international master cim 2014

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Frederico Rocha de Araújo

International Master – CIM 2014



International Master – CIM 2014

Frederico Rocha de Araújo



A dissertation for the conclusion of the

Corporate International Master’s, a joint program

between Georgetown University (USA), ESADE

(Spain) and FGV (Brazil) as a requirement for

obtaining the degree of Executive Master’s in

International Business from Georgetown

University’s McDonough School of Business,

Corporate Master of Business Administration from

ESADE Business School and Mestrado Executivo

em Gestão Empresarial, Stricto sensu (Executive

Master’s in Business Management) from

FGV/EBAPE, under the advising of Professor Dr.

Marcos Rego.

Rio de Janeiro 2015


Ficha catalográfica elaborada pela Biblioteca Mario Henrique Simonsen/FGV

Araújo, Frederico Rocha de A sociometric analysis for the creation of an integrated multicultural work team / Frederico Rocha de Araújo. – 2015. 69 f.

Dissertação (mestrado) - Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, Centro de Formação Acadêmica e Pesquisa.

Orientador: Marcos Lopez Rego. Inclui bibliografia.

1. Sociometria. 2. Grupos de trabalho. 3. Interação social. 4. Relações humanas. 5. Redes sociais. I. Rego, Marcos Lopez. II. Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas. Centro de Formação Acadêmica e Pesquisa. III. Título. CDD – 658.3145




To my wife, Raquel Fortes, for the unconditional support during the course and

encouragement throughout our life together. Thank you for your confidence. To my

parents, for the strong principles that have conducted my steps throughout my life’s

journey. To my colleagues, for the partnership, trust and support during this course,

which will change our personal and professional lives. For Prof. Brian Oglesbee, for the

English reviews of this dissertation and the papers during the course. And for all the

professors during the program, especially Professor Marcos Rego, for his guidance for

this dissertation and Doctor Andrea Claudia de Souza and Doctor Manoel Mendonça

for the essential insights for this dissertation.


“The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.” Anthony Robbins



This research aimed to apply the sociometric theory and its methodology to create an integrated multicultural work team. The study focused on the application of the sociometry theory, developed by Jacob L. Moreno in 1934, to analyze the small multicultural group. In the beginning, a review of the literature was done to have a better understanding of Sociometric Theory as well as the modern tools and software developed to analyze and map the social networks. After this part of the study, the qualitative study was done, in which 26 students from 12 countries, which studied together in a Corporate International Master (2014-2015), developed by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, Corporate Master of Business Administration from ESADE Business School and FGV/EBAPE, were surveyed and asked them to choose people, among the selected group, who they attracted, rejected or they were neutral towards, in 4 different scenarios: work team, leadership, trip (leisure time) and personal problem. Additionally, there were, two questions asked about how they felt when they answered the survey and which question(s) was/were difficult to answer and why. The focus on these two questions was to understand the emotional state of the respondents when they answered the survey and related this emotional state to the Sociometric Theory. The sociometric matrix, using Microsoft Excel, was created using the answers and the total of the positive, negative and neutral choices were analyzed for each scenario as well as the mutualities and incongruences of the choices. Furthermore, the software Kumu was used to analyze the connections between the people in the selected group using three metrics: size, degree centrality and indegree. Also Kumu was used to draw the social maps or sociometric maps. Using the relationship level analyses of the sociometric matrix and maps, it was possible to create an integrated multicultural work team. In the end, the results obtained suggest that it is possible to apply the sociometric methodology to study the relationships inside companies, project teams and work teams and identify the best work team based on the interrelationship between the people as well as the lack of communication among the team members, project team or inside the company as a whole.

Keywords: Sociometry, relationship, people, analysis, choices, multicultural and work team.


TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Classic Sociogram ................................................................................... 8

Figure 2 - Network Analysis Map - Gephi Software ............................................... 8

Figure 3 - Structure of Leadership – Popular Leader. ........................................... 13

Figure 4 - Structure of Leadership - Powerful Leaders. ........................................ 14

Figure 5 - Leadership Structure - Isolated Leader. ................................................ 15

Figure 6 - Project complexity triangle ................................................................... 19

Figure 7 - Level of impact on project complexity ................................................. 19

Figure 8 - Selected group profile. .......................................................................... 27

Figure 9 - Sociogram of Work Team ..................................................................... 30

Figure 10 - Sociogram of Leadership .................................................................... 34

Figure 11 - Negative choices of work Team .......................................................... 37

Figure 12 - Negative choices of Leadership .......................................................... 37

Figure 13 - Negative Choices of Trip .................................................................... 37

Figure 14 - Negative Choices of Personal Problems ............................................. 37

Figure 15 - Work Team - Positive and Neutral Choices ........................................ 46

Figure 16 - Isolated groups..................................................................................... 49


CHART LIST Chart 1 - Sociometric Matrix of Work Team ......................................................... 31

Chart 2 - Metric of Positive and Neutral choices ................................................... 32

Chart 3 - Metric of Negative choices ..................................................................... 32

Chart 4 - Analysis of Mutualities and Incongruences from Work Team Scenario33

Chart 5 - Sociometric Matrix of Leadership .......................................................... 35

Chart 6 - Analyses of Mutualities and Incongruences from Leadership ............... 36

Chart 7 - Sociometric Matrix of Trip ..................................................................... 38

Chart 8 - Sociometric Matrix of Personal Problem ............................................... 39

Chart 9 - Analysis of Mutualities and Incongruences from Trip Scenario ............ 40

Chart 10 - Analysis of Mutualities and Incongruences from Personal Problem ... 40

Chart 11- Opened question analysis ....................................................................... 41

Chart 12 - Integrated multicultural Work Team .................................................... 47



INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1

DISCUSSION………………...………………………………………………………….4 SOCIOMETRY THEORY .............................................................................................. 4 SOCIOGRAM ................................................................................................................. 7 SOCIOMETRIC TEST .................................................................................................. 10 SOCIOMETRIC CRITERION ...................................................................................... 11 SOCIOMETRIC MATRIX ............................................................................................ 12 SOCIOMETRIC LEADER ............................................................................................ 13 WORK PROJECT TEAM ............................................................................................. 16

Hard skills and soft skills ........................................................................................... 18

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 21 GROUP RESEARCHED ............................................................................................... 21 SOCIOMETRIC QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................................... 21 KUMU SOFTWARE ..................................................................................................... 26

DATA ANALISYS AND DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS ..................................... 27 ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIOMETRIC TEST ......................................................................... 28

Analysis of Teamwork Sociometric Test ................................................................... 30 Analysis of Leadership Sociometric Test ................................................................... 33 Analysis of Trip and Personal Problem’s Sociometric Tests .................................... 36

RESEARCH OPENED QUESTIONS ANALYSIS .................................................................... 41

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................... 46 HYPOTHETICAL INTEGRATED MULTICULTURAL WORK TEAM ....................................... 46 RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................................................... 49

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 52

APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................... 57 APPENDIX A: EXAMPLE OF MORENO’S SOCIOMETRIC MATRIX ................... 57 APPENDIX B: SOCIOMETRIC SYMBOLS AND INTERNAL STRUTUCRES....... 58

A Sociometric Analysis for the creation of an integrated multicultural work team

Frederico Rocha de Araújo

Because of the ongoing process of the modernization of society, difficulties within

relationships have increased. People have become more distant from each other and

unstable in terms of emotions, which contribute to a lack of healthy relationships

between the employees of companies.

McPherson, Smith-Levin and Brashears (2006, p.371) concluded that: “The

number of people who have someone to talk to about matters that are important to them

has declined dramatically, and the number of alternative discussion partners has


These problems have impacted countries, societies, families, institutions and

companies around the world because people have stopped talking (communicating) to,

and relating to each other, which have affected a whole.

In the case of companies, these problems in relationships have affected the success

of new businesses, projects, departments, and teams as well as their leadership.

Sometimes executives invest time and resources in the restructuring of their companies,

thinking over and rethinking the organizational charts, however, they fail in this process.

This happens because some of the real work in a company happens despite formal

organization. Krackhardt and Hanson (1993) wrote about these problems and studied

informal networks. These informal networks could be explained as relationship

networks that employees form inside their organizations, which can be created across

functions, departments and divisions.

When entrepreneurs, executives, human resource directors and leaders create

companies or projects and choose people to participate in their teams as members or

leaders, they focus on competence, professional background, experience, and so on.

