internship stories - in china

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Bird in China


Name Chokchai Netngamsawang Email address University Thammasat University Faculty Law Internship Country China Internship Duration 6 weeks Topic of your internship HIV/Aids

Why did you decide to take AIESEC internship??

What did you expect to get from AIESEC internship? I decided to take AIESEC internship because I saw the chance to improve myself in many ways and I know that AIESEC will give me an opportunity to do it. I expect to get a leadership experience and have a chance to sharing the culture with another country.

What did you do in your internship?? I went to China to do the internship about HIV/Aids by teaching students in migrant school and run HIV/Aids’s workshop in the university and occasionally bike the bicycle around the lake to make awareness of HIV/Aids.

What was goal of your traineeship? Did you achieve your goal? My goal is to make awareness among the student to take care of themselves away from infected HIV/Aids and also know right information about HIV/Aids patient.

What did you get/ learn from your internship experience the most?? The leadership skill

What could you contribute for society or organization you worked in? I will continue making awareness about HIV/Aids here in Thailand.

What was the most difficulty situation that you faced during your internship and how you overcome it?

The most difficult situation is when I was at the Guangzhou airport and according to my delayed flight make me have to rush but at the airport the information counter was very rude because he talk to telephone all the time and didn’t even care anything about me. So I decided to ask help from the cleaner but the problem was she cannot understand English. So I had to write the gate’s number down on the paper and communicated with her.

What was the impressive moment you got during your internship? At first time when I reached there because my flight had been delayed for 8 hours but when I arrived at the airport I suddenly saw a Chinese AIESECer that wait me for 12 hours with the kindness. It’s very touching.

What was the biggest culture shock you got? And how could you manage it? The biggest culture shock is about their behavior. Chinese people in China really like to split and they can split anywhere and anytime. So I just stayed away from them when they will split.

Please give message for the next exchange participants I think every country has a good and bad view. Even something that I don’t like in China but I still think that China is the wonderful country to explore and have a good adventure. Cost :(flight ticket, living cost for a month, etc)

Flight ticket is around 15000 bath. Living cost for a month is around 7000 bath.

How long did you take to get VISA and how??

Normally is 4 day by going to the Chinese embassy and ask for tourist visa.

Please write an article of your internship experience Have you ever do anything you don’t know what you do for? Or why you have to do? I truly tell you I did but sometime the thing like this had changed my point of view forever. I know only a few people that will join anything they don’t know too much, but I am in this group. “Do you know AIESEC?” Maybe you also don’t know like me at the first time I hear, but finally I decided to join this internship program in China because it’s sound interesting. Making awareness to the poor children make me feel like doing back something to this world and this internship give me a chance to learn the new cultures from many countries as well. And after I came back I fell very lucky that I make the right decision. I want to tell you that something you cannot see by eyes or touch by hands but you have to use your kind and open-minded heart to feel it. Do you want to do anything for your society? Do you want to exchange the new cultures with friends from all over the world? Do you want to improve your leadership skill? Or anything maybe you still don’t know yet. And now the opportunity had come to you, one thing you have to do is “Just get it”. See you soon in AIESEC!!!!!!!!!

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