uolllll rOH•t,lo.k bnilll,d• O H ,.ll )', wlt li; wool t-11uo11-lluo' J J·wlt11lirtiai woolaw11ut WflJ C!ollu ••K l i r witll ticiJ duela .... ,atl.11. aeat·. • hi• lil1e cll.4llll• ... ,,., i.f:r~ wkb 11qt roW tk!rt ill ,.obit 11'lllll S 011' ,wti;it, 1.ailorPd I ilHk black aa•Lllll'trlHNMII darbt lilac OTCff-utll Wool lffWI lt&Olt,,Ctt 1kirl

CHOOSE THE CLOTHES FOR CHOCOLATE TIME The alx gMs In th4' photo are wearing t..he IAtc-sL CbocoJ11te Time ~p&Jit~•- Like All rood t1ep.,rates t bcy un 00 chru)ged About. Uaw your !uhlon akUJ to choose t he s ix besL outfi ts. For e.xamplc-. you MAJ' Utin k seJ)R.m to A goes best w1th tM!l)Al'u.• 4-¥-0 you write f ar a.lnst tbe letter A on tbe entry fonn.

Buu uour Drln~l•D ChOMlnt, n11d '""' noirl FRIil l:NTRV ,oRM ,., t ... ,. C<Ornpetltlon With every" " of

Cadb1o1ry•• Drlnlalnc Cl'IOCol•t• 101o1 b1o11l

10 FXRST l?RI:ZES or c••" a ltern a t i v e


On• of th4: finrat H1'•Fl'1 n·1r1 mudc, In a 1lfa'1N1Jk~,it row,:rt / htf."1((:1 In do'fk poldao nntl ~r~ onw,. Thi, /'JI,: it4'r toQram wltl Oit,t 11ou hour, of pf~a-11;r~ at Cbocolatr Tim,. Fo1,r ll''d lrtttf<J1d•fufiqo lo1ul~aktr, cn.a-11,t txG&i tf/ul , Irv.Ni,/~ t:t'DO'od.&1elk111 on both grcu•MJt>lione 111,d 1(-f,-c~t. Alld lh~e·, J;lt'fltVof lPt'l« to 1tort 11011, r«<>rdl. too.


PRIZES Of'Ca•h alte~l'la tl'f'e

f''t• T"AN■l■"TO" POCN&T PORTAaLIE - .

12 DISC, Oc•obor 21, l~o-


~~~igel Hunter I

I,, sliort-... mmE O$IOR.S - a.w.1111 Orm

=)~o;'ocf~~;ri~'t:!' :~ Ol'Slf! pb)·ing. )'ooll ftl joy ll1.h kt,

~=::r~in! ~!r':t;,~ Uld rt!C0(4ic.a -, <•♦'•).

PF.Pt JAk,U llU,0--SalN Mu-HO (P;u'lotihanc PMC 1un Tk :ilbum·$'. tld~ t 8"tl Mexico. but there i.Mt't ) $-in.elc MuJ.::u,, ittm io ii.. Th: amnccmaru ,re 1toda a~ t411to.1. bu: the J..a.lrt1 nl')thm tt«* wuesr, bow rood tho $el nugfn tui.-c been <••).

ICI PAIUS (CoJIICl'llbtl )} SX 1157) .. T op,t::n.d.! tbck:s f.tom ~-d,,:, SUR J.lkt 0.:.rk, 'T ftt!C'l, F..dllh f"ilf. Tino

::ci~/t~mr.:rt•~:c.~~ aun~

.ill~••g t/1,e


launch ou with The Shirelles


by Nigel Hunter

Pop _music has to beat this

~o~d~ ·='~~~!,t~Dkl.;~{ on.;cco:'o~i 1mprCMion ha.If ""'ll1 d:roo~h,

BIG IIF.i..,_ BANJO BA!'' O Bit lk-• In l rclud

(Columbi.a SEO ~1108)• • ♦; s~~: r~~~rf:~~-1i.:~'=sc:'n~~:~ 1'1uMh. 11·~ 0~ of lh~ bbt ,-t.,(< lilty·u~ dont :-0 fat. ChocJ.:-full "" WtU-knqwn l ti."1 IU~ • .and iJe.11 for tuJdinc 10 Ilic mcrrifflf:flt of p:iniu.

