internet-scale security

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Arbor Networks is a member of an elite group of institutions that might be referred to as "super remediators." This is a reflection of having both visibility and remediation capabilities at nearly every tier one operator and the vast majority of service provider networks globally. The Arbor Security Engineering and Response Team (ASERT) shares operationally viable intelligence with hundreds of international Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) in an out-of-band manner, apart from the Arbor Networks product line. We also provide this same data to thousands of network operators via in-band security content feeds. ASERT also operates the world's largest distributed honeynet, capturing traffic destined for pullup routes at major providers across the globe. As of Q3 2014, ASERT monitors roughly 90 terabits per second (Tbps) of global Internet traffic, which we estimate to be a third of the average global Internet bandwidth. This mission and the associated resources that Arbor Networks brings to bear to the problem of global Internet security is a massive impetus for innovation and research. This presentation was originally given at AUSCert 2014 and outlines various datasets that ASERT maintains and offers some brief statistics and findings on global DDoS and advanced threat intelligence.


Internet-Scale Security Marc Eisenbarth

About the Speaker

About the Speaker’s Employer

Who is Arbor Networks? A Trusted & Proven Vendor Securing the World’s Largest and Most Demanding Networks

90% Percentage of world’s Tier 1 service providers who are Arbor customers

105 Number of countries with Arbor products deployed

69 Tbps Amount of peak global IPv4 traffic monitored by the ATLAS security intelligence initiative right now

#1 Arbor market position in Carrier, Enterprise and Mobile DDoS equipment market segments [Infonetics Research]

12 Number of years Arbor has been delivering innovative security and network visibility technologies & products

$18B 2012 GAAP revenues [USD] of Danaher – Arbor’s parent company providing deep financial backing

Who is Arbor Networks: Analytics

Who is Arbor Networks: Analytics

Who is Arbor Networks: Analytics

Who is Arbor Networks: Analytics

Who is Arbor Networks: Analytics

Google  Ideas  +






The Arbor ecosystem between service providers & enterprises DCs offers unique insight into emerging and active threats

Enterprise data center services are now fully available!  

Enterprise Data Centers Service Providers

Who is Arbor Networks: Mitigation

Cloud  mi?ga?on  with  Peakflow  

On  site  mi?ga?on  with  Pravail  

~67Gbps  A2ack  Traffic   ~14Gbps  Residual  Traffic  

Who is Arbor Networks: Mitigation

“MC is taking it like a champ. we nees more bandwidth”

--- Unknown Bad Guy in #operationpayback

Who is Arbor Networks: Mitigation

About the Speaker’s Team

§  Arbor  Security  Engineering  &  Response  Team  –  7  researchers,  4  developers  and  4  threat  analysts  –  Broad,  interdisciplinary  background  –  h2ps://  –  h2p://  

§  Tools  –  IDA  Pro  –  IDAPython  –  Hex-­‐Rays  decompiler  –  bindiff  –  OllyDbg  –  Windbg  

Who is ASERT: The Team

–  IDAScope  –  P32Dasm  –  Pydbg  –  CFF  Explorer  –  Process  Hacker  –  PEiD  

 Majority  is  home-­‐grown  


Who is ASERT: The Team

§  Goals  of  Data  Collec?on  –  Broad  coverage  required  to  focus  on  specific  use-­‐cases,  such  as  DDoS  –  Mul?ple  infec?on  vectors,  CnC  mechanisms,  backsca2er  analysis,  etc.  –  Generate  unique  indicators:  honeypots,  CnCs  themselves,  harves?ng,  etc.  

