introduction to health and safety

Post on 22-Apr-2017






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Zub - Chord Technical

Ventures, LagosPresents

Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety Module

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

1. define the basic terminology of OHS.2. outline the reasons for a safe and healthy workplace.3. Gain a better understanding of safety and health programmes as

systems. 4. Discuss factors that motivate and sustain behavior in the workplace.5. Learn about a systematic approach to evaluating and improving

organisation’s safety and health programme.


Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

1. Introduction2. What is Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)?3. Components of Occupational Safety and Health.4. Key Elements of Occupational Health and Safety5. The Aim of Occupational Health and Safety6. Reasons for OHS7. Accident Costs ‘Iceberg’ 8. The Cost of Workplace Injury and Illness9. Business case of unsafe workplace10. OHS Benefits11. Safety and Health Management in Schools12. Safety Responsibilities13. OHS Management Systems- Contrasts

Presentation Outline

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Too many workers are hurt or killed as a result of workplace accidents every year all over the world, according to International Labour Organisation (ILO):

Over two million workers lost their lives from deaths resulting from occupational accidents and work related diseases across the globe yearly;

Nearly 50 workers are injured every minute of the 40-hour work week;

Almost 17 of these workers die each day.

These injuries cost society $127.7 billion , according to the National Safety Council (USA).


Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

It can be defined as “the science and practice of anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of Safety and health hazards arising from the work environment. It includes any aspect of health and safety in the workplace, ranging from physical injury, to biological and chemical hazards, to on-the-job-stress”.

The measures necessary to control and reduce risks to the health and/or safety of anyone who might be affected by the activities of people at work

Proactive Programs Reactive Programs

They don’tcare...

They careabout me!

What is Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)?

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Rights and Responsibilities


A safe workplace

Risk Management


Golden Rules of OHS:1. Comply with the law, standards, and procedures 2. Intervene in unsafe or non-compliant situations 3. Respect our neighbors

Components of Occupational Safety and Health.

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Executive Leadership Vision & Policy

Assessed SH&E Risks/ Hazards

Integrated Objectives/ Strategies

Integrated Operational SH&E Programs

Employee Education, Involvement & Coaching

Measurement/ Assessment, Audit

Results and Evaluation

Key Elements of Occupational Health and Safety

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

In its broadest sense, OHS should aim at:

1. The promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and

social well-being of workers in all occupations;

2. The prevention among workers of adverse effects on health due to conditions in

their place of work:

3. The protection of workers from risks resulting from factors that are adverse to

their health;

4. The placing and maintenance of employees including students in an occupational

environment adapted to physical and mental wellbeing.

The Aim of Occupational Health and Safety

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Reasons for OHS


No-one comes to work to be injured or killed

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Organisations have a legal obligation. it is known fact that without the extra "encouragement" of

potential regulatory action or litigation, many organisations would not act upon their implied moral obligations

In Nigeria OHS is Regulated by Factory Act, 1990 and associated Regulations


Reasons for OHS

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Accidents cost organisations money.

e.g. Piper Alpha – 167 people killed – estimated to have cost over £2 billion including £746 million in direct

insurance payouts.

Economic Reason

Reasons for OHS

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118



Insurance Costs

Covering Injury, illhealth, damage

Uninsured CostsProduct and materialdamage.Plant & building damageTool & equipment damage.Legal costsExpenditure on emergencysupplies.Clearing siteProduction delaysOvertime working andtemporary labourInvestigation time.Supervisor’s time divertedClerical effort.FinesLoss ofexpertise/experience

Accident Costs ‘Iceberg’

The Cost of Workplace Injury and Illness

Reports in the media

Business case of unsafe workplace

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

1. Peace of mind

2. Healthy, happy and motivated workforce - Increased job security

3. Tidy, efficient working environment and defined procedures

4. Increased performance and profitability

5. Reduction in accidents, ill health and consequently sick leave

6. Good reputation and/or relationship with enforcement officers

7. Satisfied management


Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Human factorsBehaviour of people affecting their safety and that of fellow workers, customers, visitors1. Carelessness2. Lack of attention3. Lack of experience4. Lack of training

