integrating technology for inquery nteq. focus of the nteq model a method for integrating computers...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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iNtegrating Technology for inQuery


Focus of the NTeQ Model

A method for integrating computers in a lesson plan

• Computer used as a tool

• Encourage higher order thinking and processing activities

• Realistic context

• Open-end learning environment

NTeQ Philosophy

Five basic components






NTeQ and the Teacher

Teachers need to experience using the computer as a tool to learn new information. Experience learning the way we want students to learn

Teachers need to understand the relationship between basic computer functions and student learning. Analyze computer functions to know how it can apply to student learning

Teachers need to use their knowledge of student

learning and technology to design, manage, and facilitate a student-centered, multidimensional learning environment.

NTeQ and the Student

• The student is actively engaged in learning process.

• The student assumes the role of a researcher.

• The student becomes technologically competent.

NTeQ and the Computer

• As a learning tool. • An extension of what the student are able to do

for themselves • Computers become an integral part of the lesson • Allows more time for discovery and research • Use to manage, retrieve and manipulate data

NTeQ and the Lesson

Student-centered Problem-based Authentic Dependent on the integration of technology Not used for every lesson

Teacher analysis of lesson and outcomes will determine is technology integration will benefit student learning

NTeQ and the Environment

The Activities Clearly defined Aligned to objectives Meet the needs of diverse learners Use resources Interdisciplinary

The Rotation Efficient use of resources Student groups

NTeQ Lesson Plan Model

Computer Functions

Specify Problem

Data Manipulation

Results Presentation

Specify Objectives

Activities During

Computer Use

Activities Before

Computer Use

Activities After

Computer Use

Supporting Activities


How does the NTeQ Model compare with a traditional classroom?

Discussion of Tables created to summarize this comparison.

NTeQ: Specify Objectives

Based on standards, benchmarks or curriculum materials

NTeQ: Match Computer Functions

Identify relationships between objectives and functions a computer can perform.

Analyze…….spreadsheet or database Draw or design……..drawing or graphics software Appendix A in text for more

NTeQ: Specify the Problem

NTeQ Lesson uses an inquiry or problem-based approach. Students provided or identify a problem to solve Problems can come from existing lesson plans Relevant, student can relate to and understand

NTeQ: Data Manipulation

Students will gather data Observation Experimentation Internet search

What are they expected to do with data based on lesson objectives

Calculate averages, graph, sort, summarize

NTeQ: Results Presentation

How will students present their knowledge? Written or oral reports Newspapers Posters Web pages Books

NTeQ: Activities During Computer Use

•How many computers are available?•What activities will be completed on a computer? •Clear expectations on how students will use technology

NTeQ: Activities Before Computer Use

Activities to prepare for computer use to make time efficient and effective

Search terms to use in an Internet search Organize data for graphing Outline before writing

NTeQ: Activities After Computer Use

Reflective, higher-level thinking about data collected and manipulated Need to develop questions and a plan for encouraging the students to reflect and analyze

NTeQ: Supporting Activities

Other activities required to accomplish the objective, but do not require use of the computer

Silent reading Group discussion Teacher-lead discussion Use of manipulatives

Important to consider for classroom with only a few computers.

NTeQ: Assessment

Alternative assessments

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