introduction to the trams project objectives and results in y1 antonio rubio, ramon canal

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Introduction to the TRAMS project objectives and results in Y1 Antonio Rubio, Ramon Canal UPC, Project coordinator. Global objective of TRAMS. The TRAMS vision for reliable, cost-efficient tera-device multicores powering high performance future, safety-critical applications. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Introduction to the TRAMS project objectives and results in Y1

Antonio Rubio, Ramon Canal

UPC, Project coordinator

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

Global objective of TRAMS  

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

The TRAMS vision for reliable, cost-efficient tera-device multicores powering high performance future, safety-critical applications


CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

Bulk-cmos sub-22nmFinfetsCNTOthers (MIM, RRAM, PCM …)

Mitigation, adaptive, andtolerant mechanisms

Multi-core architectures

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

M0 Y1(M12) Y2(M24)






Variability and reliability bulk cmosdevice level

circuit level

Variability and reliability Findfets and CNT

Mitigation, compensation, redundant and reconfiguration mechanims


D1.1, D2.1,D3.1, D4.1,D5.1,D5.2, D3.6

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011



Device level: 65,45,32,22,16, Si-CMOS public models 18 and 13 nm Si-CMOS from WP1

CNFETS (n=8), equivalent to 16nm

Circuit level: Bit-cell types: 6T, 1T1C, 3T1D32 kB cache circuit: both 6T and 3T1D.

Si-bulk CNFETWork in Y1

Process variabilityat device level

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011


6T bit-cell 3T1D bit-cell 1T1C (32) bit-cell

32 kB cache:

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011


Significant impact onperformances of speedAND a dramatic drop inreliability (catastrophicFailures)

Prediction of null yieldWith conventional implementationmethods

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

Circuit level


• Temperature is a key environmental factor, that may cause an increase until a 60% in read/write time cycles, both S and DRAM.

• Temperature is a very limiting factor in DRAM, reducing the retention time around 1/50.

• Temperature is an inherent factor, significant in these technologies, possibilities to sense T and actuate with different adaptive mechanisms.

• Voltage fluctuations and systematic manufacturing variability are the responsible of 15 and 10% delay fluctuations. Can be partially alleviated at design (layout and circuit level).

• Reliability characteristics are dramatically impacted by process random variations(higher in 6T and 1T1C than in 3T1D but dramatic for both) (null yield), as wellas aging BTI (degeneration) and SEU.• New challenging alternatives to implement complex systems have to be investigated.• Potentially future technologies, as CNFET and others, will offer interesting alternatives in memory design

Conclusions In Y2 (second year) TRAMS project will work on the analysis of alleviating mechanisms for systematic process variations and voltage fluctuations, at layout and circuit level. About temperature we will investigate on innovative adapting and compensation mechanisms, with the use of sensors and knobs, similar solution will be applied to attenuate the effect of aging caused by BTI. For process variations we will investigate the trade-off between mitigation solutions at design level and the resulting performances. For moderate and high catastrophic and transient failures we will investigate new redundancy and error codes insertion techniques . And even for high and very high catastrophic and transient failures we will investigated hierarchic significantly redundant tolerant architectures.Inclusion of Finfet and CNTFET technologies.

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

Thanks for your attention!

CASTNESS’11 WORKSHOP ON TERACOMP FET Projects, Rome , January 17 th-18th 2011

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