international students and studying abroad

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International Students and Studying Abroad

Arsalan Karvani

ENGL 1102

Mrs. Ashlyn C. Walden

October 11, 2013


Since I was fourteen or fifteen, I have known what I wanted to do with my life.

Engineering has always been a passion of mine. I was always thinking about traveling to another

country that can offer a good education in my educational field. When I finished high school, I

came to United State to continue my education. Since I came here. I have noticed tons of things

changed in me beside my education. People who study abroad or go to another countries as

international students have lots of chances to learn more about different things, such as: cultural

believes, social behaviors, and independent life style. Studying abroad introduce you to variety

of cultures, behaviors, ideas and attitudes.

I think studying abroad makes you learn about yourself more. Students who study abroad

go back home with new perspectives and ideas about themselves and their own cultures.

Students have a good chance to become familiar with new and different academic system, so

they can use and transmit ideas that they have observed and experienced to their families, friends

or even their society. I as an international student learn a lot about gaps between different

cultures and people’s behavior in good ways and negative ways. My selected audience in this

research will be people who want to study a broad or interested in studying abroad; it can be

people who are interested in traveling to become familiar with different cultures and cultural

behaviors too.

Literature Review:

Studying abroad is one of the most helpful plans in educational life. It is not easy to live

in a foreign country with its all struggles, but it will provide you better opportunities in your life.

It will give you lots of chances to experience while you are doing abroad. Studying abroad will

be hard for those who are not ready to change and adapt themselves. Studying abroad will teach

you how to be independent and how to solve your own problems. It will introduce you to new

cultures and behaviors.

Studying abroad and moving to another countries obviously is not easy, and it can have

some advantages and disadvantages. Culture shock is the first and important thing people who

are doing study abroad encounter with. According to Acadia University’s research “Culture

shock is the mental, physical and emotional adjustment to living in a new environment.” (Lee).

They usually become frustrated and annoyed until they notice and recognize the patterns emerge

and understanding of why things are so differently develops. It has some fun stages too; they

usually get excited that they have finally arrived. It is kind of exciting when in reality they see all

of those places that were a picture one day. In some points, all those fascinating and good

customs become aggravating. They usually deal with cultural shock; they think there us no point

to students who study abroad. They think their own culture is much better and flexible than the

culture they are observing and dealing with. Some of them get over this very quickly, and they

find it pretty interesting. They try to adapt themselves to a new situation, so they can progress

better. Being familiar with a new culture is of the important facts and goals of studying abroad.

They will miss their own culture in some points, but they will learn about a new culture. It will

help students to have a better perspective of their own culture and develop their culture in a

better ways. (Lee).

Mr. Lee is focusing on importance of cultural shock at this point. Cultural shock is one of the

most important elements that people struggle with in foreign countries. Students who study

abroad must prepare themselves before they leave their home, they need to study about new

culture that they are going to deal with.

There is no better and successful way to learn a language than to be engaged with a

culture that people speak the language you are learning. The language that they try to speak and

learn surrounds students who study abroad; they hear it every day in a proper cultural context. It

helps them to learn the language they are interested much faster. "Overall, I learned a lot more

about myself in that one semester than I did in the three and a half years in my home school

because of the unique space in which I learned, experienced, and spent exploring another

culture," says Carolyn Valtos (IES Adelaide).

IES is studying about different ways to learn a new language. One of the good ideas to learn a

new language is going to study abroad. Students who study abroad have better chances to learn

the new language.

There are many advantages for studying aboard. Other than helping and allowing

students to explore many places around the world; it has many other advantages. Some of the

advantages are earning credit for all the University of North Carolina at Charlotte courses, in

depth learning of the world’s marketplace, making a rich resume, learn more about other

cultures, having the opportunity to see other places, learn to be more sociable, learn a new

language, discover other ways of living, and become more independent. (UNC Charlotte Office

of Education of Abroad). "My experience abroad reemphasized where my interests lay, both

personally and academically, and at the same time provided a holistic and invaluable aspect to

my education involving insight into the human condition. Although people of different cultures

and traditions may vary, certain human aspects have basic universal components worldwide. The

interactions I had with several Kenyans emphasized those components and allowed me to expand

my perception of people and my respect for differences." (SIT Kenya Alum).

UNC Charlotte Office of Education of Abroad is trying to aware its students about benefits of

studying abroad. They strongly suggest students get enough information before go to another

countries. Advising for studying abroad is one of the useful ways to refuse major issues.

