introduction to e-commerce with shopping cart system

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Shopping Cart System

Presented By:
1. Ravi Shankar Ojha
2. Shakuntala Sharma
3. Komal Agrawal
4. Vivek Singh

What is E-commerce??

Current Trends of E-commerce

Future of E-commerce

E-commerce Models

E-commerce Basic Workflow

Introduction : Shopping Cart System

Shopping Cart System Basic Workflow

Types of Shopping Cart System

Essential Feature List

Statistics and User Interest


E-commerce : a virtual extension of Offline Commerce.

E-Commerce: An Introduction

The buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers through an electronic medium.

E-Business, is the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business.

E-Commerce is sales part of large E-Business System.

E-Commerce is a part of E-Bussiness

Current Trends of E-Commerce In 2014

Going global while staying local.

Mobile payments become easier.

Utilizing multi-channel selling.

Multi-Device redefines point-of-sell.

Data + Analytics.

Shopping gets social.


E-Commerce Basic Workflow

The Future of E-Commerce: Statistics

The Future of HOW we shop?

M-Shoppers, Etailling, Smart Phone Shopping

The Future of HOW we shop?

Shopping with Social Media

The Future of HOW we shop?

Music goes Digital and Online

The Future of HOW we shop?

Mobile, Apps, Tablet

The Future of HOW we shop?

Payment Methods : Contactless, mobile Wallet

The Future of HOW we shop?

Customer Responses

Dell selling you laptop

E-Commerce Models

Intel selling microprocessor to Dell

You are selling you laptop on ebay

SurveyMonkey pay you to reply to their surveys.

Intoduction : Shopping Cart System

Shopping Cart is software used in e-commerce to assist people making purchases online.

Shopping Cart Basic Workflow

Transaction Workflow

Payment Gateway Process

40% of digital transactions are abandoned at the payment stage due to doubts that credit card details are secure

Types of Shopping Cart Systems

Open Source Shopping Cart

Free Shopping Cart

Paid Shopping Cart

Hosted Shoping Cart

CMS + E-Commerce Plugin

Large & Functional Product Image with 360 viewing

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

2. Product Reviews

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

3. Layered and Faceted Navigation

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

4. SinglePage, Fast Checkout/Guest Checkout

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

5. Search

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

6. Coupons and Discounts

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

7. Delivary Information

Essential Feature List of a Shoping Cart System

8. Easy Integration with Third Party Solutions

9. Analytics and Sales Reporting

10. Quick Load Time

11. Secure Payment System : SSL Certificates, Trust Badges

12. Customer Support Numbers & Chat Support

Statistics : Why Do People Shop Online?

81% of respondents shop online for Discounts and Cashbacks.

Statistics : What stops online shoppers from shopping online?

55% online shoppers fear low quality/fake products while buying online and
an equal number miss checking the look and feel while buying the product

Statistics : Does friend recommendation influence online buying??

Over 2/3rd of respondents would like to see personalized shopping recommendations based on what their friends are buying.

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