international studbook - bear conservation

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International Studbook

for Polar Bears

Ursus maritimus

(Phipps, 1774)

Published by Zoologischer Garten Rostock

2018 (19th edition)

Director: Udo Nagel

International Studbook Keeper Antje Angeli Zoologischer Garten Rostock

Assistant Studbook Keeper Dorothea Rieck Zoologischer Garten Rostock

Zoologischer Garten Rostock gGmbH Rennbahnallee 21 18059 Rostock Germany

Updated: 31st December 2018

® Copyright 2019 by Zoo Rostock.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in hard copy or other formats

without advance written permission from Zoo Rostock. Members of the World Association of

Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) may copy this information for their own use. WAZA and Zoo

Rostock recommend that users of this information consult with the ISB keeper for any

interpretation and for the most current data.

Contents 1. Acknowledgement 1

2. Introduction 2

3. Biological Data 3

3.1. Taxonomy and Evolution 3

3.2. Physical Characteristics 3

3.3. Geographical Distribution 3

3.4. Habitat 3

3.5. Diet 4

3.6. Reproduction and Lifecycle 4

3.7. Life expectancy 4

4. Species Status in the Wild 5

4.1. Threats 6

5. Current Population Status of Polar Bears in Captivity 8

5.1. Births and Fertility 9

5.2. Deaths and Mortality 10

5.3. Transfers 12

5.4. Development of Population of Polar Bears in Captivity 12

6. Glossary of Participating Institution 13

7. References 22


A. Studbook Legend 23

B. Births 2018 24

C. Deaths 2018 25

D. Transfers 2018 27

E. Current Population 2018 29


1. Acknowledgement I would like to thank all zoos and institutions for the great cooperation and help in order to update the International Studbook for Polar Bears 2018.

A special thank goes to the regional studbook keepers for providing us their data. This is an incredible help in compiling the data. Namely, the regional studbook keepers I would like to thank are:

• Randy M. Meyerson, AZA Coordinator and Studbook Keeper, Toledo Zoo, USA

• Nobutaka Sato, JAZA Coordinator and Studbook Keeper, Asahiyama Zoological Park, Japan

• János Szánthó, EAZA Coordinator and Studbook Keeper, Zoo Amsterdam, The Netherlands

• Marina Galeshuk, UZAR Coordinator of the Conservation Program on the Polar Bear Captive Population, Moscow Zoo, Russia


2. Introduction

For the current edition of the International Studbook for Polar Bears we contacted 142 institutions. Only one institution did not send the required data.

In 2018 we have 126 institutions that hold Polar bears. Six zoos did not keep Polar bears in the last year. The zoos in Limpopo, Lisieux and Rostock are new or back as Polar Bear holder.

The studbook database lists a total of 3,404 (1,289. 1,354. 761) Polar Bears.

On 31 December 2018, the studbook records 279 (126. 149. 4) living animals in 119 institutions in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

In the 2018th edition of the International Studbook for Polar Bears we did not publish the historical data. In case you are interested in these data, please refer to the edition of 2017.

All data we received until 30 June 2019 are included in the studbook.


3. Biological Data

3.1. Taxonomy and Evolution For the first time, Phipps (1774) described the Polar bear as a distinct species.

Regarding the evolution of the species Polar bear, former studies, which compared the mitochondrial DNA, showed that the Polar bear diverged from the Brown bear (Ursus arctos) roughly 150,000 years ago (Lindquist et al. 2010). Newer studies compared the nuclear genome of Polar bears with that of Brown bears and these studies show a different pattern. Referring to the study of Hailer et al. (2012) we have to consider that the divergence of Brown and Polar bears should be dated much earlier, about 600,000 years ago.

3.2. Physical Characteristics Adult males reach a head-body length of 180-300 cm and a shoulder height up to 170 cm. With a weight of 300-650 kg (but also up to 800 kg), they are about twice as heavy as a female with a weight of 150-300 kg (up to 500 kg when pregnant). Adult females reach a head-body length of 160-250 cm. These different characteristics of males and females make the Polar bears the most sexually-dimorphic mammals. The size of the Polar bears varies regionally. The smallest Polar bears live in eastern Greenland and the bears become progressively larger westward to the Bering Sea.

The facial profile is straight and the neck is longer than in other bears. The ears are small in relation to head and body size.

3.3. Geographical Distribution Polar bears live throughout the ice-covered waters of the circumpolar Arctic (PBSG 2018). The southern extent of the range of Polar bears has been found at the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. The most northerly documented observation of a Polar bear was 25 km from the North Pole (Wiig et al. 2015). In general, the range of this species includes five nations: Denmark (Greenland), Norway (Svalbard), Russia, the United States of America (Alaska) and Canada.

3.4. Habitat The Arctic ice provides for the Polar bears a necessary platform for the hunting of seals. The ice, which is regularly fractured at the coastlines, provides open leads where seals can breathe, which are good locations for hunting. The seasonal fluctuations between freezing and open water also promotes high productivity of fish, the prey for seals. As by this reason the habitat is preferred by seals, it is a favoured habitat for Polar bears as well. Polar bears hunt from large chunks of drifting ice, but to a lesser extent from multiannual pack ice. Here the seal density is lower and the access to seals is more difficult. For this reason, the density of Polar bears toward the North Pole is lower, too. In summer, when the ice retreats, bears either migrate to the north or use terrestrial habitats (Wilson et al. 2009).


3.5. Diet The diet of Polar bears is closely interrelated with sea-ice conditions and prey population dynamics. Polar bears are the most carnivorous of all species of bears. The largest proportion of their prey are ringed seals (Phoca hispida) with more than a half of their whole prey animals (Derocher et al. 2002), followed by bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) and harp seals (Phoca groenlandica). The dominance of ringed seals among prey for Polar bears are equal in all subpopulations. But also other food sources are important, such as Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), particularly in the High Arctic (Thiemann et al. 2008).

Polar bear diet differs regionally, seasonally and demographically as well. Foraging patterns are most similar among neighboured subpopuluations, caused by similar food range. The study of Thiemann et al. (2008) shows that Polar bears, in general, are capable of altering their foraging in order to take advantages of locally abundant prey, or to compensate a decline in a dominant prey species. In other areas, Polar bears mostly depend on the availability of ringed and bearded seals. It is assumed that Polar bears with the most specialized diets may be the most vulnerable to climate-related changes in ice conditions.

The sexual dimorphism also has an important effect on foraging. Whereas older, male Polar bears mostly prey on bearded seals and walruses (Odobenus rosmarus), younger aged and female bears most often prey on ringed seals and, when available habor seals (Phoca vitulina). Larger and older bears have the greatest diversity of diet, assumedly caused by their ability to also prey larger animals (Thiemann et al. 2008).

3.6. Reproduction and Lifecycle The mating season of Polar bears in captivity and wild living Polar bears is quite similar. Oestrus and mating may occur over multiple days and captive and wild living females are potentially capable of reproducing over a relatively long breeding season. The breeding is possible from January through June, whereby the peak of copulatory behaviour occurs in April and May (Stirling et al. 2016).

After mating the fertilized egg remains in a suspended state until autumn, around the time that females enter maternity dens. During this time, the female Polar bear needs to gain a weight of at least 200 kg, often they double their body weight (Stirling 1988). A period of on-shore fasting follows this. When these mothers emerge from the dens in spring of the next year, they may not have eaten for eight months (Wilson et al. 2009).

Birthing occurs from mid of November to January. Newborns are 30–35 centimetres long and weigh little more than half a kilogram. They are blind, toothless and covered with short, soft fur. They grow rapidly on their mother's rich milk which contains approximately 31% fat (PBI 2018). Cubs stay in the den until March or early April. Giving birth to two cubs is most common, less often are single cubs or triplets. The average litter size is less than two. Average age of first birthing ranges from 4.6–7.2 years. The fertility increases up to an age of teen years and declines through the early twenties and ceases by the late twenties. The interval between the litters is on average 2.1–3.6 years. Cubs stay with their mother for 2.5 to three years (PBI 2018).

3.7. Life expectancy In the wild, Polar bears live, on average, 15–18 years, although biologists have tagged a few bears in the early thirties. In captivity, some Polar bears reach their mid- to late thirties (PBI 2018). The oldest male Polar bear in captivity reached an age of 42 years and the oldest female Polar bear reached the age of more than 43 years (ISB 2018).


4. Species Status in the Wild

Figure 1: Polar Bear population map (Source: IUNC/SSC PBSG 2018;

Figure 1 presents a map with the 19 sub-populations. The current estimates include 14 sub-populations and counts slightly more than 19,000 individuals. The Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) expects that the number of Polar bears ranges from several hundreds to a few thousands in each of the subpopulations. The midpoint estimation of the overall population size of Polar bears in the wild is approximately 25,000 (PBSG 2018).


4.1. Threats Climate change:

Rising temperatures and melting of the sea ice – symptoms of the climate change – affects the access to prey. As a result, Polar bears must fast for longer periods, which leads to malnourishment and in some cases to starvation. Another factor is that the warmer temperatures in some areas reduce the ice thickness and increase ice drift. Because Polar bears must walk against the moving ice, the increasing ice movements results in an increasing energy use and so reduce growth and fertility (PBSG 2018, Stirling & Derocher 2012). The warming also affects the ability for females to reach appropriate land in order to build suitable maternity dens. This leads to a decline in the reproduction of Polar bears (Wiig et al. 2008).


Polar bears are exposed to high levels of pollutants. Most of the pollution in the Arctic is transported northward by the large rivers draining into the Arctic and on wind and ocean currents that bring pollutants from the south. The pollutants of most concern are organochlorines. Many of that are lipophilic and bond tightly to fat molecules. Since the Arctic marine ecosystem is highly dependent on fat for isolation, buoyancy and energy storage, these pollutants are accumulated in higher and higher levels up the food chain. Polar bears are particularly vulnerable to organochlorines because they eat a fat rich diet (PBSG 2018).

Oil developments:

The oil development in the Arctic poses a wide range of threats to polar bears. The increasing oil production could lead to an oil spill sooner or later. Studies have shown that polar bears exposed to oil absorb large quantities of oil in their fur. Since they groom themselves, they also digest oil, which can result in kidney failure, digestive system disorder or to brain damage that ultimately lead to death. Other effects are the loss of insulation from fur, hair loss and skin and eye irritations. Another source to assimilate oil is to hunt and eat seals covered in oil.

Additionally, the effects from exploration methods, such as seismic surveys, concerns the experts. Polar bears are very sensitive to disturbance at maternity den sites. Such disturbance could occur either when a pregnant female is selecting a den or during the winter and spring after the cubs are born. If an exploration disturbs a mother, she may abandon the den prematurely or abandon her offspring (PBSG 2018).


Hunting Polar bears is an ongoing problem for many Polar bear populations. The numbers of harvested Polar bears are regulated by quota in some areas, but, there are no legal limits to the number taken in some jurisdictions. Every year 500–700 Polar bears are hunted, that are 2–3% of the world population.

Polar bears have very low reproductive rates, which means that population growth is slight and if a population is substantially reduced, a long time is required until the population size is recovered (PBSG 2018).


Further issues:

Tourism itself is not a direct threat, but nevertheless, there are many situations in which carelessness or ignorance can result in the death of a Polar bear.

Other human-based threats exist. For example, caused by garbage like batteries, can be eaten Polar bears. Polar bears are curious and not very selective in their diet. This combination leads them into conflict with humans and, as human activities increase in the Arctic, it is likely that Polar bears will be more affected (PBSG 2018).


5. Current Population Status of Polar Bears in Captivity The zoo-population of Polar Bears continues to decrease. On 31 December 2018, the studbook listed 279 (126.149.4) Polar Bears (see table 1). Compared to the previous year we recorded 17 fewer bears.

As in the years before, most Polar bears are kept in Europe, North America and Asia. In total, only six Polar Bears in two institutions are kept in Australia and in South America. Africa does not hold Polar bears.

Table 1: Polar Bear Population by Continent on 31 December 2017

2018 (2017)

Male Female Unknown Total Institutions

Europe 61 (66) 80 (80) 4 (5) 145 (151) 59 (59)

North America 36 (31) 35 (41) 0 (0) 71 (73) 29 (33)

Asia 26 (33) 31 (33) 0 (0) 57 (66) 29 (33)

Australia 2 (2) 2 (2) 0 (0) 4 (4) 1 (1)

South America 1 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0) 2 (2) 1 (1)

Africa 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Total 126 (133) 149 (157) 4 (5) 279 (296) 119 (127)

The age structure of the current population of Polar Bears (see figure 2) in captivity shows a similar picture as previous years. In the age group until age of five we count almost twice as much females than males.

Figure 2: Age Structure of Polar Bears in Captivity on 31 December 2017

15 10 5 0 5 10 15














Males Females


A quite stable sex ration we see in the age group that will become sexually mature within the next years. In these ages the gender ratio is quite balanced. In the ages 10-20 years, we see some more males than females. The opposite we can consider in the ages above 20. There we count more females than males.

The median age for the Polar bears surviving to the present is eight years for males and 10 years for females.

5.1. Births and Fertility In 2018, 13 cubs in eight institutions were born (see table 2). From the 13 cubs, nine survived and four died within the first month after birth.

Five of the litters had two cubs. From the ten twin-cubs seven survived. From the remaining three litters with one cub each, two cubs survived.

Table 2: Births 2018 by institutions

Zoo Litter No. of cubs Survived cubs Died cubs

Berlin TP 1 1 1 0

Bremerhaven 1 2 0 2

Copenhagen 1 2 1 1

Detroit 1 1 0 1

Europa 1 2 2 0

Novosibirsk 1 2 2 0

St Felicien 1 2 2 0

Toledo 1 1 1 0

Total 8 13 9 4

Compared to the previous year we count only one fewer cub. Whereas in 2017 the number of died cubs was almost twice as much as the number of survived cubs, the situation changed in 2018. From 13 born cubs nine survived (compared to five in 2017) and only four died (nine died in the previous year).



Following the development of total numbers of Polar bear births (see figure 3) we see a slightly increase during the last ten years, especially the numbers of surviving cubs. We assumed for 2017 that the low total number of survived cubs was a negative outlier. Seeing the number of this year our assumption is confirmed.

Figure 3: Births since 1980

5.2. Deaths and Mortality In 2018 we counted 22 (9.12.1) deaths (see App. C). In the previous year we had 22 deaths, too. In 2018 we had four cubs that died in the first three days of their lives. Therewith the total number of died cubs is almost halved. Another of the in 2018 born cubs only reached an age of approximately one month. Excluding the cub mortality, we had an average age at death of 27 years. The median age at death for animals that survived at least the first 30 days was 17 years for males and 21 years for females.

Figure 4 shows the probability of dying by age. The graph shows that especially in the first months after birth, the probability of dying is very high. More than 50 % of males and females die in the first year. After age one the mortality of males is slightly higher than of females.

The interpretation of the probability of dying after age 30 is not possible, since the number of cases does not allow a statistically significant analysis.

























































died cubs

survived cubs



Figure 4: Probability of dying by age

The mentioned high cub mortality is also reflected in the probability of surviving a given age. The probability to survive the first year of living is 0.45 for males and 0.49 for females. Therefore, the probability to survive the first 12 months is lower than 50 %. After age one the probability of surviving is slightly higher for females than for males. After age 36 for males and 38 for females the probability to reach the next year of living is almost zero.

Figure 5: Probability of surviving by age










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46






5.3. Transfers In 2018, we had 20 (7.13.0) transfers of Polar bears from one institution to another (see App. D). Compared to 2017, 2018 saw two fewer transfers. Considering the last years, we do not see significant changes in the numbers of transfers.

