into our new century in the spirit of 15th...

Post on 25-Jan-2021






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  • 2704 15th Street • Box 564 • Columbus, Nebraska 68602-0564 • Phone: 402-564-2812 Email: •

    Federated Church Into Our New Century in the Spirit of Christ

    Welcome to Worship at Federated! If you are new to Federated, please tell us on a “Visitors Card” & in a red Friendship Folder.

    Children are welcome in worship at Federated. Children’s Activity Bags are at the Sanctuary entrance. The Library/“Cry Room” is child friendly. Child care is available Sundays in the Nursery.

    Ushers are here to help you — please ask them if you need hearing assistance devices and large print hymnals — ushering this month are Ushers are here to help you and Hearing assistance devices and

    large print hymnals are also available. Ushering this month are Rick Porter (Thurs.), Clark Grant and David Lange; Celine Perrin, Youth Usher.

    We are called Federated because on July 2, 1914, Columbus’ Congregational (now the United Church of Christ) and Presbyterian churches joined to serve as one congregation.

    Prayer requests can be shared on Prayers Cards in the pew pockets or Prayer Chain requests to the Church Office (402) 564-2812 to call the Order of St. Andrew. The Prayer Chain is strictly confidential.

    If you missed worship last week, visit for videos of worship and bulletins, and on TV at Noon on Spectrum Channel 1304 (HD) Mondays & Saturdays and Sunday at 8pm.

    In case of an emergency, the pastor’s cell phone number is: Edward (402) 302-2812.

    Federated Church Clergy and Staff

    Jim Rains Office Manager

    Rev. S. Edward Yang, Ph.D. Associate Pastor

    for Children, Youth, and Families

    Chrissy Ford Bookkeeper & Publications Coord.

    Lee Augustin, Organist Bob Arp, Chancel Choir Director

    Stuart Gausman Bell Choir Director

    Lay Pastor Antonio Garcia El Buen Pastor Fellowship

    Governing Council 2019 - Federated Church Elders

    Bill Royer, President (402-564-8012) Marcia Grant, Vice President

    Louise Moran, Secretary

    Class of 2019 Class of 2020 Class of 2021

    Julie Graham Linda Wheatley Gene Hahn

    Kathy Leischner Doug Williams Judy Temme

    Gail Wurdeman Steve McClure Marv Zoucha

    Donna Augspurger Robin Lehr Financial

    Administrators: Terry Millard Terry Norris

    Thursday, April 11, and Sunday, April 14, 2019

    Passion/Palm Children’s Sunday


  • OSA will be delivering the left over Easter flowers to retirement communities on the Tuesday after Easter, April 23rd. Please make sure you take your flowers with you after service on Easter Sunday if you want them. They will not have stickers on them, so try to remember what you ordered.

    No Education Hour on Easter Sunday

    Education hour for children, youth and adults will resume on April 28th.


    We rejoice with the Augspurger family for the birth of Eli Osterloo to Tim & Kelli (Augspurger) Osterloo on March 23rd. Please hold John Ellefson, brother of Rev. Jane Ellefson, in your prayers. John is in hospice care and resides in Albuquerque, NM. Please pray for all who were affected by the recent flood in Nebraska and neighboring states. Please hold the Wolfe Family in your prayers. You can pray specifically for “dry weather, safety while we work, equipment to keep working, for our physical and mental health as we work through this, and for our animals to stay healthy,” as shared by Kristi Wolfe.


    Sunday, April 14 9:00am Sunday School, Ed. Center, Upper Room 10:0am Worship Service, Sanctuary 3:00pm El Buen Pastor Worship, Sanctuary Monday, April 15 7:00pm Boy Scouts Troop 212, Fellowship Hall Tuesday, April 16 7:00am Tuesday Book Group, Fellowship Hall 10:00am Staff Meeting, AD 1 1:00pm Church Yard Cleanup 4:00pm Tuesday After School Tutoring at Emerson 6:00pm Consonaires Rehearsal, Choir Room 6:30pm Finance & Property Cmte Meeting, EC8 7:00pm Cub Scouts, Fellowship Hall Wednesday, April 17 6:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary 6:30pm H.I.S. Puppet Practice, EC 3/Fellowship Hall 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room 7:30pm Youth Club, Upper Rooms & Gym Thursday, April 18 6:30pm Worship Service, Sanctuary Friday, April 19 - Good Friday Office Closes at Noon 6:00pm Latino Prayer Service, Ed Center Room 6 Saturday, April 20 No events scheduled Sunday, April 21 Easter Sunday 10:0am Worship Service, Sanctuary 3:00pm El Buen Pastor Worship, Sanctuary Friday, April 19 - Easter Monday Office Closed


    Please Help!

    While we explore various options for recycling, the Church Office needs your help! If you recycle at home and would be willing to take some of the church’s paper and/or cardboard to include with your curbside recycling, please stop by the church office. If you are aware of a community resource for cardboard and/or paper recycling,

    Walk to Jerusalem

    Great job, everybody! We only have 2,990 miles to make it to Jerusalem! Please keep sending in your steps/

    miles/minutes for the Walk to Jerusalem! 2000 steps = 1 mile 20 minutes of any kind of exercise = 1 mile Walk the Church Gym weekdays 8a.m. to

    4:30p.m. Columbus Middle School is open 3:30 p.m. to 5:00

    p.m. for walking when the weather is cold Report your miles: —> Visit Click on the footprints, an email to the church pops up, enter your miles, and send! —> Email

    New book for the Christian Book Discussion Group

    The book, “A Glad Obedience, Why and What we Sing” by Walter Brueggemann, is the next book to be reviewed at the Tuesday morning Christian Book Discussion Group. Copies of this book are available at We meet every Tuesday morning at 7 AM in the Fellowship Hall. You are welcome to join us!