Occupational factorsChemicals, equipment, working methods

Environmental factorsHigh noise levels, poor lighting, dusty atmospheres, hot or cold temperatures

Factors Affecting Health and Safety

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

• SHE - Safety Health and Environment

• HSE - Health Safety and Environment

• EHS - Environment Health and Safety

• SSHE - Security Safety Health and Environment

• SHEQ - Safety Health Environment and Quality


Terminology used in Health and Safety Management Systems

1. Nigerian Institute of Safety Professionals (NISP)(

2. National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN) (

3. Ergonomics Society of Nigeria. (ESN)

OHS Professional Associations

1. National examination board of Occupational Health and Safety (NEBOSH)

2. Chartered Safety Professional (CSP)3. British Safety Council (BSC)4. International Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

International Certifications

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Safety Responsibilities

1. Providing a safe workplace for the employees.2. Identify all hazards and inform and train employees in the protective measures.3. Making a policy statement regarding accident prevention, if required to do so.4. Maintaining an on-going safety programme5. Providing medical and first aid systems.6. Providing adequate budgets for all safety-related objectives.7. Complying with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and relative legislation,

regulations, standards and procedures.

Employer’s Safety Responsibilities

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

1. Develop new work procedures as required, in conjunction with relevant persons.2. Provide adequate supervision through technical guidance and support.3. Identify and control hazardous conditions.4. Ensure that all accidents, near misses and injuries are reported.5. Instruct and train workers to follow health and safety policies, practices and

procedures6. Enforce company health and safety policies, practices, and procedures.7. Ensure necessary personal protective equipment is provided and properly used

by workers.8. Understand proper emergency procedures and ensure workers follow them

when necessary.9. Ensure only authorized and properly trained workers operate equipment.10.Promote proper health and safety practices among workers.

Supervisors Safety Responsibilities

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

1. Use safety guards and appliances as well as personal protective equipment as required by the employer

2. Know and follow company health and safety policies, practices, and procedures.

3. Report accidents, occupational illnesses, and near misses.4. Report health and safety hazards and concerns.5. Refrain from causing, encouraging or participating in harassment6. Take reasonable care for the safety of his or her personal health and

safety and that of others.7. Must not wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything

provided in the interest of environment health and safety or welfare.8. Use equipment in compliance with relevant guidelines and in

accordance with the manufactures prescriptions

Employee’s Safety Responsibilities

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Development of Occupational Safety and Health Programme.

OHS Management System

To successfully manage safety and health at work, a school should establish an occupational safety and health management system which includes the following elements:1. a safety and health policy statement to show the management 's

commitment;2. organisation of the management system, with a clear allocation of safety

responsibilities;3. an assessment of the safety and health risks which should be updated when

situations change;4. safety and health regulations to be observed in the workplace;5. education, instruction and training on occupational safety and health;6. emergency plans, drills and first aid arrangements;7. a regular review of the system to ensure its effectiveness;8. documentation to keep proper record and ensure continuity of activities.

Safety and Health Management in Schools

Sample Safety Policy

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

• Excellent Performance– Leadership Team identifies

SH&E as a business value / principle

– Vision / Goal for SH&E Performance

– SH&E risks are identified, assessed & minimized

– SH&E objectives, targets, measures

– SH&E programmes & organization to manage risks

– Clear mgmt. responsibility & accountability

– SH&E mgmt. system review by Leadership Team

• Poor Performance– Lack of Leadership Team

direction for SH&E an element or factor

– Lack of Vision / Goal for SH&E

– SH&E risks aren’t effectively identified

– SH&E objectives poorly defined / not challenging

– SH&E programmes don’t address risks

– Mgmt. responsibility & accountability is unclear

– Key SH&E mgmt. system elements don’t exist

OHS Management Systems- Contrasts

Zub – Chord Technical Ventures, 5, Ijaiye Street Papa Ashafa Agege, Lagos State. 08120505968, 08023395118

Occupational Health and Safety

It’s Leadership & Commitment

Do the Right Thing, It’s Good for People and Business!

Last Word

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