introduction hhp886, hhp886u hhp886w operating …€¦ · resume taking measurements. 5....

Post on 11-Aug-2020






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NOITCUDORTNI .retemonam trop laud enoladnats elbatrop a si retem ehT sa llew sa erusserp sag gnikat fo elbapac si retem ehT .toob rebbur deggur a ni semoc retem ehT .erusserp citats dloh ot nottub dloh a dna tsudja or a sah osla re etem ehT

c-c nuf ffor-ewopo-tua ehT .gnidaer dealpsid lytnerruc eht tub efil rettab servesnoc noit .derised fi delbasid eb nac

ot pu erusserp sag ekat ot uoy wolla lliw retem ehT erusserp laitnereffid ekat lliw retem ehT .cW fo ”06±

effid eht yalpsid dna sgnidaer ta 2P dna 1P neewteb ecneroc thgir rewol eht ni semit ll retem ehT . e LCDht fo renr

gnidulcni selacs tnemerusaem tnereffid ruof sah oslam ,nmuloc retaw fo sehcni ,nmuloc retaw fo sretemilli

noituloser eht htiw elbissop si erusserp citatS .isp dna rabm esoprup laicepS .cW fo ”10.0 ot stnemurtsni erusserp citats

erutarepmet dna ycarucca retteb htiw tekram eht no era erom semit ynam tsoc yllacipyt yeht tub noitasnepmoc

.retem eht naht


.seluR CCF eht fo 51 traP htiw seilpmoc ecived sihT )1(:snoitidnoc owt gniwollof eht ot tcejbus si noitarep )2( dna ,ecnerefretni lufmrah esuac ton yam ecived siht

yna tpecca tsum ecived siht -ni ,deviecer ecnerefretni.noitarepo derisednu esuac yam taht ecnerefretni gnidulc

ETON ylpmoc ot dnuof dna detset neeb sah tnempiuqe sihT

ssalC a rof stimil eht htiw ot tnausrup ,ecived latigid B ot dengised era stimil esehT .seluR CCF eht fo 51 traP

-reneg tnempiuqe sihT .noitcetorp elbanosaer edivorp ,dna ygrene ycneuqerf oidar detaidar nac dna sesu ,seta

ni desu dna dellatsni ton fi -curtsni eht htiw ecnadrocca -ummoc oidar ot ecnerefretni lufmrah esuac yam ,snoit

si ereht ,revewoH .snoitacin -refretni taht eetnaraug on citrap a ni rucco ton lliw ecne siht fI n.oitallatsni ralu

ro oidar ot ecnerefretni lufmrah esuac seod tnempiuqenac hcihw ,noitpecer noisivelet -nrut yb denimreted eb

ot degaruocne si resu eht ,no dna ffo tnempiuqe eht gni-lof eht fo erom ro eno yb ecnerefretni eht tcerroc ot yrt

:serusaem gniwol

.annetna gniviecer eht etacoler ro tneiroeR- dna tnempiuqe eht neewteb noitarapes eht esaercnI -

.reviecerotni tnempiuqe eht tcennoC - -fid tiucric a no teltuo na

.detcennoc si reviecer eht hcihw ot taht morf tneref-inhcetTV/oidar decneirepex na ro relaed eht tlusnoC -

.pleh rof naic

-moc ot redro ni desu eb tsum selbac ecafretni dedleihS .stimil noissime htiw ylp

ton snoitacifidom ro segnahC eht yb devorppa ylsserpex s‘resu eht diov dluoc ecnailpmoc rof elbisnopser ytrap

.tnempiuqe eht etarepo ot ytirohtua

ETON SSELERIW morf mc04 tsael ta ecnatsid a peek tsum reviecer sseleriW

ecnatsid retem ot retem dna retem eht.mc03 tsael ta eb tsum


erutarepmeT :tneiciffeoc erutarepmeT C° rep )ycarucca deificeps( x 1.0

:ycaruccA :)C°82 ot C°81( C°5 ± C°32 ta ycarucca detatS SF %5.1±

LARENEG :yalpsiD .)DCL( yalpsid latsyrc diuqil tigid 5:daolrevO .yalpsid si ”LO“ ro ”-.----“

:yrettaB .30R 4-MU )AAA EZIS( SCP 4 x V5.1 :efiL yrettaB no rotacidni yrettab wol htiw sruoh 002

.yalpsid :yrettaB woL .deyalpsid si lobmyS

:rewop ffO-otuA .setunim 51 :snoisnemiD )D( mm04 x )W( mm38 x )H( mm171

:thgieW .seirettab gnidulcni g032 yletamixorppA :tnemnorivne gnitarepO )C°05( Fº221 ot )C°0( Fº23