    Garage Sale Co-Chairs Wanted! Federated Church is seeking volunteers to Co-Chair this years garage sale, July 8th starts prep, the sale is on July 13th. Please contact Linda Wheatley if you are interested 402-276-0215 or

    Camp Registration now open!!! Vacation Bible Camp will be held at FUMC from June 3rd to June 7th. Registration forms are now available. ALSO, don’t forget about Kamp Kaleo and Camp Calvin Crest. You can find more information about Summer Camps on the websites: and Federated Church has the Flossie Watson Fund to help pay for half of camp fee! You can speak with one of the Endowment Committee members for more information!

  • Preparing to Hear God’s Word The Prelude invites us to begin our time of worship; please take time for silent reflection.

    Prelude The Holy City Adams Ride On, Ride On in Majesty arr. Smith

    Lee Augustin, organ & piano

    Welcome To Worship Please sign and pass Friendship Folders to your neighbors.

    Moment for Mission (Sun.): 2019 Vacation Bible Camp Kristi Wolfe, VBC Coordinator

    * Call to Worship UCC Worship Ways & FotW One: Lent began in the wilderness; it concludes in Jerusalem. All: We now come near to the end of one story. Another will soon begin. One: We have followed Jesus this far; today we remember how he faced betrayal, falseness, rejection and torment. All: And we witness, once more, that he taught and walked in love through every step of the journey. One: Let us worship God!

    * Processional Hymn No. 89 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Elizabeth Miller, Acolyte (Sun.)

    Call to Confession One: Let us confess our sin to our God, trusting that God’s steadfast love endures forever.

    Unison Prayer of Confession God of heaven and earth, we give you thanks for sending us Jesus Christ in your name. Even though we profess to follow him, we confess that in times of trial we too often deny him. Forgive us and heal us, we pray. Help us to put our faith not in the princes of this world, but only in the Prince of Peace. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Moment for Silent Prayer

    Declaration of God’s Forgiveness One: It is the Lord who helps us. All: Because of God’s grace and mercy, we have nothing to fear. One: Go in the knowledge that you are forgiven and cherished. All: Believe this not because we have said it, but because God promises to each of us. Amen.

    Choral Anthem (Sun.) Lift Your Voices, Wave the Palms Pethel Bob Arp, Director

    * Passing of the Peace One: Let us celebrate God’s mercy by sharing the peace. The peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: Please greet one another with a sign of peace.

    * Hymn No. 91 (Sun.) Ride On! Ride On in Majesty! (verses 1 & 2)

    Children’s Moment (Sun.) Real Reason for Easter (skit) John Alexander All children are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a special presentation

    by our children’s ministry and directed by Nicole Miller & Julie Graham.

    We Listen for God’s Word Prayer for Illumination Nick Warren, Liturgist (Sun.) Reading of Scripture Gospel According to Luke 19 : 28 - 40 (pew Bible New Testament page 83)

    * As you are able in body or in spirit, please rise. ‡ tune in Sing the Faith Songbook #2138

  • Sermon Edward Yang, Pastor

    We Respond to God’s Word Moment for Silent Reflection * Responsive Hymn Two Disciples, Sent by Jesus (see music on attached sheet)

    Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

    Invitation to The Offering Offertory Angels Through the Night arr. kern Jessica Sand, Soprano

    * Lenten Doxology ‡‡ Praise God throughout these forty days. Praise Christ, our Lord, whom God did raise.

    And praise the Spirit who imparts God’s love in Christ into our hearts. Amen.

    * Unison Prayer of Dedication Holy One, we give you thanks for the great deeds of salvation that you have done and continue to do. Bless these offerings of thanksgiving that they may further your kingdom in this world; through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

    Reading of Scripture: The Passion of Christ Gospel According to Luke 22: 47 - 53 and 23: 13 - 25 (pew Bible New Testament page 87 - 89)

    Moment for Silent Reflection

    Closing Hymn No. 76 My Song is Love Unknown (please remain seated)

    Charge and Blessing

    Postlude Hosanna Wachs

    Worship at Federated Church for Holy Week & Easter

    Visiting family and friends are warmly welcome!

    Maundy Thursday Service with Communion and Choir, April 18 at 6:30 p.m..

    Good Friday Service (at Grace Episcopal Church), April 19 at Noon

    10:00 a.m. Choir, Brass, Bell Choir & Children’s Activity

    * As you are able in body or in spirit, please rise. ‡‡ Tune No. 89 in Hymnal CCLI License #1160936


    Our congregation is partnering with Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent in a Faith Build to help a local family in need of safe and affordable housing. Help us raise walls, funds and prayers to make a difference in Columbus. We invite you to grab a blue house-shaped coin bank or a house on the board in the narthex of the church! The banks can be used for collecting funds while thinking about how grateful you are for your own home and conveniences of our lives. Be the change in Kylie's life!! Or, simply take one of the houses on the board and make a direct donation to the construction the amount of money listed on that house in the box. Habitat is asking that congregations prayerfully consider donating to the first ever Faith Build where our church community will provide half of the cost of the house while Thrivent Financial has committed to the other half! If you would like to be part of the Federated build day on July 27th, you can volunteer to help build or provide snacks, drinks, and/or lunch for the volunteers.

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