introduction to personal finance sept 2015 revision pack.docx

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  • 7/23/2019 Introduction to Personal Finance SEPT 2015 REVISION PACK.docx


    Introduction to Personal


    Code: ACF132 (Level 4)


    September 2015 exam

    R!"ISI#N PAC$

    Student Name:


  • 7/23/2019 Introduction to Personal Finance SEPT 2015 REVISION PACK.docx


    You have all completed your Introduction to PersonalFinance courseor! and have received your mar!s" In

    order to pass this module you must achieve an overall

    pass in the courseor! and e#amination"

    $he e#amination is se%re%ated into $&' main areas"

    &uestions Percenta'e o(


    n A

    )ultiple C*oice &uestions 20+

    2 multiple choice *uestions each orth +

    mar!,percent" $his section o- the e#amination is a -act

    .ased assessment ith no ne%ative mar!in%" Please

    attempt /LL multiple choice *uestions in this


    n ,

    !ssa- &uestions .0+

    4 essay topics ill .e assessed" ach topic ill include

    short *uestions (+"a0 +".0 +"c etc)" You 1$ anser

    /LL *uestions" $his section has the hi%hest ei%ht -or

    the e#amination"

  • 7/23/2019 Introduction to Personal Finance SEPT 2015 REVISION PACK.docx



    hich one o- the -olloin% statements re%ardin% interest

    rates is true

    a" &eadline rates are the .est .asis -or comparison.eteen providers"

    ." Fi#ed rate mort%a%es provide certainty a.out monthlycosts"

    c" $he hi%her the interest rate0 the loer the credit ris!"d" aria.le rates only apply to .orroers"


    $o hat e#tent do ordinary shares provide %uarantees o-

    income and capital

    a" 7ividends ill denitely provide continuin% income0 .ut

    the capital value may -all"." ome income and some capital %roth are%uaranteed"

    c" Income may vary .ut the share price has a minimumvalue"

    d" $here is no %uarantee o- capital %roth or income


    9ane is !een to invest a portion o- her availa.le -unds in a

    hi%h:ris! investment" hich o- the -olloin% vehicles is

    most li/el- to meet her re*uirements

    a" enture capital trusts"." ;ational savin%s"


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    hich o- the -olloin% > providers is seen as o?erin% the

    loest level o- provider ris!

    a" @an!"." Li-e companyc" Aovernment"d" @uildin% society"

    &u5@eta @uildin% ociety is *uotin% an interest rate o- 5pc0 /P'6"5 per cent" hy is there a di?erence .eteen the torates

    a" 5 per cent is the rate char%ed i- the loan is repaidearly"

    ." $he /P' includes any lendin% -ees0 and reBects theay that interest is char%ed"

    c" $he /P' is an annual rate0 hereas 5 per cent ischar%ed hal-:yearly"

    d" 6"5 per cent is the %ross rate0 and 5 per cent is the netrate"


    hich one o- the -olloin% plastic cards does not representa means o- .orroin% money

    a" tore cards"." =har%e cards"c" cards"d" =redit cards"

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    teve has a .alanced attitude to investment ris!" hat isthe .est ay o- spreadin% the ris!s o- his medium:to:lar%e


    a" $o diversi-y across di?erent sectors"." $o concentrate on #ed interest securities"c" @y puttin% all the -unds on deposit"

    d" @y choosin% three or -our .lue chip shares"


    hich o- the -olloin% too! over the role o- the F/ inre%ulatin% nancial services in the nited >in%dom $heC

    a" Financial =onduct /uthority

    ." Financial Dm.udsman"c" Financial Policy =ommitteed" Prudential 'e%ulation /uthority"


    hat is a !ey .enet o- investin% in unit trusts0 open:endedinvestment companies and investment trusts

    a" Income is ta#:-ree"." $hese types o- investments are ris!:-ree"c" $hey ena.le investors to pool -unds and diminish ris!