:aideM elbitapmoC .sesag evisorroc-non ,yrD:locotorP noitacinummoC eriW

(HHP886U) .etar duab 00291

:ediS kcaB (HHP886U) troP BSU .1

)V21(KCAJ rewop CD .2

:serutaeF sseleriW (HHP886W) zHM029~019 :egnar ycneuqerF

Am1 naht ssel noitpmusnoc tnerruc woL citengam tuohtiw M52 hcaer nac ecnatsid gnittimsnart ehT


erusserP :stroP erusserP mm4 rof srotcennoc ebuTerusaeM fo stinU isp ,rabm ,cWmm ,cWni :

:noituloseR cW hcni 10.0:ycaruccA SF %5.1±

:egnaR tnemerusaeM 00.06± ot 00.0 :cWni

0.0051 ± ot 0.0 :cWmm 00.051± ot 00.0 :rabm

0000.2± ot 000.0 :isp


“ sserp ,ffo si rewop eht nehW no nrut ot nottub ” rewop ton nac edom drocer NIM/XAM eht nI .retem eht rewop neht edom gnidrocer NIM/XAM tixe tsum ,ffo


nottuB ”OPA“ .2 otua(OPA ffo ro no reggirt ot nottub ”OPA“ eht sserP

-sid si rotaicnunna ”OPA“ eht dna noitcnuf )ffo rewop 51 rof noitarepo on nehw ffo rewop otua lliw tI( .deyalp


“ .3 nottuB ”“ sserP ,noitcnuf thgilkcab eht no reggirt ot nottub ”“ eht sserp -cnuf thgilkcab eht lecnac ot niaga nottub ”

retfa yllacitamotua ffo-hctiws lliw thgilkcab ehT .noit .sdnoces 03

nottuB ”DLOH“ .4 ot nottub ”DLOH“ eht sser ,edom dloh atad eht retneid si rotaicnunna ”DLOH“ eh tfel-retnec eht ta deyalps

-am eht ,detceles si edom dloh atad nehW .yalpsid foserp eht dleh retem retemo lla spots dna sgnidaer tne

niaga nottub ”DLOH“ eht sserP .stnemerusaem rehtruf ot retem retemonam gnisuac ,edom dloh atad lecnac ot

.stnemerusaem gnikat emuser

nottuB ”OREZ“ .5 ,sgnidaer erusserp eht gnikat erofeb tsuj nottub OREZ dna 1P htob orez lliw sihT .erusserp tneibma ta elihw


nottuB ”NIM/XAM“ .6 XAM/NIM eht retne ot nottub ”XAM/NIM“ sserP ehT .yalpsid eht no swohs CER dna edom gnidrocer mumixam ro muminim wen a nehw enot a stime repeeb

.dedrocer si tnemerusaem nottub ”XAM/NIM“ eht sserP :sgnidaer tnerruc eht hguorht elcyc ot niaga

.dedrocer tnemerusaem tsehgih ehT :XAM .dedrocer tnemerusaem tsewol ehT :NIM

eht dna tsehgih eht fo ecnereffid ehT :NIM-XAM .tnemerusaem tsewol

seulav egareva ehT :VGA .stnemerusaem eht fo ot sdnoces owt revo nottub ”XAM/NIM“ gnisserP

m siht nI .noitcnuf eht tix ot nottub ”DLOH“ sserp ,edo ”DLOH“ sserp ,nezorf era seulav lla ,gnidrocer pots OPA eht ,edom siht nI .gnidrocer tratser ot niaga nottub gnidulcxe ,delbasid era snottub rehto dna noitcnuf gnidloh dna gnisserP .snottub thgil-kcaB a ”DLOH“ sdnoces 2 naht erom rof nottub ”NIM/XAM“ eht nwod

.noitcnuf NIM/XAM eht tixe ot

GNINRAW sti dna retem eht erus eb ot kcehc ,esu yreve erofeB eht gnisu elihW .egakcolb ro skaerb morf eerf era gnibut

ms nac uoy fi ro ,gnikael si sag tcepsus uoy fi ,retem e ll deipucco eht etalitnev dna ylppus sag eht ffo esolc ,sag erofeb kael eht fo ecruos eht riaper dna yfitnedI .ecaps

.tset eht htiw gniunitnoc eb ylno dluohs tnemurtsni siht ,ytefas fo tseretni eht nI

netepmoc ,deniart yb desu eht wonk ohw slanoisseforp t ksir eht redisnoc dna drazah -ni htiw dna no gnikrow fo

.tnempiuqe lairtsud rednu ;erusserp retaw erusaem ton seod retem ehT

.liaf lliw yeht snoitidnoc eseht tupni isp 5 deecxe ton oD .erusserp



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Dual Input Differential Manometer

nottuB ”2P-1P“ dna ”2P“ .7 eht egnahc nac uoy nottub ”2P-1P“ ro ”2P“ eht sserP

.2P-1P dna 2P neewteb yalpsid

:nottuB ”rabm“ ,”cWmm“ ,”cWni” ,”isp“ .8-tub ”rabm“ ro ”cWmm“ ro ”cWni“ ro ”isp“ eht sserP

