international women's day gift them health

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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International women’s day is celebrated every year on the 8 th of


It is a time when the world stands up and takes notice of the often

neglected and ignored womankind.

This day is also a time to reflect upon the progress made by women, and to call for changes along with

celebrating the acts of determination and bravery by ordinary women who play an extraordinary role in the

history of their countries and communities.

The main idea behind celebrating women’s day is to accelerate the 2030 Agenda

and to build momentum of the new Sustainable Development Goals especially goal number 5 which is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and

girls and number 4 which is to ensure inclusive and quality education for women while promoting lifelong


The focus is also on new commitments under the initiative of the UN which is known as Step It Up


Let us look at some of the key targets of the 2030 Agenda, which the world

community aims to achieve by the year 2030

Ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary

education which in turn will lead to gender equality, empowerment of women leading to the effective

learning outcomes of goal 4

Goal One

Ensuring that both male and female children have access to good quality of early development during childhood, care and preprimary education making

them ready for primary education

Goal Two

Ending all types of discrimination against women and girl across the world.

Goal Three

Eliminating all types of violence against women and girls in both private and public spheres, including

sexual exploitation and trafficking

Goal Four

Eliminating all harmful practices like child and forced marriages and female genital mutilation.

Goal Five

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