introductions. emergency planning emergency management & preparedness street smarts version

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Emergency Planning

Emergency Management

& Preparedness

Street Smarts Version

Where to Start? Commit to it

Ask Someone

Get Some Training

Commit To It Only what you put in will you get out Assign resources to it.

Money Human Resources Time

Ask Someone Your are not going to be cutting edge Many effective plans are already there There are consultants Emergency Preparedness Canada Emergency Measures Ontario (EMO) Red Cross Municipality

Get Some Training Hazard and Risk Assessment Prevention Mitigation Recovery

Recurring Themes

Identify Core Services or Needs Not a risk assessment, not threat specific What you need to protect What you like to protect What you can do without short term What you can do without longer term What you can do without

What you need to protect People




How Do You Protect It Protection

Train people Provide Equipment and Procedures Technology adaptation Look for Common Sense solutions first Refer to Core Services and Needs…..OFTEN

When Do We Start to Build the Plan?

You are about 50% done right here!

You know who and what you are going to protect

You know there will be steps necessary to protect in all the phases of the emergency

When Do We Start to Build the Plan?







Question Where would you get the best return for

effort? Prevention? Mitigation? Recovery?

It will vary to some degree but you rarely need to mitigate or recover from something you prevented

Question Can 1 Plan be used for all emergencies?

Yes/No. Anything that can be made consistent should be. Templating is useful.

Adaptability is key. Separate plans if required.

Step 1: Assemble Background Information

Step 2: Identify, Analyze and Prioritize Issues

Step 3: Set Goals and Objectives

Step 4: Allocate Resources; Develop Strategies

Outputs from Process

Opportunities for Input

Step 7: Implement Strategies

Step 8: Monitor and Evaluate

Step 9: Report

Step 5: Prepare Draft SOP

Step 6: Prepare Final SOP

Background Report

Draft Changes for review

Final Draft

This process represents an “Adaptive Management” Approach

Monitoring Report

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 1

Assemble and study all pertinent and associated background materials.

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 2

Identify, Analyze and Prioritize

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 4

Allocate Resources and Develop Strategies

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 5

Prepare Draft SOP

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 6

Prepare Final SOP

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 7

Train to and exercise the plan

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 8

Monitor and Evaluate Effectiveness

Adaptive Management StrategyModel Overview

Step 9

Produce a Report

Core Principles………helpful Incident Management System

IMS 100, IMS 200

Core Principles………helpful Strategic



No Battle Plan Survives First Contact the Enemy Unharmed

Adjust but don’t give up the planning or the plan

What you need to protect does not change Stay disciplined and business like Know when to ask for help Know where that help is Know how to ask

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