introduction to jquery

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Introduction to jQuery. Lecture Overview. What is jQuery ? Getting and using jQuery jQuery versions How jQuery works. What is jQuery ?. It’s a library (framework) written in JavaScript There are other JavaScript frameworks It’s free It makes JavaScript easier to use - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Introduction to jQuery

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Lecture Overview What is jQuery? Getting and using jQuery jQuery versions How jQuery works

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What is jQuery? It’s a library (framework) written in

JavaScript There are other JavaScript frameworks

It’s free It makes JavaScript easier to use

Document traversal Event handling Animation Ajax

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Getting JQuery You must get the jQuery library in one of

three ways It’s added automatically as part of an

ASP.NET project You can reference the libraries on the Web

I prefer this method as the pages are cached by the browser

You can download the library or reference it on the Web

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Local jQuery Inclusion Just use the src attribute to reference

the jQuery script file FYI – text/javascript is not necessary

because it’s the default scripting language in HTML5

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js">


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Referencing jQuery Or use one of the network providers

(Google for example)

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

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jQuery Versions There are two variants

On that you can read (for development) jQuery.js

One without any whitespace (for production)


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jQuery (.net) Copied into the

ASP project automatically

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How jQuery Works My golden rule is that it works much like

CSS The syntax is very similar

It first selects elements using selectors then performs actions on those elements

Many of these actions map to common JavaScript actions

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jQuery Syntax We put jQuery inside of the <script>

tag It can be combined with JavaScript

because it is JavaScript $(selector).action()

It always begins with a $ sign The selector finds HTML elements

Same syntax as CSS selectors The action() is performed on the

selected elements

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$(document).ready All jQuery statements are wrapped in $(document).ready so that the script will not run until the page is ready to be manipulated

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A First Example Hide all paragraph elements when the

button with the ID btnToggle is clicked

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Selectors (The basics) REMEMBER CSS Select an element (paragraph)

$(“p”).hide(); Select an ID (foo)

$(“#foo”).hide(); Select a class (foo)


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Selectors (More) Select all elements

$(“*”).hide(); Select elements with attribute (href)

$(“[href]”).hide(); Select element list (ol, ul, li)


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Selectors (More) Select all paragraphs with the class

intro $(“p.intro”).hide();

Use the “:” after another element to select a specific element from the list (:first, :last, :even, :odd) $(“p.first”).hide();

Use :header to get all header elements $(“:header”).hide();

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Selectors (More) “:” syntax is also used to get input


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Effects Change visibility – show(), hide(),

toggle() Change opacity (fade) – fadeIn(),

fadeOut(), fadeTo(), fadeToggle() Sliding (expand or contract regions) -

slideDown, slideUp, slideToggle

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Effects (timing) Optional parameters allow you to

control speeds and repetition

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jQuery Events An event fires as a result of user action.

Your program can handle these events. Conceptually, it’s no different than vb and

the JavaScript that you have learned

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jQuery and CSS jQuery works closely with CSS We can use it to get a CSS property or

to set one Get the background color of the first

matched elements $("p").css("background-color");

Set the background color of all matched elements $("p").css("background-color“,”green”);

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For Further Study All of the jQuery actions in a function

are added to a queue. We can get at that queue

We can completely change the structure of a document

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