Travel offers the best real life lessons, such as standing on your feet, planning, and the

important one is adapting to new ways of socializing. The limited time to study abroad really

gives itself to the “go big then go home” attitude. While studying abroad, there will be times

when you know no one. You feel so lonely and isolated. It might be the perfect thing to a final

year in your college or a turning point in your life, but the most beneficial point of it is finding a

new home and standing on your own feet without anybody’s help; you will feel and experience

independency. It is an experience that let you see yourself in a new life, and it also can prove

your confidence. (Deakers 2011).

Mr. Deakers talks about some advantages and disadvantages of study abroad. Students have

chance to be on their own and independent while they study abroad. Being independent helps

students who live in another country solve their problems much better.

One of the problems and disadvantages of study abroad is that students need to get use to

the weather, food, and living style of foreign counties. If the students were so dependent to their

family and the environment of their hometown, it will be so hard and difficult for them to get use

to all these stuff because everything will change for them in that new place. Most important of

all, Students will miss their friends; they will not have their friends in that new country, so it can

make them lonely or even depress. One of the disadvantages is that students will lose their

parent’s support and control; they are the only people that decide for their life, so it can be some

times really dangerous because they do not have enough experience of life. They still need their

parents to lead them to a right path, but studying in another country can take this chance from

them to not communicate with their parents. It can have some benefits to when they do not live

with their family. They will learn how to get along with different people; they also have a better

chance to be more socializing too. (Shum).

Mr. Shum is focusing on some emotional and parental issues that study abroad may cause.

Families can be so much supportive, but in some points support of the family can be limited.

Students must understand that they will be lonely at the first during study abroad, but they never

lose their family’s support.

Results show that the students who want to gain the most impact profession from study

abroad must fit at least an internship in their schedule. Seventy present of students who studied

abroad and did an internship next to their education reported that the combination of studying

abroad and internship exploded interest in their career. In addition, almost eighty present of

students said that they got different and useful skills that affected their career path from

internship while they were doing study abroad. Although, there is no big difference between

students who take classes in big universities and who do not, it is important to state that students

who study in local universities have more chance to experience long term language advantages

and be volunteer abroad than another group of students. (Dawyer, Peters).

This source is talking about the importance of internship. Students who do internship have better

chances to get a job. Internships for students who study abroad provide better opportunities.

Some students think studying in a foreign country makes them learn the language

immediately or really soon. This kind of thinking will make students disappointed, and it will

give them a bad background from studying abroad. Usually, students with this type of

perspective will feel the loneliness often and decide to give up on studying in a foreign country.

Another disadvantage of studying in a foreign country can be money. Studying abroad can be

more expensive than what students think; it will give them a big financially shock. Moreover,

some countries do not let international or foreign students work, so they need to have money

before get in to those countries or have someone from home to supporting them. In some cases

students who study abroad gets attach to atmosphere of that country, and they never one to go

back home. It will be as hard living in a foreign country as to come back to your own. Some

students might fall in love while they study abroad, and they life will change; they cannot stay

for a long time because their visa will expire, so it can cause another problem. Some colleges or

universities do not accept those credits that students took in foreign countries, so it makes

another problem for students who study in foreign countries. (M 2010).

This source is focusing on financial issues of studying abroad and some benefits of it. Some

countries will not let international students get a job. Students must be sure about financial

supports before they travel.

Driving in foreign countries is another issue. Most students have problem with

getting an international driver license. Since having an international driver license is expensive

and hard to get, Students who study abroad have a big transportation issues. It will limit them

since they do not have any car, so it affects of their loneliness more. (Students Abroad).

This source is focusing on some transportation issues. People in foreign countries struggle with

transportation issues and it can limit them. Students who study abroad can get an international

license to make their transportation easier.

According to Mr. Anderson, journalist, college graduates who study abroad in different

countries almost earn $70,00 more in beginning of their salaries than general students who have

not been tried study abroad. He provided a survey in 2012 that shows studying abroad is one of

the best ways to find a job sooner right after graduation for people who have done study abroad.


This journal is talking about the job opportunities. Study abroad gives better opportunities to

students in order to get a job. Students who study abroad must be aware of the opportunity that

study abroad provides them; they have better chances to get a more salary compare to students

who did not try study abroad.

My View:

Many people have been talking about studying abroad, but they haven't clearly explained

what kind of view students will be getting. In my opinion, students must be able to see what

elements in their life will change after studying abroad. Studying abroad has lot of advantages

and of course disadvantages. Some writers or articles call problems “disadvantages”. Sometimes

problems and hard times in some conditions can make you a better and stronger person. In this

case, students who want to study abroad will be lonely especially at the beginning of the trip to

another country they can be isolated, but I think it can not count as a disadvantage because it will

help you to find yourself more and be on your own, so it makes you independent.