§  Goals  of  Reverse  Engineering  –  Reverse  engineering  of  botnet  CnC  protocol  –  Emula?on  of  full  CnC  protocol  for  direct  CnC  and  peer  (zombie)  analysis  –  Unique  approach  to  sta?c  and  dynamic  analysis  techniques  

§  Goals  of  Large-­‐Scale  Analysis  –  Understand  both  latent  capabili?es  and  a2acker  resources  –  Internet-­‐scale  correla?on,  i.e.  relate  a  .eml  to  origina?ng  executable  –  End-­‐to-­‐end  threat  lifecycle,  i.e.  observe  actor  via  CnC  then  verify  the  a2ack  via  flow  

Who is ASERT: Reverse Engineering

Who is ASERT: Reverse Engineering

This  bot  was  seen  to  a2ack  

industrial  food  processor  equipment  vendors  

// Darkshell bot-to-CnC comms struct { // Header: DWORD dwMagic; // always 0x00000010 for Darkshell // Obfuscated section: char szComputerName[64]; // Name of infected host, NULL-terminated/extended char szMemory[32]; // Amount of memory in infected host; format "%dMB"; NULL-terminated char szWindowsVersion[32]; // Specifies version of Windows; one of: Windows98, Windows95, // WindowsNT, Windows2000, WindowsXP, Windows2003, or Win Vista; // NULL-terminated/extended char szBotVersion[32]; // Specifies version of bot; NULL-terminated/extended; DWORD szUnknown1[4]; // ??? - Always NULL-terminated 'n’ // Binary section: char szPadding1[32]; // Filled with 0x00 bytes WORD wUnknown2; // ??? - We have seen 0x00A0, 0x00B0, and 0x00C0 WORD wUnknown3; // ??? - Always 0xFD7F char szPadding2[20]; // Filled with 0x00 bytes WORD wUnknown4; // ??? - Always 0xB0FC BYTE cUnknown5; // ??? - We have seen 0xD6, 0xD7, 0xE6, 0xE7, and 0xF1 BYTE cZero; // Always 0x00 DWORD dwSignature[8]; // Always 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x18EE907C, 0x008E917C, // 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFA8D91&C, 0x25D6907C, 0xCFEA907C };

Who is ASERT: Reverse Engineering

def decrypt_darkshell(cipherbytes, start_idx=0x04, stop_idx=0xA8): """ De-obfuscates Darkshell comms encoded using the following method: cipherbyte = 0xDE - [plainbyte - (plainbyte & 0x10) << 1] The obfuscation is reversed as follows: intermediate = 0xDE - cipherbyte plainbyte = intermediate + (intermediate & 0x10) << 1 """ len_mesg = len(cipherbytes) if len_mesg != 260: raise RuntimeError("Darkshell bot-to-CnC comms are always 260 bytes") plainbytes = [] for cipherbyte in cipherbytes[start_idx:stop_idx]: intermediate= 0xDE - ord(cipherbyte) plainbytes += [chr(intermediate + ((intermediate & 0x10) << 1))] return cipherbytes[:start_idx] + ''.join(plainbytes) + cipherbytes[stop_idx:]};

Who is ASERT: Reverse Engineering

Who is ASERT: Threat Intelligence



Who is ASERT: Blog

ASERT Datasets

ASERT Datasets Active Threat Level Analysis System (ATLAS)

1. ATLAS  sensors  are  deployed  in  global  Internet  darknet  space  to  discover  and  classify  a;ack  ac<vity.  

2. This  informa<on  is  sent  to  an  ATLAS  central  repository  where  it  is  combined  with  Arbor  Peakflow,  third-­‐party,  and  vulnerability  data.  

3. ASERT  analyzes  combined  data  and  converts  into  ac<onable  intelligence  which  is  posted  on  the  ATLAS  public  portal.  

ASERT Datasets: ATLAS Sensors

§  Sensor  network  –  Func?onally:  IDS  +  Honeypot  –  1.76  million  (dark)  IPv4  addresses  covered    –  Global  (4  con?nents)  coverage    

§  Sensors  perform  ini?al  triage  –  Host/port  scanning  ac?vity  –  Known  versus  unknown  a2acks  –  Correla?on  to  security  events  and  vulnerability  disclosure  –  Misconfigura?on  detec?on  –  Backsca2er  analysis  

