installation document

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    Main Steps

    Restore the Database

    Change the Web.Config file for Connection String Settings

    Go To IIS

    Create a virtual directory

    Browse the application

    1. Restore the data base

    a. Copy the JobsOnline.Bakfile from the the folder Databasepresent inthe folder CodeForInstallation to a folder JobsOnlineDatabase inthe Hard Drive.

    b. Go To SQL Server from Start->Programs->Microsoft SQL Server ->

    Enterprise Manager

    c. Right Click on Databases, Go To AllTasks->Restore Database

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    d. Write the name of the Database as JobsOnline in the textbox Restoreas Database

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    Click the FromDevice radio button and press Select Devices

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    e. A Choose Restore Devices window will appear. Click Add Button inthat window

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    f. It will open the Window Choose Restore Destination. Press the button in this window as shown in the screen shot.

    g. This will open the following window in which you have to browse andselect the JobsOnline.Bak from the path where you saved it in theHard Drive

    h. Click OK in the screenshot mentioned above, wait when you reach the

    first window (Restore Database) which was opened.

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    i. Go to the Options Tab mentioned in the screen shot below:

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    j. After Clicking on the Options Tab the following window will appear,

    please change the path before \JobsOnline.mdf to the path where

    JobsOnline.bak file is present. Do the same for the second path also

    in the window. See the screen shot for details.

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    k. Go back to General Tab as mentioned in the screen shot below.

    l. The following Dialog Box will appear if the Database is Restored


    m. Press Ok on the Dialog Box mentioned above and Go To Databases

    and check JobsOnline database should be there.

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    n. After the Database is restored and checked we need to Create a new UserJobsOnlineLogin in the SQL 2000 server as our Application uses

    this user to connect to the JobsOnline Database.

    Open SQL Server 2000-> Enterprise Manager and drill down to

    Security->Logins as mentioned in the screen shot.Right Click on Logins and select NewLogin

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    o. The following screen will appear

    Enter the Name as JobsOnlineLogin

    Select the SQL Server Authentication and enter the password

    as Jobsonlinelogin

    Select the Database as JobsOnline

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    p. Go To the DataAccess Tab in the same dialog box and

    Select the Permit check box for JobsOnline database

    Select public and db_owner checkbox in the Database roles


    Press OK

    q. The Confirm Password Dialog box will appear please enter the passwordas Jobsonlinelogin

    r. Press Ok

    Note: If you are not allowed to create a new User in SQL server and are

    asked to use a existing user then please go the the Section Using Existing

    user in SQL Server at the end of the document follow those steps and

    then go to Step 2 of the Installation document.

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    2. Change the Web.Confing file for the User Details mentioned in the DatabaseSince the Data Source (SQL Server name will be different where the

    Application is deployed, we have to change the

    Open the Web.Config file from the JobsOnline folder(whereyou have copied the code)

    Replace the value ofData Source from Sharp to the SQLServer name, please see the screen shots attached for details.

    If you are not allowed to create a User and are asked to use a

    existing user then make sure you change the User ID and

    Password values.

    Save and close the file.

    The name of the SQL Server can be found out by going to Start->Programs->SQL

    Server 2000->Enterprise Manager

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    3. Copy the folderJobsOnline present in the folderCodeForInstallation in theCD to the Hard disk drive

    4. Go To IIS for creating virtual Directory

    a. Go To Start->Runb. Type inetmgr

    c. IIS should Open, if it doesnt open then it means IIS is not installed

    properly, without IIS we cannot deploy our Project

    d. Go To Default Web Site, Right Click on it select New->Virtual


    e. Click Next

    f. Type the name JobsOnline in the TextBox and Click Nextg. Click the Browse button and go to the Folder where you have copied

    the JobsOnLine folder from the CD.

    h. Select JobsOnline folder, press OK

    i. Click Next

    j. Click Next

    k. Click Finish. The virtual directory should have been created, pointingto the Code

    l. For testing, Go to the Search Folder in the Virtual Directory

    JobsOnline created by you, select a aspx page for eg Search.aspx,

    right click and select browse

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    5. lkdjfdsk

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    Using Existing user in SQL Server (Not to be done if a New SQL server user is


    Go To Databases->JobsOnline->Users and Right Click on it and select

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    The following Dialog Box will open

    o Select one of the existing user in Login Name

    o Check the check box for db_owner and public

    o Click OK

    Go back to Step 2 of document.

  • 8/6/2019 Installation Document


    URLs of the Main Sections of the Site

    URL of the Search Section


    URL of the Resume Section





    URL of the JobProvider section





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