instruction manual afh – fast / fd - john morris home fd … · sauter gmbh tieringerstr. 11-15...

Post on 21-Jun-2018






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Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 1

1. Software Installation

a. Preparation

Please make sure, your system is updated with “.NET Framework 2.0). This can be downloaded under:

b. System Start

Please select folder “New Version” Please Open: AFH English or German Please run the software

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 2

2. AFH-FD Hardware Installation (AFH-FD only)


3. 4.


1. Force Measurement Unit: SAUTER FH series 2. Length (Displacement) Measurement Unit Included in AFH-FD 3. Junction Box Included in AFH-FD 4. PC (not included)

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 3

1st Step: Make sure that Length Measurement Device and Force Gauge are both turned OFF!!

2nd Step: Connect Length Measurement Device and Force Gauge to Juncion Box by RS 232C Cable (included) and individual RS 232C Cable (included). Do not yet turn on the devices!

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 4

3rd Step: Connect computer by standard RS 232 C and power plug cable (included; 230V) to Junction Box. Doesn´t matter whether the Computer is turned on or off.

4th Step: Insert Power Plug and make sure that the green Light on the back side of the Junction box is on.

5th Step: Now first turn on

a) the Length Measurement Device and after that b) the Force Gauge.

The software can be used now and force signal can be combined with length signal.

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 5

3. Software Operation AFH – Fast / FD Please choose: FH Series Model

Please select: File New Please wait for one moment, then !

Choose your FH series model by left-clicking once. If your FH series model is not yet shown please right-click once on empty space in the white field and add your model by selecting “NEW”. For all FH instruments that were purchased in 2009 or later; please select the “FH” models. Please do not select the “FH-N” models.

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 6

Display changed: the settings Please select:

- Force – Displacement (Kraft-Weg) / Force – Time (Kraft-Zeit) - FH Series Model - Time interval of data transfer

Please select:

1. Go to Measurement by Arrow “►” 2. Open the Connection by “play” icon 3. Start Measurement by selecting the “clock” icon

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 7

Then the measurement should proceed.

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 8

4. Help menu In the menu “Help” you find this addition software description, for a safe operation of this software:

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 9

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 10

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 11

5. How to save a series of measurements The series of measurements has to be saved under “File / Save as” as an XML Document - see screenshot below. The stored series of measurements (.XML document) has to be opened with Microsoft Excel.

Sauter GmbH Tieringerstr. 11-15 D-72336 Balingen E-Mail:

Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174 Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285 Internet: www.

Instruction Manual AFH – Fast / FD

AFH/FD-BA-e-1110 12

6. Troubleshooting and Support

a. Troubleshooting

1. RS 232C

Please connect the software initially with a desktop PC and directly with the serial RS 232 output. Please use laptop PC’s and USB converters only in the second try.

2. Settings

If the software doesn’t show correct measuring results in the default settings, please try to reset the PARITY (serial interface) setting from NONE to SPACE or vice versa.

b. Support Please make sure, you followed all steps in the right order and all plugs are inserted correctly. If the are any problems, please call for our service: + 49 7433 9976 174 or + 49 172 941 4640

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