intsallation of hot tap fittings saep0311 2003

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  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    Engineering Procedure

    SAEP-311 29 January, 2003

    Installation of Hot Tapped Connetions

    Piping Standards Committee Members

    Al-Sannaa, M.S., Chairman

    Al-Dossary, M.B.

    Al-Nasri, N.I.

    Al-Sabti, R.A.

    Al-Sharif, T.M.

    Al-Teraiki, A.M.

    Balhareth, N.M.

    Chen, J.T.

    Faley, !.".

    Ismail, A.A.

    #hashab, J.M.

    #im, S.$.

    "e%is, T.

    Mahmo&, #.A.

    M&llen, M.A.

    'han, (.C.

    Solaiman, M.).

    Stark, !.D.

    Previous Issue: 29 February, 2000 Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$

    %evised paragrap#s are indi"ated in t#e rig#t margin Page ! o& $$

    Primary "onta"t: Mu#sen S' (l)Sannaa on p#one *+)--+9

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

    Table of Contents

    1 Sope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2

    2 Applia"le #ou$ents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2

    3 Instrutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3

    % &esponsi"ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1%

    Appendi' I - (ltrasoni T)i*ness

    +easure$ents 1

    Appendi' II - Hot Tap C)e*list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1

    Page 2 o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    1 Scope

    This SAEP provides the installation procedures for hot tapping pipe, pressure

    vessels and tanks. It assigns responsibilities for the work required and the safety

    precautions to be taken. Any deviation to this procedure requires the approval of

    the anager, !onsulting Services "epart#ent, "hahran.

    2 Applicable Documents

    $.% Saudi Ara#co &eferences

    Saudi Ara#co Engineering Procedure

    SAEP-310 Pipeline Repair and Maintenance

    Saudi Ara#co Engineering Standards

    SAES-A-004 Pressure Testing

    SAES-L-052 Hot Tap onnections

    SAES-L-05! Pressure Testing o" Plant Piping and Pipelines

    SAES-#-010 #elding Re$uire%ents "or Pressure &essels

    SAES-#-011 #elding Re$uire%ents "or 'n-Plot Piping

    SAES-#-012 #elding Re$uire%ents "or Pipelines

    Page $ o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    Saudi Ara#co Standard "rawings

    A(-03!)1* Rein"orce%ent o" #elded (ranc+ onnections

    A(-03!)15 ,etail o" Hea. #elding (oss "or T+readed


    A(-03!!43 ,etail o" Hea. #elding (oss "or Soc/et #eld


    Saudi Ara#co 'or#s and "ata Sheets

    or% SA )235-E Hot Tap ,ata and +ec/listor% SA )!2)-E Hot TapStopple Rein"orce%ent alculation


    Saudi Ara#co (eneral Instructions

    -00026100 #or/ Per%its

    -00026102 Sa"et. Precautions "or Pressure Testing

    -00026)11 ire and Sa"et. #atc+

    -1)706001 Respirators

    $.$ Industry !odes and Standards

    A#erican Petroleu# Institute

    AP ST, 5*7 &ale nspection and Test

    AP RP 2201 Procedures "or #elding or Hot Tapping on

    E$uip%ent ontaining la%%a8les

    A#erican Society of echanical Engineers)*oiler and Pressure +essel !ode

    ASME SE & ,1 Pressure &essels

    ASME (3163 Process Piping

    ASME (3164 Li$uid Transportation S.ste%s "or


    ASME (3167 as Trans%ission and ,istri8ution Piping


    Page o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    3 Instructions

    .% "efinitions

    -ot Tap The technique of attaching a welded branch fitting to piping or

    equip#ent in service, and creating an opening in that piping or equip#ent

    by drilling or cutting a portion of the piping or equip#ent within the

    attached fitting.