5.4. Development of the Population of Polar Bears in Captivity Figure 6 shows the overall population of Polar bears in captivity since 1980. The trend of a shrinking population seemed to be stopped around 2008. Since 2008, we had a reasonably stable population of approximately 300 bears. In 2018 we observed a new loss in the total number of Polar Bears in zoos. In total we had 17 Polar bears less than in 2017.

Regarding the gender ratio, it can be considered that more females were counted than males in zoos until the end of the first decade of the 21st century. After some years of an almost balanced gender ratio, we again observe, for the last four years, slightly more females than males.

Figure 6: Population of Polar bears in captivity since 1980















6. Glossary of Participating Institutions

AALBORG Aalborg Zoo Molleparkvej 63-65, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Contact: Rikke Kruse Nielsen; e-mail: ALMA-ATA Alma-Atinskii Zoopark Ul. Jesenberlina 166, Alma-ata 48007, Kazakhstan Contact: Gani Shokotayev; e-mail: ANCHORAGE Alaska Zoo 4731 O'Malley Rd., Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 99516 Contact: Shannon Jensen; e-mail: ANTIBES Marineland Antibes Ave Mozart, F-06600 Antibes, France Contact: Christopher Scala; e-mail: AQUAQC Aquarium de Quebéc Avenue des Hotels, GIW 4S3, Québec, Canada Contact: Kathleen Desbiens; e-mial: ASAHIKAWA Asahikawa Zoological Garden Kuranuma, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan, 078-11 Contact: Nobutaka Sato, JAZA-Coordinator; e-mail: ASHEBORO North Carolina Zoological Park 4401 Zoo Pkwy., Asheboro, North Carolina, USA, 27203-9416 Contact: Jennifer Ireland; e-mail: AYWAILLE Monde Sauvage Safari Sprl. 3, Fange de Deigne, 4920 Deigne-aywaille, Belgium, B-4920 Contact: Ronald Renson; e-mail: BALTIMORE Maryland Baltimore Zoo Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 21217 Contact: Sherie Bradley; e-mail: BANGKOK Safari World Panyaindra Road 99, 10510 Bangkok, Thailand Contact: Chatmongkol Pracharoenwanich; e-mail: BEIJING Beijing Zoological Gardens 137 Xi Zhi Men Wai Street, Beijing, Rep. Of China Contact: Zhaojuan; e-mail: BERLIN TP TP Berlin-Friedrichsfelde GmbH Am Tierpark 125, 10319 Berlin, Berlin, Germany Contact: Dr. Florian Sicks; e-mail: BERLINZOO Zoologischer Garten Berlin Hardenbergplatz 8, 10787 Berlin, Germany Contact: Heiner Klös; e-mail: BOLSHEREC Bolsherechjenskii Zoopark ul. Sovetov 67, Bolsherechje, 646420, Russian Federation Contact: Tamara Michailowa Potscheujewa; e-mai:


BRANTON Yorkshire Wildlife Park Brockholes Lane, DN3 3NH Branton, Doncaster, United Kingdom Contact: Simon March; e-mail: BREMERHVN Zoo Am Meer Bremerhaven H.-H.-Meier-Str. 7, 27568 Bremerhaven, Germany Contact: Bastian Lange; e-mail: BRNO Zoologicka Zahrada Mesta Brno 63500 Brno, Czech Republic Contact: Dorota Gremlicova; e-mail: BUDAPEST Budapest Zool. & Botanical Garden 1146 Budapest, Hungaria Contact: N.N.; e-mail: BUFFALO Buffalo Zoological Gardens Parkside Ave. 300, Buffalo, USA Contact: Kelly Ann Brown; e-mail:, CHELYABIN Chelyabinsk Zoo Ul. Truda 191, 454080 Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation Contact: Evelina Sabashvili; e-mail: CHICAGOBR Chicago Zoological Society Golf Road 3300, IL 60513 Brookfield, USA Contact: DebbieJohnson e-mail:, CHICAGOLP Lincoln Park Zoological Gardens Clark St. 2001 N., IL 60614 Chicago, USA CINCINNAT Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden Vine St. 3400, 45220 Cincinnati, USA Contact: Mary Noell; e-mail: COCHPBEAR Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat P.O. Box 89, Drury Park Road 1, Ontario, Canada Contact: Dylan McCart; e-mail: COLUMBUS Columbus Zoo & Aquarium P.O. Box 400, Powell, USA Contact: Shelly Roach; e-mail: COPENHAGE Copenhagen Zoo Roskildevej 38, 2000 Copenhagen, Denmark Contact: Flemming Nielsen; e-mail: COULANGE Parc Zoologique du Boise de Coulange 57360 Amnéville, France Contact: Alexis Maillot; e-mail: DALIAN* Dalian Zoological Garden South Stone Way, Dalian, Liaoning, China


DETROIT Detroit Zoological Society W. 10 Mile Rd. 8450, MI 48067 Detroit, USA Contact: Nancy Butler; e-mail: EKATERINB Ekaterinburgskii Zoopark Ul. Mamina-Sibiryaka 189, 620055 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation Contact: Galina Korzhikova; e-mail: EMMEN Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen Emmen, The Netherlands Contact: Pierre Dewit; e-mail: EUROPA Dierenrijk Europa Heiderschoor 24, 5731 RG Mierlo, The Netherlands Contact: Stephan Rijnen; e-mail: FASANO Zoosafari di Fasano 72015 Fasano, Italy Contact: Fabio A. Rausa; e-mail: GCSEAWRLD Sea World of Goldcoast PO Box 190, QLD 4217 Surfers Paradise, Australia Contact: Wendy Blanshard; e-mail: GELENDZHI Gelendzhik Safari-Park Gelendzhik, Russian Federation Contact: Marina Galeshuk; e-mail: GELSNKRKN ZOOM Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen Grimsgerger Allee 3, 45889 Gelsenkirchen, Germany Jörg Jebram; e-mail: GUADALJR Zoo Guadalajara Paseo del Zoologico 600, C.P. 44100 Guadalajara, Mexico Contact: Liliana Abascal; e-mail: GUANGZHOU Gunagzhou Yingjili Sp Animal Farm China HAMAMATSU Hamamatsu Municipal Zoo Kanzanji-Machi 199, Hamamatsu, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: HAMBURG Tierpark Hamburg Hagenbeck PF 540 930, 22509 Hamburg, Germany Kontakt: Michael Flügger; e-mail: HANNOVER Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover Adenauerallee 3, 30175 Hannover, Germany Contact: Fabian Krause; e-mail: HIMEJI Himeji Municipal Zoo Honcho 68, 670 Hyogo, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: HIRAKAWA Hirakawa Zoological Park Hirakoawacho 5669-1, Kagoshima-shi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail:


HOGLE Utha's Hogle Zoo Sunnyside Ave. 2600 E, Salt Lake City, USA Contact: Cindy Jensen; e-mail: IZHEVSK Ishevsk Zoo 426033 Izhevsk, Russian Federation Contact: Marina Galeshuk; e-mail: KANSASCTY Kansas City Zoo Zoo Dr. 6700, Kansas City, USA Contact: Dale Frerking; e-mail: KARLSRUHE Karlsruhe Zoologischer Garten Ettlinger Str. 6, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany Contact: Monika Häfner; e-mail: Monika. KAZAN Kazanskii Zoobotanicheskii Sad Ul. Khadi Taktash 112, Kazan, Russian Federation Contact: Rezeda Flegontova; e-mail: KHABAROVS Khabarovsk Zoo Park Khabarovsk, Russian Federation Contact: Marina Galeshuk; e-mail: KHAR KOV Kharkov Zoo Kharkov, Ukraine Contact: Oleg Grishchenko; e-mail: KINGUSSIE Highland Wildlife Park Kingcraig, PH21 1NL Kingussie, United Kingdom Contact: Jan Morse; e-mail: KOBE PARK Kobe City Oji Zoo Oji-cho 3-1, Kobe-shi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: KUMAMOTO Kumamoto Zoological and Botanical Park Kengun 5-14-2, Kumamoto, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: KUSHIRO Kushiro-Shi Zoo Hokkaido, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: LA FLECHE Parc Zoologique de La Fleche 72200 Sarthe, France Contact: Cyril Hue; e-mail: LA PALMYR Parc Zoologique de La Palmyre 17570 Les Mathes, France Contact: Thierry Petit; e-mail: LEEUWARDE Aqua Zoo Friesland De Groene Ster 2, 8926 XE Leeuwarden, The Netherlands Contact: Stephanie Jessen; e-mail: LIMPOPZOO Limpopo Zoo Ulitsa Yaroshenko, 7Б, Nizhnij Novgorod, Nizhegorodskaya oblast', Russland e-mail:


LISIEUX Z Cerza Lisieux Zoo 14100 Hermival-Les-Vaux, France Contact: Dorothée Ordonneau; e-mail: LOUISVILL Louisville Zoological Garden Louisville, USA Contact: Elaine C. Huddleston; e-mail: MADISON Henry Vilas Zoo Madison, USA Contact: Jeff Stafford; e-mail: MEMPHIS Memphis Zoo Memphis, USA Contact: Courtney Janney; e-mail: MILWAUKEE Milwaukee County Zoo Milwaukee, USA Contact: Linda Rohr Bachers; e-mail: MORELIA Benito Juarez Zoologico Parque Morelia, Mexico Contact: Alejandro Villasenor Alvares, e-mail: MOSCOW Moscow Zoo Moscow, Russian Federation Contact: Marina Galeshuk; e-mail: MULHOUSE Parc Zoologique & Botanique Mulhouse Alsace Mulhouse, France Contact: Benoit Quintard; e-mail: MUNICH Tierpark Hellabrunn München Tierparkstraße 30, 81543 München, Germany Contact: Beatrix Köhler; e-mail: NAGOYA Nagoya Higasiyama Zoo Nagoya, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: NALCHIK Nalchikskii Zoopark Nalchik, Russian Federation e-mail: NANJING Underwater World Nanjing Nanjing, China NEUMUNSTE Tierpark Neumünster Geerdsstraße 100, 24537 Neumünster, Germany Contact: Verena Kaspari, e-mail: NIHONDAIR Sizuoka Municipal Nihondaira Zoo Sizuoka-Shi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail:


NIKOLAEV Nicolaev Zoo Nikolaev, Ukraine e-mail: NISHIMURU Nanki Shiraham Adventure World Nishimuru-Gun, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: NOVOSIBRK Novosibirskii Zoopark 630005 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation Contact: Olga Shilo; e-mail: NURNBERG Tiergarten Nürnberg 90480 Nürnberg, Germany Contact: Helmut Mägdefrau; e-mail: NYIREGYHA Sosto Zoo Sosto, Hungaria Contact: Endre Papp; e-mail: OBIHIRO Obihiro Zoo Obihiro-Shi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: OGA AQUAR Oga Aquarium Oga-Shi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: OMAHA Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Omaha, USA Contact: Dan Houser; e-mail: ORSA Orsa Predatorpark Orsa, Sweden Contact: Kenneth Ekvall; e-mail: OSAKA Osaka Municipal Tennoji Zoo Osaka, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: PEAUGRES Safari de Peaugres Route de Savas, 7340 Peaugres, France Contact: Cécile Dubois; e-mail: PENGLAI Penglai-Aquarium Shandong, China PENZA Penza Zoo Penza, Russian Federation Contact: Marina Galeshuk; e-mail: PERM Perm Zoo Perm, Russian Federation Contact: Alessia Gugovich; e-mail: PHILADELP Philadelphia Zoological Gardens Philadelphia, USA Contact: Donna Evernham; e-mail:


PITTSBURG Pittsburgh Zoo One Wild Place, PA 15206, Pittsburgh, USA Contact: Heather Terrell; e-mail: PORTLAND Washington Park Zoo Portland, USA Contact: Peter Grimm; e-mail: PRAHA Zoologická zahrada hl. m. Prahy U Trojského zámku 120/3, 171 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic Contact: Alena Hofrichterova; e-mail: QINGDAO Quingdao Zoological Gardens Qingdao, China RANUA Ranua Wildlife Park Ranua, Finland Contact: Mari Heikkilä; e-mail: RHENEN Ouwehands Dierenpark Rhenen PO box 9, 3910AA Rhenen, The Netherlands Contact: Gerard Meijer; e-mail: RIGA Riga Zoo Meza prospekts 1, LV10414 Riga, Latvia Contact: Guna Vitola; e-mail: RIO GRAND Rio Grande Zoological Park Albuquerque, USA Contact: Ken Klammer; e-mail: ROCHESTER Seneca Park Zoo Rochester Rochester, USA Contact: Garrett Caulkins; e-mail: ROEVRUCHI Russia Krasnoyarsk Park Roev Ruchy Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation Contact: Yaroslava Osipenko; e-mail: ROSTOCK Zoologischer Garten Rostock Rennbahnallee 21, 18059 Rostock, Germany Contact: Antje Angeli; e-mail: ROSTOV Rostov-on-Don Zoo 34403 Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation Contact: Nina Evtushenko; e-mail: ROTTERDAM Rotterdam Zoo Rotterdam, The Netherlands Contact: Harald Schmidt; e-mail: SANDIEGOZ San Diego Zoo P.O. Box 120551, CA 92112 San Diego, USA Contact: Melody Brooks; e-mail: SAOPAULAQ Aquario De Sao Paulo Rua Hue Balcelar, Sao Paulo, Brazil e-mail:


SAPPORO Sapporo Maruyama Zoo Sapporo, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: SCAND WP Scandinavian Wildlife Park Kolind Kolind, Denmark Janne Tofte; e-mail: SENDAISHI Yagiyama Zoological Park Sendai Sendai-Shi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: SEVERSK Z Seversk Wildlife Park Seversk; Russian Federation Contact: Marina Galeshuk; e-mail: SINGAPORE Singapore Zoo Mandai Lake Road 80, 729826 Singapore, Republic of Singapore Contact: Wendy Chua; e-mail: ST FELICI Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien Boulevard du Jardin 2230, G8K 2P8 Saint-Félicien (Québec), Canada Contact: Stéphanie Grenier-Laroche e-mail: ST LOUIS St Louis Zoological Park St Louis, USA Contact: Lily Moore; e-mail: ST PAUL Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Estabrook Drive 1225, MN 55103 Saint Paul, USA Contact: Joanne Kelly; e-mail: ST PETERS Leningrad Zoo St. Petersburg Sankt Petersburg, Russian Federation Contact: Natalia Guseva; e-mail: STUTTGART Wilhelma Stuttgart Postfach 50 12 27, 70342 Stuttgart, Germany Contact: Kerstin Sillack; e-mail: TACOMA Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium N. Pearl Street 5400, WA 98407, Tacoma, USA Contact: Marla Waddell; e-mail: TALLIN Tallinn Zoo Tallinn, Estonia Contact: Kadri Ashford; e-mail: TOBE ZOO Ehime Prefectural Tobe Zoo Ehime, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: TOKYOUENO Ueno Zoological Gardens Tokyo Tokyo, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail:


TOLEDO Toledo Zoo Toledo, USA Contact: Jay Hemdal; e-mail: TORONTO Toronto Zoo Toronto, Canada Contact: Mindy Waisglass; e-mail: TOYOHASHI Municipal Zoo Toyohashi Toyohashi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: VIENNA Schönbrunner Tiergarten Maxingstraße 13 b, 1130 Wien, Austria Contact: Sabine Frühwirth; e-mail: WARSAW Miejski Ogród Zoologiczny w Warszawie ul. Ratuszowa 1/3, 03-461 Warszawa, Polska Contact: Anna Jakucinska; e-mail: WINNIPEG Assiniboine Park Zoo Winnipeg Winnipeg, Canada e-mail: WUPPERTAL Zoo Wuppertal Hubertusallee 30, 42117 Wuppertal, Germany Contact: Silja Heller; e-mail: XIAN Yangliang Park Xian, China YAKUTSK Yakutsk Zooexotarium Yakutsk, Russia Contact: Marina Galeshuk; e-mail: YOK HAKKE Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Aquam Yokohoma-Shi, Japan Contact: Nobutaka Sato; e-mail: YONG IN Everland Zoological Gardens Yongin, Republic of Korea Contact: Jae-kyung Jeon; e-mail:, ZOORASIA Yokohama Zoological Gardens Kanagawa-Ken, Japan Contact: Masashi Usui; e-mail: * Institutions that did not respond to our data request.


