introducing and greeting people1

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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English Vocabulary

Introducing and Greeting PeopleGreeting People

Hello. / Hi.Good morning. (before 12 o'clock)Good afternoon.(after 12 o'clock)Good evening.

Introducing PeopleWhat's your name?Who are you?My name is ...I am ...My friends call me ...You can call me ...Haven't we met (before)?Yes, I think we have.No, I don't think we have.I think we've already met.I don't think we've met (before).This is ...Meet ...Have you met ...?Yes, I have.No, I haven't.Yes, I think I have.No, I don't think I have.Hello, ... (name)Nice to meet you. (informal)Pleased to meet you.How do you do? (formal)Nice to see you.Nice to see you again.

Say GoodbyeGood bye.Bye. / See you.See you later.See you soon.See you tomorrow. See you next week.Good night.

HealthHow are you?How are you today?Fine, thank you/thanks.Not too bad.Very well.I'm okay / all right.Not too well, actually.What's wrong with you?What's the matter with you?Are you all right?I'm tired.I'm exhausted.I've got a cold.

Personal DescriptionAppearance

I am / You are / He is / She is … tall small overweight, fat slim young old … years old. beautiful / pretty , handsome sun-tanned paleI have / You have / He has / She has (got) … blue / green / grey / brown eyes freckles a beard a full beard a moustache a goatee a stubbly beard blond hair red hair brown hair black hair dyed hair blond highlights short hair long hair straight hair

 curly hair / curls a bald head a square / round / triangular / oval face a big / small / long nose big / small ears

Clothing and Accessories I wear / You wear / He wears / She  wears … glasses contact lenses I am wearing / You are wearing / He/She is wearing … earrings a necklace a wristband a bracelet a cap a red scarf a tie

CharacterI am / You are / He is / She is … shy quiet lively active easygoing outgoing nice friendly funny happy annoying sad aggressive a pain in the neck a little chatter box

Members of the Family

Members of a Familyfather dad mother mum, mummy, mom (u.s)parent parentschild children son daughter brother sister grandfather granddad, grandpa grandmother grandma, grannygrandson granddaughter grandchild uncle aunt cousin nephew niece boyfriend girlfriend fiancé fiancée bride groom, bridegroom wife husband spouse

father-in-law mother-in-lawparents-in-lawson-in-lawdaughter-in-lawbrother-in-lawsister-in-lawgodfather godmothergodsongoddaughtergodchild

History of a Familybe pregnant expect a babygive birth tobornbirthday baptize bring up, raise go to school be proud ofmove be engaged marry, get married be married tobe married with two childrendivorced widowed widow widower die late

Hotel and Restaurant

Word List

Accommodation accommodation dormitory double room family roomtwin roomsingle roomdouble bedyouth hostel bunk bed fill in a formreception receptionist key book in advance B&B vacancies no vacancies

Hotel arrival date / date of arrival departure date / date of departure room serviceair conditioning make a reservation / book a roomrequest more informationcomplete / fill in the formstaff cancel a booking

Restaurant eating outbill (The bill please.)






menu order (Are you ready to order?)

restaurant set mealtable (A table for two please.)


waiter , waitress Here you go.tip (Shall we tip the waiter?)

Asking for and Giving Directions

Word List

Asking for and Giving Directions How do I get to …?What's the best way to …?Where is …?Go straight on (until you come to …).Turn back./Go back.Turn left/right (into …-street).Go along …Cross …Take the first/second road on the left/rightIt's on the left/right.

straight on


near next to

between at the end (of)on/at the corner

behind in front of(just) around the cornertraffic lights

crossroads, junction



Word List

Shop AssistantCan I help you?What can I do for you?

Are you being served ?Sorry, we don't sell stamps.

Anything else? It's on offer.

Buy two for the price of one.How much / many would you like?What size do you take?

Sorry, we are out of bread .

Would another colour do?Would you like to try it on?The fitting room is over there.

The dress suits you very well.Pay at the cash desk / till, please.I'll take this to the cash desk / till for you.Here you are. / Here you go.You're welcome.

That's 20 euros/euro altogether .

You don't happen to have any change , do you?Here's your change.

CustomerI need ...

I'd like a bottle of milk, please.

Have you got souvenirs ?Do you sell stamps?Where can I buy post cards?Where can I get a film for my camera?Where can I find newspapers?

Are these bottles returnable ?It doesn't fit me.

It doesn't suit me.I don't like it.

It's too small / big / wide / tight / expensive .I'm size ...

Have you got this in another size / colour?

May I try this on, please?Where can I try this on, please?How much is it?That's all.Where is the cash desk / till?

Could I get a receipt , please?Could I get a (plastic) bag, please?

(I'm afraid/ Sorry) I don't have any change .

Do you accept credit cards?

English Vocabulary – Body Parts

Word List

Body Partsarmeyeeyebrowbellylegbreastthumbelbowfistfingerfoot (plural: feet)anklebuttockshairneckhandwristhipchinkneeheadlipmouthnosenostrilupper armthighearbottom, bumback

underarm, forearmlower legshoulderforeheadwaistcalf (plural: calves)cheekeyelash, lashtooth (plural: teeth)toetongue

English Vocabulary – Geography

Word List

GeographyarcticAtlantic, Atlantic Oceanmountainmountainsstateearthquakerivertemperateis bounded bycapitalislandclimatecontinentcoastcountryseabordering countrynational parkNorth AmericaoceanPacific, Pacific OceanSan Andreas Fault (also: San Andreas Rift)lakesteep coastbeachvalleytropicaldivided

English Vocabulary – Weather

Word List

WeatherWhat's the weather like today?What will the weather be like tomorrow?Nice day today, isn't it?What awful weather!What a lovely day!It's raining.It's snowing.It's …Tomorrow it will be …Yesterday it was …sunnycloudyovercastfoggystormywindycoldwarmhot

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