instabuilder review: an honest review for a complete internet marketing wordpress plugin

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Instabuilder review: Instabuilder is an internet marketing plugin for Wordpress that enables you to create high quality web pages along with complete SEO optimization, high conversion, professional design and user friendly.


InstaBuilder Review: Why I Really Hates This Product…A Lot!!

(Special gift on the last page…keep on reading)

High quality productivity and optimum time consumption helps Internet Marketer to achieve

better future in their business as well as enable them to compete and leave all their rivals far

away at the back!

Instabuilder review: An Introduction of InstaBuilder Wordpress Plugin

In this honest and simple Instabuilder Review, I’ll be walking you through my personal but

unbiased opinion regarding the brand new Wordpress plugin called InstaBuilder. So, let’s get


InstaBuilder Review: What is InstaBuilder?

Instabuilder is a plugin created for those who have their blogs on Wordpress. This premium

plugin lets you create simple yet powerful web pages throughout your Wordpress. With

Instabuilder plugin, you’ll be able to create high quality and optimum web pages such as Video

sales pages, Squeeze pages, basic sales pages, and any other pages that will absolutely save you a

big time in creating all of those pages manually.

InstaBuilder Review: Benefits

Save Time

With InstaBuilder, your time will surely be saved a lot since all the hard works will be a lot

easier using InstaBuilder. Just point, click, and drag, your high quality and professional web

pages will be ready in just a few moments.


If you’re a newbie (like me), this plugin were created to suit our need indeed. As for me, I don’t

really know technical stuff such as html and all those related to them. They really put some

pressure on me while I want to create any sales pages, squeeze pages or video squeeze pages.

You see, I used to put on try and error effort while creating my web pages but since when I

uploaded it into my hosting, there were always something that goes wrong. I became fed-up. So,

as the answer for my problem here, I went to Fiverr hoping that I can overcome this problem

quickly. But, other problem gets in. Pages created by them were so low on quality (design) and

were not properly optimized.

I think I paid 5 bucks and it might suit the price for such a low quality design like that, hehe.

Fully Optimized

With InstaBuilder, your web pages is fully optimized to get high ranking in search engines as

well as makes it smoother for your prospect to browse on your created web pages. You don’t

have to worry about all the search engine optimization (SEO) stuff such as Title tag H1, H2, H3,

Description, Meta keywords and many more! All of that can be done by filling the required form

while you creating web pages! Being noticed by search engines is really important and on-page

seo plays an important role here. So, considering that important issue, InstaBuilder developer had

created this plugin and make it able to help you to put a fully optimized on page seo to any pages

you create so you don’t have to worry about your pages visibility in the search engines.

High Conversion

InstaBuilder was created to capture your audience interest and give you all the chances to make

money throughout their hard work. Have you ever create any web pages whether to capture leads

or sell digital or physical product, but your prospect were not interested in taking action as you

were hoping. This is where the “real format” of attracting your prospect plays their roles. You

see, when creating web pages such as squeeze pages or sales page, the right info must be in the

right place! Let me give you a basic example. For a squeeze page, where is the best location to

put optin form and what type of optin form that will grab your prospect attention and take action

as quick as possible! InstaBuilder solved that for me for sure. With InstaBuilder, I was able to

get 500 subscribers in just one night using the high conversion squeeze page they supplied me

within the plugin.

InstaBuilder Review: Features

Over 20 powerful features that will make your online campaign more successful!

InstaBuilder Review: Testimonials (Real User)

InstaBuilder Review: Pricing

To get a copy of InstaBuilder plugin, there were two option which is single site and unlimited

site option. Single site license will cost you USD 47 while the unlimited site license cost up to

USD 77. I’m using unlimited site option since I’ve many sites and actually this one-time

payment of unlimited site license really save me a lot rather than I pay the same price for single

sales pages from an Odesk freelancer (I used to hired freelancer on Odesk).

InstaBuilder Review: Overall

All right, there you are. I’ve gave out all the things you should know about InstaBuilder plugin

including a little bit of my experience before and after using InstaBuilder plugin in my daily

online business works. In the meantime, I also hate this product since my competitor also bought

this plugin! Hehe...Just kidding. For those internet marketers out there, I really suggest you

guys to grab this plugin because as an internet marketer, quality, conversion, optimum time

consumption, and budget is really important to us while making money online. A good stable

income from our online business will keep us motivated and this is where our premium and

useful tools plays vital role to help us to be on the right track consistently! Click the link below

now to get a special discounted price of InstaBuilder for a very limited time! I hope while you’re

reading this review, this discount is still available..Click the link below right now!

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