inventions h2

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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After reading the story “Pearl and Wagner” by Kate McMullan and illustrated by R. W. Alley, students in Ms. Hill’s 2009-2010 2nd grade class read created their own inventions, wrote about them and illustrated before they published this electronic book.


When a ant is in a ant farm it doesn’t

have to work to find it’s food. The

machine dispenses the food from the

button that the human pushes. That’s

what the ant farm does. The food

machine makes it easier to feed the


By: Alexa and Mackenzie

Ant Farm Food Dispenser

The name is the Freeze Ray. It freezes

people. You pull the Trigger

then It shoots out ice. Adults can

use it. I love this thing! It is the best

invention we have ever done!

By: Aliek and Will

The Freeze Ray

Our invention is a vacuum cleaner

robot. The vacuum cleaner can clean

our room faster. It works on its own. All

you have to do is push one button .

Everybody in your house can use the

vacuum cleaner . The vacuum

cleaner has a black handle.

By: Shamya and Meredith

Vacuum Cleaner Robot

By Luke and Joel

Our invention is an AK47 Master. It

shoots ice cream, bubble gum and

fire. It is black and white. It is 16 feet

long and 43 pounds. It is only for

people in the Army.

AK 47 master

By: Karla and Makayla

It is a Pumpkin Indian Robot. The

Pumpkin Indian Robot looks like this.

He has four feathers. He has a gray

vest and blue pants. He is always

happy. We use him to talk about our

problems. He can solve every

problem for us. Anybody can use it.

The Pumpkin Indian Robot.

This is a Freeze Gun and if you get shot

you freeze. If you dodge it, you do not

freeze. Only parents can use it. You

have to hold the fire button down.

You can use this when you go hunting.

By: Christian And Andy

The Freeze Gun

By: Tamia and Emmalee

Buster is a walking TV robot he

walks around and shows people TV

He shows the TV is in his stomach .

Everyone can use this robot.

Buster The TV Robot

By: Cesar and Joshua

Our invention is a house you can drive

and fly. The color is blue. It looks giant

and like a house. It doesn't need fuel

and is powered by the sun.

Lightening House

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