7. References Aars, J. et al. (2018) The Number and Distribution of Polar Bears in the Western Barent Sea. Polar Research 37(1).

Derocher, A. E. et al. (2002) Diet Composition of Polar Bears in Svalbard and the Western Barents Sea. Polar Biology 25: 448-452.

Hailer, F. et al. (2012) Nuclear Genomic Sequences Reveal that Polar Bears Are an Old and Distinct Bear Lineage. Sience 336: 344-347.

Hamilton, C. D. et al. (2017) An Arctic Predator-Prey System in Flux: Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Space Use by Polar Bears and Ringed Seals. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 1054-1064.

Hamilton, S. G. & Derocher, A. E. (2018) Assessment of Global Polar Bear Abhundance and Vulnerability. Animal Conservation. The Zoological Society of London.

Kumar, v. et al. (2017) The Evolutionary History of Bears is Characterized by Gene Flow Across Species. Scientific Reports 7.

Lindquist C. et al. (2010) Complete mitochondrial genome of a Pleistocene jawbone unveils the origin of polar bear. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Volume 107, Issue 11: 5053–5057.

Lone, K. et al. (2018) Aquatic Behaviour of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in an Increasingly Ice-free Arctic. Scientific Reports 8.

Polar Bear International (PBI) (2018) Polar Bears Life Cycle. Available at:

Polar Bears Specialist Group (PBSG) (2018) Summary of Polar Bear Population Status per 2017. Available at:

Phipps, C. J. (1774) A Voyage Towards the North Pole undertaken by His Majesty's Command, 1773. J. Nourse, London.

Ramsay, M. A. & Stirling, I. (1988) Reproductive Biology and Ecology of Female Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus). Journal of Zoology 214: 601-634.

Regehr, E. V. (2016) Conservation Status of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in relation to Projected Sea-Ice Declines. Biology Letters 12.

Stirling, I. & Derocher, A. E. (2012) Effects of Climate Warming on Polar Bears: A Review of the Evidence. Global Change Biology 18: 2694-2706.

Stirling, I. et al. (2016) Behavior and Activity Budgets of Wild Breeding Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus). Marine Mammals Science 32(1): 13-37.

Thiemann, G. W. et al. (2008) Polar Bear Diets and Arctic Marine Food Webs: Insights from Fatty Acid Analysis. Ecological Monographs 78(4): 591-613.

Wiig, Ø. et al. (2015) Ursus maritimus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22823A14871490.

Wilson, D. E. & Mittermeier, R. A. eds. (2009) The Mammals of the World. Volume I. Canivores. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.


Appendices A. Studbook Legend

Stud#: Animal's permanent studbook number. Studbook numbers may not always be assigned chronologically, due to animals being recorded as they become known to the Studbook Keeper.

Sex: M for male, m for castrated male, F for female, cont if contracepted, neut if neutered, U for unknown sex

Birth Date: Animal's birth date. A tilde mark, '~', before a date indicates that it is approximate. '??' indicates that the date is unknown.

Sire and Dam: Studbook numbers for the animal's sire and dam. 'UNK' if unknown. 'MULT' if several candidates have been identified. 'WILD' if the sire or dam was considered to be wildcaught - this animal is a founder.

Location: The institution holding the animal at the time. If the animal is no longer traceable by the Studbook Keeper, 'ltf' (lost-to-followup) will appear to the right of the last known location.

Date: The date on which the event occurred. A tilde mark, '~', before a date indicates that it is approximate. '??' indicates that the date is unknown.

Local ID: The identification assigned by the specimen's location, often its ISIS number, house number, or occasionally house name.

Event: Capture, Birth, Transfer, Loan, Ownership change, Death or Release


B. Births 2018


Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


3430 ? 1 Dec 2018 1783 3107 COPENAHGE 1 Dec 2018 POL014 Birth

1 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3431 ? 1 Dec 2018 1783 3107 COPENHAGE 1 Dec 2018 POL015 Birth

3432 F 28 Nov 2018 1768 3301 DETROIT 28 Nov 2018 14024 Birth

30 Nov 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3433 M 9 Dec 2018 1599 1660 TOLEDO 9 Dec 2018 13718 Birth

3434 M 6 Dec 2018 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 6 Dec 2018 115012 Birth

6 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3435 F 6 Dec 2018 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 6 Dec 2018 115013 Birth

6 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3436 M 27 Nov 2018 1791 1762 ST FELICI 27 Nov 2018 B18072 Birth Kinuk

3437 M 11 Dec 2018 1791 2924 ST FELICI 11 Dec 2018 B18081 Birth Shouka

3438 ? 11 Dec 2018 2883 2894 NOVOSIBRK 11 Dec 2018 101032 Birth

3439 ? 11 Dec 2018 2883 2894 NOVOSIBRK 11 Dec 2018 101033 Birth

3441 F 1 Dec 2018 3099 2916 BERLIN TP 1 Dec 2018 004025 Birth Hertha

3442 F 26 Nov 2018 1790 1761 EUROPA 26 Nov 2018 M18020 Birth

3443 F 26 Nov 2018 1790 1761 EUROPA 26 Nov 2018 M18019 Birth


TOTALS: 4.5.4 (13)



C: Deaths 2018 ==============================================================================================

Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


695 M 25 Nov 1986 238 240 ROTTERDAM 25 Nov 1986 102894 Birth Moni

WARSAW 22 Jan 1988 S2349 Transfer

LA PALMYR 29 Jun 2006 4076 Loan to

17 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

724 F 20 Dec 1989 79 76 COPENHAGE 20 Dec 1989 101286 Birth Corinna

STUTTGART 26 Nov 1990 4375 Transfer

21 Jul 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

891 F 13 Dec 1980 409 410 ROCHESTER 13 Dec 1980 1495 Birth Coldilocks

PHILADELP 6 Oct 1981 101091 Transfer

19 Feb 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

915 F ~31 May 1990 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Yupik

ANCHORAGE 1 Jun 1990 ______ Transfer

MORELIA 10 Apr 1992 CAR060 Transfer

12 Nov 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1034 M 14 Dec 1993 556 102 LEIPZIG 14 Dec 1993 M01335 Birth Cappy

TOYOHASHI 23 Jun 1994 ______ Transfer

30 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1066 F ~ Dec 1994 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Tanja

LAVAL 13 Sep 1995 950100 Transfer

LA PALMYR 10 Nov 1995 1892 Transfer

26 Nov 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1195 F ~ 1980 WILD WILD WILD ~ 1989 NONE Capture Amderma

ST PETERS 10 Sep 1989 MX09B1 Transfer

KAZAN 11 Apr 1992 150008 Loan to

PERM ZOO 27 Feb 1997 6222F4 Loan to

19 Jun 2009 6222F4 Ownership

17 Feb 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1318 F 23 Dec 1990 238 240 ROTTERDAM 23 Dec 1990 104113 Birth Katinka

PARIS ZOO 7 Oct 1992 Z92267 Transfer

AMSTERDAM 6 Nov 2003 M03124 Loan to

LA FLECHE 12 May 2005 475 Loan to

5 Jun 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1343 F 29 Nov 1988 13 14 VIENNA 29 Nov 1988 ______ Birth Vienna

ROSTOCK 15 Jun 1990 255 Transfer

LA PALMYR 31 Oct 2016 1892 Loan to

13 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1374 F 5 Nov 1989 413 414 HOGLE 5 Nov 1989 07983 Birth Aurora

ROCHESTER 13 Dec 1991 103735 Loan to

5 Feb 1992 103735 Ownership

5 Mar 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]



Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


1405 M 5 Dec 1990 397 436 TOLEDO 5 Dec 1990 900057 Birth JOHNNY

NY BRONX 5 Dec 1990 901505 Ownership

LISBON 21 Jan 1993 15 Transfer

PARIS ZOO 28 Jul 1995 Z95165 Transfer

PEAUGRES 17 Apr 2000 453 Loan to

21 May 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1429 M 26 Dec 1990 253 255 SINGAPORE 26 Dec 1990 G369 Birth Inuka

25 Apr 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1502 M 16 Dec 1994 21 697 BERLIN TP 16 Dec 1994 N0NE Birth Felix

FASANO 19 Mar 1996 ______ Transfer

13 Jul 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1577 F 26 Dec 1996 1240 1242 KUSHIRO Z 26 Dec 1996 ______ Birth Kurumi

OGA AQUAR 26 Apr 2011 ______ Loan to

28 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1631 M 15 Nov 1998 1193 745 ALMA-ATA 15 Nov 1998 A51981 Birth Umca

BRATISLAV 15 Nov 1998 M2215 Loan to

BRNO 25 Aug 1999 ML0001 Transfer

PRAHA 28 Nov 2006 260540 Loan to

BRNO 21 Dec 2006 ML0001 Transfer

PRAHA 15 Jan 2008 260540 Loan to

GELSNKRKN 8 Oct 2008 NONE Loan to

BRNO 17 Feb 2009 ML0001 Transfer

BRATISLAV 5 Nov 2009 M2215 Loan to

BRNO 15 Jan 2010 ML0001 Transfer

18 Aug 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1648 M 19 Nov 1995 UNK UNK MASAN 19 Nov 1995 ______ Birth TONG-KY

YONG IN 13 Jun 1997 ______ Transfer

17 Oct 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1663 neutM ~ 1988 UNK UNK CIRCUS ~ 1988 ______ Transfer OLAF

COULANGE 7 Sep 1999 UM3 Transfer

27 Jul 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3414 F 7 Dec 2017 3099 2916 BERLIN TP 7 Dec 2017 003103 Birth

2 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3430 ? 1 Dec 2018 1783 3107 COPENAHGE 1 Dec 2018 POL014 Birth

1 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3432 F 28 Nov 2018 1768 3301 DETROIT 28 Nov 2018 14024 Birth

30 Nov 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3434 M 6 Dec 2018 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 6 Dec 2018 115012 Birth

6 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3435 F 6 Dec 2018 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 6 Dec 2018 115013 Birth

6 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]


TOTALS: 9.12.1 (22)



D. Transfers 2018 ==============================================================================================

Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


1371 F 29 Nov 1987 399 400 OMAHA 29 Nov 1987 5133 Birth Bam Bam

KANSASCTY 24 Apr 2018 M18021 Loan to

1600 F 20 Nov 1996 1375 1374 ROCHESTER 20 Nov 1996 104712 Birth Anoki

FERNDALE 5 Jan 1998 49605 Transfer

RIO GRAND 7 Jan 1998 M98001 Transfer

BALTIMORE 25 Jun 2008 5626 Loan to

ROCHESTER 18 Sep 2018 ______ Loan to

1616 F 27 Nov 1994 1196 1190 ST PETERS 27 Nov 1994 MX09C2 Birth Simona

MOSCOW 30 Mar 1997 950226 Transfer

LIMPOPZOO 23 Jul 2018 ______ Transfer

MOSCOW 4 May 2019 950226 Transfer

1658 M 27 Nov 1999 1375 1374 ROCHESTER 27 Nov 1999 104909 Birth Lee

CHICAGOLP 28 Feb 2001 20343 Transfer

MILWAUKEE 26 Jul 2002 4896 Loan to

CHICAGOLP 20 Dec 2002 20343 Transfer

DETROIT 7 Apr 2009 12280 Loan to

DENVER 13 Oct 2011 A11290 Loan to

COLUMBUS 7 Nov 2018 218114 Loan to

1738 M ~ Dec 2002 WILD WILD WILD ~ Dec 2002 NONE Capture Terpey

PERM ZOO 1 Jul 2003 6222M5 Loan to

11 May 2007 6222M5 Ownership

ROSTOV 7 Nov 2013 ______ Transfer

PERM 26 Dec 2018 62220M Loan to

1766 F 22 Nov 2004 1548 1733 DETROIT 22 Nov 2004 11405 Birth Talini

CHICAGOLP 26 Feb 2018 ______ Loan to

1773 M 3 Dec 2004 1197 1195 PERM ZOO 3 Dec 2004 6222M6 Birth Gogo

OSAKA 15 Mar 2006 1351 Transfer

NISHIMURO 2 Mar 2015 ______ Loan to

OSAKA 3 Dec 2018 ______ Transfer

2811 F 21 Nov 2001 794 1382 DENVER 21 Nov 2001 A01326 Birth Cranbeary

MEMPHIS 10 Jan 2006 21929 Loan to

DENVER 1 Apr 2010 A01326 Transfer

ANCHORAGE 23 Oct 2018 ______ Loan to

3099 M 27 Nov 2011 1201 1616 MOSCOW 27 Nov 2011 110712 Birth Wolodja

BERLIN TP 9 Aug 2013 M05409 Transfer

BERLINZOO 13 Feb 2017 ______ Loan to

BERLIN TP 22 Apr 2017 M05409 Transfer

BERLINZOO 9 May 2018 M11-00 Loan to

RHENEN 29 Jan 2019 4797 Loan to

ROTTERDAM 14 Jun 2019 Z19211 Loan to

3301 F 21 Nov 2012 1599 1660 TOLEDO 21 Nov 2012 8214 Birth Suka

ST PAUL 3 Sep 2014 3956 Loan to

MADISON 22 Apr 2015 2977 Loan to

DETROIT 27 Feb 2018 13890 Loan to

3339 M 26 Nov 2014 2892 2898 ANTIBES 26 Nov 2014 HOPE Birth HOPE

ORSA 19 Jan 2018 PB3 Transfer

3341 F 2 Dec 2014 1497 1363 ROTTERDAM 2 Dec 2014 Z14526 Birth Sizzel

ROSTOCK 17 Oct 2018 6906 Loan to

3346 M 22 Nov 2014 1622 1708 RHENEN 22 Nov 2014 3724 Birth Akiak

ROSTOCK 12 Sep 2018 6876 Transfer



Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


3367 F 22 Nov 2015 1790 1761 EUROPA 22 Nov 2015 M15059 Birth Simone

LISIEUX Z 22 Mar 2018 M18019 Transfer

3368 F 22 Nov 2015 1790 1761 EUROPA 22 Nov 2015 M15060 Birth Nicky

LISIEUX Z 22 Mar 2018 M18020 Transfer

3374 F 11 Nov 2015 1756 1680 TORONTO 11 Nov 2015 48578 Birth Juno

WINNIPEG 2 Mar 2017 22280 Loan to

TORONTO 3 Oct 2018 48578 Transfer

3377 F 21 Nov 2015 1631 1634 BRNO 21 Nov 2015 ML0013 Birth Noria

ROSTOCK 15 Sep 2018 6868 Loan to

3393 F 8 Nov 2016 832 1810 COLUMBUS 8 Nov 2016 216110 Birth AmeliaGray

BALTIMORE 9 Oct 2018 8576 Transfer

3395 M 14 Nov 2016 832 1809 COLUMBUS 14 Nov 2016 216112 Birth Nuniq

MADISON 10 Sep 2018 3011 Transfer

3396 F 14 Nov 2016 832 1809 COLUMBUS 14 Nov 2016 216113 Birth Neva

BALTIMORE 9 Oct 2018 8575 Loan to


TOTALS: 7.13.0 (20)



