international marketing project for procter and gamble

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International marketing project for Procter & Gamble featuring Ariel.





Mn313 – International Marketing

P&G Global Marketing Strategy

14th of November 2013



Team Continental 14th November 2013

Andrew Hight is a 21 year old

marketing major with a minor in business administration at NKU. Some of his hobbies include baseball and bowling. His dream job is to become the marketing director for the Cincinnati Reds. His email address is :

T.J Vogelpohl is also studying a marketing major at NKU. Some of his hobbies include sports, camping and horse riding.His dream job is to become the managing director of P&G. His email address is :



Rebecca  Brown  is  a  19  year  old  who  is  studying  Business  and  Management  at  Nuim.  Her  hobbies  include  playing  badmington  and  other  sports.  Her  dream  job  is  to  become  a  primary  school  teacher.  Her  email  address  is  :  


Amyrose  Broughall  is  a  21  year  old  student  studying  Business  and  Management  at  Nuim.  Her  hobbies  are  fashion  and  playing  tennis.  Her  dream  job  is  to  own  her  own  multinational  ladies  fashion  company.  Her  email  address  is:  


Andrew  Mccabe  is  currently  20  years  of  age  and  studying  Business  and  management  at  Nuim.  His  hobbies  include  sports,fitness  and  computers.  His  dream  job  is  to  become  the  managing  director  for  Microsoft.  His  email  address  is  :  


Sean  Purcell  is  20  years  of  age  and  studying  Business  and  Management  at  Nuim.  His  hobbies  include  playing  hurling  and  socialising  with  friends.  His  dream  job  is  to  become  Chairman  of  Arsenal  football  club.  His  email  address  is  :  



Background – Procter and Gamble have a problem. The problem P&G are facing is to develop a globally scalable conceptual idea and long term activation plan across various touch points that would lead to Tide/Ariel’s objectives of converting 70% of wash loads into cold water by 2020. The problem arises from the global need to develop a more sustainable way of living. Cold-water washing saves on energy cost while reducing the carbon footprint of households. Ariel/Tide are the products Procter & Gamble are going to use to converter 70% of wash loads to cold water by 2020. The problem P&G face stems essentially from consumer habits. This is a major obstacle for P&G as it is extremely difficult to change/alter traditions once they are set in place. For this reason, Ariel / Tide Coldwater would benefit most from targeting younger generation consumers (under 35’s) and Generation X consumers who have not yet developed strict routines or traditions. It is most easier for these consumers to develop a new habit than it is for existing consumers to change there existing habits.

Recommendations -

• Target young generation consumers through a variety of Social Media mediums in the hope of influencing their forming habits.

• Change information on packaging to highlight impact of unsustainable living. • Create an advertising campaign through online social media and smart phone apps.

aimed at informing the client about cold-water washing and how to introduce this into their daily routine.

Rationale -

Targeting young generation consumers will create a wide range of oppurtunities for Ariel/Tide Coldwater. Young generation consumers have yet to form their lifelong habits and Ariel can use this to embed their brand in the new habits and practices of these developing consumers. Social Media is the key to targeting these consumers. (Nielson,2013) states that “App usage now accounts for more than a third of social networking time across PCs and mobile devices”. By creating a mobile app, Ariel/Tide Coldwater can deliver information on how to wash in cold-water, the benefits of cold-water washing and ways to maximize financial savings to a wider range of consumers while also targeting the younger generation consumers through a means of communication built into their everyday routines.

Ariel should incorporate an informative element to their packaging. Consumers selected their products with their eyes and emotions. It is important that Ariel adapt a packaging, which displays a more emotional side to the brand. Ariel could adapt an approach that informs the client of the risks involved with unsustainable living practices. The brand should communicate the message through a visual campaign comprising of a number of images relating to the effects of global warming and unsustainable living.

Consumers are also using social media to find out more information about brands, products and services, and to find deals and purchase incentives. Online social media presence will allow Ariel to provide this information to consumers about their product while maintaining consumer relations. 65% of social media users learn more about brand/products and service online (Neilson,2013). By creating a social media advertising campaign, Ariel will reach a larger target audience than through any other advertising methods. Research shows that more than a quarter of social media users say they are more likely to pay attention to an ad shared by one of their social connections. A positive social media presence will boost Ariel/ Tide Cold-waters brand equity, pushing the brand closer to its goal of converting 70% of wash loads into cold water by 2020.