    .$ (eneral &equire#ents

    .$.% -ot tap connections shall be designed and installed to #eet all

    require#ents of this SAEP, and SAES/0/12$, 3-ot Tap


    .$.$ The hot tapping operations are initiated, designed, and controlled


    .$.$.% 4perations Engineering 4rgani5ation in the case of e6isting


    .$.$.$ Pro7ect anager with the approval of the Area 4perations

    Superintendent and 4perations Engineering (eneral

    Supervisor) Superintendent in the case of tying in newinstallations to e6isting facilities.

    .$. The appropriate #anage#ent shall appoint an Initiating Engineer.

    The Initiating Engineer shall be #ade responsible for the overall

    coordination of the hot tapping activities. This is to ensure that

    designers, construction)#aintenance installation unit, hot tap,

    stopple and valve crew, operations and)or pro7ect #anage#ent,

    engineering staff, and inspection staff cooperate closely during all

    phases of the hot tapping operations.

    .$.8 The Initiating Engineer shall identify the equip#ent in ter#s ofservice, location, pipe dia#eter, header and branch pressure

    rating, and #aterial type and notify the -ot Tap, Stopple and

    +alve 9nit of this infor#ation.

    Page 3 o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .$.2 The construction or #aintenance units are responsible for

    ensuring that approved welding procedures and qualified welders

    are e#ployed. The Piping : +alves 9nit):!E")!S" shall

    verify this.

    .$.; 'or carbon steels with #ini#u# specified yield stresses less than

    or equal to ;1 ksi, pre/approved welding procedures #ay be used.

    .$.< 'or carbon steels with #ini#u# specified yield stresses greater

    than ;1 ksi, the !onsulting Services "epart#ent shall be contacted

    for welding procedure approval.

    .$.= 'or hardenable or high strength steels and for piping where pipe

    or fitting wall thickness requires preheat, the !onsulting Services

    "epart#ent shall be contacted for welding procedure approval.

    .$.> !o#pressed air piping and equip#ent shall not be hot tapped nor

    welded while in service. &efer to SAES/0/12$, paragraph 8..

    .$.%1 -ot tapping lines upstrea# of rotating equip#ent shall be avoided

    unless such equip#ent is protected fro# the cuttings by #eans of

    filters or traps. The nor#al in/line suction screens are not

    considered adequate for this purpose.

    .$.%% -ot tap connections are not allowed for certain cases ?refer to

    SAES/0/12$paragraph 8.%@, unless a detailed design and

    installation procedure has received prior approval fro# the

    anager of !S" and concurrence fro# the 0oss Prevention


    .$.%$ All hot tap connections, valves, and hot tap #achines shall be

    pressure tested in accordance with this SAEP. ?&efer to Para. .=@

    .$.% Precautions against electric shock, due to induced voltage, shall be

    taken when installing hot tap connections on above ground

    pipelines near high voltage power lines. &efer to SAEP/%1,3

    Pipelines &epair and aintenance3.

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .$.%8 Adequate support of the hot tap #achine shall be provided to

    prevent overstressing of the pipe and)or fitting, particularly in

    cases where the hot tap sticker is not installed in a vertical position.

    .$.%2 -ot tapping shall not be per#itted

    a@ within 82< ## ?%= inches@ of a flange ?or threaded

    connection@ as #easured fro# the toe of the reinforce#ent

    sleeve, or split tee circu#ferential fillet weld to the toe of the

    flange circu#ferential butt weld ?or the closest edge of the

    threaded connection@

    Commentary Note:

    If this requirement can not be met the placement of the hot

    tap may be positioned closer than 457 mm (18 inches)

    proided there is enou!h room to allo" for the installation#

    operation and remoal of the hot tap machine# and the

    remoal of the pipin! or pipeline flan!e bolts$

    b@ within %> ## ?1.

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .$.%;. -ot tapping is not per#itted on cone or floating roofs of

    in/service tanks.

    .$.%;.8 4n tanks, connections larger than $ inch BPS require

    written approval of the anager, !S".