E. Current Population 2018


Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


AALBORG - Aalborg Zoo, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark

1693 F 19 Dec 2000 1532 75 AALBORG 19 Dec 2000 ISB30 Birth Malik

SCAND WP 29 Oct 2013 ______ Loan to

AALBORG 5 Dec 2013 ISB30 Transfer

3402 F 26 Nov 2016 785 1693 AALBORG 26 Nov 2016 ISB42 Birth Nuka

3403 F 26 Nov 2016 785 1693 AALBORG 26 Nov 2016 ISB43 Birth Qilak

Totals: 0.3.0 (3)


ALMA-ATA - Alma-Atinskii Zoopark, Alma-Ata 48007, Kazakhstan

1193 M 1 Dec 1989 728 729 KALININGR 1 Dec 1989 ______ Birth Alcor

ALMA-ATA 1 Dec 1990 Z51891 Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


ANCHORAGE - Alaska Zoo, Anchorage, Alaska, USA

1699 M 9 Dec 2000 1196 1190 ST PETERS 9 Dec 2000 MX09B7 Birth Lutyik

GCSEAWRLD 20 Nov 2001 ______ Transfer

ANCHORAGE 15 Aug 2006 ______ Transfer

2811 F 21 Nov 2001 794 1382 DENVER 21 Nov 2001 A01326 Birth Cranbeary

MEMPHIS 10 Jan 2006 21929 Loan to

DENVER 1 Apr 2010 A01326 Transfer

ANCHORAGE 23 Oct 2018 ______ Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


ANTIBES - Antibes Zoo France

2892 M 19 Nov 2007 1618 1202 MOSCOW 19 Nov 2007 70612 Birth RASPUTIN

NURNBERG 29 Dec 2008 M02844 Loan to

ANTIBES 22 Apr 2010 RASPUT Loan to

2898 F 11 Dec 2007 1706 1747 NURNBERG 11 Dec 2007 M02738 Birth Flocke

ANTIBES 22 Apr 2010 FLOCKE Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)[1;33m


AQUAQC – Aquarium de Quebec, Canada

1650 M 10 Dec 1999 45 46 QUEBEC 10 Dec 1999 99167 Birth Eddy

CHICAGOBR 6 Dec 2000 392 Loan to

AQUAQC 17 Dec 2002 100011 Loan to

ST FELICI 20 Feb 2015 B14092 Loan to

AQUAQC 10 Jun 2016 100011 Transfer

POLARBEAR 27 Feb 2019 0-5 Loan to

2922 F 30 Nov 2009 1756 1762 ST FELICI 30 Nov 2009 A90108 Birth Taiga

AQUAQC 16 Nov 2011 100077 Transfer

POLARBEAR 27 Feb 2019 0-4 Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


ASAHIKAWA - Asahikawa Zoological Garden, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan

1513 F 20 Nov 1994 205 1253 BEPPU 20 Nov 1994 ______ Birth Lulu

TOHOKU PK 22 May 1997 ______ Transfer

ASAHIKAWA 19 Oct 2004 ______ Transfer

1556 F 14 Nov 1991 343 342 CLEVELAND 14 Nov 1991 911109 Birth SATSUKI

FERNDALE 28 Oct 1992 41731 Transfer

OBIHIRO 31 Oct 1992 ______ Transfer

SAPPORO 25 Jul 2007 100015 Transfer

ASAHIKAWA 9 Feb 2010 ______ Transfer

1698 M 20 Nov 2000 1201 1616 MOSCOW 20 Nov 2000 201239 Birth IWAN

ASAHIKAWA 30 Mar 2002 ______ Transfer

1800 F 15 Dec 2005 691 1514 SAPPORO 15 Dec 2005 100011 Birth PIRIKA

OBIHIRO 2 Feb 2007 ______ Transfer

SAPPORO 9 Dec 2008 100011 Loan to

ASAHIKAWA 2 Mar 2011 ______ Loan to

Totals: 1.3.0 (4)


ASHEBORO - North Carolina Zoological Park, Asheboro, North Carolina, USA

1659 F 27 Nov 1999 1375 1374 ROCHESTER 27 Nov 1999 104910 Birth Anana

CHICAGOLP 28 Feb 2001 20344 Transfer

MILWAUKEE 26 Jul 2002 4897 Loan to

CHICAGOLP 20 Dec 2002 20344 Transfer

ASHEBORO 18 Sep 2014 2043 Loan to

1808 M 21 Nov 2006 1599 1000 TOLEDO 21 Nov 2006 4780 Birth Nikita

KANSASCTY 31 Mar 2010 M10011 Loan to

ASHEBORO 6 Jan 2016 2109 Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


AYWAILLE - Monde Sauvage Safari Sprl, 4920 Deigne-Aywaille, Belgium

1495 F 1 Dec 1993 870 231 AYWAILLE 1 Dec 1993 930004 Birth Blanche

1737 M 11 Dec 2002 1622 600 RHENEN 11 Dec 2002 295 Birth Rocky

EUROPA 24 Jan 2005 M02179 Loan to

AYWAILLE 25 May 2005 050052 Transfer

3083 F 25 Nov 2010 1737 1495 AYWAILLE 25 Nov 2010 100122 Birth Quanik

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


BALTIMORE - Baltimore Zoo, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

3393 F 8 Nov 2016 832 1810 COLUMBUS 8 Nov 2016 216110 Birth Amelia


BALTIMORE 9 Oct 2018 8576 Transfer

3396 F 14 Nov 2016 832 1809 COLUMBUS 14 Nov 2016 216113 Birth Neva

BALTIMORE 9 Oct 2018 8575 Loan to

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


BANGKOK - Dusit Zoo, Bangkok 10300, Thailand

867 F 2 Dec 1993 732 731 KAZAN 2 Dec 1993 ______ Birth Olga

BANGKOK 28 Mar 1995 ______ Transfer

1564 M ~ Nov 1994 WILD WILD MANITOBA ???? NONE Capture Igor

RAREIMPEX 20 Nov 1994 ______ Transfer

BANGKOK 9 Jan 1995 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


BEIJING - Beijing Zoological Gardens, Beijing, Rep. of China

1666 F 30 Nov 1995 606 1189 PEKING 30 Nov 1995 ______ Birth AN AN

QINGDAO 11 Jul 2006 ______ Loan to

PEKING 23 Sep 2012 ______ Transfer

1696 M 20 Nov 2000 1201 1616 MOSCOW 20 Nov 2000 201068 Birth Y02-1

PEKING 31 May 2002 ______ Transfer

DALIAN 20 Apr 2003 ______ Loan to

PENGLAI A 30 May 2004 ______ Loan to

PEKING 17 Jan 2013 ______ Transfer

2917 F 16 Nov 2009 1201 1616 MOSCOW 16 Nov 2009 90775 Birth MiMi

PEKING 19 Jan 2011 ______ Transfer

3003 M 10 Nov 2009 1196 1190 ST PETERS 10 Nov 2009 MX09D7 Birth Y11-2

SOURCE PR 27 Oct 2010 ______ Transfer

PEKING 19 Jan 2011 ______ Transfer

KUNHE SCE 18 Jul 2011 ______ Loan to

PEKING 20 Sep 2012 ______ Transfer

3004 M 10 Nov 2009 1196 1190 ST PETERS 10 Nov 2009 MX09D8 Birth Y11-1

MOSCOW 7 Sep 2010 100211 Transfer

PEKING 19 Jan 2011 190120 Transfer

KUNHE SCE 18 Jul 2011 ______ Loan to

PEKING 20 Sep 2012 ______ Transfer

Totals: 3.2.0 (5)


BERLIN TP - Tp Berlin-Friedrichsfelde GmbH, 10307 Berlin, BERLIN, Germany

2916 F 14 Nov 2009 1618 1202 MOSCOW 14 Nov 2009 90774 Birth Tonja

ROSTOV 10 May 2011 ______ Transfer

BERLIN TP 4 Aug 2011 M04882 Transfer

3414 F 7 Dec 2017 3099 2916 BERLIN TP 7 Dec 2017 003103 Birth

2 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3441 F 1 Dec 2018 3099 2916 BERLIN TP 1 Dec 2018 004025 Birth Hertha

Totals: 0.3.0 (3)


BERLINZOO - Zoologischer Garten Berlin, 10787 Berlin, Germany

588 F 16 Nov 1984 229 139 KARLSRUHE 16 Nov 1984 CA2151 Birth Katjuscha

BERLINZOO 1 Oct 1985 840008 Loan to

1 Oct 1992 840008 Ownership

3099 M 27 Nov 2011 1201 1616 MOSCOW 27 Nov 2011 110712 Birth Wolodja

BERLIN TP 9 Aug 2013 M05409 Transfer

BERLINZOO 13 Feb 2017 ______ Loan to

BERLIN TP 22 Apr 2017 M05409 Transfer

BERLINZOO 9 May 2018 M11-00 Loan to

RHENEN 29 Jan 2019 4797 Loan to

ROTTERDAM 14 Jun 2019 Z19211 Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


BOLSHEREC - Bolsherechjenskii Zoopark, Bolsherechje, Russia 646420, East Europe

1198 F ~ 1989 UNK UNK UNKNOWN ~ 1989 ______ Birth Gulya

ST PETERS 28 Feb 1990 MX09B5 Transfer

NOVOSIBRK 16 Oct 1993 101020 Transfer

ST PETERS 2 Nov 1993 MX09B5 Transfer

BOLSHEREC 2 Nov 1995 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


BRANTON – Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster, United Kingdom

1622 M 18 Dec 1998 117 1343 ROSTOCK 18 Dec 1998 2332 Birth Victor

RHENEN 17 Apr 2000 M01435 Loan to

AMSTERDAM 18 Nov 2002 M02155 Loan to

RHENEN 20 Oct 2003 M01435 Loan to

BRANTON 14 Aug 2014 PPB001 Loan to

3311 M 16 Nov 2012 1790 1761 EUROPA 16 Nov 2012 M12047 Birth Pixel

BRANTON 23 Mar 2015 ______ Transfer

3316 M 9 Dec 2013 1672 1801 MUNICH 9 Dec 2013 042032 Birth Nobby

BRANTON 16 Feb 2016 PP8004 Transfer

3320 M 12 Dec 2013 1783 1803 IZHEVSK 12 Dec 2013 ______ Birth Nissan

MOSCOW 29 Dec 2014 140703 Transfer

BRANTON 12 Oct 2015 ______ Transfer

Totals: 4.0.0 (4)


BREMERHVN - Zoo Am Meer, 27568 Bremerhaven, Germany

1677 M 26 Nov 2000 1497 1363 VIENNA 26 Nov 2000 M2258 Birth Lloyd

BREMERHVN 18 Feb 2002 115004 Loan to

20 Jan 2014 115004 Ownership

1764 F 9 Dec 2004 117 1343 ROSTOCK 9 Dec 2004 4124 Birth Valeska

RANUA 29 May 2006 206019 Loan to

BREMERHVN 20 Apr 2012 115007 Transfer

3434 M 6 Dec 2018 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 6 Dec 2018 115012 Birth

6 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3435 F 6 Dec 2018 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 6 Dec 2018 115013 Birth

6 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 2.2.0 (4)


BRNO - Zoologicka Zahrada Mesta Brno, 635 00 Brno, Jihomoravsky, CZECH REPUBLIC

1631 M 15 Nov 1998 1193 745 ALMA-ATA 15 Nov 1998 A51981 Birth Umca

BRATISLAV 15 Nov 1998 M2215 Loan to

BRNO 25 Aug 1999 ML0001 Transfer

PRAHA 28 Nov 2006 260540 Loan to

BRNO 21 Dec 2006 ML0001 Transfer

PRAHA 15 Jan 2008 260540 Loan to

GELSNKRKN 8 Oct 2008 NONE Loan to

BRNO 17 Feb 2009 ML0001 Transfer

BRATISLAV 5 Nov 2009 M2215 Loan to

BRNO 15 Jan 2010 ML0001 Transfer

18 Aug 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1634 F 27 Nov 1998 1196 1190 ST PETERS 27 Nov 1998 MX09C5 Birth Kora

BRNO 16 Mar 2000 ML0002 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


BUDAPEST - Budapest Zool & Botanical Garden, H-1371 Budapest 5, Pf 469, Hungary

3380 M 28 Nov 2015 1783 1803 IZHEVSK 28 Nov 2015 ______ Birth Beely

MOSCOW 23 Dec 2016 ______ Transfer

BUDAPEST 16 Mar 2017 301472 Transfer

3381 M 28 Nov 2015 1783 1803 IZHEVSK 28 Nov 2015 ______ Birth Sery

MOSCOW 23 Dec 2016 ______ Transfer

BUDAPEST 16 Mar 2017 301473 Transfer

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


BUFFALO - Buffalo Zoological Gardens, Buffalo, New York, USA

3300 M 21 Nov 2012 1599 1660 TOLEDO 21 Nov 2012 8213 Birth Sakari

ST PAUL 3 Sep 2014 3955 Loan to

MADISON 22 Apr 2015 2976 Loan to

BUFFALO 21 Nov 2016 M16048 Loan to

3303 F 27 Nov 2012 832 1683 BUFFALO 27 Nov 2012 M12058 Birth BumbleBear

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


CHELYABIN - Chelyabisk Zoopark, 454080 Chelyabinsk, Russia, E Europa

1703 M ~ Dec 2000 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Altyn

CHELYABIN 12 Mar 2001 ______ Transfer

KAZAN 3 Mar 2015 160612 Loan to

CHELYABIN 3 Jul 2015 ______ Loan to

1732 F 6 Dec 2002 1197 1195 PERM ZOO 6 Dec 2002 6222F7 Birth Airisha

CHELYABIN 24 Jun 2003 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


CHICAGOBR - Chicago Zoological Park, Brookfield, Illinois, USA

1000 F ~ Dec 1994 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Nanuyaak

TACOMA 5 Oct 1995 95MM02 Loan to

TOLEDO 23 May 2001 1868 Loan to

CHICAGOBR 1 Feb 2017 7554 Loan to

2815 M 14 Dec 2006 464 805 CHICAGOBR 14 Dec 2006 2356 Birth Hudson

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


CHICAGOLP - Lincoln Park Zoological Gardens, Chicago, Illinois, USA

1766 F 22 Nov 2004 1548 1733 DETROIT 22 Nov 2004 11405 Birth Talini

CHICAGOLP 26 Feb 2018 ______ Loan to

2920 M 3 Dec 2009 1599 1660 TOLEDO 3 Dec 2009 6539 Birth Siku

LOUISVILL 6 Sep 2011 103181 Loan to

CHICAGOLP 11 Apr 2016 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)[1;33m