    .y diversication"d" $hese types o- investments are more heavily


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    hy is it said that .orroers .enet -rom inBation

    a" Lenders reduce the value o- the loan to ta!e account o-the -allin% value o- money"

    ." Interest rates usually -all0 so monthly payments to thelender also reduce"

    c" $he e?ect o- inBation ill reduce the real capital value

    o- their loan"d" $heir income ill increase in line ith inBation0 so

    payments -orm a smaller part o- out%oin%s"


    For the last -e months0 Peter has invested in a depositaccount ith an interest rate o- 4E0 hilst inBation has

    remained steady at +E" hat is the real rate o- interestthat Peter has earned

    a"3E"." :+E"c" 4E"d"E"


    /t hich sta%e o- the li-e cycle are people most li!ely to

    invest capital to produce an income

    a" @irth o- children"." 'etirement"c" arly career"

    d"1iddle a%e"

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    hat does /P' stand -or

    a" /vera%e percenta%e rate." /nnual percenta%e ratec" /lternative percenta%e rated" /.solutely pathetic rate


    hich o- the -olloin% is an indirect ta#

    a" Income $a#." =orporation $a#c" Inheritance $a#

    d" alue /dded $a#

    &u15&o much does a house have to cost .e-ore you pay stampduty

    a" You pay stamp duty on all property purchases." Dnly a-ter G+250c" Dnly a-ter G+50d" Dnly a-ter G250

    &u1$he rate o- inBation in the > is currently appro#imatelyC

    a" 5E." (2E)c" E

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    d" (5E)

    &u1hich o- the -olloin% .est e#plains hy 'ichard0 a

    .alanced investor0 mi%ht pre-er to !eep the maHority o- his

    investments in #ed interest securities

    a" &e is retired and needs a re%ular income"." &e ants to achieve capital %roth"c" &e re*uires instant0 no penalty access"

    d" &e ishes to miti%ate his ta# lia.ility"

    &u1.'yan is in le%al diculties" hich one o- the -olloin% is themost suita.le or%anisation that may .e a.le to assist him

    a" =itiJens /dvice @ureau#"." Financial ervices /uthority"

    c" Dce o- Fair $radin%"d" Financial Dm.udsman service"

    &u14$he > ta# year -or individuals runs -romC

    a" + 9anuary to the -olloin% 3+

    ." + /pril to the -olloin% 3+ 1archc" 6 /pril to the -olloin% 5 /prild" 6 9anuary to the -olloin% 5 9anuary

    &u20hat is the ma#imum amount that can .e invested into a

    cash I/ in the current ta# year

    a" G30"

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    ." G506c" G024d" G+5024

    ,orroin' mone- to purc*ase a propert-

    "ariable Rate )ort'a'es

    $he ,an/ o( !n'landset a .ase rate o- interest (the

    cost o- .orroin% char%ed on .an!s)"

    $his type o- mort%a%e has an interest rate c*an'es

    every time the .an! o- n%land chan%es the .ase rate

    In most cases0 the overall e?ect o- any interest rate

    chan%es is calculated once a year and payments are

    altered accordin%ly"

    hatever !ind o- mort%a%e you start ith0 it is li!ely to

    chan%e to varia.le rates at some point"

    / trac!er mort%a%e is a type o- varia.le rate mort%a%e0

    alon% ith discounted mort%a%e"

    Fixed Rate )ort'a'es

    $he interest rate char%ed is 6xed-or the period a%reed :

    o-ten .eteen to and 67e -ears" It is possi.le to %et a + year #ed rate mort%a%e"

    $his in turn #es the amount that you pay -or that


    $he appeal o- this is that it allos you to mana%e and

    control individual nances .etter"

    $he .orroer does not .enet i- rates -all0 and ill -ace

    penalties i- you try to *uit"

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    ery lo rates may tempt people0 .ut they can .e used

    to trap individuals into payin% over the odds at a -uture


    Individuals should chec! ho lon% they ill have to stay

    ith the lender .e-ore they can sitch ithout penalty"

    #8 set )ort'a'e

    1ost mort%a%e .orroers also have sa7in's0 eveni- they are small0 and usin% this money to cancel outmort%a%e de.t ma!es sense"

    Sa7ers a7oid pa-in' tax on interestthat theirdeposits ould otherise have earned"

    D?set mort%a%e lenders calculate interest daily0 e7er-

    pound on deposit or/s *ard to reduce t*e cost o(


    Individual savin%s ill decrease the interest o- the

    mort%a%e" 'ather than earnin% interest on savin%s0 that

    money is set a%ainst the mort%a%e so the individualpays less interest on that de.t"

    For example0 say an individual has a G+0

    mort%a%e and G20 in savin%s0 the individual ould

    only .e char%ed interest on G80 o- the mort%a%e"

    &oever0 the monthly mort%a%e repayments ill have

    .een calculated as i- the de.t as G+0: the capital

    o- the property" $his means the individual ill end uppayin% more on their mort%a%e each month" /s a result

    they ill clear their mort%a%e o? more *uic!ly and save

    thousands o- pounds in interest"

    /s ell as ta!in% years o? a mort%a%e and savin%

    thousands o- pounds in interest0 o?set mort%a%es also

    o?er a si%nicant ta# .enet"

    $he rates on o?set mort%a%es tend to .e hi%her thanthose on standard mort%a%e products" I- an individual

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    has a small amount o- savin%s0 they mi%ht .e .etter o?