111, sliort ... T1UO SAN JOSF.- I..Jl.lJ■

<CoJumt,,i:. SEC 8J09. M~1ro ESG 7llli2). Voi<'ft'. ~uit:i.t'1i s nd the u umpec 11nd 1hythm 1n the 1:-:'icl.inA;:1 blend ~nUy in ll quir1ly oo!our(ul •·t1 <• $ * • >·

DISC, October 21, 1961 13



Take your (a\•ourirc record. S Udc it on to the precision-built turntable of a Philips 0.isc•J OCkC')'. O .ick the stancr switch and -zing ! - enjoy the finest tte0rd reproduction anyone ever hC':ud J There's so much to like about 1hcsc fine Philips rcoord pl:i)·-cn. Styling is modcrtt, attnicti,·~. Colour schemes the latest ) 'Cl.

They're e.asy to operate •.. aasy 10 carry. And they last for )'can. Your fritndt wiU 1.ik.c them too. With a Philips Disc• !--OU can't fail to make a hit. So PoP into your JOQJ. PhiUps dealer'; Ask fur a free dcmomtntion. And know how wonderful the fine-st tNlOrd nproduaion can be.

Phillps Electrlctl lid., Century House, Shaftesbury beaue, Londo·n W,C.2 ... ,.

14 DISC, Oclobor 21, 1961


Bo Diddley really CA~ sing the blues





MOD ===nu by Tony Hall

RO~ ND~WP That U.S. trip was simply tremendous

Joins Stampers -yoll'RF. • ,.._. i.o.. _,_

lold tr•mpt>ttr C:tortt fdtnoa d.,111:ll hk 111<\I tot11r of Cfffl llrk1lai, TltH ••~>''- ,-hh lldt A.ode-~••

CLASSIFIED ADVH TISIMINTS Tlw ,_,. .,_ .. _,..,.. W "'-~ ,, h ,---'· w..,,1, k C ' "' U S II. U -,.. ...., .._., ~ Cl 111H ,:~ "'"'• f:1,,,- - • DI.JC', l <U•I-• lltfl Sll'l'f'f, i.... cc ,.~ .... ~::~ --C'.,!7",..:r - , ... -.# ""' -- .,.....

l'AS CUllS 1'1<.ltSOSAl. .. ~UK B l tltJltY OOlcl.l Fan Ouh. rt:ENACUS: l'c11 trirnd, aaywhttt.l

l~~~ ~~- p~~!:'· iJ~w.rn· S.a.e. brinp dt.UiUt. _ , T«n.a:c Oub. f" ak.aa li oose. lhirMJ

:~ .~Jilc"• rl"tct:J., '"Tri~c To Budd1 nt010CaA.NIS

MUSICAL St:aVIC[S YOU• nvouarn: - ~ ..,.._ 11' IDNlillm. Oifl cw ,.,-, 1-'t on IC\.

L \.,._.CS for r.ut,aioa fot die COM- Sdd P.0.-SC. •• IG. .... Ult_ su«I. mm:bl ffll.f'ld.--lku RT 16. - Ottt, .. ~e.1. "~~ ~=-· 's::"· ~~ Rf.C(]RDS I IOyln,. 40. bhet .... ·OOIJ Strocc. Preston.

U:CORO IIAlAAA. S0.000 (rom 11 .. PERSONAL ~~.tflL_L~::;-:~w8~~ilts.

Aln:."<TIO!', all Club Sectttarinl Add t.o lu•b br Mlf'ios rour IDCllbcn UCDIU)S 1¥.U.'TU> Pr<SlpOOM ...., - 1. me -. o1 ?~·-· .. :~ :=10,·(-= llUOllDS aoucm. e-, 11.s. &uill or ~ sral'lid o4tt to DISC.

PMt. co n. ONb bf ,..,._S~

l6M66. Flttt Strttt. E..CA. 114?f6-. Aro'lc SU'l'C"L Otueow.

fl]\'D f&IENUS e,-ff)"Wbcu. At:tt 17 TAl'll RF,CORDOS. Ek. uvw,u d"- C>i,PO'f~ s.u. Dcta.ib frtc-

~'=~·~~~=~~it t t1' a1,1,. 141 l , Ho!boto., Loodoo.

t'lU!S~ Pn fr~an 11cs.. 1.1.c. E'nrt. 11. Turaca. Torqwy. ~a.~-.~~ .::~n: TIJmOS ,\1\~rn,,: f'll l►M)SIUP 0-.. rJ._ frdds Mine Md tibtoatd .• - S.u.:

Ot DO~·--;.-:.,-:, llt~ A=: -· ·•1- lfi'!,• s.,o.....,. Cm"', K<lt,~ Yolbhia. =~::n ~~~;,,,~ Pr.zr-.1 f'Jll •t t,om,e aDd 1bt01d. wr::o'4F~~1'f: s!:fc1,.~°:';;_ Mi.uloos &It o, ere. W.1. MUNttt

81.1,b, l~llri TO u Vt-(Juktly! 5C't Of Pf'Zlil f lllt'...~ US everywhere). oppos(lt lrutructio,u ror tbc ••t0ta.icc bC'JiMC.1 10..