However, these aforementioned professionals forget the capacity of the team

members to establish good relationships with their colleagues, mainly in terms of

emotional relationships between the team members.

Companies can find the failures causes in the negative tension within the team.

This tension affects the efficiency of this social group, according to Moreno (1934) or

could create a failure within the organizational networks (Krackhardt & Hanson, 1993).


One way to reduce this possible weak interaction within the team is the application

of sociometric methods to analyze the emotional relationships between the people who

are part of a social multicultural group (work team).

Sociometry is a method created by Moreno (1934) to study the interpersonal

connections of individuals and groups of all sizes. This methodology aims to improve

human relationships within the framework of the group. He wrote an important book

called Who Shall Survive?, which introduced Sociometry and his theory.

It is possible to use Sociometry to select the best team among a group of people

from different cultures, who work together, considering the level of relationships within

this group, as well as finding the leader for the selected team, using the team preferences

for a leader.

Additionally, when the leader knows the sociometric profile of his/her team, an

engagement and greater efficiency in the issues that their subordinates are involved in

is achieved, mainly because it unites like-minded people in the same project. So, the

inter-relationships between the team members increase and the team achieves success

(Krackhardt & Hanson, 1993).

Sociometry is a theory of human behavior. Its research was assigned to many types

of groups and small communities. One result found that what is applied in one group is

not applied to another group because each group is made up of different people. As a

result, each group reacts in a different way. Possibly, the research could have had

different results if they had introduced another or a different person into the group

analyzed (Moreno, 1934).

The importance of understanding the way that a person who belongs to a

multicultural group selects the people, who he or she wants to work with as a team as

well as who he or she chooses as a leader, based on the level of social relations among

them, is an important selection and creation process of an integrated multicultural work

team. Moreover, the choice of one group member directly affects the choice of a group

leader. So, if all the choices of the individuals in a group are considered and analyzed,

it is possible to select an integrated team and the right leader.

This dissertation research will fit in with Moreno’s research, only changing the

applicability. Moreno created his sociometric method by studying the behavior of

refugees in Austria and the relationship among the girls from the Hudson School for

(Delinquent) Girls (Smith, 1950).


Different from Moreno’s, this study is going to apply the method to identify how

executives could select people based on their emotional relationships with these people.

Besides, this research is interested in discovering who will be selected as a leader, and

what kind of leader this person will be, within Moreno's leader classification (Moreno,

1934). It also compares the leaders chosen naturally within the assumptions or criteria

presented as teamwork, leisure and confidence, with a specific criterion or question

about leadership.

Thus, this research will examine the application of the Sociometric research

methodology to a small and select group of international executives, who have never

worked together in a company. The objective is to analyze the level of emotional

relationships in a multicultural social group.

The main problem addressed is: How does sociometric theory contribute to the

selection and creation of an integrated multicultural work team, and give support to the

identification of a leader among the team members?

Therefore, using the individual preferences of each individual from the selected

group regarding his or her choices based on the relationship level, it will be possible to

create the best work team and define the right leader, as well as to compare the

preferences of the individuals within four different criteria: teamwork, leadership,

leisure and personal confidence.

It is important to note that sociometry is an instrument through which social truth

can be explored, the truth about conflicts and social structure (Moreno, 1934).

The theoretical framework is presented in Discussion, followed by the research

methodology, and finally, the results.



Sociometry theory

Sociometry is a term coined by Doctor J.L.Moreno (1889-1974), who had studied

the interpersonal connections of individuals and groups.

“The word sociometry can be defined using its two main parts as the measurement

of friendship or, in a broader sense, the measurement of interpersonal relationships”

(Smith, 1950, p.211). However, for Moreno, “sociometry is, first of all, a theory and

then a method” (Moreno, 1942, p. 6). As a method, sociometry has attracted many

scholars to this study field.

According to Moreno (1934), humanity can be considered an organic social unit.

As a unit, tension appears between and within the different parts. This leads to these

parts of society separating or attracting as happens in physics. Tension between the parts

could be beneficial for the part and harmful to the whole; or advantageous for one part

and disadvantageous for the other.

Besides this, the tensions can express themselves as affinities or non-affinities in

the relationships between individuals or groups of individuals as well as manifesting as

attractions, repulsions and rejections.

Attraction, repulsion and rejection are connected to many social, biological, and

psychological factors. As well as having close or distant effects over the immediate

participants of the relationship, they may also affect all other parts of the social unit

called Humanity.

When two or more people work as a social group, this group is not made only of

people, but of the relationships between them. Perhaps, when considering society’s

wellness, the relationship between people is more important than the people themselves.

Without relationships, Humanity could not manifest itself as a social group.

The complex pattern of a social structure is made up of many other simple

patterns. These simple patterns could be expressed by the emotional interrelated

connections between people. People that live near or far from each other construct these

connections, so, the geographic pattern of distribution is created, but it is influenced by

the development stage of each individual. Nevertheless, individuals in the same

evolution stage in terms of culture, education, experience, economics, behavior, and so


on, tend to attract each other. The opposite happens when there are differences in levels

or stages of social or personal evolution.

Additionally, temporal pattern is also an influence for the establishment of

connections between people. This happens because of human life dynamism. Events

throughout life can change the individual’s perceptions about themselves, about the

environment and consequently, the emotional connections created with other people.

Also, the different roles that individuals develop in a society can directly affect

their choices of interpersonal connections.

The technique designed by Moreno (1934) had the objective of revealing the

dynamics of interpersonal relationships and to make the scientific application of this

knowledge for the improvement of human relationships within the framework of the

group, at a specific time, place and with a predetermined group (Smith, 1950).

In 1934, Jacob L. Moreno published a book called Who Shall Survive?, which

provided a method to analyze the context of real and live groups. This theory has offered

quantitative and qualitative analysis for the interpersonal dynamic relationship

improvement among people. Thus, Sociometry is the methodology used to describe the

informal organization of groups of many different kinds (Smith, 1950).

Furthermore, in this aforementioned book, Dr. Moreno brought up an idea based

on Darwin’s Theory of natural selection. From the point of view of a sociometrist view,

social laws of natural selection are the capacity of the human being to emotionally adapt

and create a connection with another human. However, sometimes individuals are

disconnected from their peers because they cannot perceive who or where their peers

are. So, the individual and groups of individuals are excluded from their social

aggregates, from the material resources that they need, from love, from work, and from


With Sociometry it is possible to analyze millions or billions of small groups

within a sociogram; the connection of each individual is shown. In this way, the

sociometrist, using psychological techniques, for instance, psychodrama could improve

the connections of this individual and improve his or her life conditions. This process

of social relation improvement can enhance the survival of each individual.

In a definition given by Moreno, Sociometry is a technique developed to identify

the structure of ties in a group based on affection rather than role expectations (Moreno,



Additionally, sociometry is a classificatory science. Sociometry uses the

mathematical study of the psychological properties of the population.

Sociometry is a theory of human behavior, which has impacted many areas of

study including psychology, psychiatry, sports, sales, management and human

resources, mainly for group leaders in all settings.

Moreno (1934) developed a classification technique that seeks to bring together

people who can develop harmonious interpersonal relationships with each other.

According to him, when we put together people who develop harmonious relationships,

we are creating a social group with the right conditions to work at maximum efficiency

and minimal destructiveness.

Moreno devoted many years to creating the role of sociometrist-building theory and methodology and representing the field in publications and at international meetings. The journal Sociometry began in 1937; its editorial board and contributing editors included such figures as Gordon Allport, Paul Lazarsfield, John Dewey, George Gallup, Adolf Meyer, Margaret Mead, and Gardner Murphy. In 1942 the Sociometric Institute opened and he formed the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. In 1936, Henry J. Meyer, at the School of Social Work, University of Michigan, had differentiated three types of sociometry: (1) as an orientation towards life, (2) as a theory of society, and (3) as a method of research. (Hale, 2009).

Another important piece of evidence about the applicability of Sociometry is the

thesis written by Mendelson (1976). In this thesis, he described “the fascination of social

psychologists, teachers, activists, military, professionals, psychotherapists and others

with Moreno’s methodologies, as well as the mixed impact of the field of sociology on

Moreno’s legacy.”

According to this research, Moreno’s literature is the most influential theory and

method that will be used as the theoretical basis for this dissertation. The other

theoretical grounds produced were also based on Moreno's work. Researchers from

different areas have used Moreno’s theory to support their studies.