Goal of 70% wash loads converting to  cold-­‐water  by  2020.  

Tide/Ariel  Brand  Equity  

Tide/Ariel 10/2013

1. Target young generation consumers through social media.

2. Change information on packaging to show impact of unsustainable living.

3. Creat an advertising campaign through social media and smart phone apps.

Ariel/Tide  Coldwater  2020  

App usuage accounts for a third of time spent  on  social  media  

65% of social media users learn about brands, products and services online.

One Quarter of social media users say they are more likely to pay attention to an ad shared by their social  connections.  



Swot Analysis for Ariel in the Irish Industry


Leading Market Position – Procter & Gamble and the Ariel brand hold a leading market position in the industry for laundry detergents. P&G is the market leader in fabric care with global market share of approximately 33%, through key brands such as Ariel and Tide. (Datamonitor, 2010).

Competitive Advantages- Being the first company to introduce stain removing enzymes to their product line has created a marketing leading advantage for this brand. In 2007, Ariel re-launched their 30 degree wash campaign positioning the brand as the marketing leading detergent for a sustainable lifestyle.

Price Quantity and Variety- Ariel in ireland produce a wide range of products that vary in quantity and price. The wide selection of quantities allows for new consumers to test the products while reducing the cost for the consumer.


Weak Packaging- Ariel brand is distinctive but uninformative. There is little visual evidence on the brand packaging to highlight the sustainable qualities of the brand. Although the Ariel packaging has distinctive qualities such as colour and logo, it does not advertise the benefits of 30 degree washing.

Lack of Promotion- Ariel is brand recognised for its high quality and performance but also its high price point in comparison to competitors. Research has shown that Ariel tend to offer consumers additional value rather than compete on a pricing bases. However, consumers typically prefer price promotions that increase their purchasing power.

Limited Target Market- At present, Ariel has a limited target market. They currently target mothers, families and home-owners. Although this is a largest base of those shopping in the supermarkets, it elements market segments such as students, elderly people, couples, large hospitality companies etc. Should Ariel expand the target market base, there brand may gain additional market share and maintain its reputation as a market leading brand.


Brand Reputation - Procter &Gamble has one of the largest and strongest portfolio mix of quality brands such as Tide and Ariel. (Datamonitor, 2007) Both of Ariel and Tide have leading market share in their relevant industries providing P&G with a competitive efficiency unmatched in the industry.



First Mover Advantage- Being one of the first brands to introduce cold-water washing to the market in 2007 has given Ariel a market lead. Ariel are extremely successful in positioning the brand as a market leader in cold-water washing detergents. Independent research carried out by IPC Green Matters 2007 after the 30 degree wash campaign attributed high brand linkage between Ariel and 88% of those that now washed at 30°C. (The Marketing Society., 2012)

Changing Lifestyle of Consumers- Since the economic downturn in 2007, consumers have begun adapting and changing their lifestyle habits and practices. For Ariel, this creates an opportunity for Ariel to embed this brand into the new developing lifestyle of its consumers. Ariel sees this change in lifestyle as an opportunity to change consumer habits of washing clothes in high temperature for a more cost efficient, sustainable way of living.


Wide selection of substitute products- New and Innovative products for Cold-Water Washing are beginning to appear on the Irish Market. Dettol Antibacterial Laundry Cleanser was introduced to the Irish market communicating that it best performances in a 40 degree wash and all advertisement’s represent this along with Dettol’s slogan of “ Killing 99.9% of germs”. To date this is the biggest competitor of Ariel in terms of Cold-Water Washing.

Aggressive price competition- Ariel operates in a market with intense competition. The brand faces price wars from privately branded firms and luxury branded firms such as Unilever and Johnson & Johnson. Ariel must strive for continuous innovation and competitive pricing as this industry becomes more saturated with substitute products. (Datamonitor, 2007)

Negative Press relating to Cold-Water Washing - Cold-water washing is viewed as insufficient and un-hygienic by consumers. This is largely due to the negative press it has received in the previous year. (Foster, 2013) states that “30c is actually the temperature in which we incubate bugs to grow them for experiments”. Contradicting information is continuously published on this topic and this is creating confusion and distrust for the consumer.

