introduction to binaural beats

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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DESCRIPTION can change your mental state,according to you.





• Binaural Beats are generated sound waves that are created to influence your brain waves.

• “Binaural” refers to “relating to” or “having” or “hearing” with two ears.

History The power of binaural beats was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Winhelm Dove.

136 years later, Gerald Oster published an article called “ Auditory beats in brain ”, which was published in “ Scientific American ” in 1973,it identified and merge together the scattered pieces of relevant research done since Dove and thus provided this subject fresh insight and relevance to scientific research.

How do Binaural Beats Work?

When signals of two different frequencies (sounds) are presented, one to each ear, the brain detects phase differences between these signals.

The brain processes this anomalous information differently when these phase differences are heard. A perceptual integration of the two signals is perceived in the brain, producing the sensation of a third "beat". The binaural beat is perceived as a fluctuating rhythm at the frequency of the difference between the two auditory inputs.

The requirements are that the tone is heard well enough and that it is below about 1000 Hz.

Below 1000Hz, the wavelength of the human skull is sufficiently small so that the sound waves curve around it and the binaural beat appears to come from within.

Researchers discovered that the brain produce this third low frequency ,this opened up a whole new world of possibilities and healing.

Gnaural: Binaural Beats generator

•Gnaural is an open source programmable auditory binaural-beat generator.

•Gnaural started with a DOS program in the mid 1990s.

• Progressing to ”WinAural” for Windows, then ”BrainJav “ for Java.


Gnaural App for android

Types of brainwaves produced by binaural beats

Beta brainwave

Alpha brainwave

Theta brainwave

Delta brainwave

Gamma brainwave

BETA BRAINWAVES(14 Hz to 32 Hz : focused)

•Beta brainwaves are produced when we are wide awake, alert, active and engaged in mental activity.

Features and Benefits of a Beta State:

This is the brainwave for the fight-flight response.

Increased concentration and alertness.

Improved logic, reasoning and critical thinking.

Feelings of anxiety, stress, scatty unfocused thought.


These are lower frequency waves.

The state is generated when our thoughts are really not concentrated and our minds wonder freely.

Alpha is considered to be the bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

( 7 To 14 Hz : relaxed , yet aware meditative)

Features and Benefits of an Alpha State :

Relaxed detached (absent-minded) awareness and daydreaming mind.

Gateway to meditation.

Increased memory retention , concentration & focus for super learning.

Alleviates stress and depression.

Reduction of high blood pressure.

Increased motivation, energy, and happiness.


Theta brainwave states have been used in meditation for centuries.

Theta waves are also conducive to visualization and creativity .

(3.5 Hz to 7 Hz : deep relaxation)

Features and benefits of Theta brainwaves :

Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability.

Deep relaxation.

Improved memory.

Increased psychic abilities and sense of spiritual connection.

Speed healing, improved physical healing.

Sleep onset and better more restful sleep.

Reduce mental fatigue and stress.


This is the slowest band of waves that our brains produce and they occur when we are in deep, dreamless sleep.

These waves are very beneficial for the body which restores and heals itself when in this state.

(0.1 to 3.5 Hz : deep sleep)

Features and benefits of delta brainwaves :

Human growth hormone (HGH) is anti-aging hormone that is increased ,due to the stimulation of the pituitary gland.HGH can also help heal physical pain.

Increases empathy, understanding, and compassion for others.


Gamma brainwave states are the most rapid in frequency.

It is the frequency that brings with it the ability to process large amounts of information in relatively small amounts of time.

(40 Hz or higher : Zen mind mastery)

Benefits of gamma brainwaves :

Have high levels of intelligence.

Being compassionate

Having high amounts of self-control

Having greater than average feelings of natural happiness.

Increased awareness through your five senses.

Where to find binaural beats?

• offers a $30 CD that they call the world's first "digital drug".

• BBM(Binaural Beats Meditation) offers a range of music tracks.

• Free software is widely available to make your own binaural beat by an open-source program called Gnaural.

Other Advantages of binaural beats



Creative Visualization.

‘Chakra’ Tuning.

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP).

Remote Viewing.

Lucid Dreaming

Disadvantages of binaural beats

People who have problems with seizures .

Children .

Pregnant women .

Those who suffer from heart problems or use a pacemaker .

There are some individuals or groups of people who should not try these beats :

Sample of binaural beats :

Relaxation beats:

Feeling great :

References:• "Report: Teens Using Digital Drugs to Get

High". Wired. 14 July 2010. Last Seen : 14th August



download. Downloaded : 29th July 2014

• Last Seen : 4th

August 2014

• Article “The basics of brainwaves” from “How

Brains Make Up Their Minds” by W.J. Freeman. Last

seen : 16th August 2014

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