    Hust ta!in% a normal mort%a%e and ndin% the most

    competitive savin%s rate"


    / trac!er mort%a%e is a type o- varia.le rate mort%a%e"

    It is a type o- mort%a%e loan that -ollos the ,an/ o(

    !n'land base interest rate

    / trac!er mort%a%e0 or .ase rate trac!er mort%a%e0 is avaria.le rate loan that c*an'es rates dependin' on

    t*e le7el o( interest rates set

    $he .enets o- trac!er mort%a%es are that hen interest

    rates start to -all0 so do the monthly repayments on the


    /ny chan%e in interest rate is usually passed on to

    .orroers on trac!er mort%a%es ithin 3 days" $he interest rate on a trac!er mort%a%e is lin!ed to the

    @an! o- n%land .ase rate" o i- the .ase rate chan%es0

    the mort%a%e rate ill chan%e"

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    Additional Costin' *en Purc*asin' a Propert-

    Stamp ut-

    $his is ta# hich is paya.le hen the costo- the house is a.ove G+250" It is paid atC:

    Residential properties

    nothin% on the rst G+250 o- the property price

    2E on the ne#t G+250

    5E on the ne#t G650

    +E on the ne#t G550

    +2E on the rest (a.ove G+"5 million)

    @uyin% a property in the > over a certain price0 means a

    tamp 7uty Land $a# (7L$) must .e paid" $his is char%ed

    on all purchases o- houses0 Bats and other land and

    .uildin%s"For example:

    I- a property price as G30 the tamp 7uty Land $a#

    ould .eC

    G+250 K E G

    G+250 K 2E G205G50 K 5E G205

    $otal cost o- stamp duty G50

    hen purchasin% a house many people thin! the price o-

    the house and the interest rates is all that is needed"

    &oever0 .uyin% a house i- -ar costin% than these -actors

    alone" e need to !no ho lon% our mort%a%e is" &o

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    lon% e ill .e tired into a mort%a%e hat additional costs

    e need to pay such as stamp duty and solicitor -ees" e

    need to understand ho much it ould cost on repairs and

    maintains o- a house not only the initial payments .ut the

    payments*uent to movin% in"

    )ort'a'e Arran'ement Fee

    Fees char%ed .y the lender -or puttin%

    the mort%a%e in place" $hey can .e e#pensive0ran%in% -rom Hust a -e hundred to ell over the

    G+0 mar!" It can .e char%ed as a Bat -ee or as a

    percenta%e o- the amount o- the mort%a%e (anythin%

    -rom "5E to 3"5E)" It is important to !no hat the

    -ee is hen selectin% a mort%a%e"

    )ort'a'e Indemnit- Insurance

    $his is an insurance premium char%ed .y some lenders

    here your loan amount is more than 5E o- the price

    o- the property" $his is char%ed in case .orroer

    de-aults on their mort%a%e repayments and the

    mort%a%e lender cannot recover its money" ;ote that

    this protects the lender0 not .orroer

    Sur7e- (ees

    urvey -ees are paid to analyse the structure o- the

    property" / .asic valuation is usually the minimum that

    is re*uired .y the mort%a%e lender .e-ore they illproceed ith the mort%a%e or remort%a%e" $his type o-

    survey %ives very little in-ormation a.out the state o-

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    the property and so is not normally recommended -or

    older properties" / &ome.uyerMs 'eport provides more

    detail a.out the overall condition o- the property0 and

    ill hi%hli%ht any pro.lems that re*uire attention" $he

    report -ollos an industry:ide -ormat and coversareas such asC the heatin%0 irin%0 evidence o- damp0

    su.sidence0 condition o- the alls and roo- structure0

    etc" / -ull structural survey is the most comprehensive

    type o- inspection0 coverin% every aspect o- the

    property -rom the -oundations upards"

    Solicitors; (ees

    Le%al -ees hich are paid to your solicitor or

    conveyancer" $hese are #ed amounts that the

    solicitor pays to others on your .ehal-0 -or e#ample

    -ees to the land re%istry0 local authority search -ees0


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    Pension C*an'ed

    Pensions have radically chan%ed -rom ho they used to .e"$he re-orms0 e?ective since April 20150 li-t many o- thecaps and restrictions hich previously limited ourretirement options" /s there are more c*oices a7ailable0independent nancial advice ill .e more important thanever in decidin% hat to do" $here is much more potential

