insgc / museum project “indiana space travels” barrett s. caldwell, phd iaama meeting, 5 dec 08

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INSGC / Museum Project“Indiana Space Travels”

Barrett S. Caldwell, PhD

IAAMA Meeting, 5 Dec 08

Presentation Outline

• Initial INSGC / ISM / IAAMA Discussion

• Recent Directions: “Ayres Tea Room Meeting”

• Current Planning: Indiana State Fair 2009

• Opportunities, Plans, Requests

• Timelines

Initial INSGC / ISM / IAAMA Discussion

• Based on Space Grant Affiliates Meeting 2008• Opportunity to Highlight Indiana Aerospace

History and Education– Dave Brown, IMAX Theater Director

• Planning for January -- May 2009 Timeline• What Happened?

– Mismatch of timelines and scope– Comfort with technology exhibit– ISM wanted years of planning

The Ayres Tea Room Meeting, October

• Collaboration Attempt, Mutual Exhibit Tours Planned– Invitations to IAAMA, INSGC, ISM to tour Allison

Exhibit – IAAMA, INSGC, RR to tour ISM exhibit

• Following Discussion at ISM Tea Room• Proposed Resolution to Mismatches

– Develop Exhibit Planning for 2009– “Alpha-Test” Museum Exhibit (3000-4000 ft2)– Touring, then Implement at ISM (2011?)

Current Planning: Indiana State Fair 2009

• Initial Meeting Directly Following Ayres Tea Room– Follow-up on IMAX / INSGC State

Fair 2008 Tent – State Fair Offered Grand Hall exhibit

space (~4000 ft2)

•– August 7-23, 2009– “Indiana Space Travels” Local

Connections Theme

• Multiple Planning Meetings, Firm Commitments

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State Fair 2009: Opportunities, Plans, Requests

• Climb-in, Climb-on, Hands-on Activities• Links to Indiana Aerospace History

– Astronauts & Contributors, Companies, Towns– International Year of Astronomy– Indiana components on STS / Ares

• IAAMA links here or elsewhere?

• Developing Program and Exhibits– NASA Center Artifacts and Programs– INSGC Affiliate Presentations– Challenger Learning Center Missions

Possible Exhibit Elements

• Envision Center Supercomputing Exhibit Now in Storage

• Rotating Affiliate / Activity Placements• Development in Turnkey Operation Mode (for


Envision Exhibit Elements

• Touchscreen Kiosks• Larger Displays for Video / Other Presentation• Additional Computing for Workstation Activities

Additional Exhibit Elements

• EPICS Mars Rover Exhibit–– Previously Shown at National Instruments Week

• Your Weight on ___________ Exhibit• Climb-in Capsule Exhibit• Indiana Astronaut Towns (17 days, 17 towns)

– Indiana Astronaut Post-Flight Visits in Planning

• SpacePort Indiana Balloon Exhibits• Recent and Historic Videos on Rotating Loops • IAAMA Discussion Options Here?

State Fair 2009 Supplemental Issues

• Sponsorship Guidelines: Via State Fair• Budget Items Still in Discussion• INSGC or SpacePort Benefactor Participation• Fixed vs. Flexible Exhibits over Fair Duration• Items for Sale or Giveaway: Collectibles,

Education Materials, Other– Pins, Patches, Decals, Calendars sold at Fair 2008– Space-Related Water and Energy Drink: Vendor Contract Issues

• Not Replacing Existing Purdue / IU / Ball St. “Day at Fair”


• Challenger Learning Center Meeting Dec 15

• Next State Fair Meeting Jan 15• INSGC Competition / Fair Proposals Feb

13• Final (pending astronauts) Programming

Mar 1• Exhibit Logistics Confirmations (Space,

Power) May 15?• Fair Installation Date Aug 5


••• (765) 494-5873 or 494-5412 (direct)• AOL IM: BCGRIS228

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