    .$.%< Chen hot taps are being #ade to obtain coupons for -I!

    deter#ination, the Saudi Ara#co 'or# SA Appropriate barricades and warning signs shall be posted around

    the worksite to #ini#i5e the nu#ber of personnel in the work area

    while perfor#ing the hot tapping operation.

    .$.$1 !o#pact steel gate valves with e6tended body ends shall not be

    used for hot tap connections.

    . Precautions against -$S and other To6ic)-a5ardous aterials

    Page * o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    ..% If a potential e6ists for a -ydrogen Sulfide ?or other To6ic

    #aterial@ release at a work site, all personnel involved shall be

    provided with an appropriate breathing apparatus. ?&efer to (I/


  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .8 Preparation of -ot Tap Specification and Test !alculations

    .8.% The Initiating Engineer shall provide 'or# SA

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .2 0ocate and Inspect -ot Tap Position

    .2.% The Initiating Engineer shall #ake all necessary arrange#ents for

    the preparation of hot tapping ?i.e., location, e6cavation, pipe

    inspection, surface preparation, etc.@

    .2.$ The Initiating Engineer shall arrange for a tea#, consisting of

    hi#self, operations, the responsible inspector, and a representative

    of the -ot Tap and Stoppling crew, to survey the general hot tap

    location in order to specify and #ark the hot tap locations in


    .2. The Initiating Engineer shall #ark of the e6act hot tap locations,

    and #ark the hot tap nu#ber alongside each hot tap location,

    ensuring the hot tap locations are at a position where the pipe out/

    of/roundness does not e6ceed ##. ?4ut of roundness criteria

    only applies to split tee or full encircle#ent sleeves@.

    .2.8 The hot tap nu#ber is obtained fro# 'or# SA

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    %hen hot tappin! components containin! non&ha'ardous material

    such as "ater at less than 14 *+a (15 psi) and belo" ,5-C#

    then the components "ith "all thic*nesses less than 5 mm ($.

    inch) may be hot tapped proided precautions a!ainst burn&

    throu!h are ta*en$ (/0I C2N3I/I2N /I 6I6 9 %9I6

    /2 ;6 +2C663 /0 C3)$

    .2.< If ultrasonic readings indicate a la#ination or evidence of

    hydrogen induced cracking ?-I!@ da#age, the hot tap position

    shall be relocated after consultation with the Initiating Engineer

    and the responsible 4perations Engineering 4rgani5ation. !S"

    and the proponent group shall be notified of this condition.

    .2.= The Piping : +alves 9nit):!E")!S" shall co#plete Section

    of for# SA

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    "rawings and specifications prepared by the responsible

    engineering group shall include the length, dia#eter, wall

    thickness, flange rating and #aterial of the new connection plus

    the type and di#ensions of the connection reinforce#ent, if

    required ?&efer to Std. "wg. A*/1;@ and the Celd Procedure

    Specifications approved by the !onsulting Services "epart#ent.

    .;. After the responsible engineering group has obtained the

    appropriate approvals, a record copy shall be retained in a

    per#anent central file, and the design package forwarded to the

    Initiating Engineer for construction.

    .;.8 4nce approval is obtained, the Initiating engineer shall distribute

    copies of each 'or# SA

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .;.; The Initiating Engineer is responsible for revising e6isting Saudi

    Ara#co drawings, P:I"s, or preparing new drawings, as #ay be

    required, as a result of the hot tap installation.

    .< Safety &equire#ents

    .$8/$@ shall

    have recorded under the 34ther precaution3 section the #a6i#u#allowable line pressure, #ini#u# and #a6i#u# flow rates, and

    level li#itations during welding)cutting plus the nu#ber of this


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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions


  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .=. a6i#u# hydrostatic test pressure applied to the branch ?or hot

    tap@ connection shall be in accordance with SAES/0/12$,

    paragraph D! is not per#itted unless approved by the anager,

    !onsulting Services "epart#ent.