Swot Analysis for Tide in the US industry.

Strengths Superior Competitiveness – Tide, as a brand within the Procter and Gamble organization, display superior competitiveness above all other market brands. As stated in (Steiner, 2013) “Tide, were superior vertical and horizontal competitors” in the market for laundry detergents. Positive Brand Reputation – Tide and P&G are viewed as a superior brand in the US market. For the consumer, Tide represents innovation, superiority and excellent quality. (Steiner, 2013) States that “In recent years Consumer Reports has given Procter brands, especially Tide, top ratings for overall cleaning performance in the industry”. Excellent Quality and Performance – Tide laundry detergents are seen as some of the best on the market. The excellent quality and performance they provide is recognized by their current target market, leading to a loyal customer base and trust within the brand. “In the 2009, 2010, and 2011



Consumer Reports, Tide brands had by far the best performance ratings during these three years”. (Steiner, 2013) Price Quantity and Variety – P&G and Tide understand that globalization of a brand can only be successful when certain adaptations are made for individual markets. Tide has developed thirteen regional versions of Tide detergents to ensure excellent quality in all possible eventualities. (Steiner, 2013)

Weaknesses Limited Target Market – Tide, through its numerous marketing campaigns has restricted the target market the brand appeals to. Typically, Tide is aimed at the housewives, older men/women and parents. In doing this, they have cut out the younger generations such as students, new homeowners and the younger generation of workers. High Price Point – Although this creates an opportunity for the organization to maximize profits, it limits the consumers who are able and willing to purchase this product. Tide, is one of the highest priced laundry detergents in the US market. Tide rarely take part in any form of deal or price promotion making it difficult for lower middle class consumers to purchase this product. Opportunities Difficulty of Entrances – Tide have created a barrier to entry in the US laundry detergent industry through superior quality and performance and first-mover advantage. Tide, was establish and progressing expertly in the market before any other substitute detergents were available and “It was not until 1948 that Lever with Surf and Colgate with Fab entered their rival laundry detergents.” (Steiner, 2013) Market Leader in the US industry for Laundry Detergents – Procter and Gamble are a clear market leader in this industry. Being the first to introduce modern-day laundry detergents to the market has ensure a certain standard of quality and performance that only Tide has achieved to date. As stated by (Steiner, 2013) “The Rosenthal Memo concluded that “Procter [was] obviously the leader in the industry in every way”. P&G and Tide do not participate in deal prices. This has enabled P&G to retain a higher average price per product without damaging high sales or profits.


Consumer Mindset- Tide is already strongly positioned in the mind of consumers for its quality and performance in a hot-water wash. Changing this could prove extremely difficult as traditions and habits come into play. Tide must be careful that they do not damage the many strengths and opportunities present to the organization through the introduction of Tide cold-water wash.

Substitute goods- Tide Coldwater faces intense completion on the US market. Brands such as Gain and Arm&Hammer compete against Tide Coldwater on a quality and price bases. As own-branded products are beginning to develop further on the market, Tide Coldwater must continue to maintain its market leading status in order to compete with these brands.



Ariel’s Target Market in Ireland

Ariel is a market leading brand in laundry detergent in Ireland. The two main target market segments for Ariel in Ireland are:

1. Younger Generation Segment (Aged 18-34) – Ariel must become market leaders in targeting new younger generation consumers. These consumers are developing consumers. Preferences and habits have not yet been fully embedded in this consumer segment. The targeting of this market segment can create a loyal customer base for Ariel. Research reported by the National Consumer Agency of Ireland states that Irish consumers do not typically switch between products and services once a relationship is developed. Figures show that a fall from 43% to 32% per product switch has occurred in the Irish Market in 2013. Ariel understands the benefits of creating and maintaining loyal relationships with the consumer and for this reason the younger generation consumers should be a main focal point of the new marketing campaign.