- em Od;u. atill.ih RGd- ·"· RoU ~ -~ ~~~l(t~ •,,!.'!!: a.,....,.._ 1961, ,. .. - _,.,, s.c.c.. >nm. ..,-. 1u ""°"· w.c.1. ~Chall.-e.

DISC ~OTOCaAfllS - DOC PIC " _, ............. ..c:-;· c.,. ..... okaMf4etdi«f.Uo ~ ,_

PIC 61-. • 11.,_.,I' ..... I o Iii II• -~ .......... ~ ......... ._. ..... .___ DISC l♦I •"'It«• S..-.-1 WNOON It.CA

SM• ._. at ... UN ...,..;,, ---c-. t-: 17.• ,a!': ~/ .. M!'!f.': llil:lfM,. • r.1 .. t•t•

Tllo Oyde \ ••· 1 ...,. I n ffCO<,I. ... Un at J~'°"'' f• ~ oo tht Pyo b ... l .... IIN -I -b,

Breaking up?


RUMOURS.,_ tho..,_ WI lh• Alunipft Bul4 lo brc.\

up .r~ Cb.mtma• • ·fl·e lbo str-001 ait wed to be- iporcd. How thoc

rumoura ntr, h a.lWiA )'S a m)'SIC-f)' but kt me :a~ure rc:.dtrs th:.,t Mick b,s c.11p1,,"tt>)CnU .b.utr11 thr-ouab to oc.~t

Ju~ alocy • ~ t tJ,;, •~Y . • • fin.t Mid. 1'-u lllins up f'-IU time bit duties as dum« of • Wu>t COffl.l».D) • •• tbta be .-u to move pum;a;ntndy 10 bis new home. in Winains. Suuc._' • •• one t»CO'lbu of lht b11)d, n:unc:• k,i. it to be: ~tkcd • • . aoolhcr n,cmbcr told me- tb:u b;u)tl was rc,utlnJ lQ ttml•·pro Wl.tUJ, ll mo,·c not without sc.rnc or prttcdc:ftt 0\ tbc: momco, ••. alto bt~rd Wt Gtort,c ~'!(~ Lo CGG«at:r.\k mott oc mlo

1-la-""nff. ~ Geor• tllOt' Mid:: eoold he co1>1Kltd for tntemenu. •ltfl.t Jinu:ny Godboh it on holwb)' in Majorca a.nd ma~,tr J'1bOD) Chilton AJ)., he know., r,a 1hin.,

Cruel hoax AN Al<> Wchh <0111po,itioa.

ra,u:J°!-u ac'&='~~~ ~IQ-"'- Tbe t DDC • "'d Uk subject of a ~• bou oo Akt 11 a recent pc:rfot• ma nee. The audttt'lft h.acJ b C! C! n pcwid0d ntJI to applaud at the t'rld ot iu f,,s-1 ~blk. ~1\1-iOS,

Poor. Alu. •ho Mn1, the v~I flnbhtd the> nu.n1Hf'. ahoulri .. yq.b .. 1,0 tbl: appcO\U f.uluoa.. Ind stood kd. ~-itb a_,,_ o.ewttchcd for tk t,um_ol. appn!Ciation tlQI ot'\-U amr.. Mr ha.rt~ ju.a •4111:cbint the poor py. No< WI Ihle rdltttcd 1bc qu.aUty o{ tho number. • bkh ii wt.II "'fitll'n.

OL~r titld for nrr, rdeaic .,, .. NiJtit Perry ..... k oal,t .. a.rid - ~i,nh,;Pl'i M..i.•

Alu. Ardllc San.... Fred Hwl ,nc Jxk FaUoa , ,.c wsrtbtt oo a

,..,,.i,i<co r~ no,, 001 nrutlcd •Nishi Pe ople. Ab U JI i<s ·6a•cntd for~ Wt b\.c r~ 10 1()(1 jau in UC! v.n 1m1U hours.·· You rnta.l\ somt peopk don't 1

Respite NO in llic c~ru bu wed. h

tbb ;i. Min or JlKt :t: btid mpue '? AnJWJr Gerry Drow-sf, vt:r• MOC\ ot .. Of' MM Mow .. iCflM ti' bt scuJn1 quiet: a r,w atlflnp and s.bou.ld mate it. 11,e Bro•'O band 11 qui1r MWMlh1na and I c:an·t ht1p but rea11 d~t h w.t.1 In 1t.c:1e columns t tmt tbe iroup "'-':U nrs1 1potH1h1td.