    -or livin% the retirement that you ant : .ut also a much%reater ris! o- %ettin% it ron%"

    )ore (reedom (or -our retirement sa7in's

    veryone ith a dened contri.ution (money purchase)pension pot no has (ull access to it (rom t*e a'e o(55" p to 25 per cent o( t*e pot can be it*dran tax

    (ree0 ith the remainder taxed at the individualMsmar%inal rate"=ou can eit*er ta/e a tax>(ree lump sumo( 25 per cent? it* t*e remainder bein' taxed? or-ou can it*dra t*e mone- o7er time? it* a@uarter o( e7er- it*draal bein' tax (ree

    hat you do ith your pension sa7in's is no up to-ou: there is N#

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    Pension Bise > t*e 'o7ernment;s (ree 'uidance


    /nyone in a dened contri.ution (7=) scheme is entitledto -ree %uidanceon their options as they approach

    retirement" $his service is called Pension ise"

    $he %uidance is delivered .y independent or'anisationsselected .y &1 $reasury0 so as to .e impartial o- productproviders" $hey include the Pensions /dvisory ervice($P/) and Citiens Ad7ice" Auidance is availa.le via o- channels0 includin% -ace:to:-ace consultationsand on the phone"

    Somet*in' to t*in/ about

    B*- are t*ere t*ese c*an'esD

    /llos more -reedom to pensioners" Pensioners can ta!e

    their entire pension or ta!e .its hen they ant" $his is an

    advanta%e .ecause it %ives control .ac! to the pensionersith their on money" hy else are there these chan%es

    25E is ta# -ree0 anythin% a.ove that must .e ta#ed:

    advanta%e -or the %overnment

    B*at are t*e problems to t*ese c*an'esD

    Individuals can ta!e their entire pension and spend it"

    $here-ore0 not plannin% -or their hole -uture" $his could

    lead to claimin% .enets -rom the Aovernment" hat other

    pro.lems are they
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    9*ere are t1o di8erent t-pes o( occupationalpension sc*eme

    N 7e8ned =ontri.ution PensionN Final 3alary Pension

    e6ned Contribution Pension Sc*emes

    1oney purchase schemes are sometimes re-erred to as

    de6ned contribution sc*emes" mployers and

    employees contributeto the scheme0 here the money is

    invested0 and .uild up0 -or each scheme mem.er0 a Epot o(

    mone-E" $he amount o- pension paya.le -rom this scheme

    is dependent uponC

    +" the amount o- money paid into the scheme (.y and the employer)O

    2" ho ell the investment -unds per-ormO and3" $he Mannuity rateM at the date o- retirement" /n annuity

    rate is the -actor used to convert the Mpot o- moneyMinto a pension"

    $he .enets an individual youre their dependents ill %et-rom a money purchase scheme ill come entirely -rom the

    QpotR o- money"

    Final Salar- Pension Sc*eme

    Final salary schemes are sometimes !non as 7ened@enet Pension cheme" 1em.ers contri.ute to thescheme ith the promise o- a certain level o- pension" $he

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    amount o- pension paya.le -rom such a scheme isdependent uponC

    +" the len%th o- time served in the scheme (!non aspensiona.le service)O

    2" earnin%s prior to retirement (!non as nalpensiona.le salary)O and

    3" $he schemeMs Maccrual rateM" $he accrual rate is theproportion o- salary that is received -or each year o-service" o0 i- the scheme has an accrual rate o- 60the ill receive +,6ths o- his nal

    pensiona.le salary -or each year o- service completed"$he Saccrual rate is the rateat hich an individual.uilds up pension .enets hilst they ere an o- the pension scheme" It is most commonlye#pressed as a -raction0 such as +,3th0 +,6th0 +,8th0+,+2thetc" $he loer the .ottom num.er0 the .etterthe pension .enet is"

    / 7ened @enet Pension cheme ill use a formulatocalculate the pension .enets usin% these elements" $he-ormula (and the denitions -or each part o- it) ill .e setout in the cheme 'ules"

    In a nal salary scheme your pension is .ased uponyour 6nal pensionable salar-;hich -or preserved

    mem.ers is normally or!ed out over the yearsimmediately .e-ore you ceased to .e an active o-the pension scheme" 7i?erent schemes use di?erentdenitions0 so it is the denition o- your Snal pensiona.lesalary (or Snal pensiona.le earnin%s) that is important inthis type o- scheme"@ecause the pensiona.le salary is used as one part o- the

    -ormula in order to calculate the pension0 a nal salaryscheme is commonly re-erred to as Ssalary related scheme"

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    For example: pensiona.le service # pensiona.lesalary 6

    / nal salary scheme lin!s the pension .enets to thepensiona.le earnin%s" / nal salary scheme also providesmem.ers ith protection -rom Sinvestment ris! andSmortality ris! as it is the sponsorin% employer (orta#payer in respect o- some Pu.lic ector schemes) hoshoulders this ris!"