2. Generation X (woman aged 35 – 50) - Ariel must also continue to target existing consumers of the brand. This target segment are concerned with sustainable living and a more effective way of doing laundry. According to the National Consumer Agency of Ireland, 72% of woman are responsible for shopping and grocery duties in the household. (National Consumer Agency, 2013). These consumers are price sensitive consumer who live by a strict budget. A survey carried out by the National Consumer Agency of Ireland showed 66% of irish consumers will rotate their shopping outlets based on price or promotional offers. Ariel is recognized by this market segment as a market leading brand on quality and performance. These consumers understand that Ariel products will make the duty of washing much easier for the consumer while reducing compromise on price.

It is important that Ariel combines these two consumers to create a large, profitable customer base for the brand.

Positioning of the Ariel brand in the Irish Market.

Ariel is currently being positioned as a middle-to-high end brand of laundry detergent that provides excellent quality and performance to the consumer with no compromise on sustainability. The Ariel brand boast quality, cost efficiency and sustainability.The brand is seen as one of the top 10 laundry detergent brands in Ireland for quality and performance. The Ariel product, which boast best performance at 30 degrees also contains in-tangible benefits for the consumer.These in-tangible benefits include reduced energy bills as a direct result of washing in cold-water. Through effective and successful positioning Procter & Gamble and Ariel products are responsible for 36% of the Irish laundry care market. Procter & Gamble represent 4 of the top 10 brands in laundry care on the Irish Market and Ariel is one of these brands. The current value proposition “Locks in just washed freshness for up to 8 hours” addresses the quality and performance benefits to the consumer but does not highlight the environmental benefits associated with this product. In order to position Ariel best in the mind of the consumer, Ariel should consider adding an element to the value proposition that incorporates the environmentally friendly benefits of the product.



The Republic of Ireland

Below are images of the two target market segment for Ariel in Ireland

Generation X Young generation consumer

High Quality.

Low Quality





Tesco Own-Brand



72% of woman responsible for grocery duties in Ireland.

Ariel one of the top 10 brand in laundry care in Ireland.

66% of Irish consumers change shopping outlet for price and product promotions elsewhere.

Decrease of 11% in the amount of consumers switching products in Ireland.



Tide’s target market in the US

Tide is a marketing leading brand in laundry detergent in the Us. Below are the two main target market segments for Tide in the US:

1. Millennials – Millennials are developing consumers between the ages of 18-32. This market segment are the new generation of consumers. The purchasing power of this generation can provide excellent opportunities for a brand like Tide. Millennial consumers are becoming increasingly aware of their carbon footprint and the effects associate with unsustainable living practices. In order for Tide Coldwater to be successful, this market segment must be successfully targeted. In the US, the best way to target this market segment is through social media. According to (Neilson,2013) US millennials between the age of 18-34 spend approxiamatly 20 hours per week on social networking sites accounting for 11% of their time weekly. A social media presence for Tide Coldwater will ensure that the message of the brand is understood by this consumer.

2. Generation X - Generation X consumer segment consists of woman aged between 33-44 with families. This consumer segment are consider with value for money and a more sustainable way of living. Consumers in this category want to provide their families with the best possible head start in life from the food they eat to the products they use to clean the laundry. This consumer segment is also price and time sensitive. It is important for Tide Coldwater to communicate their message to this consumer in a manor that is quick and effective. When targeting this consumer, radio and on-the-go social media have the greatest reach points.

These two consumer segments combined account for approximately one third of US consumers. Successful targeting of these two market segments can ensure the lifelong success of Tide Coldwater on the US market.

Positioning of Tide Coldwater in the US market-

Tide ColdWater brand is positioned as an environmentally friendly product which is cost effective for the consumer. Tide Coldwater demonstrates the same level of stain removal as original Tide products, however, Tide Coldwater is a more cost effective product. The use of Tide Coldwater reduces energy bills for the consumer and ensure a longer lifecycle for laundry washed at 30 degrees. The current value proposition for Tide Coldwater is “Brilliant Clean, at lower temperatures”. This value proposition addresses the benefits to the environment and the laundry but not the financial benefits to the consumer. In order to position Tide-Coldwater more effectively, the brand should include an element highlighting the financial benefits of purchasing this product.