So h v.-u with added fo ttr«t th:lt I attended its first broadcau. And a S(kkJ first it ..u too. lhwah tbcrc •un mc'\-iu.bk f.av.lti.

Changes DICK CJV,RUlSWORTH is ap•

· p1rcnlly noc a vcr10 to changlng melody ... Orft Crcolt: Tromb<loc " undtrll\'Cnl v1oknt c,hanJ-tS to suil ~~e Keir·, plaYJ•I• It he c:.n"t pb f !be niltrff 1W11 II< lhO<lld l<a,-c Ibis tbo•Cl.:iC :UOOC. Jxt.k Ljilffl·s "" IAlx­M>mC ~ - i, 1upc:rb ) 1uq and •-oodc..rfully •«•pui,cd.

Jolmn1' Ebbch ha1 jofo:d in pb.« of b,Uiia Jim Mdbr1 •ho kn« 10 form his O'll'i n in Scatbnd..- Vn• Cluu. drummcr 111·,th Dick IU loni u m~l pteplie: nfl runcmbcr. tc,,es ,'II the- end o{ tbc rtOt'Hh lo be replaced U,no~ ~u. rccco1ly •ilh th<

Nat' and Doug WIii(.£ on tAe i11b}t<t of cluutttJ,

,w..,. obOul D'1111 Rlt lt/ONI'> n, ... tr,m1pf!ttr. No,.e oihrr //um Nut (jon,lla • •IJo Ji,f,u the ltand some tl m-e ;,., NOl·~,.Mr u, play fo, on~ - •ho i,. a.r • J.itlr""'1t of hn ,,. J~rwy •,ul So11l"'1Mp,o,t. For Dofl1 {,rsJ / 011-1 /(llfW ""1P•r n..,""' ,,. 111< GO#fdla

""""· N • 1 t1i l1 MJ tlflll'f 114-{1,. hi.1. Olt'lt o"t/it bui will Pt In i. l,rre. pou,blc ft,r ,11~ rim~ bdttg,

T h• Rid/uni btmd <fW 1w li<:.ard lrt Cm "'"''Y o" Oe.,obr, M, r1,,,,,,,,,n Ill} o.,ul FtHm Gl11t, LonJon (lSJ • Thr knd, afw tu pnwri1ul ~· lrlflll. p/luf, to H f•lt.1 "'"'"~ •1 ffrlrN11t~


TRAD on TV, T1RAD on radio, TRAD on variety

re we • getting,

too ucl,

trod? RADIO, TY, filnu, '1lri<ty-fou

ca:n"t ctt away from U cvtn if yc,u wan t to. Tn11'9 it sttrM. b e•tt)"'·btn. Bu1 tan h W1'! ~ • e cloln• to tract jazz "'hac wt _did 10 early rock 'u' roll. cal)'P.'(>, •une and cha cha cha1 Art we k.Hllac it ol by m•kiog It 100 p91>ulat?

T bands arc , princina up 1!kc v.·«ds. Record compaoJes. it.ft 1ssu101 I.rad jai.z t iJ1gl~SOWtlhlA8, they 11•ould h:wc b.Ad )'OU ttrtificd for had yau sun. cstcd ii not JO l~n; as,~. Radio and TV arc- ..gaturauna 1h.c1t &ehe-dulcs with tr~ n:uncs and fea ture

' pV!5•foc1 cvcrythinB ut.00$ tel for a rnawtrc 'ot tr.1d in public fa,-o~r. l t 100 mucb Ch ristmas pudding IS pul on your plate~ you natunlly g.o 0:f

it ~~"~~t~e!hould h:41.-e. thou;h1. 8 &11 ~rp-isingly cnouJh. the- p(Oplc who ~'l~nl.$c che ttfld shows. o.nd,_ the t rad ancn tbcmse1'1~, ~re optinust1c.

Must be good F.ric Miller, "'ho produces the

trad p:1rl o r the. DBC-5 marathon .. T:a,;cm .. sb(!WS : .. It ~·an be O\'erdo nc-. rn :1dm11. Rut In '!'Y opituon it't a11 right as long a~. 11 $

-.cit pla)'t.d by compclC-lll b~n~. A :ind R M!\P O«>rgc Martm- hc

rt"Cords T he Temperance Sev~n r~ r utophe>nc--.l,rccd. •• Thw~ .11 still room for new 1rnd ;,rqupt in the re('()rd ma,ket-providi.nt they arc0

l~~;a~nit~~t put,1ic shows no , iin at the m,om<:nt o f rnrnina its bad. on the boom.