    It is not true that nal salary schemes providea guaranteedretirement pension" $he pension .enet paidill depend upon many -actors0 ith the most important.ein% the schemes a.ility to pay .enets to mem.ers asthey -all due" I- the employers .usiness -ails0 it is li!ely that.enets ill .e reduced -or some0 i- not all mem.ers(althou%h Pu.lic ector schemes are di?erent in thisrespect)"

    B*at is )one- Purc*ase Sc*emes and *o are

    annuities si'ni6cant it* t*is t-pe o( sc*emeD

    : @ased on a pot o- money hich is availa.le hen an

    individually has retired": $he pot o- money is used to .uy annuity: $he hi%her the annuity rates the hi%her the output o-

    pensions: $he loer the annuity rates the loer the output o-

    pensions: /nnuity rates are very important to this money

    purchase scheme .ecause ho much an individual

    %ets a-ter retirement depends on the annuity

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    B*at is e6ned ,ene6t sc*emes and *o are

    annuities si'ni6cant it* t*is t-pe o( sc*emeD

    : $his is here the employee and employer ill .oth put

    into the scheme

    : $he output depends on 3 -actorsC pensiona.le salary0pensiona.le len%th and accrual rates" /ccrual rate is

    the proportion on hich the pension is calculated: /n individually ill denitely .e %ranted a pension

    output": $his type o- pension has no si%nicance to annuity

    rates as it does not a?ect this type o- scheme

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    Alternati7e a-s o( sa7in's mone-> ad7anta'e and

    disad7anta'es> as ell as t*e ris/G return attac*ed

    to t*em HResearc*

    +" Investments in stoc! mar!et: very ris!y0 hoever could

    hold hi%her returns"2" Investments in property mar!et: unpredicta.le

    property mar!et0 hoever i- .orroer %ets into positive

    e*uity it ill .e easy to ma!e a *uic! prot"3" I/ accounts: less ris!0 ma#imum limit to an I/

    account and interest is aarded" I/ accounts not

    much return0 hoever lo ris!"4" Fi#ed I/ accounts: una.le to use the -unds entered"

    Lo ris! .ut ithout access to money -or a set period"5" 1onthly asy avers: simple savin%s account to set

    aay money every month" ill hold an interest rate0

    hich ould .e added to the savin% account"6" Aenerally the more ris! attached the more return

    aarded" &oever0 the more ris! means that the.orroer can also lose their money, investment"

    "T hat can you thin! o-

    Nominal and Real Interest rates

    ometimes compounded interest is calculated more o-tenthan once per year0 For e#ampleC *uarterly

    $his means that the amount paid over the course o- theyear ould actually .e more than the amount o- interestitsel-"

    For example:

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    ometimes called Qcash advances"R

    mall loans hich individuals can o.tain hen they are

    out o- 1onday temporarily"

    1ost o-ten payday lenders are short term loans andthere-ore are not used -or lon%er periods"

    sually a payday lender ill pay the amount re*uired

    into a .an! account ithin 24 hours hen theapplication is approved"

    $he payday loan repayment and interest is ta!en directly

    -rom the individuals .an! account on a specic date"

    Payday loans ill loo! at previous credit andemployment records"

    Payday lenders are not a solution to de.t .ecause it is a

    hi%h ris! solutionO it is a short term type o- loan andusually has a si%nicant amount o- interest attached

    N Youn% people under the a%e o- 25 are more li!ely to

    turn to payday loan companies such as on%a to ma!e

    ends meet than approach their .an!0 .uildin% societies

    or a credit card provider0 accordin% to =itiJens /dvice"

    N It analysed 30 o- the most serious de.t pro.lems it

    sees in its .ureau# and -ound that hile +E o- these

    ere su?ered .y +:24 year olds0 payday loans

    accounted -or 62E o- the credit used .y this a%e %roup"

