introduction to climatology

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    GEOG 342:



  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    Introduction to

    Climatolog• Climatology is the science that seeks todescribe and explain the nature of climate,why it diers from place to place, and how it

    is related to other elements of the naturalenvironment and to human activities.

     The term comes from the Greek words,klima, referring to the supposed slope ofthe earth and approximating our concept oflatitude, and logos, a discourse or study.

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    Introduction to

    Climatolog• Climatolog is closely allied with, butoften confused with M!t!orolog andalthough they study similar things,

    they are separated by the length oftime over which they operate.

    • M!t!orolog is the study of weather.

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology



    • "!at#!r – The state of the atmosphere mainly with

    respect to its eects upon human activities.!hort term variability of the atmosphere "timescales of minutes to months#.$opularly thought of in terms of% temperature,wind, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness,brightness, and visibility.

     – & category of individual'combined atmosphericphenomena which describe the conditions at

    the time of an observation.• Climat!

     – (ong term statistical description of theatmospheric conditions, averaged over a

    speci)ed period of time * usually decades.

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology



    hy study eather-

    • arning of severeweather

    • &griculture –

     Timing of planting,harvesting, etc to avoidbad weather, haards tolivestock

    •  Transport / services – !hipping, aviation, road

    gritting, 0ood warnings,1

    • Commerce – !hould a supermarket

    order 223s andicecream, or umbrellas-

    November 14, 1854: A suddenstorm devastated a joint ritish!"rench #eet near ala$lava inthe lac$ %ea.

    "rench astronomer &rbain 'ean 'oseph (e )errier *1811!18++

    demonstrated that telegraphedobservations could have giventhe ships a day to prepare.

    -n ngland, /apt. 0obert "it0oy*1825!1835 started theMeteorological Oce as a

    small department o the board otrade. n %eptember 6rd 1832,15 stations began reporting 8amobservations. "ebruary 5,1831started issuing storm warnings to ports.

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    Weather versus Climate

     $#ort%t!rm &and larg!' (uctuation) t#at ari)! *rom int!rnal in)ta+iliti

    o* t#! atmo),#!r!

     Occur) a) a -id! .ari!t o* ,#!nom!na t#at -! o*t!n !/,!ri!nc!

     E0!ct) ar! imm!diat!l *!lt

     $ocial and !conomic im,act) ar! gr!at +ut ar! u)uall locali1!d

     Man )uc# ,#!nom!na occur a) ,art o* larg!r%)cal! organi1!d ))t!

     Go.!rn!d + non%lin!ar c#aotic dnamic) not ,r!dicta+l!d!t!rmini)ticall +!ond a -!! or t-o

    T#! condition o* atmo),#!r! at a gi.!ntim! and ,lac!Weather 

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology



    D!n!d a) t#! a.!rag! )tat! o* t#! atmo),#!r! o.!r a nit! tim!,!riod and o.!r a g!ogra,#ic r!gion &),ac!'5

    Can +! t#oug#t o* a) t#! 6,r!.ailing7 -!at#!r8 -#ic# includ!) t#!m!an +ut al)o t#! rang! o* .ariation)

     T#! -id! rang! o* natural .aria+ilit a))ociat!d -it# dail -!at#!  m!an) )mall climat! c#ang!) ar! di9cult to d!t!ct

     Intimat! lin +!t-!!n -!at#!r and climat! ,!) a +a)i) *orund!r)tanding #o- -!at#!r !.!nt) mig#t c#ang! und!r a

    c#anging climat!

    Weather versus Climate

     Climat! i) -#at ou !/,!ct and -!at#!r i) -#at ou g!t5

     Climat! t!ll) -#at clot#!) to +u8 +ut -!at#!r t!ll) ou -#atclot#!) to -!ar5

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    Climatic Control)

    The world's manyclimates are

    controlled by the

    same factors

    affecting weather,

    a) intensity ofsunshine and its

    variation with


    b) distribution of land

    and water,c) ocean temperature

    and currents,

    d) mountain barriers,

    e) land cover,

    f) atmospheric

    composition.This ma shows sea-level tem eratures °F .

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    Com,on!nt) o* t#! Climat! $)t!m

    • 2asic uestion to be answered in physicalclimatology is% what causes the variations inheat exchange, moisture exchange, and 0uid

    motion from time to time and place to place-5r in other words * why do climates dier-

    • 6irst step in a scienti)c approach to theanswer is o+)!r.ation5 5bservations ofintensity and duration of solar radiation,temperature, humidity, evaporation,

    cloudiness and fog, precipitation, visibility,barometric ressure and winds.

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    Com,on!nt) o* t#! Climat! $)t!m

    •  Their occurrence in a particular combinationresults from transfers of energy and mass in theclimate system.

    •  The transfer processes are in turn in0uenced bydierences in latitude, altitude, land and watersurfaces, mountain barriers, local topography, and

    such gross atmospheric features as prevailingwinds, air masses, and pressure centers.

    • Climates exhibit both spatial and temporal

    variations throughout the world.

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    Com,on!nt) o* t#! Climat! $)t!m

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    R!gional Climatolog

    • R!gional climatolog has its goal in theorderly arrangement and explanation ofspatial patterns. 7t includes the

    identi)cation of signi)cant climatecharacteristics and the classi)cation ofclimate types, thus providing a linkbetween the physical bases of climate and

    the investigation of problems in a,,li!dclimatolog5

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


    $cal!) o* Climat!

    • Microclimat! 8 the climate of a site "e.g. a climatestation#

    • To,oclimat! 8 the climate of a locality "e.g. a valley or


    • M!)oclimat! 8 the climate of a region "e.g. 2rong &hafo9egion of Ghana#

    • $no,tic Climat! 8 the climate of a large area "e.g. acontinent#

    Glo+al Climat! 8 the climate of the planet

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to Climatology


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