Studying abroad will introduce you to a new world. It is a great opportunity to get to

know about different cultures, social behaviors, and people. Knowing different people allows

you to be more social and open minded. This loneliness sometimes makes some students to

contribute in international organizations and clubs more because they will find some people that

have the same feelings and problems. (Karvani 2013).

According to my observation international activities are pretty much effective and useful for

international people. International organizations at schools help students to get along with the

new environment. Students who study abroad must contribute in some international activities; it

helps them to find friends in foreign countries.

In my opinion, Studying abroad has a significant impact on your life. It allows you to see

different technology or behaviors, so you will be able to choose what is the best for you and use

it in your life. Students will able to bring new ideas to their environment and home and let

another people to use these ideas too. It can be a idea of new technology which they can use it in

a job environments, or it can be a educational advise which they might transport ideas to their

schools. In some cases students find themselves while they study abroad; it will affect their life

and the people around them. I think studying abroad is a big change in people’s life; getting use

to new and strange situations and conditions is not easy, but big changes make people change to

a better person, so I think this is the best advantage of studying abroad. I believe that cultural

shock will discourage students who study abroad too, but I think students must make themselves

ready to see these differences between their culture and the new cultures while they are doing

study abroad. It even can be a practice to adjust themselves to the new things.

I think studying abroad can improve the value of your degree. You will take some

courses that you never have had the opportunity to take at your home university. It also will

improve your employment opportunity. In my opinion, all students need to try study abroad

because it will teach you lot of thing in your educational and real life. Michael Obama believes

"Studying abroad isn't just an important part of a well-rounded educational experience. It's also

becoming increasingly important for success in the modern global economy." (Michelle Obama



Studying abroad can be so useful or very useless at the same time. It all depends on

students’ decisions and reactions to the new things. They will have to decide whether they want

to adapt to the new conditions or not. Of course, there are many ways to get rid of disadvantages

and make study abroad easy and valuable. One of the most important things that students who

are going to study abroad need to attention is their educational plan and those credits they are

going to take in a foreign country. It will not count as a disadvantage, but it can cause a problem

if their university will not accept their credits, so they must talk to their academic advisor about

how to fit study abroad in their college plans and what classes or credits will transfer. If gaining

international qualifications is on their priority list, students surely have to consider which

universities are famous for their field of study, or how to make the enrolment process. All these

elements require a good advise from consolers and family advises.

The best way to make the trip to another country easier is reducing the cultural shock level.

Students need to study about the country they are going to do study abroad in before they leave

their home country. Getting to know a new culture you are going to deal with in future will give

you a chance to be more comfortable with it and understand it better. Actually, many people

experience culture shock in their own country, for example, by visiting a new region for the first

time, so it just needs a practice and knowledge. Loneliness is one of the problems for students in

foreign countries, but there is also a solution for that too. Students must search and contact their

school that they are going to attend in and find out about organizations or clubs they are

interested in. It will help them to meet more people, make friend, and not be isolated at the

beginning of the trip. It also keeps them active, so they forget the loneliness. Studying abroad

like another plans starts with some problems, but it needs time to get use to it and adapt to it.

Solving with its problems might be hard but it will worth it because it can change your life and


Above and beyond:

Requirements for applying study abroad at UNCC, LETS APPLY NOW!!

This form is copied from UNCC’s Web site. (ebroad at UNCC.)


This page was created to remind you of the steps required to complete the Advising Agreement for your study abroad program. The Advising Agreement acts as an “academic insurance policy” for your study abroad coursework. A properly completed form guarantees that if you take the courses listed on your completed Advising Agreement, you will receive the credit shown once the University receives your transcript from abroad showing coursework listed on the agreement.


HOST INSTITUTION—the institution where you will be studying abroadTERM(S) OF EXCHANGE—the semester(s) and year that you will be studying abroadYEAR IN SCHOOL AT TIME ABROAD—will you be considered a Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate

Student during your time abroad?


1. The Advising Agreement is due before you leave to study abroad. The Advising Agreement can be turned in anytime AFTER your initial program application as long as you turn it in before you study abroad.

2. Do not wait until the last minute to obtain signatures on these forms. Professors and administrators have very busy schedules, and it may take days to obtain the appropriate signatures.

3. You will need to sign up for more courses than you can take because class availability may be limited. We suggest that you have 6-8 courses approved for each term you plan to be abroad.

4. Please hand-deliver this form to each department chair for a signature. Do not ask a department to forward to the next office. If this form is lost in transit, you will have to start all over!

5. Its okay to leave your form for a signature and pick it up later, but we recommend you ask for a copy before you leave it. This way, if the form is lost, you can start at the point at which you have a copy instead of starting from scratch.

