introduction to mvc 4.0 framework

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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MVC 4.0

Session Objective(s): Introduce the ASP.NET MVC featureDemonstrate App Building using ASP.NET MVC

Key Takeaways:ASP.NET MVC puts you in full

control of your applicationASP.NET MVC is awesome

Session Objectives And Takeaways

Web 2.0

Why does it seem there are so

few built using ASP.NET

What is Web 2.0?Marketing hot air?

Or are there some concrete characteristics?

What is ASP.NET MVC?

A new Web Application Project type

Simply an optionNot a replacement for WebForms

Builds on top ASP.NET

Manual vs Automatic Transmission

How was it developed?

TransparentlyRegular source code releases on CodePlexPreviews 1 – 5, Beta thus far. 6 releases!Community feedback via forums, etc…

Agilely94% Code Coverage/1051 unit testsDaily Triage Meetings and weekly design

meetingsSmall agile team

What is MVC?

A design pattern

Acronym for Model ● View ● Controller

Separation of concerns

What is MVC?

Step 1Incoming request directed to Controller



What is MVC?

Step 2Controller processes request and forms a data Model



What is MVC?

Step 3Model is passed to View



What is MVC?

Step 4View transforms Model into appropriate output format



What is MVC?

Step 5Response is rendered




Framework Goals

Frictionless Testability

Tight control over markup

User/SEO friendly URLs

Leverage the benefits of ASP.NET

Conventions and Guidance

Separation Of Concerns

Each component has one responsibilitySRP – Single Responsibility Principle

DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourelf

More easily testable

Helps with concurrent development


Replace any component of the systemInterface-based architecture

Very few sealed methods / classes

Plays well with others

WebForms are great …

Mature, proven technology



Familiar feel to WinForms developers

… but they have challenges

Abstractions aren’t very abstract

Difficult to test

Lack of control over markup

It does things you didn’t tell it to do


Not a replacement for WebFormsAll about alternatives

FundamentalPart of the System.Web namespaceSame team that builds WebForms

Providers still workMembership, Caching, Session, etc.

Views leverage .aspx and .ascxBut they don’t have to if you don’t want them to

Within System.Web namespaceFeature Sharing

SummaryIt’s still ASP.NET

Replace Any Part with one of your ownAs simple or complex as it needs to be to

suit your tasksPlays well with others

Want to use NHibernate for models? OK!Want to use Brail for views? OK!Want to use VB for controllers? OK!


REST-likeFits with the nature of the web

MVC exposes the stateless nature of HTTPFriendlier to humansFriendlier to web crawlers

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SummaryClean URL Structure

I’ll be at the PDC Lounge Tuesday, October 28 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM if you have more questions.

Breakout Sessions/Chalk Talks:PC30 – ASP.NET Dynamic DataPC31 – ASP.NET and JqueryPC32 – ASP.NET Ajax FuturesPC33 – Microsoft Visual Studio: Easing ASP.NET Web PC41 – ASP.NET Cache ExtensibilityTL20 – EF FuturesTL07 – Developing Applications using Data ServicesTL48 – Microsoft Visual Studio: Web Development FuturesES15 – Deploying Web Applications with Microsoft IIS 7.0

and the Web Deployment Tool

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