    .=.2 -ot tap connections installed on hot lines where hydrostatic testing

    with water is not practical shall be hydrostatically tested using

    high te#perature turbine oil or silicone fluid, as follows

    $ine Temperature %&drotest Fluid Stock 'o(

    93:C to 290:C Tur"ine 4il 2;-001-330


    45er 290:C Silione

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    Commentary Note:

    Chec* to ensure compatibility of fluids used in hot tappin! "ith

    that of the line bein! hot tapped$

    .=.; A body and high pressure seat test ?on both sides of the seat@ shall

    be perfor#ed in the shop on all hot tap valves prior to installation.

    &esilient ?soft@ seat valves shall have 5ero leakage. +alves with

    #etal to #etal seats shall #eet the leakage criteria of API ST" 2>=.

    A back seat test and low pressure seat test is not required. A tag

    shall be attached to the valve indicating test date, test pressure and

    Inspectors na#e.

    Commentary Note:

    /his seat test does not apply to sand"ich ales$

    .=.< After installation of the branch connection, but prior to installing

    the reinforcing pad or full encircle#ent ring, a full hydrostatic

    pressure test shall be applied to the branch connection. This test

    pressure shall be the lower value shown in 8.8c or 8.8e on Saudi

    Ara#co 'or# SA

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .=.> Install the hot tap valve and apply another high pressure closure

    test ?seat test@ per para. .=.; above, with the valve in the closed

    position. The test pressure shall be the lower value shown in 8.8c

    or 8.8d on Saudi Ara#co 'or# SA

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .>.$ a6i#u# internal pressure of the piping)equip#ent during

    welding shall be in accordance with SAES/0/12$paragraph 2. on

    welding of pipelines under pressure. A positive pressure and flow

    shall be #aintained at all ti#es while welding and hot tapping is in


    .>. The #ini#u# flow rates per para. .>.8 or the #a6i#u#

    attainable flow under nor#al working pressure, whichever is less,

    shall be #aintained during all welding operations.

    .>..% 'low in a line shall be #aintained while welding is being

    perfor#ed, unless approved otherwise by the

    4perations Superintendent. In certain cases, such as

    flare lines with insufficient or inter#ittent flow, the line

    shall be purged with stea#, inert gas, or hydrocarbon

    gas. This stea# or gas shall be kept flowing through the

    line during the entire welding operation.

    .>..$ In syste#s where hydrocarbon and o6ygen #i6tures are

    definitely not a possibility, flow is not required ?e.g., sea

    water in7ection lines@. -owever, to weld with 3B4/

    '04C3 conditions, the following #ust be satisfied

    .>..$.% 'or new construction tie/ins to e6isting

    lines, approval shall be obtained fro# the

    responsible Pro7ect anager, (eneral

    Supervisor)Superintendent 4perations

    Engineering, and the 4perations


    .>..$.$ 'or nor#al #aintenance tie/ins to e6isting

    syste#s not involving new construction,

    approval shall be obtained fro# the

    (eneral Supervisor)Superintendent

    4perations Engineering, and the

    4perations Superintendent.

    Page !9 o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .>..$. Prior to and during any welding,

    4perations shall verify a non/co#bustible

    #i6ture in the line. This shall be stated in

    the re#arks section of the Cork Per#it.

    .>.8 a6i#u# and #ini#u# flow rates during hot tapping shall be as


    a4 5i6uid 7 0'0 m8se" minimum

    o)P#ase '30 m8se" maximum

    b4 as 0'0 m8se" minimum

    9'!0 m8se" maximum

    Page 20 o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    however, if the branch connection si5e is less than 21F of the si5e

    of the line being hot tapped, then the #ini#u# values do not apply

    but a positive flow shall be #aintained.