The United States

Below are images of the two target market segments for Tide Coldwater in the US

Generation X – (woman aged 33-44) Millennials – (Aged 18-32)

High  Quality  

Low  Quality  

Expensive  Cheap  



 Arm  and  Hammer  

Great  Value  


18-­‐24’s  spend  20  hours  per  week  online.  

Generation  X  are  time  and  price  sensitive.  

 Tide  target  market  segment  account  for  one  –  third  of  US  population.  



Ariel Marketing Mix in Ireland

Product: Ariel laundry detergent is a product produced by Procter & Gamble. Ariel detergent is a new product formulated to work best at 30 degree wash tempeture. It is available in a wide range of forms and quantities ranging from liguids to powder. It is also available in a wide range of quanitities ranging from a 10 wash to 50 wash.

Price   :  Ariel  detergent   ranges   in  price   depending   on   the   form  and   quantities   purchased.   Ariel  detergent   is   more   expensive  than   many   other   irish   brands,  however,   Ariel   does   provide   a  range   of   price   promotions   to  consumers   at   intervils  throughout   the   year.   Ariel  pricing  ranges  from €5 -15.

Place: Ariel products are available in a wide range of retail outlets in Ireland ranging from large chain retail stores to small localised businesses. The two largest retailers of Ariel products in Ireland are Dunnes Stores and Tesco. Both of these stores have online shopping hubs however, that is the only online shopping presence Ariel displays.

Promotion  :  Ariel  promotes  its  brand   through   a   number   of  consumer   touch   points   such  as  :  

• Instore  Promotions.  • TV   and   Radio  

Campaigns.  • Online   Advertising  


Ariel   in   Ireland   is   promoted  mainly   instore   and   on  Tv/Radio   to   consumers   in  Ireland.  







Tide Marketing Mix in the US


 Product: Tide Coldwater is a laundry detergent produced by Procter and Gamble which encourages consumers to wash in coldwater. The product boasts best performance in 30 degree wash temperture ensure reduced energy consumption for the consumer. The product is available in a wide range of forms such as powder,gel pods and liguids and in a wide varied of sizes ranging from 50oz to 150oz.

Price: Tide Coldwater ranges in price depending on product form and size. Tide coldwater is more expensive than other detergent brand on the market ranging in price from $11-17.

The high price is covered by additional saving made on energy costs through the use of cold-water vs. hot-water.  

Place : TideColdwater is available for purchase in a wide range of retail outlets throughout the US. The largest retail seller of Tide Coldwater is Walmart. Tide Coldwater is available for purchase in other small localised business and online from stores such as Walmart and Amazon.  

Promotion: Tide Coldwater promotes its product range through a number of methods such as :

• Instore promotions. • Online Social Media • Television and Radio


Tide Coldwater main promotional campaign is through its only Facebook page which currently has approximatly 3,900,000 likes.







Global Marketing Strategy Tide Coldwater and Ariel face a challenge when developing a global marketing strategy that will result in consumers converting 70% of wash loads into cold-water by 2020. This is an achievable goal should Procter & Gamble adapt a globally relevant and effective marketing campaign. Through an in-depth SWOT analysis of the American market for Tide Coldwater and the Irish market for Ariel and a marketing mix analysis of both these markets, I have come to the following recommendations: Global Social Media Marketing Campaign - Procter and Gamble should adapt a global marketing campaign using social media networks and Apps. This should be adapted to the individual market. For example, when promoting Tide Coldwater in the US, Procter & Gamble should launch the marketing campaign on Facebook. This is the largest american social networking site. When promoting Tide Coldwater/ Ariel in China, Procter & Gamble should launch the campaign on, the largest chinese social networking site. In addition to an online marketing campaign, Ariel/Tide Coldwater should develop a smartphone app that provides the consumer with tips and tricks for washing in cold-water. This app will be a helpful tool that will assist the consumer in the adaptation to cold-water washing. It will show video demonstrations on how to use the products and the best tips for cold-water washing.The app will be available in a range of app stores across a wide range of smart phones ensuring a large touch point for the brand. This app will communicate Tide Coldwater/ Ariel message on sustainability through educating the consumer on more sustainable laundry routines. The app should be launched on the market at the same time as the global social media marketing campaign and a direct link from the campaign touch points to the relevant app stores should be made.