CINCINNAT - Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

1554 M 13 Dec 1989 343 342 CLEVELAND 13 Dec 1989 891207 Birth Little One

SILVER SP 5 Nov 1997 000903 Loan to

CLEVELAND 1 May 1998 891207 Transfer

CINCINNAT 4 Jan 2007 107000 Loan to

13 Dec 2017 107000 Ownership

1683 F 12 Dec 2000 1390 414 HOGLE 12 Dec 2000 200193 Birth Anana

BUFFALO 18 Mar 2002 M02011 Loan to

26 Nov 2003 M02011 Ownership

CHICAGOBR 9 Jan 2013 4448 Loan to

BUFFALO 2 Sep 2015 M02011 Transfer

CINCINNAT 21 Nov 2016 116117 Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


COCHPBEAR - Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat and Heritage, Cochrane, Ontario, Canada

1756 M ~ Jun 2002 WILD WILD WILD ~ Oct 2002 NONE Capture Inukshuk

TORONTO 26 Feb 2003 38282 Transfer

ST FELICI 7 Apr 2004 A40004 Loan to

TORONTO 22 Jun 2009 38282 Transfer

POLARBEAR 1 Oct 2012 ______ Loan to

24 Jul 2013 ______ Loan to

28 May 2014 ______ Loan to

TORONTO 13 Feb 2015 38282 Transfer

POLARBEAR 28 Sep 2016 2 Loan to

2921 M 30 Nov 2009 1756 1762 ST FELICI 30 Nov 2009 A90107 Birth Ganuk

AQUAQC 16 Nov 2011 100076 Loan to

POLARBEAR 28 May 2012 1_____ Loan to

3307 M 9 May 2013 1763 1700 GCSEAWRLD 9 May 2013 ______ Birth Henry

POLARBEAR 6 Oct 2015 3_____ Transfer

Totals: 3.0.0 (3)


COLUMBUS - Columbus Zoological Gardens, Powell, Ohio, USA

1658 M 27 Nov 1999 1375 1374 ROCHESTER 27 Nov 1999 104909 Birth Lee

CHICAGOLP 28 Feb 2001 20343 Transfer

MILWAUKEE 26 Jul 2002 4896 Loan to

CHICAGOLP 20 Dec 2002 20343 Transfer

DETROIT 7 Apr 2009 12280 Loan to

DENVER 13 Oct 2011 A11290 Loan to

COLUMBUS 7 Nov 2018 218114 Loan to

1809 F 25 Nov 2006 1599 1660 TOLEDO 25 Nov 2006 4791 Birth Aurora

CHICAGOBR 25 Nov 2006 2362 Ownership

PITTSBURG 18 Dec 2008 102387 Loan to

COLUMBUS 19 Feb 2010 210006 Loan to

1810 F 25 Nov 2006 1599 1660 TOLEDO 25 Nov 2006 4792 Birth Anana

PITTSBURG 18 Dec 2008 102388 Loan to

COLUMBUS 19 Feb 2010 210007 Loan to

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


COPENHAGE - Copenhagen Zoo

1757 F 3 Dec 2003 1502 858 FASANO 3 Dec 2003 ______ Birth Noel

COPENHAGE 13 Oct 2005 POL010 Transfer

1783 M 13 Nov 2005 1201 1616 MOSCOW 13 Nov 2005 50858 Birth Nord

IZHEVSK 1 Sep 2008 ______ Loan to

COPENHAGE 2 Apr 2017 POL012 Transfer

AALBORG 16 May 2019 ISB44 Loan to

3430 ? 1 Dec 2018 1783 3107 COPENHAGE 1 Dec 2018 POL014 Birth

1 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3431 ? 1 Dec 2018 1783 3107 COPENHAGE 1 Dec 2018 POL015 Birth

Totals: 1.1.2 (4)


COULANGE, Parc Zoologique du Boise de Coulange, Amneville, France

1663 neutM ~ 1988 UNK UNK CIRCUS ~ 1988 ______ Transfer OLAF

COULANGE 7 Sep 1999 UM3 Transfer

27 Jul 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1664 neutM ~ 1988 UNK UNK CIRCUS ~ 1998 ______ Transfer TROMS™

COULANGE 7 Sep 1999 UM4 Transfer

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


DETROIT - Detroit Zoological Park, Royal Oak, Michigan, USA

1768 M 25 Nov 2004 794 1382 DENVER 25 Nov 2004 A04499 Birth Nuka

PITTSBURG 9 Jun 2006 102099 Loan to

DETROIT 8 Nov 2011 12830 Loan to

3301 F 21 Nov 2012 1599 1660 TOLEDO 21 Nov 2012 8214 Birth Suka

ST PAUL 3 Sep 2014 3956 Loan to

MADISON 22 Apr 2015 2977 Loan to

DETROIT 27 Feb 2018 13890 Loan to

3432 F 28 Nov 2018 1768 3301 DETROIT 28 Nov 2018 14024 Birth

30 Nov 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


EKATERINB - Ekaterinburgskii Zoopark, Ekaterinburg 620055, Russia

1635 M ~ Dec 1996 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Umka

EKATERINB 24 Apr 1998 ______ Transfer

1637 F 18 Dec 1998 1197 1195 PERM ZOO 18 Dec 1998 6222F5 Birth Aina

EKATERINB 30 Mar 1999 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


EMMEN - Noorder Dierenpark Zoo, 7811 Ep Emmen, The Netherlands

3312 F 16 Nov 2012 1790 1761 EUROPA 16 Nov 2012 M12048 Birth Noordje

EMMEN 10 Jun 2015 919021 Transfer

LA PALMYR 13 Mar 2019 8747 Loan to

3317 F 9 Dec 2013 1672 1801 MUNICH 9 Dec 2013 042033 Birth Nela

EMMEN 16 Feb 2016 919022 Transfer

3332 F 16 Dec 2013 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 16 Dec 2013 115010 Birth Lale

EMMEN 10 Jun 2015 919020 Loan to

LA PALMYR 12 Mar 2019 8746 Loan to

3362 F 11 Dec 2015 1677 1764 BREMERHVN 11 Dec 2015 115011 Birth Lili

EMMEN 9 May 2017 919023 Loan to

Totals: 0.4.0 (4)


EUROPA - Dierenrijk Europa, Mietro North Brabant, Netherlands

1761 F ~ Dec 2002 WILD WILD WILD ~ Dec 2002 NONE Capture Frimas

QUEBEC 7 Sep 2003 A3151 Transfer

CALGARY 12 Nov 2003 106459 Loan to

ST FELICI 7 Apr 2004 A40005 Transfer

EUROPA 19 May 2011 M02040 Transfer

1790 M 26 Nov 2005 1622 1428 RHENEN 26 Nov 2005 1503 Birth Henk

ROTTERDAM 4 Sep 2007 107691 Ownership

EUROPA 4 Sep 2007 M07051 Loan to

29 Jul 2008 M07051 Ownership

3442 F 26 Nov 2018 1790 1761 EUROPA 26 Nov 2018 M18020 Birth

3443 F 26 Nov 2018 1790 1761 EUROPA 26 Nov 2018 M18019 Birth

Totals: 1.3.0 (4)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


FASANO - Zoosafari, 72015 Fasano (brindi, Apulia, Italy

858 F 25 Dec 1993 119 118 KOLMARDEN 25 Dec 1993 5341 Birth Marissa

VIENNA 23 Feb 1995 M884 Loan to

FASANO 23 Mar 1996 ______ Transfer

1502 M 16 Dec 1994 21 697 BERLIN TP 16 Dec 1994 N0NE Birth Felix

FASANO 19 Mar 1996 ______ Transfer

13 Jul 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3294 F 6 Dec 2012 1502 858 FASANO 6 Dec 2012 ______ Birth Grace

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


GCSEAWRLD - Seaworld of Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia

1700 F 9 Dec 2000 1196 1190 ST PETERS 9 Dec 2000 MX09B8 Birth Liya

GCSEAWRLD 20 Nov 2001 ______ Transfer

1734 M ~ Dec 2003 WILD WILD QUEBEC C ~ Dec 2003 NONE Capture COEUR/HUDSON

AQUAQC 18 May 2004 100036 Transfer

GCSEAWRLD 22 Nov 2004 ______ Transfer

1763 M ~ Dec 2003 WILD WILD QUEBEC C ~ Dec 2003 NONE Capture STAR/NELSON

AQUAQC 18 May 2004 100037 Transfer

GCSEAWRLD 22 Nov 2004 ______ Transfer

3409 F 26 Apr 2017 MULT 1700 GCSEAWRLD 26 Apr 2017 ______ Birth Mishka

Totals: 2.2.0 (4)


GELENDZHI - Gelendzhik Safari-Park, Gelendzhik, Russian Federation

1745 M 29 Nov 2002 1196 1190 ST PETERS 29 Nov 2002 MX09C0 Birth Sedov

ROEVRUCHI 27 Apr 2004 100003 Transfer

STARYIOSK 4 Jul 2013 ______ Loan to

ROEVRUCHI 5 May 2014 100003 Loan to

GELENDZHI 5 May 2014 ______ Loan to

3423 F ~ Dec 2013 UNK UNK UNKNOWN ~ Jan 2014 ______ Birth Snezhinka

GELENDZHI ~ Jan 2014 ______ Transfer

3424 F ~ Dec 2013 UNK UNK UNKNOWN ~ Jan 2014 ______ Birth Serezhka

GELENDZHI ~ Jan 2014 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)[1;33m


GELSNKRKN - Ruhr Zoo Gelsenkirchen, 45889 Gelsenkirchen, Germany

1445 F 24 Nov 1989 229 139 KARLSRUHE 24 Nov 1989 CA2156 Birth Antonia

STUTTGART 22 Oct 1990 4373 Loan to

GELSNKRKN 25 Sep 1991 003 Transfer

1774 F 1 Dec 2004 1497 1363 VIENNA 1 Dec 2004 M2880 Birth Lara


GELSNKRKN 14 Nov 2005 ______ Loan to

2896 M 23 Nov 2007 1631 1634 BRNO 23 Nov 2007 ML0008 Birth Bill

GELSNKRKN 16 Feb 2009 ______ Transfer

3415 F 4 Dec 2017 2896 1774 GELSNKRKN 4 Dec 2017 165016 Birth Nanook

Totals: 1.3.0 (4)


GUADALJR - Guadalajara Zoo, Guadalajara, XALISCO, Mexico

1615 F 23 Nov 1997 45 44 QUEBEC 23 Nov 1997 97170 Birth Agata

LAVAL 29 Oct 1998 990007 Transfer

GUADALJR 3 Feb 1999 M01753 Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


GUANGZHOU - Guangzhou Yingjili Sp Anim Exp Farm China

1571 F 1 Dec 1996 1206 948 TALLIN 1 Dec 1996 12086 Birth MARTA

GUANGZHOU 14 Apr 1999 ______ Transfer

1617 M 17 Dec 1996 1196 1190 ST PETERS 17 Dec 1996 MX09C3 Birth Syril

TALLIN 14 Nov 1998 12880 Transfer

GUANGZHOU 14 Apr 1999 ______ Transfer

1639 F 14 Oct 1998 865 1202 MOSCOW 14 Oct 1998 980744 Birth

GUANGZHOU 27 Dec 1999 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


HAMAMATSU - Hamamatsu Municipal Zoo, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Pref, Japan

852 F 9 Dec 1991 119 393 KOLMARDEN 9 Dec 1991 4785 Birth Baffin

HAMAMATSU 10 Apr 1993 ______ Transfer

OSAKA 2 Mar 2011 2499 Loan to

HAMAMATSU 13 Jun 2016 ______ Transfer

3353 F 25 Nov 2014 1773 852 OSAKA 25 Nov 2014 ______ Birth MOMO

HAMAMATSU 13 Jun 2016 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


HAMBURG - Tierpark Carl Hagenbeck GmbH, 22509 Hamburg, Germany

1727 F 15 Dec 2002 147 146 HAMBURG 15 Dec 2002 3424 Birth Victoria

BREMERHVN 8 Jan 2008 115006 Loan to

HAMBURG 24 Oct 2011 3424 Transfer

2928 M 16 Dec 2006 1672 1162 PISTOIA 16 Dec 2006 422 Birth Blizzard

ROSTOCK 9 Dec 2010 5079 Loan to

HAMBURG 10 Apr 2012 12URM1 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


HANNOVER - Zoologischer Garten Hannover, 30175 Hannover, Germany

2886 M 30 Nov 2007 1497 1363 VIENNA 30 Nov 2007 M3323 Birth Nanuq

HANNOVER 17 May 2010 V1387 Loan to

NURNBERG 8 Apr 2019 M04234 Loan to

2888 M 13 Dec 2007 1622 1428 RHENEN 13 Dec 2007 2137 Birth Finn

AMSTERDAM 3 Feb 2010 M10026 Transfer

HANNOVER 21 Apr 2010 V1386 Loan to

4 Jan 2012 V1386 Ownership

2918 F 16 Nov 2009 1201 1616 MOSCOW 16 Nov 2009 90836 Birth Milana

HANNOVER 31 Jan 2017 V1473 Transfer

Totals: 2.1.0 (3)


HIMEJI - Himeji Municipal Zoo, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan

1694 M 8 Dec 2000 1197 1195 PERM ZOO 8 Dec 2000 6222M4 Birth HOKUTO

MOSCOW 19 Jul 2001 10469 Transfer

HIMEJI 26 Jun 2002 ______ Transfer

1739 F 26 Nov 1999 540 552 PALIC ZOO 26 Nov 1999 ______ Birth YUKI

HIMEJI 26 Nov 2002 INK Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


HIRAKAWA - Hirakawa Zoological Park, Hirakawa, Kagoshima, Japan

1315 F ~ 1990 UNK UNK WILD ~ 1990 NONE Birth KANA

HIRAKAWA 7 Dec 1991 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


HOGLE - Utah's Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

3364 F 6 Nov 2015 832 1809 COLUMBUS 6 Nov 2015 215105 Birth Nora

PORTLAND 14 Sep 2016 B60166 Loan to

HOGLE 16 Sep 2017 U17040 Loan to

3373 F 3 Dec 2015 1599 1660 TOLEDO 3 Dec 2015 11378 Birth Hope

HOGLE 20 Sep 2017 U17042 Loan to

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


IZHEVSK - Izhevsk Zoo, Izhevsk, Udmurtskaya Rep, Russian Federation

1803 F ~ Dec 2004 WILD WILD WILD ~ Dec 2004 NONE Capture Dumka

MOSCOW 1 Feb 2006 60001 Transfer

IZHEVSK 1 Sep 2008 ______ Loan to

3080 M ~ Jan 2010 WILD WILD WILD ~ Jan 2010 NONE Capture Ayon

MOSCOW 31 Mar 2010 100078 Loan to

IZHEVSK 20 Dec 2016 ______ Loan to

ROSTOV 12 Feb 2019 ______ Loan to

3330 F 6 Dec 2013 1196 1190 ST PETERS 6 Dec 2013 MX09E1 Birth Zabava

IZHEVSK 26 Dec 2014 ______ Transfer

3351 M ~ Jan 2014 WILD WILD RUSSIA ~ 2014 NONE Capture Balu

IZHEVSK 31 Jul 2014 ______ Transfer

3421 F 22 Nov 2017 3080 1803 IZHEVSK 22 Nov 2017 ______ Birth Purga

Totals: 2.3.0 (5)


KANSASCTY - Kansas City Zoological Gardens, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

834 F 11 Dec 1989 859 884 CINCINNAT 11 Dec 1989 189204 Birth Berlin

FERNDALE 19 Dec 1990 40454 Transfer

DULUTH 20 Dec 1990 871000 Transfer

ST PAUL 21 Jun 2012 3684 Loan to

KANSASCTY 18 Dec 2012 M12050 Loan to

1371 F 29 Nov 1987 399 400 OMAHA 29 Nov 1987 5133 Birth Bam Bam

KANSASCTY 24 Apr 2018 M18021 Loan to

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


KARLSRUHE - Karlsruhe Zoologischer Garten, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany

1678 F 26 Nov 2000 1497 1363 VIENNA 26 Nov 2000 M2257 Birth Nika

KARLSRUHE 17 Feb 2002 CA2176 Loan to

1697 M 16 Oct 2000 865 1202 MOSCOW 16 Oct 2000 201073 Birth KAP

WUPPERTAL 8 Nov 2001 201049 Transfer

KARLSRUHE 9 Nov 2001 CA2174 Loan to

NEUMUNSTE 23 Apr 2004 ______ Loan to

HANNOVER 11 Mar 2013 V1432 Loan to

NEUMUNSTE 12 May 2014 ______ Loan to

KARLSRUHE 12 Apr 2017 CA2174 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


KAZAN - Kazanskii Zoobotanicheskii Sad, Kazan, Russia[0m[44m

1494 F 26 Nov 1995 732 731 KAZAN 26 Nov 1995 160001 Birth Maleeshka

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


KHABAROVS - Khabarovsk Zoo Park, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

3359 M 10 Nov 2014 1201 1616 MOSCOW 10 Nov 2014 140815 Birth Khabar

KHABAROVS 21 Apr 2017 140815 Loan to

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


KHAR KOV – Kharkov Zoo, Ukraine

1632 M ~ 1985 WILD WILD WILD ~ 1986 NONE Capture Tim

MOSCOW Z ~ 1986 ______ Transfer

KHAR KOV 11 Sep 1998 TIM Transfer

21 Apr 2019 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


KINGUSSIE - Highland Wildlife Park, Kingussie Inverness-, Scotland (U.K.)