    Commentary Notes:

    1) /$3$ %illiamson has established the aboe ma>imum flo" elocity

    in lines durin! the hot tappin! operation$

    .) mall diameter hot taps (i$e$# . inch and less) hae no ma>imum

    or minimum flo" limitations$ +ressure requirements still apply$

    .>.2 Chile hot tap work and pressure testing is in/progress, an operator

    shall re#ain in a location where he can control operating

    conditions such as flow, pressure, and liquid level within the li#its

    specified in the hot tap design infor#ation. An additional operator

    shall standby at the 7ob site while the work is in progress, if

    dee#ed necessary by the 4perations Superintendent. !ontinuous

    radio co##unications between the 7ob site operator and the

    !ontrol &oo# is required.

    .>.; Cork shall be i##ediately stopped when constant flow and

    pressure as noted in paragraphs .>.$ and .>. cannot be

    #aintained during the welding and hot tapping operations.

    Pressure testing shall also stop if pressure in the header )

    equip#ent is lost.

    .%1 -ot Tap 'ittings)Sandwich +alve Installation &equire#ents

    .%1.% The Initiating Engineer shall coordinate all activities.

    .%1.$ The 4perations Superintendent shall ensure co#pliance with the

    safety precautions arranged under paragraph .> of this SAEP,

    including acceptance of the work per#it.

    .%1. The Inspector shall perfor# the following

    .%1..% +erify a !S" approved welding procedure specification

    is utili5ed for installation of the connection ?&efer para.


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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    .%1..$ +erify that .$ ## dia#eter cellulose weld electrodes

    are utili5ed only for the root pass and low hydrogen

    electrodes are used for all other passes for carbon steel

    branch connection welds.

    .%1.. Inspect the branch connection)split tee, before and

    during the installation, for co#pliance with the

    approved drawings and welding procedures.

    .%1..8 +erify that a calibrated pressure gauge and relief valve

    are properly installed for testing.

    .%1..2 !onfir# that the hydrostatic test pressure for the

    branch connection is correct at the ti#e of the test, as

    prescribed in Section 8 of 'or# SA +aint>

    Beneral &e=uire$ents are $et! Constr

    Page 22 o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    %!11!3 C)e* t)at t)e loation of t)e installation is t)at 4pers>+aint>

    loation speified "y t)e initiatin. En.ineer 8it) t)e Constr

    onurrene of t)e 4perations Supt!

    %!11!% 4"tain an appro5ed Hot ?or* Per$it, Saudi Ara$o Init! En.>+aint>


    flus) 8it) t)e surfae of t)e pipe ta*in. are not to Constr

    redue t)e pipe 8all t)i*ness! C)e* pipe 8all

    t)i*ness ensurin. it does not 5iolate para! 3!!;!

    %!11!; Ensure t)e pressure and flo8 re=uire$ents as identified Init En.>CS#>

    in setion % of Constr

    prior to any 8eldin.! 4pers

    %!11! Po8er 8ire "rus) t)e area for atta)$ent 8elds to +aint>Constr>

    re$o5e all traes of paint, rust and sale! T)e fit-up CS#

    of t)e onnetion to t)e )eader s)all pro5ide for a

    standard pipe "e5el and 1>1; in) $ini$u$ root .ap!

    Install t)e nole or "oss onnetion usin. full

    penetration 8elds in t)e e'at loation s)o8n on t)e

    Page 2$ o& $$

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    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    appro5ed dra8in., usin. a =ualified 8elder and a CS#

    appro5ed 8eldin. proedure! T)e Pipin. 7 Fal5es (nit>

    +7CE#>CS# 8ill 5erify proper 8eld oint fit-up!

    %!11! Ensure t)at t)e nole onnetions are not 8elded on CS#>Init En.>

    t)e inside unless t)e )ot tap utter is at least one pipe +aint>Constr

    sie s$aller t)an t)e nole! T)e utters so$eti$es

    "rea* if t)e ut is $ade t)rou.) a 8eld!

    %!11!9 Pre)e* t)e tappin. 5al5e and t)e )ot tap $a)ine Hot Tap (nit

    to assure .ood opera"le ondition, inludin. t)e utter

    and oupon retainin. de5ie!

    %!11!10 Confir$ t)at t)e s)op ratin. test of t)e )ot tap $a)ine CS#>Hot Tap (nit

    is urrent per para! 3!!2!