In the area of psychology and psychiatry, Hale (2009), Moreno (1941), Moreno

(1955), Northway (1946), Remer (2002), Smith (1950), Tagiuri and Kogan (1957) used

the theory to study human relationships, psychodrama and social relationship problems.

Also, this theory has been used for studies involving human resources (Blumberg, 1999;

Colarelli & Boos, 1992; Criswell, 1949; Gardner, 1956; Lucius & Kuhnert, 1997;

Massarik, Tannenbaum, Kahane & Weschler, 1953), leadership (Beck, Eng & Brusa,

1989; Burke, 1971; Gibb, 1950; Jennings, 1947; Marak Jr., 1964; Read, 1974), sports


behavior (Vierimaa, 2013), pedagogy (Buckridan, 1975; Daugherty, 2003; Mciver,

1948;) and for military studies.

Moreover, there is a new generation of researchers who have used the theory of

Moreno (1934) by another name. This is the case of researchers Krackhardt and Hanson

(1993) and prof. Pentland (2012). Both of them use sociometry as a base to analyze

human beings relationships. A good example of the application of the theory is MIT’s

Human Dynamics Laboratory, which has identified work group dynamics (Pentland,



A Sociogram is the process of mapping that can be defined as the method of

investigation that allows the exploration of sociometric facts. The sociogram shows the

exact location of each individual and all of his or her interrelationships (Moreno, 1934).

The Moreno Sociogram was a unique map used to do a structural analysis of the

community. However, recently, researchers have developed another concept called

Informal Networks, using the sociometric bases. (Daugherty, 2003; Krackhardt &

Hanson, 1993; Pentland, 2012). Open Source Software has also been created for

exploring and manipulating Networks, which could analyze people networks (Bastian,

Heymann & Jacony, 2009).

The only way to see a social structure is through mapping, using Sociometry or

any kind of informal network analysis. The latter uses the method coined by Doctor

Moreno as well (Moreno, 1934).


Figure 1: A classic Sociogram and Figure 2: Network analysis from Gephi

Software shows the map models that could be created to represent social networks.

Figure 1 - Classic Sociogram (Hollader, C.E.cit. p.10)

Figure 2 - Network Analysis Map - Gephi Software

Also, a Sociogram from the group selected for the purpose of this dissertation is

shown in Data Analysis and Discussion of the results, considering the choices made by


the respondents, like Figure 1 and Figure 2 as well as the sociometric symbols and

internal structures in the Appendix A.

For mapping the sociogram and analyzing the social network the software called

Kumu ( was used. This software also brings some metrics that

were used to improve the analysis and compare it with the results obtained from the

sociometric matrices in Analysis of the Sociometric Test, in this dissertation.

According to Hollander (2015, p. 1):

There are three major types of sociograms: the role-diagram, the perceptual sociogram, and the more conventional sociogram of the moment. The techniques for administering a sociogram, no matter what type:

a. Criterion Selection; b. Matrix Formation; c. Sociogram Charting; d. Analysis; and e. Application.

Another consideration about the Sociogram is that it needs to be applied to

analyze real situations in which the participants of the research react to a stated action

criterion and the data collected through the use of a sociometric test has to be inserted

into an appropriate chart to show a "picture" of the network of the relationship among

the people from a specific group. Moreno had a specific consideration about the value

of the data collected from a sociometric test: The responses received in the course of sociometric procedures form each individual, however spontaneous and essential they may appear, are materials only and not yet sociometric facts in themselves. We have first to visualize and represent how these responses hang together… The sociometrist is in the paradoxical situation that he has to construct and map of his universe before he can explore it (Moreno, 1937, p.217).

This dissertation used the sociogram in order to map the relations among the

members of the selected group in a determined moment (at the end of the course) using

four different criteria – teamwork, leadership, leisure time and personal problem.

The map of a sociogram represents the socio-geographic position of each

member of the group and their relationship to the other people from the selected group.

As shown in Figure 1 and Appendix B, a sociogram is made up of symbols, with specific

meanings, that can show the inter-relationships among the members of the group



Sociometric test

A sociometric test is an instrument that measures the level of organization of social

groups. For this test, the researcher asks individuals of the group to select people for a

group that this individual will participate or already participates in. Also, this test is used

as an instrument to construct or reconstruct one specific group.

In this dissertation research each individual was asked to choose three people

within the selected group that they intend to be a member of and four different scenarios

were addressed (team work, leadership, leisure time and personal problems) where the

individuals need to choose their preferences based on the level of relationship with three

members of the selected group. These choices were based on the emotional relationship

between the people.

A sociometric test analyzes the social structures and measures the attraction

(choice), repulsion (rejection) and neutrality that happen between people from selected

social groups.

According to Moreno (1934) in his book called Who will Survive? This test applied in residential, employment and school groups, revealed the following:

a. Different criteria can lead to groups that can either be the same or different, with the same people;

b. Groups with different functions, such as residential and industrial, tend to be structured differently;

c. People, if they could, would be grouped in different ways; d. These spontaneous groups and the role that individuals play or intend to play within them have

a strong influence on the behavior of each individual in particular, on the group as a whole; e. Spontaneous groupings and the forms of grouping imposed on them by some authority

constitute a potential source of conflict (Moreno, 1934. p. 119).

So, it will be possible to verify using the results of the sociometric test, applied to

the selected group, the aforementioned points from “a” to “e”.

Another consideration about the test is the possible group member resistance to

choose the people who they reject. This resistance sometimes is caused by the fear of

becoming explicit in the rejection and how the group will perceive this rejection and

mainly how the rejection will affect the person who made the choice. The fear of

expressing their preferences in relation to others is actually the fear of the feeling that

others have for them (Moreno, 1934).

The individuals/respondents need to make their choice without embarrassment.

So, to guarantee the individual spontaneity at the moment of answering the sociometric

questionnaire, the respondents were guaranteed that their names would be changed to


codes in an introduction to the sociometric survey. See Introduction of the Sociometric

Questionnaire, Research Methodology of this dissertation. The codes used are #1, #2,

#3 … #26 and these numbers represent the order of the responses received by the


Sociometric criterion

The sociometric criteria are the sociometric standards. So, the criteria are the

common reasons that lead individuals to join together spontaneously, for a specific

purpose. This can be explained by “What” the researcher wants to measure in terms of

relationship and always refers to something connected to social interaction. Mainly

because it is in society that people create their relationship network.

These criteria could change at any moment, depending on the purpose of the

people. For instance, these purposes could be work, love, hate, leisure, fear, friendship,

partnership, and so on. The number of criteria that create a purpose for people to join

into a group reaches millions of possibilities. Thus, human society forms a complex and

deep unconscious infrastructure.

There are as many sociometric criteria as the actions that humans can develop in

society. However, the criteria can be grouped into operating, when you want to

accomplish a task, and affective, when it is inside the emotional part of the proposal.

For the purpose of this dissertation, the criteria selected for the group were

teamwork, leadership, leisure time and personal problems (confidence). So, two of the

criteria presented to the respondents are linked to operational and two to affective. The

aim of choosing these four criteria was to conduct a comparison between the

professional and personal criteria and see if there was a pattern of choices between them

as well as if there was some pattern in the choices related to attractions, rejections and

indifference (neutrality).

Each of the individuals at the moment of selecting their personal group took into

account the criteria presented by the questionnaire and different values; objectives,

patterns and rules influenced these individuals in the their preferences selection.

Therefore, the different combinations of influences of each of the individuals in their

choices, will affect the group creation for each criteria (Smith, 1950). Because of this,


if there enters a new individual into a group, all the dynamics of the group maybe


In the words of Moreno, 1934, p.124: Theoretically, the sociometric test requires: a. The participants of the situation to relate to each other through one or more criteria; b. A criteria needs to be chosen which the participants wish to respond to at the time of the test, with a high degree of spontaneity; c. That the individuals are properly motivated, so that their answers are sincere; d. That the criteria selected for the test be strong, lasting and definitive, rather than weak, temporary and indefinite.

