intelligent design vs. accidental origin the origin of information and the genetic code in dna by...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Intelligent Designvs.

Accidental OriginThe Origin of Information

And the Genetic Code in DNABy Timothy D. Boyle

Aims of this presentationAims of this presentation

• The Issue: Can undirected natural processes alone produce information, such as is stored in DNA?

• The Evidence: How DNA works and why intelligent input is required for its existence.

• The Conclusion: An intelligence vastly superior to us is behind it all.

• The Issue: Can undirected natural processes alone produce information, such as is stored in DNA?

• The Evidence: How DNA works and why intelligent input is required for its existence.

• The Conclusion: An intelligence vastly superior to us is behind it all.

What Is DNA?

The most compact information storage system in existence.

One teaspoon of DNA could hold the design information of all species of life that have ever existed and still have room to encode every book that has ever been written.

Video Clip from “Unlocking the Mystery of


Video Clip from “Unlocking the Mystery of


(please stand by) (please stand by)

The Universal Genetic CodeThe Universal Genetic Code

The 64 “codons” code for the 20 amino acids that make up all proteins

The 64 “codons” code for the 20 amino acids that make up all proteins

Similarity to Computer Codes and Braille

Similarity to Computer Codes and Braille

Storage of information in a computer: Long series of 0’s and 1’s arranged in groups of 8 (=1 “byte”). 256 combinations

01100011 10011001 00110010 10100110 10101010

Storage of information in a computer: Long series of 0’s and 1’s arranged in groups of 8 (=1 “byte”). 256 combinations

01100011 10011001 00110010 10100110 10101010

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are needed to see this picture.

Braille: Series of raised dots (or no dots) arranged in groups of 6.

64 possible combinations for one Braille character =“codon”

Redundancy in the Genetic Code


“Junk” DNA?“Junk” DNA?

“Genes”: sections of DNA that code for proteins

“Genes”: sections of DNA that code for proteins

Non-coding DNA: Previously thought to be “junk” (baggage) — imperfections resulting from random chemical processes

Now understood to perform critical functions, such as regulating genes

DNA: The Language of Creation

DNA: The Language of Creation

What constitutes a language?

DNA has these same components

What constitutes a language?

DNA has these same components

Encoding system (alphabet)




Naturalism’s Response

Natural patterns of great complexity

While a snow flake may be very intricate on a macro scale, it is only a simple, repeating pattern on a micro scale.

Patterns versus Designs

What’s the difference between these two?

Self-organization and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Self-organization and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Self-organizing properties in nature

Chemical properties + right environment + time = patterns

Huge gap between patterns and designs: the Information Gap

Self-organizing properties in nature

Chemical properties + right environment + time = patterns

Huge gap between patterns and designs: the Information Gap

Chance versus Intention

Repetitive Patterns versus Specified

Complexity 偶然と意図の違い

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Where does information come from?

Matter and energy all by themselves cannot produce information. They can only serve as a medium for storing or transporting information.

Information cannot be created without intent.

There are no examples of information that are created without intent.

Dimensions of DesignDimensions of Design

Matter and Energy are analogous to spatial dimension of length and width.

If one were limited to only two dimensions of space, one’s mobility (creativity) would be severely restricted.

Information is like the 3rd dimension of space. It allows for almost infinite creativity.

Matter and Energy are analogous to spatial dimension of length and width.

If one were limited to only two dimensions of space, one’s mobility (creativity) would be severely restricted.

Information is like the 3rd dimension of space. It allows for almost infinite creativity.

Three Kinds of “Evolution”Three Kinds of “Evolution”

1. Deliberate Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = Design

1. Deliberate Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = Design

2. Random Mutation + Deliberate Selection + Time = Design

3. Random Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = “Design”? (Darwinian Evolution)

Dobzhanski’s Fruit Fly Mutation ExperimentsDobzhanski’s Fruit Fly Mutation Experiments

Only defective fruit flies produced

Conclusion: Random Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = ?

The probability of extinction vastly exceeds that of evolutionary advance.

Only defective fruit flies produced

Conclusion: Random Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = ?

The probability of extinction vastly exceeds that of evolutionary advance.

Random mutations always destroy information

Random mutations always destroy information

Information created from the top down — never the bottom up.

Mutations work only from the bottom up.

Noise (mutations) never improves the signal.

Information created from the top down — never the bottom up.

Mutations work only from the bottom up.

Noise (mutations) never improves the signal.

The Blind Watchmaker ?The Blind Watchmaker ?

Richard Dawkins’ example: Begins with random letters and gets a line from Shakespeare: “Methinks it is like a weasel.”

But this is not true Darwinian evolution. It is like “Scrabble” (random mutations + deliberate selection)

Richard Dawkins’ example: Begins with random letters and gets a line from Shakespeare: “Methinks it is like a weasel.”

But this is not true Darwinian evolution. It is like “Scrabble” (random mutations + deliberate selection)

Design at Every LevelDesign at Every Level◊ Atomic Scale: DNA

◊ Astronomical Scale: The Universe

◊ Requires either design in properties (fine tuning) or design in information content (and often both are present).

◊ Atomic Scale: DNA

◊ Astronomical Scale: The Universe

◊ Requires either design in properties (fine tuning) or design in information content (and often both are present).


Of the two choices available to us, chance or design, both must be accepted on faith.

Unless ruled out for philosophical reasons, design is the obvious choice.

Design points to purpose. We are not a “dumb accident.” The Creator has a purpose in mind.

Of the two choices available to us, chance or design, both must be accepted on faith.

Unless ruled out for philosophical reasons, design is the obvious choice.

Design points to purpose. We are not a “dumb accident.” The Creator has a purpose in mind.

Appendix: Is this a “God-of-the-gaps” argument?

A “God-of-the-gaps” argument is based on what we don’t know.

The “Design Inference” is based on what we do know.

Naturalism actually employs a “no-God-of-the-gaps” argument.

“Methodological Naturalism”

The claim is that science can only function on the basis of “methodological naturalism”

This is true for “empirical science” but not necessarily true for “historical science” (the history of life).

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