    %!11!11 +ount t)e 5al5e on t)e fittin. ensurin. t)at its ali.n$ent CS#>Hot Tap (nit

    is 8it)in t)e $anufaturerGs tolerane

    %!11!12 Close t)e 5al5e and perfor$ t)e )ydrostati test +aint>Constr>Hot

    aordin. to t)is instrution! Tap>CS#

    %!11!13 C)e* t)e 5al5e "y openin. and t)e )ot tap $a)ine Hot Tap (nit>+aint>

    for opera"ility and e'a$ine t)e ondition of t)e utter Constr

    and oupon retainin. de5ie!

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  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    %!11!1% +ount t)e )ot tap $a)ine on t)e 5al5e! Hot Tap (nit>+aint>


    %!11!1 Ensure t)at t)e tappin. 5al5e is tested in aordane Hot Tap (nit>CS#

    8it) para.rap) 3!!9 and 8ill easily pass t)e )ot tap

    utter! T)is $ay re=uire .rindin. of t)e lu.s on t)e

    5al5e seat rin.s to pro5ide ade=uate learane!

    Ensure t)at t)e di$ension fro$ t)e fae of t)e 5al5e

    flan.e to t)e surfae to "e )ot tapped 8ill per$it

    enou.) utter tra5el to o$pletely ut out t)e oupon

    and not tra5el to t)e opposite side of t)e )eader!

    %!11!1; Apply )ydrostati and pneu$ati pressure tests to t)e Hot Tap (nit>ICS#>

    )ot tap $a)ine, 5al5e, and 8elded onnetion in +aint>Constr

    8it) t)e testin. proedure speified in t)is SAEP and

    SAES--02, para.rap) !

    %!11!1 Install and seal 8eld a t)readed plu. in t)e 8eld "oss +aint>Constr

    on t)e onnetion after all testin. )as "een o$pleted!

    &efer to para.rap) 3!!12

    %!11!1 After asse$"ly of t)e )ot tap $a)ine on t)e tappin.

    5al5e and "efore t)e tappin. operation is started6

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  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    %!11!1!1 Co$pletely lose and t)en o$pletely open Hot Tap (nit

    5al5e to ensure t)at it Is opera"le, and t)at

    t)e utter an "e 8it)dra8n a suffiient

    distane to per$it losure of t)e 5al5e!

    %!11!1!2 Set t)e utter tra5el indiator to pre5ent o5er Hot Tap (nit

    tra5el and onse=uent da$a.e to t)e opposite

    side of t)e )eader "ein. )ot tapped!

    %!11!19 #rill and ut oupon! Hot Tap (nit

    %!11!20 &etrat t)e )ot tap $a)ine "orin. "ar! Hot Tap (nit

    %!11!21 Close t)e 5al5e, pur.e 8it) nitro.en, if re=uired, and Hot Tap (nit

    depressurie t)e )ot tap $a)ine adaptor!

    %!11!22 &e$o5e t)e )ot tap $a)ine fro$ t)e line! Hot Tap (nit>


    %!11!23 &e$o5e t)e oupon fro$ t)e pilot drill and ta. and Hot Tap (nit>

    8ire t)e oupon to t)e tappin. 5al5e on t)e onnetion +aint>Constr

    after )ot tap is o$pleted!

    %!11!2% T)e oupon s)all "e re$o5ed only "y t)e 4perations 4pers

    Super5isor and for8arded to t)e responsi"le 4perations

    Page 2- o& $$

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    Pipin. 7 Fal5es (nit>+7CE#>CS#!

    %!11!2 Ensure t)at t)e o$pleted onnetion is "linded or Hot Tap (nit>CS#>

    plu..ed "efore lea5in. t)e o" site! +aint>Constr

    *e+ision Summar&

    1 #een5er, 199;Editorial re5ision to on5ert dou$ent to ne8 for$at!