1568 F 12 Dec 1996 117 1343 ROSTOCK 12 Dec 1996 2065 Birth Viktoria

AALBORG 21 Jul 1998 ISB28 Transfer

DUISBURG 21 Oct 1998 3701 Loan to

AALBORG 30 Sep 1999 ISB28 Transfer

KINGUSSIE 23 Mar 2015 5833 Transfer

2887 M 30 Nov 2007 1497 1363 VIENNA 30 Nov 2007 M3324 Birth Arktos

HANNOVER 17 May 2010 V1388 Loan to

KINGUSSIE 4 Apr 2012 5582 Loan to

2900 M 7 Dec 2008 1622 1428 RHENEN 7 Dec 2008 2402 Birth Walker

KINGUSSIE 5 Nov 2010 5485 Transfer

3418 M 18 Dec 2017 2887 1568 KINGUSSIE 18 Dec 2017 6060 Birth

Totals: 3.1.0 (4)


KOBE PARK - Kobe City Oji Zoo, Kobe-Shi, HYOGO, Japan

1308 F 30 Nov 1990 206 940 OSAKA 30 Nov 1990 149 Birth Miyuki

KOBE PARK 20 Jan 1992 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


KUMAMOTO - Kumamoto Municipal Zoo, Kumamoto, Japan

3257 neutM 8 Dec 2012 691 1514 SAPPORO 8 Dec 2012 SPR25 Birth MARURU

KUMAMOTO 3 Mar 2014 SPR25 Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


KUSHIRO Z – Kushiro-Shi Zoo, Japan

2909 M 9 Dec 2008 691 1514 SAPPORO 9 Dec 2008 100013 Birth KIRORU

OBIHIRO 21 Feb 2010 ______ Loan to

HAMAMATSU 6 Mar 2011 ______ Loan to

KUSHIRO Z 13 Apr 2016 ______ Transfer

3260 F 4 Dec 2012 1753 1577 OGA AQUAR 4 Dec 2012 ______ Birth Milk

KUSHIRO Z 30 Jan 2014 KSR18 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


LA FLECHE - Parc Zoologique Du Tertre Rouge, La Fleche, Sarthe, France

1318 F 23 Dec 1990 238 240 ROTTERDAM 23 Dec 1990 104113 Birth Katinka

PARIS ZOO 7 Oct 1992 Z92267 Transfer

AMSTERDAM 6 Nov 2003 M03124 Loan to

LA FLECHE 12 May 2005 475 Loan to

5 Jun 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3081 M 24 Nov 2010 1622 1708 RHENEN 24 Nov 2010 2839 Birth TAIKO

LA FLECHE 6 Mar 2013 2082 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


LA PALMYR - La Palmyre Zoo, Royan, France

695 M 25 Nov 1986 238 240 ROTTERDAM 25 Nov 1986 102894 Birth Moni

WARSAW 22 Jan 1988 S2349 Transfer

LA PALMYR 29 Jun 2006 4076 Loan to

17 Dec 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1066 F ~ Dec 1994 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Tanja

LAVAL 13 Sep 1995 950100 Transfer

LA PALMYR 10 Nov 1995 1892 Transfer

26 Nov 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1343 F 29 Nov 1988 13 14 VIENNA 29 Nov 1988 ______ Birth Vienna

ROSTOCK 15 Jun 1990 255 Transfer

LA PALMYR 31 Oct 2016 1892 Loan to

13 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


LEEUWARDE – Aqua Zoo Friesland, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

1706 M 24 Nov 2001 1497 599 VIENNA 24 Nov 2001 M2260 Birth Felix

KARLSRUHE 28 May 2003 CA2178 Loan to

NURNBERG 22 Oct 2004 M02298 Loan to

GELSNKRKN 21 Nov 2007 NONE Loan to

AALBORG 3 Apr 2008 ISB31 Loan to

NURNBERG 23 Apr 2010 M02298 Loan to

STUTTGART 10 Mar 2015 9982 Loan to

RHENEN 25 Nov 2015 4007 Loan to

LEEUWARDE 4 Jul 2016 502130 Transfer

3305 M 21 Nov 2012 1701 857 SCAND WP 21 Nov 2012 UNG113 Birth Nanu

LEEUWARDE 24 Jun 2016 502111 Transfer

LE VIGEN 18 Jun 2019 MF2151 Transfer

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)


LIMPOPZOO - Nizhnii Novgorod Zoo "limpopo", Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

1616 F 27 Nov 1994 1196 1190 ST PETERS 27 Nov 1994 MX09C2 Birth Simona

MOSCOW 30 Mar 1997 950226 Transfer

LIMPOPZOO 23 Jul 2018 ______ Transfer

MOSCOW 4 May 2019 950226 Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


LISIEUX Z - Cerza Centre D'Etude Et De Recherche, Lisieux, Calvados, France

3367 F 22 Nov 2015 1790 1761 EUROPA 22 Nov 2015 M15059 Birth Simone

LISIEUX Z 22 Mar 2018 M18019 Transfer

3368 F 22 Nov 2015 1790 1761 EUROPA 22 Nov 2015 M15060 Birth Nicky

LISIEUX Z 22 Mar 2018 M18020 Transfer

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


LOUISVILL - Louisville Zoological Garden, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

3318 F ~ 2011 WILD WILD WILD ~ 2011 NONE Capture Qannik

LOUISVILL 28 Jun 2011 103176 Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


MADISON - Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

1642 F 28 Dec 1998 885 861 DENVER 28 Dec 1998 980456 Birth Berit

CINCINNAT 30 Jun 2000 100065 Transfer

MADISON 21 Nov 2016 3010 Loan to

3395 M 14 Nov 2016 832 1809 COLUMBUS 14 Nov 2016 216112 Birth Nuniq

MADISON 10 Sep 2018 3011 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


MEMPHIS - Memphis Zoological Garden & Aquarium, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

1731 F 15 Nov 2002 1375 1374 ROCHESTER 15 Nov 2002 105232 Birth Haley

CHICAGOBR 30 Mar 2005 1896 Loan to

MEMPHIS 4 Jan 2006 21928 Transfer

1754 M 8 Nov 2003 464 805 CHICAGOBR 8 Nov 2003 1557 Birth Payton

MEMPHIS 4 Jan 2006 21927 Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

895 F 5 Dec 1984 409 410 ROCHESTER 5 Dec 1984 2294 Birth EBON

NY BRONX 18 Sep 1985 851335 Transfer

MILWAUKEE 25 Feb 2005 5155 Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


MORELIA - Benito Juarez Zoologico Parque, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico

915 F ~31 May 1990 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Yupik

ANCHORAGE 1 Jun 1990 ______ Transfer

MORELIA 10 Apr 1992 CAR060 Transfer

12 Nov 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


MOSCOW - Moscow Zoological Park, Moscow 123242, Russia

1201 M ~ 1991 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Vrangel

MOSCOW 13 Jul 1991 910071 Transfer

KHAR KOV 5 Nov 1992 ______ Loan to

MOSCOW 18 May 1995 910071 Transfer

1202 F ~ 1990 WILD WILD WILD ~ 1991 NONE Capture


MOSCOW 1 Jun 1991 910070 Transfer

KHAR KOV 5 Nov 1991 ______ Loan to

MOSCOW 18 May 1995 910070 Transfer

3397 F ~ Dec 2015 WILD WILD MOSCOW 6 Sep 2016 160557 Transfer Neka

3420 F ~ 1 Dec 2016 UNK UNK MOSCOW 5 Oct 2017 17403 Transfer Ayana

LIMPOPZOO 11 Apr 2019 ______ Loan to

Totals: 1.3.0 (4)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


MULHOUSE - Parc Zoologique Et Botan, F-68100 Mulhouse, France

973 F ~ 1986 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Tina

MULHOUSE 4 Feb 1987 870044 Transfer

LA PALMYR 10 Nov 2011 5928 Loan to

MULHOUSE 21 Mar 2014 870044 Transfer

3076 M 6 Dec 2010 1497 1363 ROTTERDAM 6 Dec 2010 Z10047 Birth Vicks

ORSA 22 Oct 2012 ______ Loan to

ROTTERDAM 3 May 2013 Z10047 Transfer

MULHOUSE 29 Oct 2013 ______ Transfer

3082 F 24 Nov 2010 1622 1708 RHENEN 24 Nov 2010 2840 Birth Sesi

ORSA 22 Oct 2012 ______ Transfer

RHENEN 2 May 2013 2840 Transfer

MULHOUSE 28 Oct 2013 M13094 Transfer

3406 F 7 Nov 2016 3076 3082 MULHOUSE 7 Nov 2016 M16091 Birth Nanuq

Totals: 1.3.0 (4)


MUNICH - Tierpark Hellabrunn, 81543 M•nchen, Germany

1801 F 28 Nov 2006 1502 858 FASANO 28 Nov 2006 ______ Birth


MUNICH 20 Jan 2008 042013 Transfer

BERLINZOO 8 Sep 2009 ______ Loan to

MUNICH 30 Jul 2010 042013 Transfer

3390 F 21 Nov 2016 1672 1801 MUNICH 21 Nov 2016 042034 Birth Quintana

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


NAGOYA - Nagoya Higasiyama Zoo, 464 Nagoya, Japan

1307 M ~ 1990 UNK UNK UNKNOWN ~ 1990 ______ Birth Sasukacchi

NAGOYA 22 Nov 1990 10098 Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


NALCHIK - Nalchikskii Zoopark, Nalchik, Russia

1204 M ~ 1 Dec 1990 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Kutsii


NOVOSIBRK 1 Jul 1991 101017 Transfer

NALCHIK 11 Mar 1996 ______ Loan to

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


NANJING U - Nanjing Normal Univ -Dept Biology, Nanjing, Fujian, China

1814 M 11 Dec 2005 1636 1494 KAZAN 11 Dec 2005 ______ Birth KUZJA

NANJING U 12 Feb 2007 ______ Transfer

2801 M ~ Dec 1988 WILD WILD MANITOBAC ???? NONE Capture Xiao Bai

WINNIPEG 11 Apr 1989 970804 Transfer

CHENGDU 18 Dec 1989 ______ Transfer

PEKING 22 Nov 2002 ______ Transfer

SHENYANG 21 Apr 2005 ______ Loan to

QINGDAO 20 Oct 2006 ______ Loan to

NANJING U ~ Jan 2007 ______ Loan to

2890 M 8 Dec 2007 1636 1494 KAZAN 8 Dec 2007 160003 Birth Promitey

IZHEVSK 13 Feb 2009 ______ Transfer

KAZAN 6 Apr 2010 160003 Transfer

NANJING U 7 Apr 2010 ______ Transfer

Totals: 3.0.0 (3)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


NEUMUNSTE - Tiergarten Neum•nster, 24537 Neum•nster, Germany

1252 F 5 Dec 1990 238 239 ROTTERDAM 5 Dec 1990 104107 Birth Larissa

PARIS ZOO 7 Oct 1992 Z92266 Loan to

STUTTGART 23 Aug 1993 5102 Loan to

30 Sep 1994 5102 Transfer

KARLSRUHE 5 Nov 2003 CA2179 Loan to

NEUMUNSTE 11 Apr 2017 NMS719 Loan to

1674 M 2 Dec 2000 117 1343 ROSTOCK 2 Dec 2000 3066 Birth Vitus

KARLSRUHE 18 Dec 2001 CA2175 Loan to

NEUMUNSTE 11 Apr 2017 NMS718 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


NIHONDAIR - Sizuoka Municipal Nihondaira Zoo, Sizuoka-Shi 422, Japan

2882 M 27 Nov 2007 1196 1190 ST PETERS 27 Nov 2007 MX09D5 Birth Rossy

NIHONDAIR 8 Jul 2008 ______ Loan to

3087 F 10 Feb 2009 1564 867 BANGKOK 10 Feb 2009 ______ Birth Vania

NIHONDAIR 18 Aug 2011 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


NIKOLAEV - Nikolaev Zoo, Nikolaev, Ukrania

3101 F 27 Nov 2011 1201 1616 MOSCOW 27 Nov 2011 110714 Birth Zefirka

NIKOLAEV 27 Mar 2014 ______ Transfer

3309 M 24 Nov 2012 1631 1634 BRNO 24 Nov 2012 ML0011 Birth Nanuk

NIKOLAEV 19 Jan 2015 N15 Transfer

3426 F 8 Dec 2017 3309 3101 NIKOLAEV 8 Dec 2017 N1628 Birth

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


NISHIMURO - Nanki Shiraham Adventure World, Nishimuro-Gun, WAKAYAMA, Japan

1326 F 15 Nov 1991 179 633 EDINBURGH 15 Nov 1991 91KB11 Birth Ohoto

RUSHDEN 6 Apr 1993 10221 Transfer

NISHIMURO 9 Apr 1993 ______ Transfer

3314 M 21 Nov 2013 851 1326 NISHIMURO 21 Nov 2013 NNK13 Birth

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


NOVOSIBRK - Novosibirskii Zoopark, Novosibirsk 630005, Russia

2883 M 27 Nov 2007 1196 1190 ST PETERS 27 Nov 2007 MX09D6 Birth Krasin

MOSCOW 27 Nov 2007 70846 Loan to

NOVOSIBRK 20 Jun 2008 101022 Loan to

2894 F 20 Nov 2007 1201 1616 MOSCOW 20 Nov 2007 70614 Birth Gerda

NOVOSIBRK 5 Aug 2008 101023 Transfer

3372 M 7 Dec 2015 2883 2894 NOVOSIBRK 7 Dec 2015 101029 Birth Rostik

3438 ? 11 Dec 2018 2883 2894 NOVOSIBRK 11 Dec 2018 101032 Birth

3439 ? 11 Dec 2018 2883 2894 NOVOSIBRK 11 Dec 2018 101033 Birth

Totals: 2.1.2 (5)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


NURNBERG - Tiergarten Nürnberg, 90480 Nürnberg, Germany

1747 F 21 Nov 2002 1201 1616 MOSCOW 21 Nov 2002 20990 Birth Vera

WUPPERTAL 17 Nov 2003 203060 Transfer

ROSTOCK 17 Dec 2003 3901 Loan to

NURNBERG 6 Oct 2004 M02297 Loan to

3345 F 21 Nov 2014 1706 1747 NURNBERG 21 Nov 2014 M03798 Birth Charlotte

HANNOVER 25 Mar 2019 V1503 Transfer

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


NYIREGYHA - Nyiregyh zi Allatpark (sosto Zoo), Sostofurdo, Hungary

552 F 3 Jan 1991 UNK UNK PALIC 3 Jan 1991 M01180 Birth Zora

NYIREGYHA 21 Mar 2013 M01180 Transfer

3338 M 3 Dec 2014 785 1725 ROSTOCK 3 Dec 2014 5739 Birth Fiete

NYIREGYHA 11 Nov 2016 M13321 Loan to

3360 F 10 Nov 2014 1201 1616 MOSCOW 10 Nov 2014 140918 Birth Snezhana

NYIREGYHA 26 Nov 2017 M13444 Transfer

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


OBIHIRO - Obihiro Zoo, Obihiro-Shi, Hokkaido, Japan

3069 neutF 25 Dec 2010 691 1514 SAPPORO 25 Dec 2010 100001 Birth AIRA

OBIHIRO 20 Feb 2012 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


OGA AQUAR - Oga Aquarium, Oga-Shi, Akita 010-06, Japan

1577 F 26 Dec 1996 1240 1242 KUSHIRO Z 26 Dec 1996 ______ Birth Kurumi

OGA AQUAR 26 Apr 2011 ______ Loan to

28 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1753 M 26 Nov 2003 1618 1202 MOSCOW 26 Nov 2003 30759 Birth Gota