J ohnnie Stc:wa.rt1 producer of I.he rcttnt B8C TV 1cri.cs " Trad f:id ... found U~e p~1blic rcathon to the s~o'o\'S "cry s.at1.sfy1n~

•• We rtt<"h·cd favour:iblc comments from oldc.r pc.ople -... hon, one would nQt "orm::aHy llS j;tl~ (a~S­Nbt all 1h:111 many tJf 1hem . .tdm1I• lc:dly. bu 1 en01Ji;b 10 show bo111.· "'fdt: an ~·ppell1 trad bu.

... h"s mou popular now 1hao It b·a-c ~nr btra; and I thfak it wiU So oa btl11& c.o for quitl' some th»t ...

Job.nnie·s ·· opposite number," Er~ MUIC'r. got 1he ~ :tcllon be cxpe,c.-tc:-d to •• Trad Tavern:•

La,ting appeal "' Trad foos Jjd.n·, Ii.kc: the pop

records., and vii."C \'trs:I,"' ht said. .. llu1 v.➔e·rc pc.rsc\'C'ring, ;tnd 1·m· sure. _Che !0~1 wUI di&. Our public in lhis t';OUn1.ry arc a Uulc rtSCrvcd aod 1a\-e

tiz:::c:: ~ a~tr:w A~:'i~:tr~l?l\~ '-!llntc, thry take h> nO\•cltiet: n&bt away."

lfc is confident 1hat lr.ld jatt hu ii. 11ide ~d las1U\g ap~ a.L . •

~ Someone said :i whdc ago that ai, happy musk, and I agrc-e completely, h 's coromcrci.a.l trad now, of oouru. and wmcwhat d ilftcent to the prc-w::ar >tYI• played by Rtd Nicbol1 •od Ille ctlbtra.. But rm sure the modern com'i' nicrcb.l trod is &oing to remain vcr; popular." _

Another Point of C' con· "«led \\ith the 1o pic is tbe utrnv:i.• Pnl uniforms worn by same of tbc tmdsters. \Vhcrt J ohnny Dankwo rth "111. qu~ tioncd on the. w rac of ua.O ,omc time ago, he. made the cla.~ ti:mlrk: .. U you ~nt to ,ct ahead, Pl I h::at" Sul olht~ dO'n·t a tt:Lch \~ch imporunc:c 10 lbt bowlers._.bear• !,!~~:d 1bt rH t or chc oudaod.ilb

DISC, O,10be, 11, 1961 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1';.~~~;f;.$<,-.<!.,.<':1, · L I{ dlih·. J,,:lJ in ll.1r ti,butF,. 1),·nn,)I· .'

T A B ~~ A * v.mi.,. iw 1hc U11ih:,I S1.o1c-s S.,,inr, }, * * ... * * 11,md Oh ision or !he T ,c.J\UI')' 1>cp.ir1mc-n1. Q;ur 1n ... .1c :i ,t1il•( · . b J H • (,f p.:r~onal 3rp~:-ir.1n~·c .. durif\j:. the

Irs. true t~,1 Tony J'lri:e•lt"y M3<~~ ============= Y Une Qrfl$ ,l:1., a~d in ahc ,::vcnin~ h<'a,!lincJ his acllng debu1 ~:' TV 1!! nn .:.•u1door i,how. which "

1~57 i n a pby c:i.lkd ~ mn,y. While: J tnv)' O iff hke mad. I 1h<"ir 'TV saic( c , 3c1lv .is BBC aucnJ cd b)' l,:,,c,al. S1;:,1c :.n,1 B·ut how m:iny of you know 1h.:il fed n tiuk &orry fo r hint roo. prnJuecr Rich:1rd E\ .1n1 thouiht T rc:l\ury l'kpa1 1mco1 <'lfk i;ili. fw:n his oriainul 1tk\'is1on ,spo1. way CJitr. lik(' :in)· norm!\I 1ttnlg<"r. ii 1hc~· would. Wat-hin1,:rnn. b3cl:. in 194g, wu a bnef lr,~:ir• fond of girk ·• But. lirf' can be S:irs Rich.ud: " 1nnc·s Olhtr ff l'l'cl. ,•nc of l>tcc.,',; :ancc on 1he 8BC1 "Tuna~c dlUicuh," he $:lfS . .. U I'm ~un ,h;:,ngcd 1ht:' ~rir1 "'ix timt, during n,:,,('~t ~inging J i~O\ ('tic~. ~r,•;l!l·d Show·• in July of that year? around wi1h o·nC". then my f:1n1 t<hta,s:ils. 1he noor was knC"c deep •1 pr««tcn1 when he rcc.·,·n1I>·