The sociometric test in a Discussion of this dissertation shows that these

requirements cited were followed to develop the test, which was applied to the selected


Sociometric matrix

A sociometric matrix is an instrument for analyzing the information received from

a sociometric questionnaire. So, this is a data summary sheet, which organizes the

researched choices. This sheet is a multicellular chart with two margins in which the

respondent’s names are listed: one at the left vertical margin and the other at the top,

proceeding horizontally

Each positive researched response (attraction) is indicated in a cell that intersects

with the name of their sociometric choice. The rejections and neutrality are also

registered in the same way. The colors used for this in the cell are blue for positive

(attraction), red for negative (rejection) and green for neutrality (neutral). In sequence,

at the end of the spreadsheet, the numbers of positive, negative and neutral choices of

the selected group are summarized as well as the number of positive, negative and

neutral mutualities and the incongruences. See an example of a sociometric matrix in

Appendix A.

With the results, it is possible to see the sociometric stars, rejects and isolates. The

sociometric stars are the people who have received the largest number of positive

choices, the rejects are those people that received the largest number of negative choices

and the isolates are those people who have received no positive or negative choices



Sociometric leader

Based on all of the information obtained through the sociometric questionnaire

and through the analysis performed by using the Sociogram, the Sociometric Score of

each individual will be set and the Sociometric Leader will be chosen who could be (1)

a popular leader, (2) a powerful leader or (3) an isolated leader.

Additionally, in the questionnaire one question will be administered about

leadership, which has the objective of analyzing if the respondent answer matches with

his or her chosen leader in relation to their relationships with the members of the group


Figure 3 represents a Sociogram made in Dormitory A8, Where the population of this dormitory was 25 at the moment of the test. BL is the center of the attraction of 20 individuals, in which 18 of them lived with him in the same dormitory. 2 of the individuals lived in another lodge. BL chose 4 individuals (SA, TT, ML and OY) from his group of residence. Thus, he was classified as a popular leader. The 2 individuals outside of the group (VE and PR) were isolated individuals, because their groups rejected them. So, the conclusion is that BL, despite having quantitatively the biggest direct influence, this influence was limited to Dormitory A8. He did not have any external influence in the other dormitory (Moreno, 1934, p.257).

Figure 3 - Structure of Leadership – Popular Leader. (Moreno, 1934, p.257)


Figure 4 represents a Sociogram made in a group of dorms. LP, from Dormitory A6 was a center of attraction of 4 individuals: SV and ES, both of them from the same dormitory. MM (from A1) and KM (from A7). LP used 4 of her 5 choices and chose positively SV, ES, MM and KM, forming a pair with each one. Quantitatively, LP would be classified as an individual with direct average influence, but through the intermediation of SV, ES, MM and KM, she indirectly led hundreds of individuals, of which 58 were indicated in this sociogram. In reality, LP had an important position within the group/community (Moreno, 1934, p.258).

Figure 4 - Structure of Leadership - Powerful Leaders. (Moreno, 1934, p.258)

The last example of the structure of leadership developed by Moreno (1934) is the

Structure of the Isolated Leader. Figure 5 represents the Structure of the Isolated Leader.

In this case individual A established a big network of influence, through indirect



Take a look at individuals A and B, they chose each other. It is important to note

that these two individuals had 5 choices, but they used only one choice to choose each

other. Analyzing the sociogram, it is possible to note that individual A was almost

isolated from the group. His only connection with the group was individual B, who was

chosen by individuals C, D, E and F. The individuals D, E, F were the choice of the

individuals H, G, I respectively. Many other individuals choose all of the individuals C,

D, E, F, G, H and I.

The effect of this network of relationships is that individual A exerts an invisible control over the whole group. He established a psychological chain with individual B, who had influence over all of the small leaders of each group separately (Moreno, 1934, p. 259).

Figure 5 - Leadership Structure - Isolated Leader. (Moreno, 1934, p.259)

The applicability of a Sociogram Test to identify leaders in companies is very

important to identify and manage different kinds of leadership, which can be positive

or negative leadership. This action of identification could increase the productivity of

the company and improve the level of relationships among the team, mainly because it


affects the communication inside the company and among the departments directly.

(Krackhardt & Hanson, 1993; Pentland, 2012).

On the other hand, a leader that knows the sociometric profile of his or her team

can create a good working environment, because he or she knows the interrelation

connections. With this important information the leader can, for instance, choose the

right team for a project, increase productivity, and can improve the communication and

efficiency of the team. (Berkowitz, 1956; Burke, 1976; Beck, Eng & Brusa, 1989;

Krackhardt & Hanson, 1993; Pentland, 2012).

It is important to note that the form of leadership depends on the configuration of

the group. In this way, the power of a leader is connected to the level of power of the

individuals that chose him or her as a leader.

Furthermore, Sociometric leaders are different from traditional leaders because

they influence their followers to develop a project with an articulated enthusiasm unlike

traditional leaders that influence with an enthusiasm that is somewhat blind (Moreno,


Future leaders will have to study or use sociometry to create the bases for efficient

groups with good psychological relationships and strong emotional interrelationships In

this way, this leader will have a sociometric and planned community.

Work project team

The marketplace dynamism in a global world has demanded that companies

should be more agile and flexible in order to maintain competitiveness. Nowadays the

customers’ expectations regarding the quality of a product or a service have increased.

A customer does not accept products or services, which do not satisfy their

requirements. “Due to the fact that companies have changed their structure and way of

working” (Zahra, Nazir, Khalid, Raana & Majeed, 2014, p.40).

In this way, many companies have created a project area to manage specific

projects because this is the way to help them to work in a lower cost and well-organized


The project is: a temporary endeavor undertaken to compete a task, it has a beginning and end. For the accomplishment of projects with limited resources we need management. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to carry out project activities in order to meet stakeholder’s needs and expectations from a project. The management of project


related activities within a specified time, cost and performance standards along with good customer relations” (Zahra et al., 2014, p.41).

As a project is a temporary connection of people for a specific purpose and as

companies around the world are becoming more global, project managers have to deal

with multicultural temporary teams, which their needs have led to. Moreover, managers

must consider many aspects related to the difference of culture, emotions,

communication and relationships.

Flannes (as cited in Zahra et al., 2014, p.42) mentioned in his paper related to

people skills for project management that these skills greatly depend upon the ability of

effective communication between two persons, working actually as leader in different

scenarios, the usage of a system that can separate people according to their skills,

encouraging their to work as a group or alone, efficiently managing clashes between

individuals or team, coping with personal and professional tensions, and actively taking

part in career development.

According to Flannes (2015), the most difficult task of the project manager is to

select people by their soft skills required for a specific project. On the other hand,

selecting people based on their hard skills is not so hard, because these skills are more

tangible in terms of a project. Marando (2012) concluded in her research that the project

managers fail to direct their projects in the right way just because the lack of

management skills which are usually known as ‘soft skills’. Soft skills are mainly

elusive, a solid output or any deliverable is not demanded and they commonly work

without any pattern and tools.

Thus, the problem of handling soft skills is not only a problem experienced by

project managers related to their team, but regarding themselves.

In addition to these problems of managing soft skills, managers have to face

complex projects. This complexity is caused by the projects being complex systems, not

only due to the technical issues but also due to the wider organizational factors that are

usually beyond a project manager’s control (Whitty & Maylor, 2009).

Azim (2010) expressed that projects are very dependent on the participation,

reactions and interactions of people, thus making these interdependencies hard to model

and unpredictable to some extent. However, as it is described in this dissertation, the

utilization of sociometry could decrease the factor of failure related to the personal

relationships within projects.


Hard skills and soft skills

Hard skills in project management generally refer to process, procedures, tools

and techniques and soft skills refer to dealing with human issues.

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMI, 2004) gives focus to hard

skills more than soft skills as compared to the other bodies of knowledge, for instance

BoKs (Morris, Crawford, Hodgson, Shepherd & Thomas, 2006; Pant & Baroudi, 2008).

Other researchers have demonstrated the increase of the importance of soft skills for

project management, from an evaluation of BoKs, project manager competence

(Ireland, 2004) and leadership styles as the factor of the success of projects.

It is important to note that Section 7 of Association of Project Management (APM)

APMBoK (APM, 2006), brought the importance of people to a project. The important

factors related to people in the APM (2006) are:

a. “Communication;

b. Teamwork;

c. Leadership;

d. Conflict management;

e. Negotiation;

f. Human resources management;

g. Behavioral characteristics;

h. Learning and development; and

i. Professionalism and ethics.

Experience shows however that it is people who deliver successful projects, not methods and tools, and it is people’s ability to engage intelligently with the complexity of projects, that is central to the successful management of projects (Winter, Smith, Morris & Cicmil, 2006, p. 646).