OGA AQUAR 6 Jun 2005 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


ORSA - Orsa Grönklitt Bjornpark (Orsa Bear Pk), Orsa, Sweden

1789 F 26 Nov 2005 1622 1428 RHENEN 26 Nov 2005 1502 Birth Ewa

ROTTERDAM 3 Sep 2007 107690 Ownership

EUROPA 4 Sep 2007 M07050 Loan to

29 Oct 2008 M07050 Transfer

ORSA 4 May 2009 PB1 Transfer

2885 M 10 Dec 2007 1451 724 STUTTGART 10 Dec 2007 8844 Birth Wilb„r

ORSA 15 May 2009 PB2 Transfer

3339 M 26 Nov 2014 2892 2898 ANTIBES 26 Nov 2014 HOPE Birth HOPE

ORSA 19 Jan 2018 PB3 Transfer

Totals: 2.1.0


OSAKA - Osaka Municipal Tennoji Zoo, Osaka-Shi 543, Osaka, Japan

1773 M 3 Dec 2004 1197 1195 PERM ZOO 3 Dec 2004 6222M6 Birth Gogo

OSAKA 15 Mar 2006 1351 Transfer

NISHIMURO 2 Mar 2015 ______ Loan to

OSAKA 3 Dec 2018 ______ Transfer

3356 F 11 Dec 2013 2883 2894 NOVOSIBRK 11 Dec 2013 101027 Birth Icchan

OSAKA 28 Mar 2015 OSK25 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


PEAUGRES - Safari De Peaugres, 07340 Peaugres, France

1405 M 5 Dec 1990 397 436 TOLEDO 5 Dec 1990 900057 Birth JOHNNY

NY BRONX 5 Dec 1990 901505 Ownership

LISBON 21 Jan 1993 15 Transfer

PARIS ZOO 28 Jul 1995 Z95165 Transfer

PEAUGRES 17 Apr 2000 453 Loan to

21 May 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


PENGLAI A - Penglai-Aquarium, Shandong 265600, Republic of China

3088 F 6 Jun 2007 1564 867 BANGKOK 6 Jun 2007 ______ Birth SASHA

PENGLAI A 2 Jul 2012 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


PENZA - Penza Zoo, Penza 440026, Russia

3102 M ~ Oct 2011 WILD WILD WILD 20 Oct 2011 NONE Capture Bely

MOSCOW 20 Oct 2011 110546 Loan to

PENZA 29 Nov 2012 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


PERM - Permskii Zoologicheskii Sad, Perm, Russia

1738 M ~ Dec 2002 WILD WILD WILD ~ Dec 2002 NONE Capture Terpey

PERM ZOO 1 Jul 2003 6222M5 Loan to

11 May 2007 6222M5 Ownership

ROSTOV 7 Nov 2013 ______ Transfer

PERM 26 Dec 2018 62220M Loan to

1195 F ~ 1980 WILD WILD WILD ~ 1989 NONE Capture Amderma

ST PETERS 10 Sep 1989 MX09B1 Transfer

KAZAN 11 Apr 1992 150008 Loan to

PERM ZOO 27 Feb 1997 6222F4 Loan to

19 Jun 2009 6222F4 Ownership

17 Feb 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3302 F 16 Dec 2012 1197 1494 KAZAN 16 Dec 2012 160537 Birth Milka

PERM ZOO 1 Oct 2013 2220F8 Transfer

3319 M ~ Dec 2012 WILD WILD WILD ~ Dec 2012 NONE Capture Seriku

PERM ZOO 21 Aug 2013 2220M7 Transfer

Totals: 2.2.0 (4)


PHILADELP - Philadelphia Zoological Gardens, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

891 F 13 Dec 1980 409 410 ROCHESTER 13 Dec 1980 1495 Birth Coldilocks/B

PHILADELP 6 Oct 1981 101091 Transfer

19 Feb 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


PITTSBURG - Pittsburgh Zoo, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

1593 F 28 Nov 1995 332 357 BUFFALO 28 Nov 1995 95M192 Birth Snowflake

ORLANDO 25 Nov 1996 ______ Transfer

SEA WORLD 20 Apr 1997 UM0003 Transfer

PITTSBURG 26 Feb 2017 ______ Loan to

1767 M 25 Nov 2004 794 1382 DENVER 25 Nov 2004 A04498 Birth Koda

PITTSBURG 9 Jun 2006 102098 Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)



Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


PRAHA - Prague Zoo, 171 00 Prague, Czech Republic

470 F 20 Nov 1986 13 14 VIENNA 20 Nov 1986 ______ Birth Bora

DVURKRALV 17 Feb 1988 023023 Transfer

PRAHA 10 Sep 1997 970121 Loan to

19 Aug 1998 970121 Transfer

1750 F 2 Dec 2003 72 470 PRAHA 2 Dec 2003 230194 Birth Framina

2895 M 23 Nov 2007 1631 1634 BRNO 23 Nov 2007 ML0007 Birth Tom

PRAHA 14 Feb 2009 290014 Loan to

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


QINGDAO - Qingdao Zoological Gardens, Qingdao, Shangdong, China

1189 F 19 Nov 1987 732 731 KAZAN 19 Nov 1987 ______ Birth Yang Yang

PEKING 21 Apr 1989 ______ Transfer

QINGDAO 15 Jan 2007 ______ Loan to

3098 M 25 Nov 2011 1618 1202 MOSCOW 25 Nov 2011 110711 Birth

NOVOSIBRK 22 Jun 2013 ______ Transfer

QINGDAO 12 Feb 2014 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


RANUA - Ranua Zoo, 97700 Ranua, Finnland, EUROPEAN REGION

1765 F 9 Dec 2004 117 1343 ROSTOCK 9 Dec 2004 4125 Birth VENUS

RANUA 29 May 2006 206020 Loan to

3388 ? 25 Nov 2016 841 1765 RANUA 25 Nov 2016 216070 Birth Sisu

Totals: 0.1.1 (2)


RHENEN - Ouwehand Zoo, 3910 Aa Rhenen, The Netherlands

1428 F ~ Jan 1994 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Hygies


RHENEN 3 Jun 1994 M765 Transfer

KOLMARDEN 17 Dec 1998 7208 Loan to

RHENEN 13 Mar 2002 M765 Transfer

1708 F 6 Dec 2001 856 1428 KOLMARDEN 6 Dec 2001 8354 Birth Freedom

RHENEN 13 Mar 2002 8354 Transfer

EUROPA 24 Jan 2005 M01178 Loan to

RHENEN 25 May 2005 M01588 Transfer

3347 F 22 Nov 2014 1622 1708 RHENEN 22 Nov 2014 3725 Birth Pluisje

Totals: 0.3.0 (3)


RIGA - Riga Zoo, Riga 226014, Latvia

866 M 21 Nov 1989 732 731 KAZAN 21 Nov 1989 150034 Birth Romeo

RIGA 10 Feb 1991 890049 Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


RIO GRAND - Rio Grande Zoological Park, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

1594 neutM 19 Nov 1996 1390 414 HOGLE 19 Nov 1996 960198 Birth Koluk

BUFFALO 19 Nov 1996 96M183 Ownership

RIO GRAND 21 Oct 1997 M97034 Transfer

1601 neutM 19 Nov 1996 1390 414 HOGLE 19 Nov 1996 960197 Birth Kiska

RIO GRAND 21 Oct 1997 M97035 Transfer

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)



Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


ROCHESTER - Seneca Park Zoo, Rochester, New York, USA

1374 F 5 Nov 1989 413 414 HOGLE 5 Nov 1989 07983 Birth Aurora

ROCHESTER 13 Dec 1991 103735 Loan to

5 Feb 1992 103735 Ownership

5 Mar 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1600 F 20 Nov 1996 1375 1374 ROCHESTER 20 Nov 1996 104712 Birth Anoki

FERNDALE 5 Jan 1998 49605 Transfer

RIO GRAND 7 Jan 1998 M98001 Transfer

BALTIMORE 25 Jun 2008 5626 Loan to

ROCHESTER 18 Sep 2018 ______ Loan to

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


ROEV R - Krasnodarsk Park of Flora and Fauna, Krasnodarsk, Russia 66005

3440 F ~ Dec 2017 WILD WILD ROEV R 16 Oct 2018 6935 Capture Ursula

2884 M ~ Jan 2006 WILD WILD WILD ~ Apr 2006 NONE Capture Feliks

ROEVRUCHI 30 May 2006 100006 Transfer

3074 F ~ Jan 2010 WILD WILD WILD ~ Jan 2010 NONE Capture Aurora

ROEVRUCHI 13 May 2010 100634 Transfer

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


ROSTOCK - Rostock Zoologischer Garten, 18059 Rostock, MECKLENBURG-VOR, Germany

3341 F 2 Dec 2014 1497 1363 ROTTERDAM 2 Dec 2014 Z14526 Birth Sizzel

ROSTOCK 17 Oct 2018 6906 Loan to

3346 M 22 Nov 2014 1622 1708 RHENEN 22 Nov 2014 3724 Birth Akiak

ROSTOCK 12 Sep 2018 6876 Transfer

3377 F 21 Nov 2015 1631 1634 BRNO 21 Nov 2015 ML0013 Birth Noria

ROSTOCK 15 Sep 2018 6868 Loan to

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


ROSTOV - Rostov-on-Don Zoo, Rostov-na-Donu 34403, Russia

3310 F 24 Nov 2012 1631 1634 BRNO 24 Nov 2012 ML0012 Birth Kometa

ROSTOV 3 Apr 2014 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)


ROTTERDAM - Rotterdam Zoo, 3000 Am Rotterdam, The Netherlands

1363 F 21 Nov 1992 879 599 KOLN 21 Nov 1992 1547 Birth Olinka

VIENNA 18 Mar 1994 M715 Loan to

BREMERHVN 17 Feb 2002 ______ Transfer

VIENNA 26 May 2003 M715 Loan to

GELSNKRKN 14 Nov 2005 ______ Loan to

VIENNA 5 Dec 2006 M715 Loan to

ROTTERDAM 4 Mar 2010 107966 Loan to

3340 M 2 Dec 2014 1497 1363 ROTTERDAM 2 Dec 2014 Z14525 Birth Todz

LE VIGEN 12 Jun 2019 MF4102 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


SANDIEGOZ - San Diego Zoological Garden, San Diego, California, USA

1561 F ~ Feb 1995 WILD WILD CANADA ???? NONE Capture Chinook

LAVAL 9 Dec 1995 960019 Transfer

ORONO 20 Dec 1995 ______ Loan to

SANDIEGOZ 20 Dec 1995 596220 Transfer

30 May 1996 596220 Transfer

1684 M ~ 2000 WILD WILD ALASKA 26 Nov 2000 NONE Capture BeaufortKal

SANDIEGOZ 30 Mar 2001 501060 Loan to

1685 F ~ 2000 WILD WILD ALASKA 26 Nov 2000 NONE Capture CaisukTatqi

SANDIEGOZ 30 Mar 2001 501061 Loan to

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


SAOPAULAQ - Aquario De Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

3018 M 7 Dec 2009 1636 1494 KAZAN 7 Dec 2009 160371 Birth Pilgrim

ROSTOV 22 Oct 2010 ______ Transfer

MOSCOW 18 Dec 2010 100615 Transfer

KAZAN 25 Mar 2011 160371 Transfer

IZHEVSK 26 Mar 2011 ______ Loan to

SAOPAULAQ 20 Apr 2015 ______ Loan to

3073 F ~ Jan 2010 WILD WILD WILD ~ Jan 2010 NONE Capture Aurora

KAZAN 13 May 2010 160406 Transfer

ROEVRUCHI 16 Jun 2010 ______ Loan to

IZHEVSK 14 Dec 2011 ______ Loan to

KAZAN 15 Dec 2014 160406 Transfer

SAOPAULAQ 16 Dec 2014 ______ Loan to

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


SAPPORO - Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

691 M 9 Nov 1993 413 414 HOGLE 9 Nov 1993 930376 Birth Denali

FERNDALE 30 Apr 1995 46219 Transfer

N S TRADE 1 May 1995 000122 Transfer

SAPPORO 2 May 1995 100002 Transfer

KUSHIRO Z 31 Mar 2009 ______ Transfer

SAPPORO 21 Feb 2010 100002 Transfer

1454 F 2 Nov 1992 130 129 WUPPERTAL 2 Nov 1992 92070 Birth Candy

TOYOHASHI 22 May 1994 ______ Transfer

SAPPORO 8 Mar 2011 100016 Loan to

1514 F 20 Nov 1994 205 1253 BEPPU 20 Nov 1994 ______ Birth Lala

N S TRADE 7 May 1996 000123 Transfer

SAPPORO 9 May 1996 100004 Transfer

3355 F 21 Dec 2014 691 1514 SAPPORO 21 Dec 2014 ______ Birth LILA

Totals: 1.3.0 (4)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


SCAND WP - Scandinavian Wild Park, Dk 8560 Kolind, Danmark

856 neutM 2 Dec 1993 119 393 KOLMARDEN 2 Dec 1993 5339 Birth NUUK

SCAND WP 18 Nov 2005 NUUK Loan to

857 F 2 Dec 1993 119 393 KOLMARDEN 2 Dec 1993 5340 Birth Ilka

SCAND WP 18 Nov 2005 ILKA Loan to

1701 M 5 Dec 2001 869 1495 AYWAILLE 5 Dec 2001 200196 Birth Nanok

RHENEN 25 May 2005 1451 Transfer

SCAND WP 12 Jan 2006 NANOK Transfer

1781 M 12 Nov 2005 1618 1202 MOSCOW 12 Nov 2005 50681 Birth Ivan

COPENHAGE 1 Apr 2007 POL011 Transfer

SCAND WP 8 Aug 2014 IVAN Loan to

COPENHAGE 10 Feb 2015 POL011 Loan to

SCAND WP 12 Jan 2017 IVAN Transfer

3105 M 22 Nov 2011 1701 857 SCAND WP 22 Nov 2011 SIKU Birth SIKU

3306 F 21 Nov 2012 1701 857 SCAND WP 21 Nov 2012 NUNO Birth NUNO

Totals: 4.2.0 (6)