ASERT Datasets: ATLAS Sensors


§  Honeypots  and  sinkholes  used  for  further  analysis  –  Unknown  a2acks  handed  off  to  high-­‐interac?on  honeypot  /  sinkholes  –  A2empt  to  automa?cally  develop  threat  fingerprint  –  Honeypots  discover  what  a2ackers  are  a2emp?ng  –  Classify  a2acks  and  characterize  scan  traffic  –  Can  capture  full  payloads  

ASERT Datasets: ATLAS Sensors

ASERT Datasets ATLAS Statistics

ASERT Datasets: ATLAS Statistics §  275+  ISPs  sharing  real-­‐?me  data  -­‐>  ATLAS  Internet  Trends  

§  Automated  hourly  export  via  XML  /  JSON  to  Arbor’s  ASERT  team  §  Customers  realize  tangible  benefit  of  par?cipa?on    

§  Data  derived  from  Flow  /  BGP  /  SNMP  correla?on  §  Arbor  Peakflow  product  line  (Tier  1  ISPs,  transit  providers,  etc.)  

§  Correlates  Sampled  Flow  /  BGP  in  real-­‐?me  §  Distributed  in  nature  §  Network  /  Router  /  Interface  etc.  Traffic  Repor?ng  §  Threat  Detec?on  (DDoS  /  malware  infec?ons  /  C&C  u?liza?on)    

 §  Flow  sta?s?cs  feedback,  based  on  ASERT  security  content  feeds  

ATLAS  currently  monitoring  a  peak  

of  69.7Tbps    of  IPv4  traffic  across  all  


ASERT Datasets: ATLAS Statistics

ASERT Data Enrichment

ASERT Data Enrichment ATLAS Subscriber Reputation Feed (SRF)

ASERT Data Enrichment: SRF §  Arbor  has  extensive  sharing  network  

–  Over  a  hundred  na?onal  CERT  teams  (~50%  coverage)  –  Large  cross-­‐sec?on  of  the  security  industry  -­‐  various  sharing  groups  –  ATLAS  portal  has  711  unique  users,  represen?ng  6,006  ASNs  

§  ATLAS  Factoids  –  Malware  Corral  has  seen  9.1M  unique  IPv4  addresses  over  90  days  –  ASERT  has  data  for  44,570  ASNs  of  45,369  ASNs  total  (~98%)  –  ASERT  has  seen  2.63B  unique  IPv4  addresses  (~71%  theore?cal)  

–  (2^32  –  588,514,304)  public  addresses  –  ASERT  monitors  1.76M  “dark”  IPv4  addresses  

–  The  6,006  ASNs  provided  ASERT  intelligence  maps  to  1.25B  IPv4  hosts  (48%)  

ASERT  provides  various  “sample  digests”  in  trade  with  qualified  


ASERT Data Enrichment: SRF AN  IODEF  VERSION  CAN  BE  DOWNLOADED  FROM  h2p://atlas-­‐­‐10-­‐18/atlas_mail_reports/c97d1e95e9878052571d9a2a39deXXXX/XX-­‐2013-­‐10-­‐18.xml    ATLAS  DETAILED  REPORT:  <REDACTED>    Generated:  Sat  Oct  19  00:59:16  2013  UTC  Covers  24  hour  ?me  period  through  now.  Ques?ons:    Marc  Eisenbarth  -­‐    DENIAL  OF  SERVICE  OBSERVED  INBOUND  ATTACKS  Based  on  actual  alerts  gathered  in  our  Internet  sta?s?cs  project.  Start,  End,  Dest  CIDR,  Dest  ASN,  Dest  CC,  Max  BPS,  Max  PPS  2013-­‐09-­‐06:08:04:49,  2013-­‐10-­‐18:15:04:48,  "xx.xx.92.250/32",  "",  ,  884237504,  552505  2013-­‐09-­‐06:08:07:49,  2013-­‐10-­‐18:15:04:48,  "xx.xx.92.12/32",  "",  ,  628562560,  393004  2013-­‐09-­‐06:08:04:49,  2013-­‐10-­‐18:12:03:48,  "xx.xx.92.250/32",  "",  ,  884237504,  552505  2013-­‐09-­‐06:08:07:49,  2013-­‐10-­‐18:12:03:48,  "xx.xx.92.12/32",  "",  ,  628562560,  393004  

