intoduction to php arrays

Post on 24-May-2015






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Indexed Array

int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};



Indexed Array / Enumerated array



echo $a[$i] ;

Associative Array




Foreach($a as $key=>$value)

echo ‚ $key contains $ value‛;


Printing Arrays

• PHP provides two functions that can be used to output a variable’s

value recursively

• print_r()

• var_dump().





//array(3) { [0]=> int(12) [1]=> int(13) [2]=> string(7) "baabtra‛}

// Array ( [0] => 12 [1] => 13 [2] => baabtra)


• Outputs only the value and not the


• Cannot out put multiple varaiables at a


• Print_r returns upon printing


Var_dump Print_r

• outputs the data types of each value

• is capable of outputting the value of

more than one variable at the same time

•Doesn’t return anything

Multi Dimensional Arrays

To create multi-dimensional arrays, we simply assign an array as the

value for an array element

$a = array();

$a*+ = array(’foo’,’bar’);

$a*+ = array(’baz’,’bat’);

echo $a[0][1] . $a[1][0]; // outputa barbaz.

Array iterations

$array = array(’foo’, ’bar’, ’baz’);

foreach ($array as $key => $value) {

echo "$key: $value";


$a = array (1, 2, 3);

foreach ($a as $k => &$v) {

$v += 1;


var_dump ($a);

0 : foo

1 : bar

2 : baz

array(6) {

[0]=> int(2)

[1]=> int(3)

[2]=> int(4)


Out put

Out put

Unravelling Arrays

• It is sometimes simpler to work with the values of an array by

assigning them to individual variables. we do this by calling a

function named list()

• Eg:

$myarray = array (1, 2, 3);


echo $b; //outputs 2

Array operations

• Array Union

$a = array (1, 2, 3);

$b = array (’a’ => 1, ’b’ => 2, ’c’ => 3);

var_dump ($a + $b);

‚Here the result includes all of the elements of the two original arrays, even though

they have the same values; this is a result of the fact that the keys are different‛

array(6) {

[0]=> int(1)

[1]=> int(2)

[2]=> int(3)

["a"]=> int(1)

["b"]=> int(2)

["c"]=> int(3)


Out put

Array operations

$a = array (1, 2, 3);

$b = array (’a’ => 1, 2, 3);

var_dump ($a + $b);

‚if the two arrays have common elements that also share the same

keys, they would only appear once in the end result:‛

array(4) {






Out put

Comparing Arrays == and ===

$a = array (1, 2, 3);

$b = array (1 => 2, 2 => 3, 0 => 1);

$c = array (’a’ => 1, ’b’ => 2, ’c’ => 3);

var_dump ($a == $b); // True

var_dump ($a === $b); // False

var_dump ($a == $c); // True

var_dump ($a === $c); // False

Comparing Arrays

$a = array (1, 2, 3);

$b = array (1 => 2, 2 => 3, 0 => 1);

$c = array (’a’ => 1, ’b’ => 2, ’c’ => 3);

var_dump ($a == $b); // True

var_dump ($a === $b); // False

var_dump ($a == $c); // True

var_dump ($a === $c); // False

As you can see, the equivalence operator == returns

true if both arrays have the same number of

elements with the same values and keys, regardless

of their order. The identity operator ===, on the

other hand, returns true only if the array contains

the same key/value pairs in the same order.

Array Functions

Array functions – count()

Count() returns the number of elements in an array

$a = array (1, 2, 4);

$b = array();

$c = 10;

echo count ($a); // Outputs 3

echo count ($b); // Outputs 0

echo count ($c); // Outputs 1 . ie count() cannot be used to determine whether

a variable contains an array or not

Array functions – is_array()

is_array() returns True if a variable contains array or else False

$a = array (1, 2, 4,’a’=>10,’b’=>12,’c’=>null) ;

$b=12 ;

• echo count ($a); // Outputs 6

• echo count($b); // outputs 1

• echo is_array($b) //outputs false

Array functions – isset()

• isset() used to determine whether an element with the given key

exists or not.

