integrated coastal zone management birgit snoeren european commission dg environment unit d3 :...

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Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Birgit SnoerenEuropean Commission

DG Environment Unit D3 : Cohesion Policy & Environmental impact assessment

Open Days 9-12 October 2006Session 12A20 : Maritime policy and regional development


• The policy framework: EU ICZM Recommendation

• Experiences in regional policy

• On-going evaluation of the EU ICZM Recommendation

• Coastal areas in the Green Paper “Towards a future maritime policy”

• Outlook for the next financial programming period (2007-2013)

Calls for

A strategic approach to coastal zone management and planning. Aim: achieve sustainable development.

Based on common principles, reflecting good territorial governance.

Sets in motion

A process: - Development of National ICZM strategies, following a stock-take- Reports to the Commission: February 2006- Commission report to Council and EP Parliament end 2006

The EU ICZM Recommendation (2002/413/EC) (1)

8 Principles, defining ICZM(a) a broad thematic and geographic perspective

(b) a long-term perspective

(c) adaptive management and sound knowledge basis

(d) local specificity

(e) working with natural processes, carrying capacity

(f) involving all the parties concerned

(g) support and involvement of relevant administrative bodies at national, regional and local level *

(h) use of a mix of instruments, to facilitate coherence between sectoral policy objectives and coherence between planning and management.

*Chapter V of the Recommendation: Cooperation with neighbouring countries and at regional sea level

Contents of the EU ICZM Recommendation (2)

Experiences in regional policy (1)

• Development of ICZM policy was based on a Demonstration programme » 1996-1999, involving over 36 projects TERRA, LIFE, PESCA (innovative actions)

• 2000-2006 especially INTERREG stimulated ICZM development and exchange of knowledge and best practice

For specific coastal problems, sometimes, large scale investments through Objective 1 (or 2) areas (for instance: Finisterra programme (Portugal) Coastal Coordination Centre (Flanders))

INTERREG projects 2000-2006Cooperation on regional sea level – implementation of ICZM - Baltcoast - Wadden Sea Forum - Coastatlantic - Adriatic Action Plan - Plan coast - a few smaller area projects: SAIL, Skagerrag forum, CoconetDevelopment of tools, guidance, exchange of best-practice - COPRANET (pan-EU)Data/Information for ICZM implementation - DEDUCE (pan-EU)Research network to support ICZM implementation - COREPOINT (NW EU) >>

Experiences in regional policy (2)

Coastal erosion/flooding, i.a.

- Messina (pan-EU) - Beachmed (Med) - Cadsealand - Safecoast (North Sea) (Comcoast, Comrisk)

Sustainable port development

- New Delta (NW EU) - Econet (pan-EU) - Portnet (pan-EU)

… and many more

Experiences in regional policy (3)

On-going Evaluation EU ICZM Recommendation (1)

External Evaluation of the ICZM Recommendation (reportbeing finalised)- National Strategies to implement ICZM: due Feb. 2006 Reports : 14 (of 20 coastal member states) & Romania- None of the strategies at implementation stage yet- 1/3 ICZM national framework; 1/3 equivalent to national strategy; 1/3 fragmented coastal management/planning tools

Trends: Continued need to stimulate ICZM from EU level, but:- Potential for more cooperation at regional sea level- Support needed to expand awareness raising and knowledge basis- Further progress needed on policy integration, participation - Vulnerability to risks and climate change

- European Environment Agency:

« The changing faces of Europe’s coastal areas » (July 2006)

ICZM Working group Indicators & data Report on ICZM progress measurement and sustainability indicators (September 2006)

Commission report to EP and Council due end 2006

On-going Evaluation EU ICZM Recommendation (2)

Coastal areas in « Towards a future maritime policy for the EU » (1)

• Future policy framework for coastal areas will be the new EU Maritime policy

• Green Paper (July 2007) includes coastal areas and ICZM

• Basic rationale of the Maritime policy is same to the need for ICZM identified in COM(2000)547 - An holistic approach to policy making and implementation (impact of EU policies)

- Based on sound knowledge and good governance - Aim: sustainable development

• Specific coastal issues:- adapting to coastal risks*- sustainable tourism- sustainable port development

• Implementation / Tools: - data/information needs for planning and management - comparative analysis and exchange of best-practice - marine spatial planning, land-sea interface - governance

* Nb also Green paper on Adaptation to the impacts of Climate change, due end 2006.

Coastal areas in « Towards a future maritime policy for the EU » (2)

Outlook for the next financial programming period 2007-2013 (1)

• Cohesion policy offers main opportunities : - strategic and partnership approach for sustainable development of regions - positive experiences of past programming period - territorial dimension (coastal zones explicit priority in Cooperation objective)

Community Strategic Guidelines 2007-2013: “Growth and jobs” some extracts: - Governance: encourage regional sustainable development strategies - Risk prevention - Climate change, renewable energy, sustainable transport - Balanced and sustainable territorial development; Maritime cooperation - Knowledge & innovation

• European Fisheries Fund: Axis 4: Integrated Coastal Zone Management Focus on fisheries dependant areas; local scale projects

• European Rural Development Fund: rural coasts, local projects; some risks management

• European Social Fund: for « convergence regions » includes capacity building

• LIFE+ Multi-annual framework still under negotiation; potentially additional opportunities

NB: Focus on EU – external policy not covered here

Outlook for the next financial programming period 2007-2013 (2)


• Good past and future synergies between EU ICZM policy and Cohesion policy. Especially in the Cooperation objective direct support to ICZM implementation.

• Need for further support for ICZM and implementation of National ICZM strategies that were developed following the EU ICZM Recommendation

• Future overall policy framework: the new EU Maritime policy


Web references example Interreg projects 2000/06

Regional sea cooperation - Baltcoast - Wadden Sea Forum - Coastatlantic - Adriatic Action Plan - Plan coast

- SAIL - Skagerrag forum - Coconet Development of tools, guidance, exchange of best-practice - COPRANET for ICZM implementation - DEDUCE

Research network to support ICZM implementation - COREPOINT

Web references example Interreg projects 2000/06

Coastal erosion/flooding, i.a.

- Messina - Beachmed - Cadsealand - Safecoast (Comcoast, Comrisk)

Sustainable port development

- New Delta - Econet - Portnet


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