ASERT Data Enrichment: SRF OBSERVED  OUTBOUND  ATTACKS  Based  on  actual  alerts  gathered  in  our  Internet  sta?s?cs  project.  Start,  End,  Source  CIDR,  Source  ASN,  Source  CC,  Max  BPS,  Max  PPS  <REDACTED>    OBSERVED  ATTACK  COMMANDS  Based  on  botnet  tracking  Timestamp,  C&C  CC,  C&C  ASN,  C&C  IP,  Target  CC,  Target  ASN,  Target  IP  <REDACTED>    MALICIOUS  CLIENTS  A2acks  Based  on  ATLAS  honeypot  sensors.  IP,  Cumula?ve  Bytes  XXX.138.76.59,  15656.0  XXX.138.122.202,  2657.0  XXX.247.33.203,  983.0  XXX.138.133.247,  838.0  

ASERT Data Enrichment: SRF Scans  Based  on  ATLAS  honeypot  sensors.  IP,  Cumula?ve  Bytes  XXX.144.74.248,  6316296.0  XXX.167.57.37,  3984822.0  XXX.168.144.59,  3903120.0  XXX.216.131.254,  1522704.0  XXX.216.129.162,  1423104.0  XXX.249.89.82,  1420826.0  XXX.140.122.90,  747584.0  XXX.140.103.249,  480048.0  XXX.140.96.237,  468928.0  XXX.242.187.78,  162192.0  XXX.251.28.182,  154080.0  XXX.158.69.208,  123876.0  XXX.149.69.204,  121860.0  XXX.247.33.203,  117832.0  XXX.210.104.174,  79716.0  

ASERT Data Enrichment: SRF MALICIOUS  SERVERS  Botnet  C&C  Servers  Based  on  malicious  soyware  analysis  and  botnet  tracking.  CC,  ASN,  IP,  port,  malware  MD5  <REDACTED>    Phishing  Servers  Based  on  internal  link  analysis  and  third-­‐party  reports.  CC,  ASN,  IP,  port,  URL  XX,  28526,  XXX.215.18.103,  80,  h2p://XXXXXXXXX/media/system/css/net.htm    Malicious  Links  URLs  contacted  by  malware  during  automated  analysis.  Timestamp,  CC,  ASN,  IP,  URL  <REDACTED>    <snip>  

ASERT Data Enrichment Event Analytics

ASERT Data Enrichment: Events

ASERT Data Enrichment: Events

•  Largest  DDoS  a2ack  seen  to  date  •  Traffic  levels  verified  by  service  

provider  community.      •  DNS  Reflec?on/Amplifica?on  A2ack  

•  Not  a  new  a2ack  vector  •  Responsible  for  other  large    

(100Gb/sec)  a2acks  in  the  past  

•  Emphasizes  the  need  to  restrict  open  DNS  Resolvers  and  implement  BCP  38/84  at  network  edges.  

•  Key  concern  is  that  other  groups  will  start  genera?ng  larger  a2acks,  given  the  media  focus  on  the  Spamhaus  a2acks.  

ASERT Data Enrichment: Events

ASERT Data Enrichment: Events

ASERT Data Enrichment ATLAS Portal

ASERT Data Enrichment: Portal



ASERT Data Enrichment: Portal



ASERT Data Enrichment: Portal



ASERT Data Enrichment: Portal



ASERT Data Enrichment Malware Corral

ASERT Data Enrichment: Portal


•  What is the malware designed to do?

•  Not necessarily where it’s been, but where is it going?

•  Don’t look at just active behavior, but potential behavior

•  Prevailing model: unique sample for specific target

Case-Studies Malware Corral Example

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

High  fidelity  indicators,  based  on  in-­‐depth  analysis  of  sample  

Case-Studies: Malware Corral

Thank You {meisenbarth,asert}

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