$a = array (1, 2, 4,’a’=>10,’b’=>12,’c’=>null) ;

echo isset ($a*’a’+); // True

echo isset ($a*’c’+); // False

isset() has the major drawback of considering an element whose value is NULL

Array functions – array_key_exists()

array_key_exists() used to determine whether an element exists

within an array or not

$a = array (1, 2, 4,’a’=>10,’b’=>12,’c’=>null) ;

$b=12 ;

echo array_key_exists ($a*’a’+); // True

echo array_key_exists ($a*’c’+); // True

Array functions – in_array()

in_array() used to determine whether a value exists within an array

or not

$a = array (1, 2, 4,’a’=>10,’b’=>12,’c’=>null) ;

$b=12 ;

echo in_array ($a, 2); // True

Array functions- array_flip()

• array_flip() inverts the value of each element of an array with its


$a = array (’a’, ’b’, ’c’);

var_dump (array_flip ($a));

array(3) {["a"]=>int(0)["b"]=>int(1)["c"]=>int(2)


Out put

Array functions- array_reverse()

• array_reverse() inverts the order of the array’s elements,so that

the last one appears first:

$a = array (’x’ => ’a’, 10 => ’b’, ’c’);

var_dump (array_reverse ($a));

array(3) {[0]=>string(1) "c"[1]=>string(1) "b"["x"]=>string(1) "a"


Out put

Array functions – sort()

• sort() sorts an array based on its values

$array = array(’a’ => ’foo’, ’b’ => ’bar’, ’c’ => ’baz’);



• ‚sort() effectively destroys all the keys in the array and renumbers its


array(3) {[0]=>string(3) "bar"[1]=>string(3) "baz"[2]=>string(3) "foo"}

Out put

Array functions –asort()

• asort() :If you wish to maintain key association, you can use asort()

instead of sort()

$array = array(’a’ => ’foo’, ’b’ => ’bar’, ’c’ => ’baz’);



array(3) {["b"]=>string(3) "bar"["c"]=>string(3) "baz"["a"]=>string(3) "foo"}

Out put

Parameters for sort() an asort()

• Both sort() and asort() accept a second, optional parameter that allows

you to specify how the sort operation takes place

• SORT_REGULAR : Compare items as they appear in the array, without

performing any kind of conversion. This is the default behaviour.

• SORT_NUMERIC : Convert each element to a numeric value for sorting


• SORT_STRING : Compare all elements as strings.

Array functions –rsort() and arsort()

Both sort() and asort() sort values in ascending order. To sort them in

descending order, you can use rsort() and arsort().

$array = array(’a’ => ’foo’, ’b’ => ’bar’, ’c’ => ’baz’);



array(3) {["a"]=>string(3) "foo"["c"]=>string(3) "baz"*"b"+=>string(3) "bar“}

Out put

Array functions –natsort()

The sorting operation performed by sort() and asort() simply takes into consideration either

the numeric value of each element, or performs a byte-by-byte comparison of strings values.

This can result in an ‚unnatural‛ sorting order—for example, the string value ’10t’ will be

considered ‚lower‛ than ’2t’ because it starts with the character 1, which has a lower value

than 2. If this sorting algorithm doesn’t work well for your needs, you can try using

natsort() instead:

$array = array(’10t’, ’2t’, ’3t’);



array(3) {[1]=>string(2) "2t"[2]=>string(2) "3t"[0]=>string(3) "10t"}

Out put

Array functions –ksort() and krsort()

• PHP allows you to sort by key (rather than by value) using the

ksort() and krsort() functions, which work analogously to sort() and


$a = array (’a’ => 30, ’b’ => 10, ’c’ => 22);


var_dump ($a);

array(3) {





Out put

Array functions –shuffle()

There are circumstances where, instead of ordering an array, you will want to

scramble its contents so that the keys are randomized; this can be done by

using the shuffle() function:

$cards = array (1, 2, 3, 4);

shuffle ($cards);

var_dump ($cards);

array(9) {[0]=>int(4)[1]=>int(1)[2]=>int(2)[3]=>int(3)}

Out put

Array functions –array_rand()

If you need to extract individual elements from the array at random, you can

use array_rand(), which returns one or more random keys from an array:

$cards = array (’a’ => 10, ’b’ => 12, ’c’ => 13);

$keys = array_rand ($cards, 2);

var_dump ($keys);

var_dump ($cards);

array(2) {[0]=>string(1) "a"[1]=>string(1) "b"}array(3) {["a"]=>int(10)["b"]=>int(12)["c"]=>int(13)}

Out put

Array functions –array_diff()

array_diff() is used to compute the difference between two arrays:

$a = array (1, 2, 3);

$b = array (1, 3, 4);

var_dump (array_diff ($a, $b));

array(1) {[1]=>int(2)}

Out put


‚A good question deserve a good grade…‛

Self Check !!

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