Based on this citation, the relationship between people who work together is an

important factor for the accomplishment of an objective in a project. In terms of

complexity in projects, the interaction of people is the main factor of complexity.


Figure 6 - Project complexity triangle (Azim et. al, 2010, p.393)

Figure 7 - Level of impact on project complexity (Azim et. al.,2010, p.397)

As the result of a study made by Azim et. al 2012, people who work with complex

projects concluded that project complexity is formed by a triangle of Product/Service,

Process and People, as showed in Figure 6 – Complexity triangle. And, as the Figure 7

– Level of impact on project complexity, people were considered by 74, 47% of the

respondents as the most important thing in a complex project.

With this proof of the importance of people for a project, sociometry and the tools

shown in this dissertation can help project managers or the human resource department

to select people to work together in a project, independent of whether these people are

from different cultures or not.

The factors related to people in APM (2006) can be improved with the utilization

of the method of relationships measurement developed by Sociometry Theory and the


new tools that help draw social maps and analyze the data obtained from a sociometric

test, as shown in this dissertation.

With the application of the methodology studied, it is possible to improve the

selection of people who will work in a team and its leader. As the selection process uses

the level of interpersonal relationships between the people who will participate in a

project and as the project manager selects only people who have a good relationship

with each other, communication and negotiation are improved and the conflicts are

reduced. With this, the effort to manage human resources is lower because the conflicts

between people will not be severe. So, the behavioral, learning and developmental

process is improved because people establish a cooperative behavior inside the group.

And the last factor that could be improved is professionalism and ethics because people

tend to choose their counterparts in relation to soft skills.

All of these aforementioned points will be improved because the people will not

be forced to establish or maintain a relationship with people who they do not like.

Thus, the selection of the teams of the projects will be done in two phases, the first

is pre-selection of people based on their hard skills and some soft skills needed for the

project. Then the sociometric methodology will be applied to analyze the relationship

level between the preselected people. Finally, the team will be created, considering the

level of interpersonal relationships among team members, being disregarding the people

with high levels of rejection by the group. If these rejected people are necessary for the

project, the Human Resource or the project manager should create some group

dynamics to reduce rejections and reintroduce these rejections into the group.



Group researched

The group researched was 26 students, which studied together in a Corporate

International Master (2014-2015), developed by Georgetown University’s McDonough

School of Business, Corporate Master of Business Administration from ESADE

Business School and FGV/EBAPE. This group was selected because of its multicultural

characteristics and the level of hard and soft skills of its participants.

The small group of students was chosen because of the time granted for the

development of research and dissertation. The entire master course had duration of 14

months, and only 11 months to do the research and write the dissertation. Because of

this a small group was chosen in order to do an oriented research.

Sociometric questionnaire

The research was conducted using online forms, via the tool "Form" provided by

Survey Monkey Inc. (, once the questions were listed, a link

was provided in order to forward to all the participants. All of the 26 students answered

the questionnaire. The questionnaire was assigned at the end of August 2015 and

completed at the end of September 2015.

The questionnaire that was applied to the participants was a Sociometric

Questionnaire (Sociometric Test). Besides the Sociometric questionnaire, additional

questions regarding personal information (question number 1) as well as qualitative

questions about the feelings and the difficulties that the respondent found in answering

the Sociometric questionnaire (questions number 14 and 15).


Dear classmates, the following test is part of my master's thesis, which is entitled: The sociometric analysis for the creation of an integrated cross-cultural team.

The question that I intend to answer in my thesis is: How does sociometric theory contribute to the selection and creation of an integrated multicultural work team; and give support to the identification of a leader among the team members?

Sociometry is a method created by JL Moreno in 1934 to study interpersonal connections of individuals and groups of all sizes. This methodology aims to improve human relations within the group. Thus, the research aims to evaluate interpersonal relations in CIM2 based on the preference of the relationship between the classmates.

It is important to note that the name of the group members will be changed to acronyms or numbers, allowing the complete confidentiality of the people involved. Thus, it is expected that responses / choices are a faithful representation of the relationship preferences between the classmates of CIM2.

The following questions will be presented in 3 different situations and the respondent should make their choices based on the level of personal relationships with their classmates, considering their personal preferences. Thank you for your help. Let’s take the test!!!!!! Meanings

Choose = (+) attraction

Not choose = (-) rejection

Neutral = (+/-) irrelevant, does not matter for you, but you do not reject


1. Address

Name: Company: Country Email Address

* 2. You should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would like to work with in a team, in order of preference.

Name of your choice

* 3. You should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would not like to work with in a team, in order of preference. Name of your choice

4. You should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would be neutral in respect to working in a team, in order of preference.

Name of your choice


5. You should choose 3 colleagues to be your leader of a team, in order of preference.

Name of your choice

* 6. You should choose 3 colleagues to not be your leader of a team, in order of preference.

Name of your choice

7. You should choose 3 colleagues who are neutral in your choice to be your leader of a team, in order of preference.

Name of your choice

8. You should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would like to take a trip together, in order of preference.

Name of your choice


* 9. You should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would not like to take a trip together, in order of preference.

Name of your choice

10. You should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would be neutral in respect to taking a trip together, in order of preference.

Name of your choice

11. In a situation where you are going through a personal problem, you should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would share this problem and seek support, in order of preference. Name of your choice

12. In a situation where you are going through a personal problem, you should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would not share this problem and seek support, in order of preference. Name of your choice

13. In a situation where you are going through a personal problem, you should choose 3 colleagues with whom you would be neutral in respect to sharing this problem and seeking support, in order of preference.

Name of your choice

14. Please explain in a few words what you felt when you answered this survey. 15. Some of the questions were difficult for you answer. Which was/were and why?

Kumu software

Kumu is cloud software produced by Kumu Inc., which has the objective of

facilitating the analysis of relationships, through network mapping and the use of certain

metrics. So, this software simplifies the analysis of complex systems.

The metrics utilized from Kumu are the following: Size, Degree Centrality and

Indegree. These metrics are described in Analysis of the Sociometric Test in this




The group selected to take the Sociometric Test was the 26 students from

Corporate International Master 2, which the researcher is a member. This group was

composed of 66% Males and 34% Females, from 12 different countries of Citizenship,

14 different languages spoken and 10 Countries of Residence.

They had an average of 12 years of work experience and more than 200 employees

under their supervision. The amounts of 11% are executives, 35% occupy senior

positions, 46% are in intermediate positions and only 8% are juniors.

Figure 8 - Selected group profile.


The profile of the group is important because it has an influence over the results

of the Sociometric Test and shows the cultural diversity and experience of the


This selected group studied together for one year and they had four international

modules in Washington - USA, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, Barcelona - Spain and Shanghai

- China. During these modules they participated in many group projects and they had

some leisure time together. Between the international modules, they had virtual modules

where they exchanged a lot of information via email and Skype. So, during one year the

group had constant contact.

It is worth mentioning that the researcher is part of the CIM 2 and he who applied

the research. This may have influenced the choices of respondents, since the choices are

based on the personal relationship level of each individual. Besides this, the fact that the

respondents choices would be kept secret was guaranteed. However, the only case that

would not be guaranteed complete confidentiality was related to the researcher who had

access to all the research results and he would know who rejected him. For the same

reason, the individuals could choose him, because he would know who chose him

positively (attraction).

Thus, among those with more positive (attractions) or neutral (indifferent)

choices, may appear the researcher.

So there is a good chance the researcher had influenced the outcome of this

research. This issue does not invalidate the research, but it creates a warning that is

concerning the implementation of the method by a person outside the studied group.

Analysis of the Sociometric Test

As an instrument of analysis, the sociograms and sociometric matrix show

important details about the interrelationships of the selected group members.

All sociometric symbols and typical internal structures of the sociograms are

described in Appendix B - Sociometric Symbols and Internal Structures.

The colors used in the cell to represent the negative, positive and neutral choices

were blue for positive (attraction), red for negative (rejection), green for neutrality

(neutral). At the end of the spreadsheet, the numbers of positive, negative and neutral

choices of the selected group were summarized as well as the number of positive,


negative and neutral mutualities and the incongruences. The incongruences were

represented with black arrows in a Sociometric Matrix.

In addition, using the results of positive, negative and neutral choices in each chart

(spreadsheet) below and for each scenario, it is possible to define the stars (largest

number of positive choices), rejects (largest number of negative choices) and isolates

(largest number of neutral choices).