6. BEFORE you get signatures at the bottom of the form, be sure you have an approved departmental signature to the right of every course listed AND an actual UNC Charlotte course number and title. (Ex: An equivalency of “PSYC elective” without a course number will not be accepted by the Registrar when you return. You need to have an actual course such as “PSYC 3001 Topics” or “PSYC 3114 Motivation” for each course on your form.)

7. Remember to obtain ALL of the necessary signatures listed at the bottom of the Advising Agreement in order (you, your advisor, your major department chair, the Dean of your college, Education Abroad).

8. If all of the credit you are receiving is toward your minor, you may cross out “major” at the bottom of the form and write in “minor” and obtain those signatures instead of your major

department’s signatures.

9. If you are having credit from both your major and minor approved, you will need to get both major and minor signatures. You can simply write in a line for the minor signatures.

10. You must obtain the signature of the Dean from the college that your major is in. If you’re not sure which college you’re in, please look online or ask your advisor.

11. To receive graduate credit you must have the signature of the Graduate Dean.


Interviewing Jason Adouli who went to London a year ago for Studying Abroad:

1) When students should study abroad?

Usually junior year is the best, but it is not a rule. Students must think about their

academic schedule and talk to their advisors to make sure which college is going to work

better with their major and what classes they need to take. These elements are the most

important things.

2) Will the grads you earn during study abroad affect your GPA?

No they will not, they will be transfer to your university and it will show that you already

passed those courses but they will not affect your GPA.

3) Would you recommend study abroad to another students?

Of course I do, It was the greatest experience in my life. It was not as good as what I thought

in the beginning. It was though and of course hard to get along with people and environment,

but after one or two months everything changed and I enjoyed it more than what I expected.

Work Cited

Lee, Manchester. Wagner College, "Tips for Studying Abroad." Accessed October 1, 2013.

Mr. Lee is focusing on importance of cultural shock at this point. Cultural shock is one of the

most important elements that people struggle with in foreign countries. Students who study

abroad must prepare themselves before they leave their home, they need to study about new

culture that they are going to deal with.

Mary, Dwyer, and Peters Courtney. IES Abroad, "The Benefits of Studying Abroad." Accessed

October 1, 2013.

IES is studying about different ways to learn a new language. One of the good ideas to learn a

new language is going to study abroad. Students who study abroad have better chances to learn

the new language.

Students Abroad, "Driving Abroad." Accessed October 3, 2013.

This source is focusing on some transportation issues. People in foreign countries struggle with

transportation issues and it can limit them. Students who study abroad can get an international

license to make their transportation easier.

UNC Charlotte Office of Education Abroad, "Why Study Abroad." Accessed October 3, 2013.

UNC Charlotte Office of Education of Abroad is trying to aware its students about benefits of

studying abroad. They strongly suggest students get enough information before go to another

countries. Advising for studying abroad is one of the useful ways to refuse major issues.

M, Mary. "Disadvantages of Studying Abroad." April 21, 2010, Accessed October 3, 2013

This source is focusing on financial issues of studying abroad and some benefits of it. Some

countries will not let international students get a job. Students must be sure about financial

supports before they travel.


MAKE MORE MONEY AND LAND JOBS FASTER." Last modified December 2012.

Accessed October 4, 2013.



This journal is talking about the job opportunities. Study abroad gives better opportunities to

students in order to get a job. Students who study abroad must be aware of the opportunity that

study abroad provides them; they have better chances to get a more salary compare to students

who did not try study abroad.

Deakers, Christine. "Studying Abroad Provides Invaluable Life Experiences." June 21, 2011,

Accessed October 3, 2013.


Mr. Deakers talks about some advantages and disadvantages of study abroad. Students have

chance to be on their own and independent while they study abroad. Being independent helps

students who live in another country solve their problems much better.

Shum, Hung Lok. "The Pross and Cons of Studying Abroad."



Mr. Shum is focusing on some emotional and parental issues that study abroad may cause.

Families can be so much supportive, but in some points support of the family can be limited.

Students must understand that they will be lonely at the first during study abroad, but they never

lose their family’s support.

Sit Study Abroad, "Benefits of Studying Abroad." Accessed October 4, 2013.

This source is focusing on advantages and these advantages of study in another country.

Different behaviors and cultures can be hard to deal with. Students who want to study abroad

need to study about the place the want to go.

Karvani, Arsalan. “Observation Notes of International organization” Handout. University of

North Carolina at Charlotte. September 9, 2013.

According to my observation international activities are pretty much effective and useful for

international people. International organizations at UNCC help students to get along with the

new environment. Students who study abroad must contribute in some international activities; it

helps them to find friends in foreign countries.

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