lntri&\K-d to find out che meanin, mitht worry. r\•e just i::ot to gi\·c in ciajr butts. Alan Swaim1on C':ucd <1n ·• Juke lJox Jury·· 10 of ·• Sutu Sucu," now an C"slab-- a ll m)' 1imc to fl)' career." Coorcr 1ricd 10 ,-muggk :i"" .tY one a !lc-nd 1he p)aying or hi,. tiri1 rt• lishtd r('(""Ord.blr. Jot- LOM" rang up Libttty Rtico nls, rdc-ascd ovC"r of the c3mc-r::i.s. Cephas Jlow:i.rd lcttse. ·· l.onch· FQr A Virl." tfr the A t-gcn1ine Embassy in London. here on ·L-0ndon. has prtw ntcd its began to fcu fo r the s.ct he hnd fcC'.<iHJ no k s,s th.ln .&$ fan Says J oe,: •· An offkial told me JMa1 annu:il sales report on designed- but when we shot. we IC'llcrs. "h~ h. aecN dinJt lO th,· that it·s i n upr~on which record ! An orchestra f:uUare pre• cot ~ firs.t•dass proi.r,umnc ! ., noc, ,s 1hc hiJhes1 :1moun1 of doesn't mean anythinE at .!lu:: . ctdes an LP or information. ThurSday American .iinging mail any or tbc1r \·1~11ors 10 1ha1

T be fact that Johnnr K ea11n1 1s tieurcs. ch:its with Lib.n!y rt<:ord• iiar Gi1ry (U.S.) BoM$ ht ~dlinC"d programme h.l'< had H<- v.:ii :i. keen builder o f rating cus ex• ing , tars. 5natch<s from their hitJ a true to life U.S. bonds saksvowl J hi1. inCtdcntall)'. plains whv he has ~ lied hi, new a nd more music. 1nddentallv. the: insirumm tal group l'he- J:igs. Libcny profll5 :have- ie>nC' up more "Tbcy h.we a i,owcr!ul, s.narling 1han S.000.000 d ollars sin~ the bc:11 which r<"minds me of J;iiua.r compJny was romu:d in J9SS. cars., and a sharp, edgy. iaued sound." • • *

Jn12 club promoltr.s arc con­vincfd thitl G«ry Bro• ·n·• Jan •• m,11,, now recording on Fontnn:.. Mc going to be 1he 1op band o f 1962-and their dates into 1ht: middle of April so far.

Fin:d \l;·ord C)n Sioa1na•• Rat Pack. came from Pct~r l.::iwford in London this week. Says l.JlwforJ : .. T he Cl:i.n m.ty br hc ll•r:1ii,e t1.. hut 1hcir tindnus. iinctritv a nd generosity are beyond djsputc.-

TRYfNG to break into filna .. :.1nd c:cuiinc: nowhere ra,,.

Ju .. n•y C11sh d«:ldtd 1ht only Wa).' out was to form his O" 'n movie company. Nov,,;•. for his own com• pan)'. he is 10 produce and star in .. The Hobo MiJl.ion.:i.irc."

In uchangc for ucting lcssOM. Duane- F.ddv has ofTc-reJ to 1c-:1ch 1etor Dick Boont: how to pl.a y lhc

t:~~ or'h~!:. hopint 10 capture lh< role or Billv

• • • th t: Kid in " Ho w The W,m Wu

SA VS American blues pi:tni\t Won.•• Pt,hilps the American

1.-or,- J oe Jhmltr, currentl',' record companies shoulJ s1:ut in Rrit:1in, t,f M1ut Monro. now running thci r own fL t li n a wowing 1hc.01 ID the S:3h~i : .. He'!I sthools • .. the e,rc:;itcst I've he:ard :any pl!lC-c.'' rollid: ini; hunch of fun. Joe should k.nQw. In his time hc'4 Tate TempC':nt.111« S"" en. JtOt 1oUrtd wilb a 37 pi:cc orc-he~tra, ahrou,tb the 'first rcbt:usaJs for ~on s.tvc.ra l goldc:,, disc,. and h:i.s GARV (US.) R()NOS • wrint:n ,old disc .,,'inner, for PM 111~to1ruip1t,'"ror hit; r111• ~'fr: Boone and the McGuire Sis tr rs. a. rtttnc o.•••Jc.M 11tand.

~ ..... x;.