Also, the number of incongruences shows, in some cases, the conflicts and

frustration that can be generated in a person who chooses someone who rejects them.

Thus, most of the conflicts and frustration created in a group are caused by the

mutualities and incongruences.

Another negative impact in a group, generated by the negative mutualities and

serious incongruences (incompatible relationship, attractions x rejections) is the lack of

communication inside a group. So, this lack of communication can affect the success of

a project or the operation of two or more areas on a company, or, in the worst case, on

the whole company (Krackhardt & Hanson, 1993; Pentland, 2012).

The software Kumu was used to plot the Sociograms (maps) as well as to develop

some analyses using the metrics brought by this software. For running the metrics, the

database obtained by the sociometric test applied to the selected group was used.

The metrics used to improve the analysis, taken from the Kumu software were:

“Size - measures the number of neighbors an element has (plus

the element itself). It's similar to degree, but counts the number

of elements instead of connections.

Degree Centrality - is the simplest of the centrality metrics,

counting the number of connections an element has. In general,

elements with a high degree are the local connectors / hubs, but

aren't necessarily the best connected to the wider network.

Indegree - measures the number of incoming connections for

an element. In general, elements with a high indegree are the

leaders, looked to by others as a source of advice, expertise, or



Analysis of Teamwork Sociometric Test

Figure 9 - Sociogram of Work Team

This sociometric analysis is about the scenario teamwork (criterion) addressed to

the selected group.

For this analysis the Sociogram as shown in Figure 9 – Sociogram of Work Team

and the Sociometric Matrix was used.

The aim of this part of this dissertation was to identify the sociometric stars, rejects

and isolates. Another point checked was the level of cohesion of the selected group,

based on the mutualities and incongruences, and how this cohesion can impact the

efficiency and communication process on the whole group.

Chart 1 – Sociometric Matrix of Work Team, shows that the individuals with the

biggest number of positive (attraction) choices of the group are #2, #12, #7 and #8 as

well as the fact that these individuals did not receive any kind of negative choices from

the selected group. Naturally, it is possible to create four different work teams led by

each member (#2, #12, #7 and #8). Moreover, it is also possible to create one or another

work team with the intersection of these groups. This formation of one or more groups

is addressed in Hypothetical Integrated Multicultural Team below.

In terms of the individuals who had received more positive choices, this research

found #2 as the sociometric star of this scenario (sociometric criteria), but the

individuals #7, #12, #8 and #1 also received many positive choices of the group.


Another consideration is that these individuals did not receive negative choices from

the selected group.

Chart 1 - Sociometric Matrix of Work Team

The metrics size and degree as Chart 2 – Metrics of Positive and Neutral choices

show the same result. So, different tools of the analysis show the same results for the

people who received the most choices in the group. For the construction of Chart 2 only

the Positive (blue arrows) and Neutral (green arrows) connection, were considered when

applying the metrics of size and degree.


Chart 2 - Metric of Positive and Neutral choices

RANK SIZE DEGREE #1 #2 #2 #2 #12 #12 #3 #7 #7 #4 #8 #8 #5 #23 #1

According the Sociometric Matrix of Work in Team – Chart 2, the individual

who had been rejected the most by the group was #20, followed by #10, #16, #17 and

#5. These people who were rejected in a group where one or more of the individuals

who had rejected them needs to interact with them could cause a lack of communication

and generate inefficiency within this hypothetical group. For Chart 3 only the Negative

connections of the selected group were considered and applied to the metrics of size and


Chart 3 - Metric of Negative choices

RANK SIZE DEGREE #1 #20 #20 #2 #16 #10 #3 #10 #16 #4 #17 #5 #5 #21 #17

Regarding neutrality, there was a spread of the choices, without concentration in

four individuals, which had happened with the choices of attraction and rejection. In the

point of view of this researcher, this neutrality did not impact any work groups, as long

as there hadn't any incongruences regarding the choices. Neutrality does not cause a

problem for coexistence because the individual is indifferent to the relationship.

Relationship problems only occur if there is a neutral choice on the part of an individual

and the rejection by the other.

The types of incongruences that can affect teamwork are neutral choices with

negative choices, as represented in Chart 4 Analysis of Mutualities and Incongruences

from Work Team Scenario, in the orange column, as well as negative choices with

positive choices, represented by yellow column.


Chart 4 - Analysis of Mutualities and Incongruences from Work Team Scenario

In the total of 312 possible choices (1 scenario X 4 questions X 3 choices X 26

respondents), 38 mutualities were found (12,18% of the total), of which 22 were

positives, 12 were negatives and 4 neutrals. Also, there were 30 incongruences, where

8 were positive with neutral and which does not generate big issues for these individuals

and for a group that they belong to, 14 were neutral with negative choices and 8 were

negative with positive choices. The most difficult situation to manage is the negative

with positive choices, because there is a total incompatibility between this people, and

this relation will generate high frustration levels in the respondent who chose someone

who had rejected him/her.

The expectation from one relationship to another is always opposite, and

according to Moreno (1934); MCpherson, Smith-Levin and Brashears (2006); and

MCiver (1948): the rejected individual creates a dependency when relating to someone

who had rejected them. This relation can seriously affect the rejected person, who can

suffer for not being chosen by their choice.

Analysis of Leadership Sociometric Test

The scenario analyzed was the Leadership (Criterion) and to do the analyzes a

Sociogram and Sociometric Matrix were used.

The objectives of this scenario were to identify the leaders of the selected group

as well as to compare this result with the leaders elected in the Work Team scenario.


Figure 10 - Sociogram of Leadership

According to Moreno (1934), the leaders for each criterion were the people who

had received more positive choices from the selected group (popular leader) or the

person who has influence over the person who received more choices in the group. This

last case is called an isolated leader.

So, Figure 10 – Sociogram of Leadership and Chart 5 – Sociometric Matrix of

Leadership shows that the individuals who received more positive choices to be leaders

of the group were #12, #2 and #14, each one with a total of 17, 12 and 11 choices


However, the Sociogram and the indegree metric provided by the Kumu Software

stated that individuals #12, #2, #6 and #11 were the leaders. The difference between

both analyses was that the first one used the number of choices (Matrix Analysis) and

the second one considered the number of incoming connections of each person

(indegree metric).

Thus, the researched #12 and #2 were the people who received more choices from

the group as well as not receiving any rejections, both of them in Scenario Work team

and Leadership. However, the sociometric star in this case was individual #12. Because

of this, he/she was the leader of the selected group, using the sociometric matrix as the

tool of analysis.


Chart 5 - Sociometric Matrix of Leadership

Furthermore, has to be considered that individuals #12 and #2 are popular leaders,

because separately, each one positively influenced 17 and 12 participants of the selected

group respectively.

Also, respondent #2 chose #12 as his/her leader. Both of them were chosen by

individuals #5, #7, #12, #18, #19 and #26. In this way, 6 individuals recognized them

as leaders. Additionally, #3, #6, #8, #10, #21, #25 chose respondent #2 as their leader.

Taking that into account, as individual #2 chose respondent #12 as his or her leader, this

person could use researched #2 to lead the people who had chosen only individual #2

as a leader. #12 can exercise his or her leadership influence over individual #2.


The leaders could exercise this indirect influence in many ways inside a specific

group. The only thing that the leaders have to do is to identify the other leaders, mainly

if they are powerful leaders. The sociometric test can help the leader to do this


Chart 6 - Analyses of Mutualities and Incongruences from Leadership

In the total of 312 possible choices (1 scenario X 4 questions X 3 choices X 26

respondents), 28 mutualities were found (9% of the total), of which 8 were positives, 10

were negatives and 10 neutrals. Also, there were 27 incongruences (17.3% of the total),

of which 18 were positive with neutral and which does not generate big issues for these

individuals and for a group that they belong to, 18 were neutral with negative choices

and 18 were negative with positive choices.

A problem that could occur from this incompatibility is the frustration of the

person who was rejected by another. This frustration may reflect directly the

accomplishment of daily tasks in a work team and in a project, inside a department,

between departments or in a whole company, depending on the size of the companies

and teams.

