international space station

Post on 11-May-2015






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International Space Station

By: Cara Chernow, Courtney Sykes, and Amanda Feather

The Beginning

• Starting in 1984, President Ronald Regan has the first ideas of creating a permanently manned space station in constant orbit of the earth.

• Ten years later, President Clinton bring back the idea and the process begins.

• The first part of the station, Zarya, was scheduled to launch from Russia in 1997, being able to complete that part of the station in 2002.

• Unfortunately, because of problems with funding, the launching of the first section was pushed back to 1998.

• Even though the main parts of the station were delayed from taking off, there were service modules already up in the orbit.

Trouble with Takeoff

• With the new expected takeoff day approaching, more trouble occurs with funding and now new technical problems, too.

• Takeoff gets delayed until finally in February of 2001, the real work beings.


• Destiny Lab is brought to the station in February.

• At home on earth financial problems were still occurring.


• The focus is now on the station’s main truss.

• This was made to hold big power plants and other similar systems.

• Three new additions of the truss were added from Shuttle missions during this year.


• Unfortunately, on February 1, 2003, a tragic event occurred in space. The Colombia Space Shuttle crashed on its way back to Earth.

• This event made the US shuttle at the station return home and stop construction for a period of time.

• With US astronauts not present at the station, the building was left up to the Russians.

• In order to conserve resources at the station during this time, the Russians agreed to reduce their missions from three to only two astronauts.


• George W. Bush announces to NASA that another mission to the Moon will be scheduled.

• He wants to do this by using the funds from the cancellation of the Space Shuttle Program and the withdraw from the ISS.

• This new plan would work out that the Space Station Shuttle would stop being used in 2010, around the same time as the completion of the Space Station.

• In 2016 NASA will stop funding for the Station.


• With problems with staff, supplies and funding still occurring, NASA prepared the Shuttle to return to the station this year.


• Plans for future construction and missions are scheduled.

• This includes building the station so that by 2009 it is able to support a six-person crew at one time.


• Future plans are continuously made.

• A $719 million modification to the ISS is made with Russia for crews and supplies through 2011.


• Agreements with Russia and other European countries are made.

• A crew of Europeans and Americans is scheduled to go to the station in 2012.


• The American segment of the station is complete.

• The fourth, and last, power-generating section is complete.

• The American section can now support its goal of a six person crew at one time.

Importance of the ISS

• The International Space Station is an important part of US history.

• Scientists have always been studying outer-space, and with the ISS that can be done much easier.

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