, ,l,

CIUUS I Af:lRER - 'ftad >'lll ,-un ·lu th's pRSeac boon,,

(UISC Pie)

.. The (uM}' h:,\~ a,nd co.stu~ " f~ p:.1r1 or the u.,-t b:~nd , bu1intSS_. . '31d Jt-.hnnic StC"A--art. " 11·, 2 lt~1tunatc rorm or s.a.lesm:anihip, and thc-y re ptr· [CC'IIY cn1ilte-d 10 ii. I've D'? li!!1c for people .... ho suucsc 01herw1SC. •

.. Com1mts a cood &elltn'1 poin1,- WM George·s opinion. .. Dul rt·s the musk the b3nd_;\ pfay wh.tch counts m01L OthCf'\\'lie all 1hcse groups playing trad :md rock who e2itl thtm5clVc.s unusu31 names and d reM aC\."'OtdinsJY would ha\'e 801 jnto the hit pt rade.'•

Yet de\pi1e th!s gt:~(r-\1 3ir ,o{ optiml5.m. the p01nt ra.iitd by disc j~l:.C'Y Dawid Jacobs in last · wc-ek's 1llSC ii a \'aUd one.

ne onl)' l(C'■rate criftrioe tor jacf&iDt, tb~ ,opul•rily an• ~tntbHty of a trtnd' la ,op •usk i:s lis tarter bt rhe all-lmportanl Top TwtatJ clisc!~!~1 is it , i~ce a lr~d iuz numbcT imdc the T0p Ten? They occasfonall_y edge into the bottom , ection of the. T~cnty, but they g ldom s~)' there f~r ,on.i:. Tbc:~c wnsn·1 i 5-,ri,lc trnd dtSC an t::ast wtek s

To[uf!.:% wcnl co Chris Buber. who willy started the trad ball rolling b:aet in 19$5 with his Decca disc of .. l)()bby Shallot:," Since then he:'1 led ibc &Id eonsh1tnlly, and is residtnl in the " Trad Tavern."'

"Trad jau. hu anulu:slly 'it'lcrcas.ed

i"nd90J~~r~!co~~c rr:~ ~o ye:!~ slomp in the thirties. J («.I sure at will 111nive thi-s prff('nt boom.·•


❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ ❖ ❖

~~ Pick you•· ~~~ ♦:♦ ,.:.

:~: pin-un t ♦:• r •:. ❖ . ❖ •:• ff ERE I~ a wonderful t haat'f' to build up yo1ir own pt)flui1 ••• ••••· aJbam or ~ of lht wortd•i .:rult'~ r«ordini:: t.t:iri-. A :

rie!lll1 buudful. d(l,s.<y. l in. x 6 in. pflotoanph rttm, lllSC'S ••• ♦:, 0"R Slar•pidure llbraf)' bin be- JIOUh on rN,!UitSI. And undtrn,~,t, .... •••• each pll<lh>Cf'llph iJ an 11uloc,1111ph p.antl for lhe ~1,us lo U\t "hf'n :

)'OU n~t'I lht"tn In penon. ·•·· •!• J-'"lk fhrou1" tbe 11~1 or f11111ous ar1ku ,.-in1td hfl '>w and dioo(e, ••• )'Our ra\'outilt . Prinl tltt name or a.anw-s you <'hoost on lht l•oupon ... :

•!• fi.11 in yom ow•n ftlllllf: and addrr!IS. in blO<'k capil.:.l'i p lt:l lit', 1u,d ••• •!• !'end thr ('t.upon-with ~ 'P()1>t:11I Ol'dt'r for •h . 6d. Cut C"at·h photo- ••• •••• to : l)lSC Star Pktun Ubral'}', 1611 1-ltC't SlrtC't, London. •:.c..i. !