Analysis of Trip and Personal Problem’s Sociometric Tests

This scenario was created to compare the results of the Teamwork scenario and

Leadership scenario. The researcher wanted to verify if there was a pattern in the choices

of the respondents in different scenarios, mainly when comparing professional choices

to personal choices. Because of this, two personal scenarios were created to establish a


base of comparison with the other two professional scenarios addressed to the selected

group. Chart 7 – Sociometric Matrix of a Trip and Chart 8 – Sociometric Matrix of

Personal Problem and Figures 11, 12, 13 and 14, demonstrated a pattern of rejection

between them and with Chart 1 – Sociometric Matrix of Work Team and Chart 5 –

Sociometric Matrix of Leadership. In all of them, individuals #5, #10, #16, #17 and #20

were among the top 5 rejections.

Figure 11 - Negative choices of work Team

Figure 12 - Negative choices of Leadership

Figure 13 - Negative Choices of Trip

Figure 14 - Negative Choices of Personal Problems

Thus, it is clearly plausible to identify a pattern of rejection in the sample studied

in all of the presented criteria.


Chart 7 - Sociometric Matrix of Trip

Regarding the positive and neutral choices, when all matrices were compared, it

was possible to see that a choices spreading had occurred, and only three individuals, in

both cases, had appeared more than two times.


Chart 8 - Sociometric Matrix of Personal Problem

When comparing the mutualities and incongruences of Chart 9 – Trip - analysis

of mutualities and incongruences and Chart 10 – Personal Problem - analysis of

mutualities and incongruences, both of them have high numbers of positive mutuality,

mainly when the Personal Problem mutualities were analyzed. In this case, the number

was high because the people who choose another had already talked about a personal

problem during the time that they spent together in the Master’s Degree as well as

stating that they had the opportunity to make a trip together.

So, the people were more assertive in choosing someone to talk about something

more personal with because they had this experience and created a trust relationship

between each other.


Chart 9 - Analysis of Mutualities and Incongruences from Trip Scenario

It is important to note that regarding the personal problem incongruences, the

people who choose someone who rejected them will probably suffer high levels of

frustration, more than the frustration felt in the professional criteria. This could happen

because when people are involved in a personal problem, emotion is more responsible

for the choice. So, when people have an emotional choice, the tendency is to have more

suffering when there isn`t a reciprocity of feelings. Thus, respondents #20, #23 and 25

made the “wrong” choices in terms of reciprocity. Chart 10 - Analysis of Mutualities and Incongruences from Personal Problem

If this hypothesis happens inside a work team, it could cause segregation within

the group, because the people who have more affinity with the person rejected, could

move away from the person who caused some emotional pain in the rejected person.


Research opened questions analysis

At the end of the research, two questions were made about the feelings and

difficulties that the respondents found when answering the questions.

This research deals with personal perceptions and requires the respondent to

answer with total sincerity regarding their choices, mainly when the survey asked to

choose three people that they do not want to work with, to travel with, to be led by and

to be open about their weaknesses about a personal problem.

Another point to be considered is that some respondents mentioned a trend noted

throughout the sociometric matrix. The qualitative and opened questions brought that

perception to this research. Transcribed below are some of these main feelings and

perceptions and their analysis. Chart 11- Opened question analysis

Respondent Question Answer Analysis #1 P15 Yes, mostly the ones

you don’t want to work with in a group and the one you don’t want to go on a trip with.

This answer represents a trend noted in a sociometric matrix. The negative choices in one answer did not change into positive choices in the other choices.

#2 P14 I felt annoyed to not be able to choose more people in the positive choices.

This feeling of this respondent represents the same feeling of other people. For instance: #3, #6, #7, #9, #10,

#3 P14 It was a strange experience! I felt nervous and self-aware, worried about the authenticity of my answers, who would read my answers, how my responses would make others feel, etc. I felt uneasy about some of my responses and wish I could have put an explanation next to each was a weird but kind of enlightening experience.

This answer shows that the method developed by Moreno (1934) is uneasy for the respondents, because it makes them think about their feelings and preferences about the people that are close to them. In the case of this research, these people are classmates, but could be work colleagues. However, in the words of the respondent, the experience was enlightening, because the people had to stop and think about whom they would choose or not, in real


situations, based on their preferences.

#3 P15 Yes, most of the questions were challenging, especially when they got more personal - no answers were instantly clear, and I felt like I wanted to choose more than 3 options for who I would want on a team and as a leader.

The research showed that the more personal the question is, the more difficult the answer or choice is.

#4 P14 The questions were very interesting, but it was hard to choose between my friends.

The discomfort generated by choices was present in several answers.

#6 P15 The negative questions were difficult because I don't think there is anyone who I would not want to work with or travel with. Many classmates I don't know well since we have only spent about 7 weeks together. After such a short time together I don't have very strong opinions about anyone.

This answer is important to express the bases of sociometry, because acquaintanceship is important to define the preferences of people. If the course that the group selected belongs to, were longer or some people had entered in this group during the course, the results could have been different, because the time of acquaintanceship and the people who belong to the group affects perception.

#6 P14 … I also do not understand why Pilar Munoz was not on the questionnaire. She is our classmate and I love working with her and think she is a brilliant and organized woman.

This answer confirms the comments above, because the research was made considering the original selected group of CIM2. Pilar Munoz entered in the course of the Master`s Degree. Surely, if the survey was applied after and before the entry of Munoz, the results would have been different.

#7 P14 It was really hard to answer the questions as I really like a lot of

In general, people do not stop to think about their feelings or stop to reflect


the people and it felt really uncomfortable to rank them. But a very interesting exercise as it makes you reflect on your personal relationships.

about the level of relationship that they have. This behavior can affect the relationship and the efficiency in a work team, because people end up working with people who have no affinity and do not stop to analyze the psychological effect of keeping bad relationships.

#8 P14 I was surprised to see how my choices changed depending on the role assigned to the people I had to choose. Interesting to see how much an attributed role changes the evaluation of a person. I was instead surprised by the fact that, in the case of the people I would not choose for the roles described in the questionnaire, I often repeated some names and the variability was smaller.

Moreno (1934) said the people assume different roles in a society, as an actor in a stage play. So, this is a constant in people`s lives, because they evaluate the relationships and people in general, depending on the role that these people assume in society. An example of this is a woman, who assumes the role of wife, mother, businesswoman, and housewife in the same day. Thus, if this woman is analyzed in different moments of the day, an observer can have different evaluations, because he will consider the role.

#11 P14 This was a comprehensive and brief survey that helped bring focus and awareness to decision making. It also helped crystallize aliment of interests to actions.

The aim of this survey in terms of companies is to support the selection of the best work team for a specific project or area, as well as increasing the chances to have the right people in a team. So, this method can help bring focus and awareness to decision making, as respondent #11 said in her answer.

#12 P14 I felt very conflicted throughout, especially as I started to see patterns emerge. I felt especially bad when selecting individuals who I chose not to share

The patterns were emerging because the level of relationship or preferences did not change because of role or situation. The more personal the choice is the more difficult it is to do.


personal problems with or with whom I preferred not to travel with.


P15 The trip question because I haven't been in a traveling situation with many of them and compatible travelers are notoriously difficult to predict.

The answer shows the difficulty of the individual in choosing someone based on a fictional situation, because this respondent did not experience a trip together with some of the people from the selected group. However, he made his choices based on his former experiences in other circumstances. Of course, if he had had any travel experience with the selected group, he would have made a better choice.

#18 P14 Since the beginning of the Program I was almost certain who were the people I wanted to stay distant from. On the other hand the ones I would like to stay close to and trust, it took me almost the entire program to find this out.

When the respondent cites the words close and trust it means that he had established a strong connection with the people who he selected. This feeling of trust and closeness is very important in building a strong work team.

#19 P14

I think the answers to these questions are private and don't need to be shared. I just responded because a good friend … asked me to do it for his thesis. However, the questions regarding "who wouldn't be chosen for...." Is something I've never thought of before.

The answer demonstrates that this process of applying and managing the information obtained from this methodology has been done with care and the results need to be transformed into metrics that the respondents could have the access to. Nevertheless, this is important to know the type of connections between the group and how to manage these connections. The second part of the answer is important to prove


that most of the people do not stop to think about their feelings about others who belong to their circle of acquaintanceship.

#20 P14 Difficult to categorize friends into positive and negative buckets but I noticed some similarities in the selection of negatives and a broad variety in positives and neutrals.

The answer shows that the pattern of negative choices is similar, which is validated in the analysis of the four Sociometric Matrix.

#25 P14 I felt that I have a personal proximity with only a few of my colleagues.