SENDAISHI - Yagiyama Zoological Park Sendai, Sendai-Shi 982, Miyagi, Japan

497 F 15 Dec 1984 51 52 WINNIPEG 15 Dec 1984 970796 Birth 42 - WINNIE

KEIHIN CH ~ Sep 1985 ______ Transfer

SENDAISHI 6 Sep 1985 ______ Transfer

1772 M 2 Dec 2004 1196 1190 ST PETERS 2 Dec 2004 MX09D0 Birth Kai

SENDAISHI 29 May 2006 ______ Transfer

1780 F 5 Dec 2004 540 552 PALIC ZOO 5 Dec 2004 ______ Birth Paula

SENDAISHI 30 Oct 2005 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


SEVERSK Z - Severskii Zoopark, Seversk, Russia 63071, Eastern Europe

864 M 29 Nov 1991 732 731 KAZAN 29 Nov 1991 ______ Birth UD

SEVERSK Z 17 Feb 1994 980157 Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


SINGAPORE - Singapore Zoological Gardens, Singapore, Singapore

1429 M 26 Dec 1990 253 255 SINGAPORE 26 Dec 1990 G369 Birth Inuka

25 Apr 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


ST FELICI - St Felicien Zoo, St Felicien, Quebec, Canada

1762 F ~ Dec 2002 WILD WILD WILD ~ Dec 2002 NONE Capture Aisaqvak

QUEBEC 7 Sep 2003 A3152 Transfer

CALGARY 12 Nov 2003 106460 Loan to

ST FELICI 4 Jul 2004 A40006 Transfer

1791 M 26 Nov 2005 1622 1428 RHENEN 26 Nov 2005 1504 Birth Jelle

ROTTERDAM 3 Sep 2007 107692 Ownership

EUROPA 4 Sep 2007 M07052 Loan to

29 Oct 2008 M07052 Transfer

ST FELICI 17 May 2011 B00125 Transfer

AQUAQC 19 Feb 2015 100088 Loan to

ST FELICI 1 Jun 2016 B00125 Transfer

2924 F 7 Dec 2008 1706 1568 AALBORG 7 Dec 2008 ISB32 Birth Milak

SCAND WP 9 Oct 2013 ______ Transfer

ST FELICI 11 Dec 2014 B14084 Transfer

3436 M 27 Nov 2018 1791 1762 ST FELICI 27 Nov 2018 B18072 Birth Kinuk

3437 M 11 Dec 2018 1791 2924 ST FELICI 11 Dec 2018 B18081 Birth Shouka

Totals: 3.2.0 (5)


ST LOUIS - St Louis Zoological Park, St Louis, Missouri, USA

3304 M ~ Jan 2013 WILD WILD USFWS ~ Jan 2013 NONE Capture Kali

ANCHORAGE ~ Mar 2013 ______ Transfer

BUFFALO 15 May 2013 M13027 Transfer

ST LOUIS 5 May 2015 117746 Loan to

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


ST PAUL - St Paul's Como Zoo, St Paul, Minnesota, USA

1546 M 9 Dec 1995 386 387 LOUISVILL 9 Dec 1995 101686 Birth Neil

SANDIEGOZ 20 Jan 1997 597013 Transfer

ST PAUL 6 Dec 2001 2534 Loan to

DETROIT 4 Apr 2008 12057 Loan to

ST PAUL 23 Mar 2010 2534 Loan to

1547 M 9 Dec 1995 386 387 LOUISVILL 9 Dec 1995 101687 Birth Buzz

SANDIEGOZ 20 Jan 1997 597014 Transfer

ST PAUL 4 Dec 2001 2535 Loan to

DETROIT 3 Apr 2008 12058 Loan to

ST PAUL 23 Mar 2010 2535 Loan to

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)


ST PETERS - Leningrad Zoo-St Petersburg, St Petersburg 197198, Russia

1190 F 19 Nov 1987 732 731 KAZAN 19 Nov 1987 ______ Birth Uslada

MOSCOW 24 Nov 1988 A00136 Transfer

ST PETERS 14 Apr 1993 MX09B6 Loan to

12 Oct 2014 MX09B6 Ownership

3326 F 30 Nov 2016 3104 YAKUTSK 30 Nov 2016 ______ Birth

ST PETERS 1 Dec 2017 201581 Transfer

3419 F 30 Nov 2016 3104 3422 YAKUTSK 30 Nov 2016 ______ Birth Haarchana

ST PETERS 1 Dec 2017 015813 Transfer

Totals: 0.3.0 (3)


STUTTGART - Wilhelma, 70342 Stuttgart, Germany

724 F 20 Dec 1989 79 76 COPENHAGE 20 Dec 1989 101286 Birth Corinna

STUTTGART 26 Nov 1990 4375 Transfer

21 Jul 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 0.1.0 (1)



Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


TACOMA - Point Defiance Zoo, Tacoma, Washington, USA

559 M 15 Dec 1985 117 112 ROSTOCK 15 Dec 1985 HEI098 Birth Boris

CIRCUS 19 May 1987 ______ Transfer

TACOMA 19 Nov 2002 T02M01 Loan to

1603 M ???? WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Blizzard

CALGARY 22 Nov 1996 104383 Transfer

TACOMA 5 Mar 1997 97M003 Transfer

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)


TALLIN - Emcc/Tallinn Zoo, EE0035 Tallinn, Estonia

1705 M 24 Nov 2001 1497 599 VIENNA 24 Nov 2001 M2259 Birth Nord

NOVOSIBRK 3 Apr 2003 101021 Loan to

MOSCOW 8 Oct 2008 80630 Transfer

TALLIN 10 Apr 2009 17301 Transfer

1726 F 16 Dec 2002 1206 948 TALLIN 16 Dec 2002 14502 Birth Friida

3391 M 26 Nov 2016 1705 1726 TALLIN 26 Nov 2016 20909 Birth Aron

Totals: 2.1.0 (3)


TOBE ZOO – Ehime Prefectual Tobe Zoo, Japan

976 F 17 Dec 1990 73 75 AALBORG 17 Dec 1990 ISB26 Birth Baliba

BASEL 23 Mar 1993 ______ Transfer

TOBE ZOO 22 Jul 1997 ______ Transfer

ZOORASIA 29 Nov 2011 5537 Loan to

TOBE ZOO 22 Feb 2016 ______ Transfer

1654 F 2 Dec 1999 1305 976 TOBE ZOO 2 Dec 1999 ______ Birth Peace

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


TOKUSHIMZ - Tokushima Zoo, Tokushima-Shi Tokus, Japan

3256 M 8 Dec 2012 691 1514 SAPPORO 8 Dec 2012 SPR24 Birth Pororo

TOKUSHIMZ 3 Mar 2014 SPR24 Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


TOKYOUENO - Ueno Zoological Gardens, Taito-Ku, Tokyo, Japan

2908 M 9 Dec 2008 691 1514 SAPPORO 9 Dec 2008 100012 Birth Ikoro

OBIHIRO 21 Feb 2010 ______ Transfer

TOKYOUENO 13 Apr 2015 ______ Loan to

2912 F 2 Dec 2008 1502 858 FASANO 2 Dec 2008 ______ Birth DEA

TOKYOUENO 16 Mar 2012 940785 Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


TOLEDO - Toledo Zoological Gardens, Toledo, Ohio, USA

1599 M 25 Nov 1996 464 805 CHICAGOBR 25 Nov 1996 960352 Birth Marty

TOLEDO 2 Sep 1999 990044 Loan to

PITTSBURG 27 Sep 2007 102275 Loan to

TOLEDO 5 Dec 2008 990044 Loan to

1660 F 10 Nov 1998 870 231 AYWAILLE 10 Nov 1998 980101 Birth Crystal

TOLEDO 30 Apr 2000 1201 Transfer

3433 M 9 Dec 2018 1599 1660 TOLEDO 9 Dec 2018 13718 Birth

Totals: 2.1.0 (3)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


TORONTO - Metropolitan Toronto Zoo, West Hill, Ontario, Canada

1679 F ~ 1 Dec 2000 WILD WILD WILD ~ Feb 2001 NONE Capture Nikita

TORONTO 18 Feb 2001 36225 Transfer

ST FELICI 3 Jan 2002 A20001 Loan to

COCHPBEAR 20 May 2004 ______ Loan to

TORONTO 3 Jul 2009 36225 Transfer

1680 F ~ 1 Dec 2000 WILD WILD WILD ~ Feb 2001 NONE Capture Aurora

TORONTO 18 Feb 2001 35226 Transfer

ST FELICI 4 Jan 2002 A20000 Loan to

COCHPBEAR 20 May 2004 ______ Loan to

TORONTO 3 Jul 2009 35226 Transfer

3129 M 11 Oct 2011 1756 1680 TORONTO 11 Oct 2011 45424 Birth Hudson

WINNIPEG 28 Jan 2013 P00001 Loan to

TORONTO 12 Oct 2016 45424 Loan to

3323 M 9 Nov 2013 1756 1680 TORONTO 9 Nov 2013 47019 Birth HumphreyPiu

WINNIPEG 6 Mar 2015 ______ Loan to

TORONTO 12 Oct 2016 47019 Transfer

3374 F 11 Nov 2015 1756 1680 TORONTO 11 Nov 2015 48578 Birth Juno

WINNIPEG 2 Mar 2017 22280 Loan to

TORONTO 3 Oct 2018 48578 Transfer

Totals: 2.3.0 (5)


TOYOHASHI - Municipal Zoo, Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan

1034 M 14 Dec 1993 556 102 LEIPZIG 14 Dec 1993 M01335 Birth Cappy

TOYOHASHI 23 Jun 1994 ______ Transfer

30 Jan 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

1471 F 21 Jan 1993 163 162 NURNBERG 21 Jan 1993 M00657 Birth Cookie

TOYOHASHI 28 May 1994 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


VIENNA - Tiergarten Sch”nbrunn, A-1130 Wien, Austria

3107 F 30 Nov 2011 1622 1428 RHENEN 30 Nov 2011 3042 Birth Lynn

VIENNA 10 May 2014 001438 Transfer

3108 M 18 Nov 2011 841 1765 RANUA 18 Nov 2011 211053 Birth Ranzo

VIENNA 5 May 2014 001427 Transfer

3329 F 24 Nov 2013 1705 1726 TALLIN 24 Nov 2013 19461 Birth Nora

VIENNA 4 Dec 2017 _____ Transfer

Totals: 1.2.0 (3)


WARSAW - Miejski Ogrod Zoologiczny Warszawie, 03-461 Warszawa, Poland

3071 M 2 Dec 2010 1706 1747 NURNBERG 2 Dec 2010 M03124 Birth Gregor

WARSAW 18 Apr 2013 S6984 Transfer

3072 M 2 Dec 2010 1706 1747 NURNBERG 2 Dec 2010 M03125 Birth Aleut

WARSAW 18 Apr 2013 S6985 Transfer

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


WINNIPEG - Assiniboine Park Zoo, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

3334 M ~ 1 Jan 2011 WILD WILD WILD ~ 2012 NONE Capture Storm

WINNIPEG 9 Oct 2013 P00164 Transfer

3335 F ~ Nov 2012 WILD WILD WILD ~ May 2013 NONE Capture Aurora

WINNIPEG 28 Oct 2013 P00169 Transfer

3336 F ~ Dec 2012 WILD WILD WILD ~ 2013 NONE Capture Kaska

WINNIPEG 19 Nov 2013 P00173 Transfer

3382 M ~ Dec 2013 WILD WILD WINNIPEG 25 Sep 2014 R00184 Loan to Blizzard

28 Jan 2019 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

3383 F ~ Dec 2013 WILD WILD WINNIPEG 26 Sep 2014 R00185 Loan to Star

3384 M ~ Dec 2014 WILD WILD WINNIPEG 27 Oct 2015 22094 Loan to York

3407 M ~ Dec 2015 WILD WILD MANITOBA ~ 2016 NONE Capture Nanuq

WINNIPEG 22 Nov 2016 22251 Loan to

3408 M ~ Dec 2015 WILD WILD MANITOBA ~ Dec 2015 NONE Birth Siku

WINNIPEG 9 Dec 2016 22264 Loan to

3427 M ~ Dec 2016 WILD WILD CHURCHILL ~ Dec 2016 ______ Birth Baffin

WINNIPEG 5 Dec 2017 22352 Transfer

3428 F ~ Dec 2016 WILD WILD CHURCHILL ~ Dec 2016 ______ Birth Willow

WINNIPEG 5 Dec 2017 22353 Transfer

Totals: 6.4.0 (10)


WUPPERTAL - Wuppertal Zoological Garten, 42117 Wuppertal, Germany

3106 M 30 Nov 2011 1622 1428 RHENEN 30 Nov 2011 3041 Birth Luka

WUPPERTAL 16 Oct 2013 M13069 Transfer

3122 F 4 Jan 2012 785 1725 WUPPERTAL 4 Jan 2012 12003A Birth Anori

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


XIAN - Yangliang Park, Xian, Shanzi, China

3092 F 27 Nov 2009 1564 867 BANGKOK 27 Nov 2009 ______ Birth SESI

XIAN 7 Jan 2013 ______ Transfer

3093 F 27 Nov 2009 1564 867 BANGKOK 27 Nov 2009 ______ Birth ESKA

XIAN 7 Jan 2013 ______ Transfer

Totals: 0.2.0 (2)


YAKUTSK - Zoopark Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Sakha, Russian Federation

3104 M 26 Nov 2011 1196 1190 ST PETERS 26 Nov 2011 MX09E0 Birth LOMONOSOV

YAKUTSK 19 Dec 2012 ______ Loan to

3422 F ~ Jan 2012 UNK UNK YAKUTSK ~ Jan 2012 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.1.0 (2)


YOK HAKKE – Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Aquam, Japan

1524 M ~ 1993 WILD WILD WILD ???? NONE Capture Yukimaru

YOK HAKKE 22 Apr 1993 ______ Transfer

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)




Stud# | Sex | Birth Date | Sire | Dam | Location | Date |LocalID| Event |Name |


YONG IN - Everland Zoological Gardens, Yongin, Kyonggi-Province, Korea

1648 M 19 Nov 1995 UNK UNK MASAN 19 Nov 1995 ______ Birth TONG-KY

YONG IN 13 Jun 1997 ______ Transfer

17 Oct 2018 Death

[Death by: Unknown means]

Totals: 1.0.0 (1)


ZOORASIA – Yokohama Zoological Gardens, Japan

1619 M ~ Nov 1992 WILD WILD WILD ~ 1993 NONE Capture YAMBUY

NOVOSIBRK ~ 1993 101019 Transfer

ZOORASIA 25 Dec 1999 529 Transfer

1759 M 11 Dec 2003 691 1514 SAPPORO 11 Dec 2003 100009 Birth Tsuyoshi

KUSHIRO Z 22 Jan 2005 ______ Transfer

ZOORASIA 1 Mar 2016 ______ Transfer

Totals: 2.0.0 (2)



TOTALS: 135.161.5 (301)

117 Institutions

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