integrity this rbi is being written to discuss integrity

Post on 03-Apr-2015






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INTEGRITY This RBI is being written to discuss Integrity. Integrity is not just a word that defines honesty and trust, but it is also one of the words that makes up and defines the Army Values. Integrity is probably one of the most valuable and worth meaning word the Army uses. The Army defines Integrity as doing what is right always, mentally, morally, and physically. Doing what is right always, means being able to do everything you are supposed to when no one is around to watch you or being able to do things you are told to do without having anyone be there to supervise you, being able to have people trust and believe in you that you will do what your told, like from a NCO. Being able to do little missions and have every one trust you to get it done is a very important aspect of being in the Army. If no one can trust you when they tell you to do a mission, you won’t be asked to do anything, you won’t be put in charge of anything, and you won’t get to go to any schools, especially any schools you actually want to go to. Integrity also works the same way when you are at a school or away from your company. While at the school or class or whatever you might be at. Letting your company, or team leader know what is going on with you at your school or class is a must and you also must be honest and tell them the truth, like maybe if you get counseled while at school for any reason at all you just might let your team leader squad leader or platoon sergeant know about this so they know what is going on with you, being truthful with everyone will show them that you can be trusted even if things are not going good for you in school or class, they might even say they will try and help you out with your class, but as soon as you go in to talk to them for help, you most likely get yelled at and also get talked down to like you’re an idiot, and you feel like you wished you wouldn’t have even let them know you were having trouble because now you look like a fool and an idiot, so next time you don’t and then you get into even more trouble because now they say you can’t be trusted and that you don’t have any Integrity. You earn integrity by doing what you are told and doing it without having to be supervised and if you continue to do everything that is asked of you and more every time your supervisors will learn and come to trust you because they can count on you to do what they ask, they won’t question your word or integrity. Then there is integrity like good conduct. Good conduct can be described as conducting yourself in a professional manor at all times, being in the Army you must conduct yourself in a professional manor at all times, especially for being part of the Military Police Corps, we always have to be conducting ourselves in a professional manor, we always must maintain professionalism, because we are always being watched. If you screw up and do not conduct yourself in a professional manor you will pay for it, and it won’t be very nice in most cases. For example if you are failing a class and you decide to take a drop make sure you know what you are doing or getting yourself into, because every one that sent you to that class or school is expecting you to finish, if you take the drop you will not be conducting yourself in a professional manor. MENTALY MORAL: This one may be a little hard to discuss and describe. I have no idea what to say or write, but I will do my best, besides moral integrity is at stake once again. Being mentally moral really doesn’t have too much to do with anyone else but you. In my opinion being mentally fit or having mentally integrity is a big part of being in the Army or in whatever professional field you might be working in is really important. If you can’t be mentally honest or true with yourself then how can you be honest and true with anyone else? If you don’t trust yourself and be honest or true with yourself then how are you going to be honest and true with anyone else, you can’t be honest and true up stairs everyone will think you are a basket case and just write you off as an idiot and someone that they will never trust to do anything, cause you lie to yourself everyone else will think of you as a liar. For example if something is wrong and you keep telling yourself everything is all good, and everyone

around you can see that something is wrong but you won’t admit it then you show everyone else that you are not mentally fit and that you are in denial and that is not good because then you will end up being put in for testing and if you can’t handle the truth with yourself then how can you handle being truthful and honest with anyone else. Kind of a messed up situation you would find yourself in. If this part didn’t make much since then it was a good paragraph because I have no idea what to say about this, couldn’t even find it on line to help with this part of the essay. Hell everyone says they are good when they really not, maybe money, or spouse or something, in that case every one is a victim of not being in a mentally fit or mental integrity position. So basically being good in your head and having you melon in good shape and believing and trusting your self will greatly help you and others to see that you are actually mentally fit and you have good mental integrity. PHYSICAL INTEGRITY: Wow only seven hundred and three words to go. Physical integrity is good to have. I think physical integrity has something or a lot to do with your ability to keep your personal appearance. It may also be part of or involved with physical contact or physical harassment with others mostly with the opposite sex. Unwanted physical contact is physical assault and harassment. If you find yourself lowered to this you have no discipline or physical integrity. Conducting physical assault or harassment will let other know how much of a coward and dog you are. You will also be looked down upon on by your peers, supervisors and chain of command. You will also not be trusted by any one, and will find yourself in a shit load of trouble, that in the end you will find was not worth it. You would receive a dishonorable discharge from the Army and also find yourself in jail and will probably end up being some ones little friend and not the type of friend you want to be. This punishment will never leave it will follow you forever, and it will forever be on your record as a physical assaulter, try getting a job with that one on you. Not very likely with that, you will forever be branded. I mentioned earlier that physical integrity also has to do with keeping your appearance. This means that you must have the discipline to keep yourself in top condition as well as keeping your uniform in good or actually great working condition. Keeping yourself fit is doing and conducting physical training (PT), but also keeping your appearance good as well. Like shaving every morning for males. (Actually some females could shave and it wouldn’t hurt them, they might have a little peach fuss starting on their upper lip). As well as keeping your hair cut to regulation, bathing regularly, wearing of deodorant, all play a vital role in keeping yourself physically fit. Being able to keep yourself physically fit gives you physical integrity, being able to do what is right always. The discipline you show to keep yourself physically fit shows that you can be trusted to always be in good physical condition, and to always be in the right uniform for that day. Being able to be trusted to keep yourself in good condition doesn’t really show much in your opinion but it does matter in the minds and eyes of your peers and chain of command. It shows them that you can be trusted with this tiny little mission every day. Keeping your uniform in good working condition plays the same part or role as keeping yourself in good physical condition. Your uniform is a major part of our job and life as Army soldiers. Your uniform is the first thing everyone and their brother sees. If your uniform is all jacked up then it doesn’t speak to good about you. It shows that you really don’t care about yourself or your appearance if your uniform is messed up; it shows that you do not have the discipline or care it takes, which is not that much to keep yourself looking good, looking like a professional. Not only do you have to have your uniform in good condition for the day to work, but you must also be in the correct uniform for that day. Morning be in the correct pt uniform, and at start of business the correct ACU uniform with everything you will need for the day, with everything on your uniform that belongs on your

uniform. Being able to do these two simple tasks or missions on a day to day basis shows that you have the care and discipline it takes and requires having physical integrity. Showing you have physical integrity will help others see that you have integrity itself.

So in summing this whole thing or mess of things that it might seem to be, I’m going with the mess of things more. I talked and discussed not only integrity but the three main types of integrity well four if you count integrity. In keeping good physical, mental and moral integrity you will show that you can be trusted to do what is right always, and that will show others, your peers and your chain of command you can be trusted and that you have integrity. Integrity in all the forms that make up integrity itself. Hopefully it makes some sense, if not sorry, I’m not a writer or columnist. The exact count of words is 2.058; I have the word counter on.

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