During the process of individual analysis, the individuals discovered that they build their relationship based on the focus and proximity that they had established within the time of acquaintanceship. In groups where people have more time and opportunity to develop the relationship more, the chance of increasing proximity is greater than in a group that has a short time as well as the fact that the opposite could happen and the people could establish more and more proximity with few people, creating closed groups.

#26 P15 The questions, which forced you to dislike or have a negative opinion of your colleagues, were very uncomfortable.

The people feel that they do not like someone, but they do not like to express this feeling. According to Moreno (1934), the people do not like to express negative feelings about someone, because they are afraid to be rejected by the other as well.



Hypothetical integrated multicultural work team The final objective of this research was to create a hypothetical integrated

multicultural work team among the participants of selected group. In order to achieve

this goal a sociometric test was made with the participation of all the original cohort of

CIM 2. As the researcher is part of the group studied, may have influenced the formation

of the hypothetical integrated multicultural work team.

With the answers of this test some analyzes were made using a Sociometric Matrix

and a Sociogram. For the creation of the sociograms, the cloud software Kumu was

used, as well as some metrics developed by this software.

To do the final analysis, a filter and a metric from the Kumu Software were used.

For the filter all Positive (blue arrows) and Neutral (green arrows) connections were

considered and all Rejections or negative connections (red arrows) were excluded. After

the application of this filter the metric “indregree” was applied and the result was that

the individuals #2, #7, #12, #8 and #1 were among the Top 5 leaders/influencers. In

this way, it was possible to measure the number of incoming connections for each

individual, considering only the positive and neutral choices. As a result, the map

shown in Figure 15 – Work Team – Positive and Neutral Choices was created.

Figure 15 - Work Team - Positive and Neutral Choices


The big circles represent individuals who received the most number of positive

and neutral choices. Revisiting Discussion in this dissertation, where the Sociometric

Matrix, was analyzed, these individuals were those who received the most choices and

were classified as leaders or influencers.

In the sequence, the connections of each of individuals were analyzed who chose

or were chosen by the top 5 leaders/influencers as well as all the negative connections

among the group. The individuals who received any negative connections were

separated from the hypothetical multicultural work team.

Chart 12 - Integrated multicultural Work Team


The rejection perceived in all scenarios (criteria) happened because people

naturally reject whom they have no affinity with or have not developed a good personal

relationship with during the CIM 2 course. Thus, the conclusion of this research was

that the rejection became a pattern in all scenarios.

In contrast, there were greater variations among the individuals for positive and

neutral because the people had been chosen excluding the negative options.

Another point is that the people took into account other variables when choosing

the people for the scenario work team and leadership. These variables were connected

to hard skills and soft skills (communication, leadership and inter-relationship).

The suggested actions to be implemented with the people who were rejected by

the group in all scenarios are: (a) working with a coach to understand and treat the

behaviors that had caused the negative choices of the group or (b) appoint a psychologist

to better understand the reasons that had generated the behavior of these individuals.

Another possibility is the indication of an in-group dynamics specialist to try to improve

the relationships of the rejected people inside the group.

In the case that the rejected people are not accepted by the group, the leader or

human resources needs to remove the rejected person from the group or replace this

person with another who will be accepted by the group.

Chart 12 – Integrated Multicultural Work Team shows the group of each leader or

influencer and the rejections of the each group individuals. Comparing the created

groups with the rejections, it is possible to note there aren’t any people who were

rejected among the selected groups, even making crosschecks.

Thus, it is possible to create an integrated multicultural work team with the joining

of the 5 top leaders groups, as shown in Chart 12 – Integrated Multicultural Work Team.

This multicultural group was made considering the relationship choices of each

individual inside CIM 2 and the result was 17 individuals from 8 countries, including 6

female and 11 males, with different levels of professional experience as well as having

several hard skills.

The Sociometric Questionnaire (sociometric test), with its analysis using a

sociometric matrix and software to draw and analyze the connections, proves to be a

simple and practical tool to identify the inter-relationships among the people from a

group and create a multicultural team for a company. Also, companies can analyze their

actual team, analyze the level of influence of their leader, identify new leaders and build

new teams for a specific purpose using this methodology.



One important recommendation is the possibility of applying the methodology

used in this dissertation in a real company, which has a project running, and develops a

study in order to analyze their teams per area and department involved in the project,

and then, identify the relationship level among each group member.

Another recommendation is to apply the methodology and consequent research by

a person who is not part of the group that will be studied. As already mentioned in this

dissertation, the presence of the researcher in the group can influence the outcome of

the research, especially regarding the positive choices and can, for example, lead to

wrong conclusions about the group's leadership.

Additionally, it is possible to find a possible lack of communications between the

individuals or departments inside specific projects.

Figure 16 - Isolated groups

Figure 16 shows three groups, one group consisting of individuals # 18, # 9, # 13,

# 15, # 1, # 16 and # 8, a second group formed by individuals # 20, # 22 and # 25 and

the third and the last group consisting of individuals # 19, # 2, # 12 and # 23.


Considering that these three groups are part of a project and must work together to

implement the project.

This sociogram represented by Figure 16 shows that individual # 8, is an important

source of information exchange between the two groups, so, he or she binds the first

two groups. The third group has no individual with a relationship with the first two

groups. Thus we have the three groups isolated within the project. This will certainly

cause problems in execution of the project, causing delays, cost increases, buybacks,

communication problems and so on.

However, the sociometric test developed by Moreno (1934) together with modern

analytical tools of informal networks can be used to improve the selection of people by

the companies to work in an area, department or specific project, since one of the hardest

things is to select people based on soft skills because it is difficult to measure.

Thus, the Sociometric Theory developed a method to measure the soft skills based

on the relationships between people, as well as identifying the relationships effect inside

a group. These effects could be considered as recognized leadership, influencers and

connectors who can improve the communication process, improve teamwork, decrease

internal conflicts, decrease effort with insider trading, better manage human resources,

improve behavior within the project groups and efficiency in carrying out the projects.

However, sociometry applied to the multicultural workgroups selection or

temporary project group, multicultural or not, can increase the efficiency of these groups

based on the interpersonal relationship level.

The application of sociometric tools in selecting a project team with people who

have worked together is more productive than applying the same tools in a new team,

because these people are not yet familiar with each other and therefore have not

established an interpersonal relationship.

The last recommendation is to apply this methodology in a work team or a project

team from time to time in order to identify and map the changes in the relationships of

individuals within the group or project.

Additionally, the project is a temporary group working to accomplish an objective

and all human beings develop roles in society. These roles change according to the need,

place or activity that a person has to throughout the day. That's the roles theory that

Moreno (1934) describes in his book Who Shall Survive?. So if a person changes a

project or daily activity, it changes their behavior that influences their relationship with

others. So, the sociometric test should be applied whenever there is a change of project,


work group or activity imposed on a person, because people will change their behavior

or role in every circumstance.

Constant analysis is essential when new players enter the workgroup. According

to Moreno (1934), any new member of a group changes the dynamics of the whole

group. Because of this, interpersonal relationships should be reviewed.



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Symbols and meanings used in a Sociometric Matrix (Based on Moreno theory, 1934)

x Blue line with two arrows represents a

bilateral relationship of attraction (+)

x Red line with two arrows represents a

bilateral relationship of rejection (-)

x Green line with two arrows represents a

bilateral relationship of neutrality (+/-).

x Green line with two arrows represents incongruence.

Sociometric Symbols (Based on Moreno theory, 1934)

x Blue line represents attraction (+) x Blue line with two arrows represents

bilateral relationship of attraction

x Red line represents rejection (-) x Red line with two arrows represents

bilateral relationship of rejection.

x Green line represents neutrality (-) x Green line with two arrows represents

bilateral relationship of neutrality.

Typical Internal structures in the groups (Based on Moreno Theory, 1934 and constructed the maps using the software Kumu)

Total isolation

x No line of attraction or rejection (repulsion) connects the subject with another individual.


Attraction and rejection takes the form of a pair;

x Mutual attraction (blue pair);

x Mutual rejection (red pair);

x Neutrality (indifference) x rejection;

x Attraction x rejection;

x Neutrality (indifference) x attraction.

Mutual rejection and attraction takes the form of a triangle;

x Triangle of mutual rejection;

x Triangle of mutual attraction;

Mutual rejection and attraction takes the form of a square;

x Square of mutual rejection;

x Square of mutual attraction;

Mutual attractions take the form of a center (star)

Mutual rejection take the form of a center (star)

top related