.tinu erusserp egnahc nac uoy not .cWni 48700509976.72 = isp 1

.cWmm 9504398960.307 = isp 1 .rabm 78681765749.86 = isp 1

:EDOM SSELERIW .9 )WU688/W688(“ eht gnisserP ot sdnoces owt naht erom rof yek ”

“ eht gnisserP .noitcnuf sseleriw trats rof niaga yek ”-eriw ehT .noitcnuf sseleriw pots ot sdnoces owt rehtona langis sseleriw on si ereht fi nwod tuhs lliw edom ssel

.setunim owt rof dna yek ”rabm“ eht gnisserp ,00,00 ot DI/HC TES oT

“ retem eht htiw sdnoces 4 naht erom rof yek rewop ” ot DI dna lennahc tes lliw retem ehT .nwod derewop hcihw ,00 wohs lliw yalpsid dnoces ehT .sutats 00,00

.00 ot tes neeb sah DI dna lennahc eht taht snaem

:retem eht fo DI dna lennahc eht kcehc oT“ dna yek ”OPA“ sserp ,ffo si retem eht nehW rof ”

alpsid niam s’DCL ,sdnoces 4 -mun lennahc wohs lliw y .rebmun DI wohs lliw yalpsid dnoces eht ,reb

NOITAREPO tsuj nottub ”OREZ“ eht gnisserp yb retem eht oreZ .1 tneibma ta elihw ,sgnidaer erusserp eht gnikat erofeb

.2P dna 1P htob orez lliw sihT .erusserp teg ot esoh elgnis a tcennoC .2 evitaler erusserp eguag eht

.erusserp OREZ ro tneibma eht ot ,erusserp evitaler ees ot tnaw uoy fi sesoh htob tcennoC .3

.2P sunim 1P egnahc nac uoy nottub ”2P-1P“ ro ”2P“ eht gnisserp yB .4

-sid yltnatsnoc si 2P-1P dna 2P neewteb yalpsid eht .DCL eht ni deyalp

-eb hctiws ot elbissop ti sekam nottub tinu eht sserP .5 retaw fo sehcni fo selacs stnemerusaem ruof eht neewt ,)cWmm( nmuloc retaw fo sretemillim ,)cWni( nmuloc no deyalpsid si deweiv gnieb elacs ehT .isp dna ,rabm

.DCL eht si erutarepmet eht erehw tnemnorivne na ni era uoy fI .6

uoy elihw gnignahc ylbaeciton ,gnidaer ruoy gnikat era eht morf retem eht tcennocsid uoy taht desivda si ti hcae erofeb tneibma ot evitaler ti OREZ dna sesoh



4-MU )AAA EZIS( V5.1 scp4 yb deilppus si rewoP .1 .30R“ ehT .2 -ecalper nehw yalpsid DCL eht no sraeppa ”

morf wercs evomer yrettab ecalper oT .dedeen si tnem .revoc yrettab eht ffo tfil dna retem fo kcab

morf yrettab eht evomeR .3 .ecalper dna stcatnoc yrettab .yrettab evomer emit gnol rof esu ton nehW .4

.ytidimuh hgih ro ,pmeT hgih htiw ecalp ni peek t’noD .5

gninaelCw esac eht epiw yllacidoireP -reted dna htolc pmad a hti

.stnevlos ro sevisarba esu ton od ,tneg

.ksid erawtfos eht no si launam noitarepo erawtfoS*

OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects inmaterials and workmanship for a period of from date of pur-chase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month graceperiod to the normal to cover handling andshipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximumcoverage on each product.

If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation.OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return(AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examinationby OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replacedat no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resultingfrom any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling,improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, orunauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit showsevidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having beendamaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture orvibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operatingconditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components which wear is notwarranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.

CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, norshall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), usedin or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications orused on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclearinstallation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused inany way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basicWARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser willindemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damagewhatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.

Direct all warranty and repair requests / inquiries to the OMEGA CustomerService Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TOOMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR)NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (INORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR numbershould then be marked on the outside of the return package and on anycorrespondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance andproper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.

FOR RETURNS,please have the followinginformation available BEFOREcontacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under

which the product wasPURCHASED,

2. Model and serial number of theproduct under warranty, and

3. Repair instructions and/or specificproblems relative to the product.

FORREPAIRS, consult OMEGA forcurrent repair charges. Have thefollowing information availableBEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover

the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the

product, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific

problems relative to the product.

OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, wheneveran improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in tech-nology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2009 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. Thisdocument may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, orreduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or inpart, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.

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It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMIregulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of itsproducts to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CEmark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, butOMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, andreserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not beused for, human applications.

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