    30 Septe$"er, 199 +inor re5ision to para.rap)s 2, 3!1, 3!2!9, 3!2!11, 3!2!1, 3!;!1, 3!;!2, 3!!3, 3!!; 7 3!9!2

    29 April, 199 Added BI-10!001 in t)e referene!


  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    Appendi, I - .ltrasonic T/ickness 0easurements

    1ot ap ;

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    STICE* 0EAS.*E0E'T

    +in6 +a'!6





    D E 4CATI4D-------#ESC&IPTI4D

    Point A------------ran) Center

    Cirle -----------ran) #ia$eter

    Cirle C-----------&einfr! Pad #ia!

    - ----------&ESP4DSIE PIPIDB 7 FAFES (DIT>+7CE#>CS#6 EDBIDEE&6


  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    Page $0 o& $$

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    Appendi, II - %ot Tap C/ecklist

    This checklist should be used as a re#inder to acco#plish the steps in order, but

    should not be considered as including all preparation steps which #ay be dictated

    by the particular circu#stances of the 7ob. It should be kept as a part of the final

    docu#entation package.



    *efore Starting -ot Tap

    %. -as the properly approved work per#it been obtainedH

    $. "oes the tapping #achine have a suitable pressure and te#perature rating

    for the 7obH

    . -as the e6act location of the hot tap on the line or vessel been identified or


    8. -as the area to be welded been inspected for thickness and freedo# fro#

    la#ination or -I!H

    2. -as the need for stress relieving the weld area been consideredH

    ;. "o the flanges, bolts, gaskets, pipe, and valve to be installed #eet the piping

    code for the line or vessel to be hot tappedH

    . -ave co#bustible and)or to6ic gas tests been conducted in the area of hot


    %1. -as the che#ical co#position of the contents in the line or vessel been

    considered to avoid welding or equip#ent containing fla##able #i6tures,

    hydrogen or che#icals which could affect #etal strengthH

    %%. Is the contents in the line stable under heated conditions and free of o6ygenH

    Page $! o& $$

  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    %$. -as fire fighting equip#ent been providedH

    %. -as suitable protective equip#ent been provided to all e6posed personnel in

    the hot tap areaH

    %8. Is the area to be hot tapped located below the liquid level of a tank or on a

    line or piece of equip#ent in which fluid flow has been establishedH

    *efore Starting Celding

    %. Is preheat of the weld area requiredH

    $. Is the fitting properly positioned so #isalign#ent of the hot tap #achine willnot occurH

    *efore Starting !utting

    %. -as the weld been testedH

    $. -ave the hot tap valve, gaskets, and bolts been checked for possible leakageH

    . -as the packing on the hot tap #achine been checkedH

    8. -as the bleed off valve been checked to be sure it will hold and is not stopped


    2. Are all bolts on the cutter and pilot bit tight and is the coupon catcher on the

    pilot bitH

    ;. Is the valve centered on the flangeH

    . -as the pressure and te#perature of the contained #aterial been reduced as

    #uch as the process operations will allowH

    %1. Is there liquid or flowing gas in contact with the area to be hot tappedH

    *efore &e#oving the -ot Tap achine

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  • 7/21/2019 Intsallation of Hot Tap Fittings SAEP0311 2003


    .o"ument %esponsibility: Piping S(/P)$!!

    Issue .ate: 29 anuary, 200$

    Next Planned pdate: ! Mar"#, 200$ Installation o& 1ot apped Conne"tions

    %. 'ollow the #anufacturers instructions to be sure the boring bar is fully

    retracted before closing the valve.

    $. !lose the valve.

    . ake sure any necessary nitrogen purging is co#pleted.

    8. 4pen the bleeder valve and be sure all pressure is off the hot tap #achine

    before re#oving bolts fro# the flange. If flow or pressure persists, the #ain

    valve is probably leaking.

    2. &e#ove the hot tap #achine fro# the tapping valve.

    ;. &e#ove the coupon and fro# the pilot drill and wire to the tapping valve.

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