AU phocoera~ .s are f'are(11Uy p»tkrd 11.11d ~ 111 pol>I £rtt, •••

•!• or5~':!.~o:o~~:;';ra~1~!-;::~ ;:~~ •• ~! ~C r tgul:u1y for n;1111,,. •:•

❖ ❖ ❖ Chris Barber Eden Kant Lita Roz.a ❖ ❖ Shirley Bassey Kaye Sisters Marion Ryan ❖ ❖ Eddie Calvert Jerry Keller Joan Regan ❖ ❖ Freddy Cannon Eartha Kitt Dave Sampson ❖ + Alma Cogan Harry Secombe ❖ ❖ 1.... __ _;;,,i::...= ....1 Jess Conrad laaa Sisten Pegey Seegar ❖ ❖ Dallas Boys Pefgy lee Helen Shapiro ❖ ❖ Lonnie Donegan Ewan McCol , Anne Shelton ❖ ❖ Craie Douglas Chas. McDewitt and Jo Shelton ❖ ❖ Duane Eddy Shirley Douglas Tommy Steele ❖ ❖ Peter Elliott The Mudlarks Robb Storme ❖ ❖ Adam Faith Donald Peers Gene Vincent ❖ ❖ Emit Ford Duffy Power Bert Weedon ❖ lance Fortune Mike Preston Marty Wilde ❖ Billy Fury Tommy Bruce Danny Williams ❖ ❖ Robin Hall and Cliff Richard Mark Wynter ❖ •!• Jimaie MacGrt&or t; ....................... .................. ]. •:• .... ,,,,.,._ Ronlie Hltu C P1n:w Sit'■• me ~ograph~ c,f:- t

:i: '"'·'-'-- t:i t::~ ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: :i: [ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •!• :.. ··············"·········· .. ··· ·"···"· ····· •!• !:: N.-\.?.,fB . .............. .. ........ .... .... . •!• ADDRESS ........ ..... . ..... .... .. . . ~ : .) •:• •!• •:• •!• •:• •!• •!• •:• ♦:• ;:. •:• •:• •!• •:• •:• •:• •:• •:• •:• •!• •:••!• •:• •:•t •. :::·:;:·:;:=:·:::·:::·:::·:::·:::·:;:·:;:: •.• ,,

16 DISC. Odal,e, 21. 1961




Tift: WHAM or $A?,( · &A.MM\' DA\'UIJNU.

Back In Your Own llt,,ck Yard L\aht.if111 • t·m0aana1..1.,.nu1 Pio · I'm • Yool LO Viut. Yw 11.i"° 11) nie Tender Trip, etc. u l..J>.lf-:«,J,



-cw, UNltS .... a Ttl CU,•

'• U.. ,. a prillCed W dliil 11n A4"rdler .,...... Co.. lU,, ~ It.recs. SL

to Clitt•s 2111·t ~


t•Y,,. ,, .. , . ' ,,

~ ..( ~-


Keep it acdC&W --~ .

can mak the ten



KF.•:p It .... ~ and looe k dmt·•

<OU!d -• a ounbl• - b, - <bans. Kali 0..•••• ,...._ C aad W lllYI< of llnalna ... 11,o ebarta with " Mt.ttllna • aN toold -,• Ii•• k wltll .a, lalaC rtlnH ... ~u:lcall Row... A•III fe Amffl<U toUlllr)' ltllr Dot, Glh,oa us 111,.,.dy 1Nok lfttrtbrtak" aa4 )UU lune the lhln cN of Ille tlllllusiatl.l.

To find 0111 why Don Gibw:,n should ~udcknl)' male it here ahu nunk"rou, attdnph, I quiacd Karl. AlthouJd, ht caugh1 Don·s :act in Nuhvif&c. thC)' h.:a•,cn'1 met. but Lhc Sc:01, ,inter hH a tcrrif1< #dmir.tlion for hi~ l"tl trrnt chan buJJy.

True artist .. Don 1\ t lruc Countrv and

Wnt«n ani, 1, .. he told me:. · .. He Ui~u.lly .sinJ,i llUlhcnti:; Country "°°''­Ultftl ~u lhc hick V.'Ord, and bad,: Cttutllt)' t'llprc-\;,i~ln\ th:u s o - ith 1btm. Unfortun:ttcl)' . in Britain. m<KI of thN cll.prc"\i()n\ arc un~no.,n aoJ lhttcfof\l not unJ,:nlood. Bat • Sc.1.1 Of Hcar11>re.1k • i, :i ,.trai1h1. ~impk and \enlimcnl:11 numbtr. c.a~il~ u.ndcr. Stol.kl, h't rtilural it HlOulJ be .:i. ,tk,;c-"·'•

I! Gib~on. l inger. ivit!iri,t :..nd from NoHh C.11rnhn.1 con• tinuc\ rccordtn, number, hkc ·· Sn Ot lf~nbrcat · he m.1)', :allct five •u~~ehl\'c CIIIUl cnt, .. J ilJ the St.atcJ, s:.1n JI mote ik"'r..:J rcpumJon h<rc.

K:i.rl O.:m·e1 h nol i:. true Co·u.1Ut) :inJ Western ,ir•accr. but U\C\ thh l:inJ of mu .. k. Ulcr--'i .. ·cl)' in M-. rcpcn.:,irc. alona • ·~th fo!t \On~ il'ld blue\.

K11tl dkpllt <tntitt~d 1hc Uniud

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