In-store Demonstrations – Procter & Gamble will provide in-store demonstrations in its largest retail outlets on a regular on-going bases. These demonstrations will provide training to consumer on how to best utilize these products while also demonstrating the benefits of these products to consumers who have not yet purchased the product. This touch point will be key for Procter & Gamble as in-store demonstrators can deal with issues and concerns as they arise for the consumer.

Social Media Competition – The global social media campaign should include an online competition. Procter & Gamble should create a competition for social media users with the prize being 1 years supply of washing detergent. In order to win, social media users should be required to like the relevant brands social media page, share the social media page and leave a comment or note stating what they like best about the Ariel/Tide Coldwater Brand. This will ensure that the brands has an extended reach to social media users while also generating positive brand morale through client perceptions of the organization.

Sample Give-Away – Procter & Gamble will provide sample size products to Universities and Colleges in the regions it wishes to target during university events and open days. This will encourage millennials to test this product while positioning the Ariel brand as a student friendly product. These give aways will provide instructions on how to best use the product.


Conclusion – The above report analysis a number of aspects of the Ariel/Tide Coldwater Brand. Through in-depth analysis of both the Irish and American Market, a number of target marketing, marketing mix and global marketing strategy recommendations have been made. I believe that all the recommendations contained inside this report will assist Procter & Gamble in achieving their long-term sustainability goal of converting 70% of wash loads to cold-water by 2020.




Datamonitor, 2007. Company Spotlight: Procter & Gamble. MarketWatch: Personal Care , Vol.6(1),


Datamonitor, 2010. Personal Care: Company Spotlight: Procter & Gamble.. MarketWatch: Global Round-up., Vol. 9(3), P.112-118.

Foster, J., 2013. The myth of the 30c 'money-saving' cycle: How your eco-friendly cool wash can infest your clothes with GERMS.. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 November 2013].

National Consumer Agency, 2013. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 november 2013].

Neilson, 2013. Social Media Report 2012. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 13].

Procter&Gamble, 2013. 2013 Annual Report. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2013].

Steiner, R., 2013. Management, market power, and Antitrust - Procter & Gamble and the U.S. laundry detergent industry.. The Antitrust Bulletin, Vol.58(No.2&3), p.521-573.

The Marketing Society., 2012. Marketing [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2013].

Wentz, L., 2005. P&G targets young adults in Germany with Ariel ads.. Advertising Age, Vol.79(49), p. P.19.

Yeshin,T.. (2006). Developing the theory of sales promotion. In: Thomson Learning Sales Promotion. London: Thomson Learning. P.68-70.




Coursework Reflection

Through the coursework for this assignment, I gained experience in working with an international marketing team. This was not an easy assignment and working in international teams did prove problematic at times. Meetings were difficult to co-ordinate due to the time difference and the mix of timetable’s by both Irish and American team members. When meetings did take place it was difficult to address issues with technology as we had no way of communicating the problem. The helpfulness and openness of colleagues allowed for a well rounded view of the topic at hand. All opinions were respected and brainstorming as a team was very effective when analysing ideas generated. However, even at this stage of the project we did face a number of frustrations. The major frustration we faced was communication issues. It was difficult in the first two weeks to understand exactly what each side of the team needed from one another. To further add to this frustration, we found it extremely difficult to find a medium of communication which suited both sides of the team. Timing was also an issue for our team. We found that the mix of schedules among our Irish colleagues and American colleges to be extremely complex and finding a mutual time was extremely difficult. It resulted in communication taking place over facebook, a medium which allowed us to communicate at times that suited us best and other teams members could receive these messages when they accessed the communication forum. At the start of the project, we faced issues communicating through WebEx as alot of the time the connection was to slow and would not allow us to verbally communicate while videoing. This took up allot of our time initially. After this we decide a private face book group was the best medium for communication. Once this was set up, we found that the language we would use to address Irish and American colleagues varied as they struggled to understand our slang. Given this opportunity again, I would remain in an Irish/American team. Although we did face a number of frustrations, we received a unique insight that may not have been achieved through an all Irish team. Also we gained important knowledge and experience on how to communicate with students/ work colleagues from a different cultural and geographical background.


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