    Dnly 8E o- the 30 youn%sters ere in de.t .ecause

    o- mainstream credit such as overdra-ts0 .an! loans or

    credit cards"

    N ;ov +4 re%ulationsC $he >s 4 payday lenders could

    .e hit .y a ne cap on lendin% due to come into -orce in9anuary0 a-ter an investi%ation into the controversial

    payday loan mar!et .y the nancial re%ulator"

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    N $he Financial =onduct /uthority (F=/) said rms ill

    have to cap lendin% costs at "8 per cent per day0 ith

    a total interest cap o- + per cent0 so the total

    amount repaid .y a customer is never more than

    dou.le the initial amount .orroed" 7e-ault -ees illalso .e capped at G+5"

    N $he F=/ added that it ill limit repayments on a 3

    day loan paid .ac! on time to no more than G24 in -ees

    and char%es per G+ .orroed"

    N 1ore crutiny ;ov +4C Payday lenders are -acin% a

    maHor sha!e:up a-ter the competition atchdo% laidout plans to cur. the costs o- loans -or consumers"

    N $he =ompetition and 1ar!ets /uthority (=1/) said

    lenders should ma!e their products availa.le on price

    comparison sites to increase competition amon% rms

    amid a o- proposals -or re-ormin% the payday

    loan mar!et"

    !xamples o( Pa-da-

  • 7/23/2019 Introduction to Personal Finance SEPT 2015 REVISION PACK.docx


    =rod-undin% is an approach to raisin% the capital

    re*uired -or a ne proHect or enterprise .y appealin%

    to lar%e num.ers o- ordinary people -or small


    $he ntrepreneur pitches an idea" $his is screened on the to ensure that it is authentic" Dnce it has .een

    veried it ill %o onto the Plat-orm," Dn the prole

    pa%e it ill include the proHect idea0 the -undin% %oal

    needed0 the deadline o- the -und and the reards,returns i-

    the proHect idea does ell"

    $he -undin% indo then opens and the pu.lic can put

    money into that proHect idea"

    hen the deadline o- the -undin% passes and the proHect

    %ets the re*uired money0 the proHect ill .e developed" $hereturn and reards ill .e %iven to the aitin% en%a%ed

    audience, investors" I- the proHect does not reach their

    tar%et then the proHect ends and the -undin% is returned to

    the pu.lic mem.ers"

  • 7/23/2019 Introduction to Personal Finance SEPT 2015 REVISION PACK.docx


    9*ere are di8erent models to Crod(undin'

    Donation based:Allows charities, or those who raise money

    for social or charitable projects, to gather a community online

    and to enable them to donate to a specific project.

    Equity based: Enables the crowd to invest for equity, orprofit/revenue sharing in businesses or projects. This form

    of the model has been the slowest to grow due to regulatory

    restrictions that relate to this type of activity.

    Lending based: rojects or businesses see!ing debt apply

    through the platform uploading their pitch, with members of

    the crowd ta!ing small chun!s of the overall loan.

    Reward based: Enables people to contribute to projects and

    receive non"financial rewards in return, usually operating a

    tiered system where the more you donate the better thereward you receive.


  • 7/23/2019 Introduction to Personal Finance SEPT 2015 REVISION PACK.docx


    9IPS F#R 9K! !LA)INA9I#N

    Section A: )ultiple C*oice &uestions

    /nser /LL *uestions under this section: ;D ne%ative


    =ircle your ansers clearly on the multiple choice

    anser sheet"

    I- you chan%e your mind on a *uestion you can put an V

    throu%h it and circle your correct anser" Please rite in


    Section ,: S*ort @uestions

    'ead each *uestion care-ully" I- the *uestion says

    descri.e .e descriptive and put in in-ormation on the

    stated area" I- the *uestion says analyse or evaluate you

    ill need to .e a.le to %ive advanta%es and

    disadvanta%es" I- the *uestion says state or list0 only

    .ullet point and list the in-ormation needed"

    For the short *uestions only rite in proportion to the

    amount o- mar!s aarded" "%" a + mar! *uestion ill

    have more in-ormation than a 4 mar! *uestion"

    I- you are runnin% out o- time you can .ullet point


    Leave a line o- space .eteen each *uestion ansers"

    nsure you la.el the *uestion care-ully in the

    ri%ht mar%in"

    Please ensure you rite in pen"

    Pay attention to handritin%W /s ell as spellin% and

    sentence structure" I- you cannot spell a ord0 do not

    use it"

    Aood luc! ith your revision and your e#amsWWW

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