intro to women’s election of american suffrage 1912 latin ...€¦ · intro to progressivism...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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Intro to Progressivism

Election of 1912

Intro to American


Women’s Suffrage

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

U.S. and Latin


$100 Question Intro to Progressivism

What is the definition of a movement?

$100 Answer from Intro to Progressivism

When a group of people tries to change an aspect of


$200 Question Intro to Progressivism

What are two causes of progressivism?

$200 Answer from Intro to Progressivism

•  Urbanization •  Disagreed with Social

Darwinism •  Ideas of Populists •  Advocates for the middle class

$300 Question Intro to Progressivism

What are three areas of society that Progressives tried to reform?

$300 Answer from Intro to Progressivism

•  Cultural •  Economic •  Political •  Social

$400 Question Intro to Progressivism

Define “direct primary.”

$400 Answer from Intro to Progressivism

An election in which citizens themselves vote to

select nominees for upcoming elections.

$500 Question Intro to Progressivism

Name three main areas of reform during the Progressive Era.

$500 Answer from Intro to Progressivism

1) Women’s suffrage 2) “Trust Busting” 3) Limits on child labor 4) Helping industrial workers 5) Government reforms

$100 Question from Women’s Suffrage

What amendment to the Constitution officially gave

women throughout the country the right to vote?

$100 Answer from Women’s Suffrage

The 19th Amendment

$200 Question from Women’s Suffrage

What does NAWSA stand for?

$200 Answer from Women’s Suffrage

National American Woman Suffrage Association

$300 Question from Women’s Suffrage

Who was the leader of the National Woman’s Party?

$300 Answer from Women’s Suffrage

Alice Paul

$400 Question from Women’s Suffrage

What is an example of a radical protest tactic women used in the women’s suffrage


$400 Answer from Women’s Suffrage

•  Picket lines •  Willing to get arrested/go to

jail •  Hunger strike

$500 Question from Women’s Suffrage

What were the two different strategies for winning

women’s suffrage in the early 1900s?

$500 Answer from Women’s Suffrage

•  State-by-state tactic (win suffrage in one state at a time)

•  Work for Constitutional Amendment

$100 Question from Election of 1912

What president was running for reelection in 1912?

$100 Answer from Election of 1912

William Howard Taft

$200 Question from Election of 1912

Who won the Election of 1912?

$200 Answer from Election of 1912

Woodrow Wilson

$300 Question from Election of 1912

Where was the Democratic National Convention of 1912


$300 Answer from Election of 1912

Baltimore, MD

$400 Question from Election of 1912

Name two of the four candidates in the Election of 1912 other

than Taft.

$400 Answer from Election of 1912

•  Woodrow Wilson •  Theodore Roosevelt •  Eugene Debs

$500 Question from Election of 1912

What political party did Theodore Roosevelt run for in

the Election of 1912?

$500 Answer from Election of 1912

Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party)

$100 Question from Intro to American Imperialism

Define Imperialism.

$100 Answer from Intro to American Imperialism

The policy by which strong nations extend their political,

military, and economic control over weaker


$200 Question from Intro to American Imperialism

Name two reasons why America moved away from isolationism.

$200 Answer from Intro to American Imperialism

•  Economic benefits •  Military strength •  Belief in national superiority

$300 Question from Intro to American Imperialism

Name two first steps the United States took

towards becoming a world power.

$300 Answer from Intro to American Imperialism

•  Purchase of Alaska

•  Annexation of Hawaii

•  Spanish-American War

$400 Question from Intro to American Imperialism

Name two effects of the Spanish-American War.

$400 Answer from Intro to American Imperialism

§ Treaty of Paris • Spain gives up control of Cuba,

Puerto Rico, and Guam • Sells Philippines to the U.S. for $20

million § Americans debate imperialism § America assumes a new role in the world

$500 Question from Intro to American Imperialism

What was the “Great White Fleet?”

$500 Answer from Intro to American Imperialism

Roosevelt sends armada of 16 new naval ships on “good will cruise”

around the world in order to demonstrate American preparedness.

$100 Question from Grab Bag

What is the “Roosevelt Corollary?”

$100 Answer from U.S. and Latin America

Said the U.S. will act as “police power” in Latin America when there are problems because Latin America

is U.S.’s “sphere of influence.”

$200 Question from U.S and Latin America

What is a “sphere of influence?”

$200 Answer from U.S. and Latin America

The idea that a powerful country had the right to influence/dominate a

particular region because they were close to one another. The U.S.

thought Latin America was their “sphere of influence.”

$300 Question from U.S. and Latin America

What is “big stick diplomacy?”

$300 Answer from U.S. and Latin America

Theodore Roosevelt’s policy. The United States was now a world

power and we had to fill that role. We tried to intimidate people;

demonstrate our power.

$400 Question from U.S. and Latin America

What is “dollar diplomacy?”

$400 Answer from U.S. and Latin America

William Howard Taft’s policy that relied more on American

investments/influence on Latin America instead of military

action (big stick diplomacy).

$500 Question from U.S. and Latin America

What is “moral diplomacy?”

$500 Answer from U.S. and Latin America

President Wilson’s policy of intervention which tried to

support honest government in Latin America– what was


Final Jeopardy: Category

Timeline (chronology)

Final Jeopardy: Question Put the following events in chronological order: •  Purchase of Alaska •  Spanish-American War •  Construction of Panama Canal •  Great White Fleet

Final Jeopardy: Answer Put the following events in chronological order: •  Purchase of Alaska •  Spanish-American War •  Great White Fleet •  Construction of Panama Canal

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